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Rogue One [Official Info] Vader in Rogue One

Discussion in 'Anthology' started by Charon Lefleur, Jul 8, 2015.


    DINVADER Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jan 25, 2000
  2. 11-4D

    11-4D Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 6, 2015
    ANH shot for reference
    Helrot likes this.
  3. weezer

    weezer Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 16, 2001
    Go back and actually watch ANH. It actually does it a lot. Maybe not as dramatically, but 6 min in of watching it and it's happened more than once.

    Edit: looks like they'd try to cover it up at times by making sure the chain on the cape was covering the bottom of the mask, but anytime the chain slips under it the bottom of the mask flops around with any movement.
    Darth_Pevra, vncredleader and Avnar like this.
  4. Darth_Pevra

    Darth_Pevra Chosen One star 6

    May 21, 2008
    It's just a helmet, it makes sense that this would happen. However, I still think they will fix this in post since it looks a bit unintentionally comical.
    Luke'sSeveredHand likes this.
  5. weezer

    weezer Jedi Grand Master star 6

    May 16, 2001
    Maybe. It also seems like if you're not doing the frame by frame tear down, it just wouldn't be that big of a deal. In the heat of the moment at a theater I don't know if it would matter either way.
  6. Crimson_Guard975

    Crimson_Guard975 Jedi Master star 1

    Sep 17, 2014
    I don't think Vader will be the one that kills Krennic, I figure Jyn kill him, as revenge for her father's death. As for Vader's role, I figure we might get a quick shot of him in a montage (I wouldn't be surprised if they reuse that last shot from ROTS when they're talking about the Death Star's construction) early on. After the Rogues fail in their first attempt to secure the Death Star schematics (but succeeding in escaping from an ambush that was supposed to capture/kill them), Krennic is deemed to have screwed up in some way, so Vader arrives at his base for a surprise inspection. Krennic, being something of a Starscream to Tarkin (and possibly the Sith Lords) resents this, and thinks Vader is there to spy on him. After most of the Rogues are killed in a "hold the line" sequence against the 501st Legion, Vader will close in on Jyn (he might stalk her for a while and give her a "Reason You Suck" speech), but Chirrut, armed with some sort of melee weapon that can resist Vader's lightsaber (maybe his bo has some cortosis in it?) squares off against him in a "You shall not pass!" type moment, giving Jyn just enough time to escape (or upload the plans to a Rebel server before she's killed too).

    There's also the possibility that Chirrut may be a red herring and Saw gets the fight with Vader, given their past history. Either way, I figure Vader will fight and kill one of the Rogues, then discover that the team's slicer transmitted the Death Star plans to the private server of certain Senator from Alderaan.
  7. BenYodaDagobah

    BenYodaDagobah Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 20, 2016
    Here's a Vader banner/poster I made since he doesn't have proper one yet.

  8. Jason79

    Jason79 Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 31, 2012
    Will anyone else be a bit dissapointed if Vader never once ignites his lightsaber? He doesn't have to duel or anything. I just wanna see him holding it and possibly putting the fear of god or the dark side in some rebel scum or possibly one of his lackeys. I sorta expected something along those lines in ROTS but we got nothing. Something about Vader actually in the suit holding his saber just thrills me! I mean why would he just put it in storage and never touch it again just because he thinks all the Jedi are extinct right? Then again Palpatine must have retired his after Episode 3 since we never saw him use one after that.
    Baron_Papanerd likes this.
  9. Crimson_Guard975

    Crimson_Guard975 Jedi Master star 1

    Sep 17, 2014

    In ROTS I don't think he had it yet, he kept using the blue one until he lost it. I think he keeps it on hand fairly regularly. In addition to being useful for deflecting projectiles, he probably also uses it similar to a 19th Century artillery commander using a cavalry saber ("Ready, aim, fire"). We'll probably see it in some capacity, he might execute someone with it and he'll probably use it to deflect a couple bowcaster bolts (what with them being powerful enough to insta-kill stormtroopers and give Kylo Ren a limp). There is the issue of whether or not any of the melee weapons that the Rogues have are strong enough to counter any of Vader's saber strikes, but I figure one of them will probably be able to hold their own for a few minutes before Vader cuts them down.

    And I don't think Palpatine retired his saber. I figure he's a fairly strict combat pragmatist, when he sees a single opponent approaching him at ranged distance, he'll fry them with Force lightning. If his opponent is closer to arm's length, or is powerful enough to cancel out his Force powers, then he uses the saber, and his opponent, having mistaken him for a squishy wizard, is taken aback by his ferocity. Luke was unarmed and he wanted him to suffer. If Luke had taken a more martial approach, holding onto his saber and attacking Palpatine, then Palp would have sliced him into ribbons.
    Baron_Papanerd likes this.
  10. vncredleader

    vncredleader Force Ghost star 5

    Mar 28, 2016
    I wonder did Vader get his red one almost instantly? Or did he just have the 501st do the heavy lifting those first few weeks in Legends? I would love a story about that.
  11. Rickleo123

    Rickleo123 Jedi Knight star 3

    May 20, 2016

    Very disappointing if Vader is just a lame cameo. Then again I'm hoping the hugely positive reaction to Vader's presence will push Disney into making a solo Anthology film with Vader after ROTJ.... the Jedi purge chronicles, bring them on!
    The Exogorth likes this.
  12. TheReal_Rebel

    TheReal_Rebel Jedi Master star 3

    Sep 17, 2015
    Hmmmm. As I remember someone from Celebration saying Rogue One takes place in a Galaxy without Jedi or at least Jedi, in hiding.

    To drive home the point of the necessity of Jedi, I believe we will see Vader slaughtering people left and right.

    I think Vader will kill Saw Guerrera and that will require him to engage in combat fighting. This is a war film. And in order to show how tipped in the Empire's favor the Galaxy is, it's not just the Death Star itself that is the threat but the Darkside power that wields it.

    This is the guy in the Vader suit. He definitely has done stunt work and some combat scenes.

    I'm betting he fights and does real damage, our Heroes probably escape by the skin of their teeth with the plans.
    Baron_Papanerd likes this.
  13. AndyLGR

    AndyLGR Force Ghost star 5

    May 1, 2014
    I think we'll see him use it. Just because there are no Jedi it doesn't mean he'll never use it.

    Well the very cynical answer to that is that Palpatine was probably never written with a lightsaber for the OT, but seeing as the PT was written after the OT and they decided to give every man and his dog a go at twirling a lightsaber on screen including Palpatine. One of the unnecessary lightaber scenes IMO.
  14. Iceko

    Iceko Jedi Master star 2

    Feb 29, 2016
    In order for Vader to use his lightsaber I think he would have to be fighting a Force sensitive character with a weapon that is able to block it. In the OT he only ever uses it in his duels with Ben and Luke, right? Let's be real he could just choke anyone else without the slightest trouble.
  15. AndyLGR

    AndyLGR Force Ghost star 5

    May 1, 2014
    Not necessarily, if he gets involved in any action then there could be people firing blasters at him left right and centre.
    Baron_Papanerd likes this.
  16. Iceko

    Iceko Jedi Master star 2

    Feb 29, 2016

    Well, that would be the first time (on film) that he would get in that kind of situation. Not that I would mind..
  17. AndyLGR

    AndyLGR Force Ghost star 5

    May 1, 2014
    We have no idea yet if he actually leaves whatever ship hes on to go to the planet surface to get involved. We don't know if hes on the base or ship that the Rebels infiltrate either. So many cool unknowns with this film.
  18. Strongbow

    Strongbow Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 6, 2014

    I hope we see that, if only for a short time. Just a taste of why Vader inspires such fear.
    whostheBossk likes this.
  19. Baron_Papanerd

    Baron_Papanerd Jedi Master star 4

    May 1, 2014

    I am sure they want to keep some things a secret. Tarkin's entrance (with a cool CGI rendering of the late great Peter Cushing's face, and possible voice samplings used to recreate his voice) will surely be one of these big surprises. ;)

    Edit: AndyLGR

    I am thinking that Darth Vader will leave whatever star destroyer he is on, and fly his personal modified Tie Fighter down to one of the planets for a confrontation with the Rogue One Team. ;)
  20. GregMcP

    GregMcP Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 7, 2015
    As said in the Obi thread, I think the reason Leia is looking for Obi Wan is that the Rebels are thinking "Holy crap, we need need a Jedi to deal with this guy".

    He is going to terrify the Rebels.
  21. Crimson_Guard975

    Crimson_Guard975 Jedi Master star 1

    Sep 17, 2014

    A character doesn't necessarily have to be Force sensitive in order to wield a lightsaber or lightsaber resistant weapon against Vader, he/she would have to be Jedi or Mandalorian to live long enough to talk about it later, but whoever Vader fights (Chirrut, Saw, or Jyn) isn't supposed to beat him. Think of Vader as a bull, and a non-Jedi who goes saber to saber with him as a rodeo cowboy. The cowboy knows that defeating the bull is stronger than him, and that he WILL get thrown off. He just needs to hold on for 8 seconds. So if Chirrut or Saw do pick up a saber or shock baton and square off against Vader, they're going to into that confrontation with that 8 seconds style mentality, they know they're going to die, they just need to hold him off long enough to buy time for their squadmates.

    I'll just make a full-on finale prediction:

    Krennic (and likely the viewers) wrongfully assume that the final attempt to steal the Death Star plans (after an earlier attempt that failed) would be a heist/physical theft, but the Rogues' real plan is to slice (hack) one of the computer terminals of the Death Star and upload the plans to an Alliance server (this is why Jyn is disguised as a technician, plus any heist/infiltration plot written after 1993 has to involve computer hacking in some capacity). We'll have a hope spot where we think they've outsmarted the Empire (and Jyn will probably kill Krennic, to avenge her father), but Vader will get wise to it, temporarily disable the station's extranet connection, and order all available troops to whatever level the server rooms are on. Most of the Rogues do a final stand ("hold the line") to buy time for the group's resident Slicer (probably Jyn, but maybe K2) and the Lancer (Jyn if she isn't the Slicer, otherwise Chirrut or Saw) to get inside the server room. With the extranet down, the Slicer has to do a riskier hack that they've never done before and not sure if they can actually do in order to upload the plans. Vader is close behind, so the Lancer has to hold him off while the Slicer works on the upload. I actually don't think the Lancer having a lightsaber to fight Vader with would be much of a stretch if Jyn does have a kyber crystal, Chirrut might have specifically saved one for a "Bullet With Your Name On It" type situation (note that Jedi saw the lightsaber as a tool first and foremost, not a weapon), if Saw is the Lancer, then his cane is probably made of phrik alloy and he'd probably use that. In any case, the Lancer knows that he can't really stand against Vader for more than a minute, but he needs to buy time for the Slicer to finish the upload (or maybe they've already completed it and this is to buy time for them to escape). The server room might be sufficiently maze like to give the Lancer a chance to use some hit and run tactics, though this would only delay the inevitable, Vader wins the fight, but the upload is successful. Jyn either escapes through some last minute heroics or lets Vader capture her, then quietly frees herself once she's in an area with weaker security. Not wanting to risk the Empire following her to the hidden Rebel base, she fakes her death and goes underground, probably going to Jakku or Nar Shadaa. Vader is obviously more concerned with finding out who the plans were transmitted to (a server on Tantive IV most likely) than tracking Jyn down.
    Baron_Papanerd and vncredleader like this.
  22. Iceko

    Iceko Jedi Master star 2

    Feb 29, 2016

    No, but if Vader's opponent doesn't have the Force, what's to stop him from just choking them out?

    I like your prediction. It'd give the Rebels a victory over Krennic, but when Vader arrives it's all over.. Getting attached to this band of Rebels and have them cut down by Vader would be a pretty intense moment. I wonder if Jyn lives, though. Before all this hype I'd definitely have wanted all the Rebels in this film to die, just to show the might of the Empire and how dire the situation really is in A New Hope. And of course because of the obvious 'where would the survivors be in ANH' question. Now I'm not so sure. I'd maybe like your idea of Jyn surviving and going underground.. It's a testament to how they've already made me feel a little connected to the characters just by the trailers.
  23. AndyLGR

    AndyLGR Force Ghost star 5

    May 1, 2014
    Which then leads into a similar discussion we were having a few months ago suggesting that Vader was an unknown quantity to the rebels and they possibly weren't fully aware of what he was ir what he could do.
  24. starocean90

    starocean90 Chosen One star 8

    Feb 19, 2014
    Darth_Pevra likes this.
  25. Baron_Papanerd

    Baron_Papanerd Jedi Master star 4

    May 1, 2014

    If Jyn survives, I could see her getting her own Novelizations; dealing with her helping the Rebellion from a distance, during the time of the OT.