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Full Series Official Star Wars Rebels Music Thread

Discussion in 'Star Wars TV- Completed Shows' started by Abrapork Lincoln, Apr 20, 2014.

  1. Knight of Wren

    Knight of Wren Jedi Knight star 2

    Apr 13, 2016
    The feels. The feels are real...
  2. TheAvengerButton

    TheAvengerButton Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 11, 2011
    Does anyone have a list thus far of all the released Rebels music, including contributions by DGR? I'd like to know if I have the "whole collection" so to speak.
  3. CloneGunnerCommanderJedi

    CloneGunnerCommanderJedi Jedi Master star 1

    May 28, 2016
    Here's everything released in chronological order (minus music featured in games/DVDs):​
    Series 1
    TIE Fighter Pursuit (The Machine in the Ghost) - Series 1 official soundtrack.​
    Sabine (Art Attack) - Series 1 official soundtrack.​
    Ezra Meets the Team (Spark of Rebellion) - Series 1 official soundtrack.​
    Speederbike Chase (Spark of Rebellion) - Also released on the official soundtrack.​
    Enter Kallus (Spark of Rebellion) - Also released on the official soundtrack as Kallus.​
    Ezra's Discovery (Spark of Rebellion) - Released cutdown on the official soundtrack as Ezra's Theme.​
    Ezra Sneaks Aboard (Spark of Rebellion) - Series 1 official soundtrack (Requires editing to remove "Holocron")​
    Storm the Ship (Spark of Rebellion) - Also released on the official soundtrack.​
    You Can Do This (Spark of Rebellion) - Also released on the official soundtrack as It's a Trap!.​
    Holocron (Spark of Rebellion) - Also released on the official soundtrack as part of Ezra Sneaks Aboard.​
    Reunited (Spark of Rebellion) - Series 1 official soundtrack​
    Passed the Test (Spark of Rebellion) - Series 1 official soundtrack​
    What's the Force? (Spark of Rebellion) - Also released on the official soundtrack.​
    Inquisitor (Spark of Rebellion) - Also released on the official soundtrack as The Inquisitor.​
    Familiar Pilot (Droids in Distress) - Series 1 official soundtrack​
    Commander Meiloorun (Fighter Flight) - Series 1 official soundtrack​
    All For Fruit (Fighter Flight) - Also released on the official soundtrack.​
    The Force (Fighter Flight) - Also released on the official soundtrack as part of All for Fruit.​
    Enter the Inquisitor (Rise of the Old Masters) - Also released on the official soundtrack.​
    Glory of the Empire (Empire Day) - Also released on the official soundtrack.​
    Imperial Inquisition (Gathering Forces) - Also released on the official soundtrack, and as Spring Their Trap and The Inquisitor Arrives.​
    Yoda's Guidance (Path of the Jedi) - Also released on the official soundtrack.​
    Lando and the Rebels (Idiot's Array) - Also released on the official soundtrack.​
    Hera and Ezra Talk (Vision of Hope) - Also released on the official soundtrack.​
    Kanan at the Gate (Call to Action) - Also released cutdown on Kevin Kiner's Website and the official soundtrack.​
    Team Steals a Walker (Rebel Resolve) - Also released cutdown on the official soundtrack.​
    Sabine Chase (Fire Across the Galaxy) - Series 1 official soundtrack.​
    Inquisitor Duel (Fire Across the Galaxy) - Series 1 official soundtrack.​
    Alliance (Fire Across the Galaxy) - Also released on the official soundtrack.​

    Series 2
    Team Steals the Cargo (The Siege of Lothal) - Series 2 official soundtrack.​
    Kanan and Hera (The Siege of Lothal) - Series 2 official soundtrack.​
    Your Master Has Deceived You (The Siege of Lothal) - Series 2 official soundtrack.​
    Best Pilot in the Galaxy (The Siege of Lothal) - Also released on the official soundtrack.​
    You're the Bait (The Lost Commanders) - Also released on the official soundtrack.​
    A Jedi Leader (Relics of the Old Republic) - Also released on the official soundtrack.​
    Rex and Ahsoka Reunited (Relics of the Old Republic) - Series 2 official soundtrack.​
    Hondo and Ezra Escape (Brothers of the Broken Horn) - Also released on the official soundtrack.​
    Hera Soars (Wings of the Master) - Also released cutdown on David Glen Russell's SoundCloud, and the official soundtrack.​
    Ketsu and Sabine's History (Blood Sisters) - Also released on the official soundtrack.​
    New Found Respect (Stealth Strike) - Also released cutdown on the official soundtrack as Kanan Salutes Rex.​
    Ahsoka Duels the Inquisitors (Future of the Force) - Also released on the official soundtrack.​
    Twin Moons (Legacy) - Also released on the official soundtrack.​
    Ezra and Leia (A Princess on Lothal) - Also released on the official soundtrack.​
    Kanan and Fenn Rau (The Protector of Concord Dawn) - Also released on the official soundtrack as Kidnapping Fenn Rau.​
    Lasat Ritual (Legends of the Lasat) - Also released on the official soundtrack as Finding Lassan.​
    Journey into the Star Cluster (Legends of the Lasat) - Also released on the official soundtrack.​
    The Great Pergill (The Call) - Series 2 official soundtrack.​
    Ezra and the Pergill (The Call) - Series 2 official soundtrack.​
    Pergill in Hyperspace (The Call) - Also released on the official soundtrack.​
    Cham (Homecoming) - Also released cutdown on the official soundtrack.​
    Can't Protect Ezra Forever (Shroud of Darkness) - Also released on the official soundtrack.​
    Chopper's Inside Info (The Forgotten Droid) - Also released on the official soundtrack.​
    Zeb Rock (The Mystery of Chopper Base) - Series 2 official soundtrack.​
    Maul (Twilight of the Apprentice) - Series 2 official soundtrack.​
    Ezra Trusts Maul (Twilight of the Apprentice) - Series 2 official soundtrack.​
    Maul and Ezra (Twilight of the Apprentice) - Series 2 official soundtrack.​
    Blinded (Twilight of the Apprentice) - Series 2 official soundtrack.​
    Kanan's Mask (Twilight of the Apprentice) - Series 2 official soundtrack.​
    A Master and an Apprentice (Twilight of the Apprentice) - Series 2 official soundtrack.​
    Anakin and Ahsoka (Twilight of the Apprentice) - Series 2 official soundtrack.​
    It's Over Now (Twilight of the Apprentice) - Also released on the official soundtrack.​
    Where the Sun Sails and the Moon Walks (Twilight of the Apprentice) - An alternate cue for the It's Over Now scene. Also released on the official soundtrack.​

    Series 3 (First Half)
    TheAvengerButton likes this.
  4. TheAvengerButton

    TheAvengerButton Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 11, 2011
    Thank you. It turns out I was indeed missing a few pieces here and there.

    Sent from my Who Cares **** You
  5. CloneGunnerCommanderJedi

    CloneGunnerCommanderJedi Jedi Master star 1

    May 28, 2016
    New track released by the Kiner Brothers: Sabine Suite
    None of it's been heard on the show yet so I presume its from the upcoming Mandalore story or Trials of the Darksaber which likely is a part of that story.
  6. Darth_Accipiter

    Darth_Accipiter Force Ghost star 6

    Feb 2, 2015
    uh-oh, its never a good thing when we get tracks like that...heavy 'Ahsoka Leaves' vibes in there... must remain positive...

  7. Guidman

    Guidman Skywalker Saga Mod and Trivia Host star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Dec 29, 2016
    It's Over Now is a great piece of music. Even though there's no dialogue during that scene in the show, the music really conveyed just how much the group had just gone thru.
    Ryan Hunt likes this.
  8. Darth_Accipiter

    Darth_Accipiter Force Ghost star 6

    Feb 2, 2015
    fascinating. I just realized part of this suite is from Maul's theme. Make me wonder if Maul will be involved with the Mandalorian episodes.
    Listen for the part after Ezra's theme with the horn about 2 minutes in. Its a sequence of four notes. The first note is held longer the the other three. However, rather than starting the trio of notes low and raising the pitch, the theme in Sabine's suite starts out the trio of notes high and lowers the pitch.

    Maul theme begins at 8 seconds in.

    Now go to 0:42 in. It's the same sequence from Sabine's Suite.
  9. CloneGunnerCommanderJedi

    CloneGunnerCommanderJedi Jedi Master star 1

    May 28, 2016
    I hope we get the music from Ghost of Geonosis when the hologram of Steela is seen at some point. It's the only piece of music that stood out to me.
  10. daniel brown

    daniel brown Jedi Knight star 3

    Apr 23, 2015
    Music that plays in the second half of the Season 3 Mid-Season trailer

  11. CloneGunnerCommanderJedi

    CloneGunnerCommanderJedi Jedi Master star 1

    May 28, 2016
    Ghosts of Geonosis music cue: Saw Gerrera
  12. Darth_Accipiter

    Darth_Accipiter Force Ghost star 6

    Feb 2, 2015
    I was hoping for the music when Sabine goes on her jet pack rampage
  13. CloneGunnerCommanderJedi

    CloneGunnerCommanderJedi Jedi Master star 1

    May 28, 2016
  14. CloneGunnerCommanderJedi

    CloneGunnerCommanderJedi Jedi Master star 1

    May 28, 2016
    David Glen Russell's released a new track from Visions and Voices: Kanan Possessed
  15. CloneGunnerCommanderJedi

    CloneGunnerCommanderJedi Jedi Master star 1

    May 28, 2016
  16. TheAvengerButton

    TheAvengerButton Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 11, 2011
    We should keep that track list you typed up updated, CloneGunnerCommanderJedi. Tomorrow I'm going make a document with all the tracks you've listed plus the new tracks that are being added, for future's sake. That way we can link to the list whenever it becomes necessary to do so in the future--if you don't mind of course.

    EDIT: err, or I guess we could just updated the original post and just link to that. Either way, I think it'd be a good idea to keep a long form track list on hand.
  17. CloneGunnerCommanderJedi

    CloneGunnerCommanderJedi Jedi Master star 1

    May 28, 2016
    I would update the original post but unfortunately I can't edit it anymore. Instead I'll just create some kind of Google spreadsheet. May take a few days but I'll link it when I'm done.
    TheAvengerButton likes this.
  18. CloneGunnerCommanderJedi

    CloneGunnerCommanderJedi Jedi Master star 1

    May 28, 2016
    Here it is. It is complete as of now and shall be updated whenever any new music is released or discovered.
  19. CT1138

    CT1138 Jedi Master star 4

    Sep 4, 2013
    Deleted Content - Wrong Thread
  20. CloneGunnerCommanderJedi

    CloneGunnerCommanderJedi Jedi Master star 1

    May 28, 2016
    Trials of the Darksaber music cue: Sabine's Catharsis - Already released as the last 3 minutes of the Sabine Suite but it was clearly going to be the cue they released anyway. I've updated the spreadsheet to include this.
  21. ImNotAStarWarsFanboy

    ImNotAStarWarsFanboy Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 25, 2011
    I didn't take much notice of the score on my first viewing because I was so wrapped up in Tiya's voice acting, but this is such a gorgeously bittersweet track, so powerful and it perfectly captures the sadness and guilt of the scene. It's tough to keep it together listening back to this music, and that's what I love so much about Kevin Kiner's work on this show. I really hope that they continue to use variants of the main riff (apologies if that's the wrong word, I'm not a music boff) going forward as Sabine's theme because it feels so iconic and tearjerking every time (for me anyway; I guess I'm just a softie).
    SuperPersch and Larsonator like this.
  22. Ghost Ryder

    Ghost Ryder Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 16, 2016
    Yeah, I think it hits especially hard with the low strings (I think it's a cello). David Collins has mentioned covering music from Rebels (as well as TCW) on Star Wars Oxygen eventually, and this piece makes me want that more than ever.
  23. ImNotAStarWarsFanboy

    ImNotAStarWarsFanboy Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Feb 25, 2011
    Yeah, deffo a cello. I like the harpsichord solo bit too (I'm guessing a harpsichord anyway).
  24. Todd the Jedi

    Todd the Jedi Mod of SWTV, Lit, & Collecting; "Ent Award" winner star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Oct 16, 2008
    Riff or motif, with Sabine's particular theme being a leitmotif (just as the main Rebels theme is the general leitmotif for the Spectres).

    And after listening, I'd peg those lower strings as either cellos or violins.
  25. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    Doesn't Kevin Kiner use a synthetic orchestra? Unless in extreme cases like the end of season 5.