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ST Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker) in the ST

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by Darth_Voider, Dec 17, 2015.

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  1. Strongbow

    Strongbow Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 6, 2014
    I was skeptical about the "Broken Luke" characterization. It seemed a little cheap. But I'm really excited now about the story as Breznican's write up really seemed to hit the right notes. Here's the money quote for me:

    "But deep down, the farmboy turned warrior turned exile would also like to meet the hero known as Luke Skywalker again."

    Awww yeah! Going in the sig line.
  2. Darth Smurf

    Darth Smurf Small, but Lethal star 6

    Dec 22, 2015

    If it is half that epic like this one I'd love it
  3. Demsa Aztor

    Demsa Aztor Jedi Master star 4

    May 29, 2016
    I think Luke's stance on his relationship with Anakin has clearly evolved in thirty years, but is it for worse or better? What else has Luke found out about his family history. That could also be what is eating at him. That's just a guess.
    Strongbow likes this.
  4. JoJoPenelli

    JoJoPenelli Chosen One star 6

    Aug 14, 2000
    My sig line is...gonna look a lot different after TLJ...
    Demsa Aztor and Strongbow like this.
  5. sls062286

    sls062286 Jedi Master star 4

    May 10, 2016
    I dont know, I mean we dont know about the Skywalkers prior to Shmi, but I dont see that he could find anything all that shocking.
  6. Immortiss

    Immortiss Force Ghost star 5

    Mar 10, 2013
    I'm more excited for this film than I've ever been. I can't wait to see Luke surely returning to the role of hero he's always been. I love the theme of hero not being exactly what we thought they were. Rose's view of Finn; Rey's view of Luke and the audience's view of Luke for that matter.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    jaqen and Demsa Aztor like this.
  7. Demsa Aztor

    Demsa Aztor Jedi Master star 4

    May 29, 2016
    Not skeptical about it at all. But I do like that money quote from Breznican. We'll see that hero again.

  8. Strongbow

    Strongbow Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 6, 2014

    I think what he found out has to do with the Jedi and who they were in the beginning. The search for ancient Jedi knowledge is not coincidental,
  9. afrojedi

    afrojedi Jedi Master star 4

    Oct 23, 2015
    They never really left. You had Yoda and Obi-wan from ANH to ESB that were waiting to train the Skywalker children. Shortly after Yoda's death, Luke became the Last Jedi when he confronted Vader and the Emperor. The return of the Jedi happened off camera when Luke began training students.
  10. Chained Prometheus

    Chained Prometheus Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 24, 2013
    I know a lot of folks here don't agree at all with me, but as someone who was initially expecting the ST to basically be a retread of the Legends in regards to how they handled Luke, Han and Leia as characters, I actually am glad that Lucasfilm decided to go in a different direction... even if it means that the original trio's stories are now ultimately more tragic and broken. In the wrong hands, such a route could be executed horribly, but I think the crew's done a good job of handling it so far.

    And when it comes to Luke in particular and the arc he's going through in TLJ, there's very few people in the world that I would trust as much or more than Rian Johnson to handle that story. Some might not like what he does, but I bet it's going to be executed superbly at the very least.
    jaqen, Demsa Aztor and afrojedi like this.
  11. starocean90

    starocean90 Chosen One star 8

    Feb 19, 2014
    this whole Luke thing reminds me of the whole Superman is a boring boring boring character because he's too powerful, so we need to destroy his mentality to make him relatable and personable character.

    You don't need to destroy any character to make them interesting or relatable. When you read that description from EW it does seem like drunk Luke wouldn't have been far off if SW wasn't a family franchise.
    ChildOfWinds and -LordSkywalker- like this.
  12. Strongbow

    Strongbow Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 6, 2014

    Ya never know.... he might have a stash of fermented blue milk there somewhere....

    Oh, and superman was boring. Not like I like DCEU version much.

    I certainly agree that you don't really need to break Luke to make him interesting. But you DO have to complicate him, if he is to go on a new journey and not just be a static character. I don't have a problem at all with complicating him with some guilt for the death of his students and his failure with Kylo Ben. But if it were JUST that, I think that's too predictable. I hope that what he's learned has made him unsure of himself. He is after all, a man alone, with a heavy burden on his shoulders. I do like the idea of Luke WANTING to become the hero again that the galaxy remembers him as. It could be an extremely powerful moment when he feels he can pick up that mantle again.
    afrojedi and JoJoPenelli like this.
  13. JoJoPenelli

    JoJoPenelli Chosen One star 6

    Aug 14, 2000
    Thing is...Luke =/= Superman. What OP things did he do in the OT, really? And he didn't win in the end because of his Gorce talants - he won through bravery, love, compassion, and hope.

    There are certain terrible things a person could face that WILL put them in a terrible state. The real question imo is not whether the character's broken, but whether they can put themselves back together, with a little help. Breaking a hero is pointless unless he is ultimately mended.
    Gigoran Monk likes this.
  14. Gigoran Monk

    Gigoran Monk Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 2, 2016
    So melodramatic. He's not being destroyed. He's being significantly challenged. At the beginning, we find him having a crisis of conscience, and his arc will be about overcoming that. Along with Rey.

    They don't "need" to do this. But they also don't "need" to do what you're asking for. And what they're doing sounds like a lot more interesting drama. And an old, timeless story to boot.

    How one recovers from failure is, IMO, one of the ultimate measures of a person. And I suspect Luke will measure up well.
  15. afrojedi

    afrojedi Jedi Master star 4

    Oct 23, 2015
    Seeing Luke nearly all powerful at the outset in this world would run the risk of becoming anti climatic shortly after the initial elation wore off.
  16. cronus33

    cronus33 Jedi Master star 2

    Apr 17, 2005

    Not really sure what you mean about Germany. If you don't meet what is considered a certain level of "success" (what is this level?) on your first try (how long do you have) then you basically just give up entirely and live with the sewer folk underground?
  17. Strongbow

    Strongbow Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 6, 2014

    Well said. I think we are meeting Luke again at the low point in his story. But the ST is not about his story, it's about Rey's, at least until their stories intersect, which they now do. Luke and Rey clearly have a path to tread together for a while, helping each other along the way.
    Demsa Aztor and Immortiss like this.
  18. starocean90

    starocean90 Chosen One star 8

    Feb 19, 2014
    well I disagree, Superman and Captain America are the Luke of DC and Marvel. Superman is all about Love, compassion, and hope to begin with. So not sure how they are so far off.

    LOL about a post being called melodramatic. For comparing things. Not sure how a man becoming depressed and doing nothing while the world burns and needs to be forced to come back to the fight. How that's not a deconstruction or destruction of the character. Putting him at the lowest point of his life possible.

    It's even worse because this isn't even Luke's story it's Reys. I always said that this type of Luke would have been OK with me if he was still the main protagonist but he isnt.

    I don't find it to be interesting drama either why? Because I have never once liked any character that sinks so low but as they say to each their own.
  19. Demsa Aztor

    Demsa Aztor Jedi Master star 4

    May 29, 2016
    It is something maybe Luke discovered in this research. You never know.
  20. Gigoran Monk

    Gigoran Monk Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 2, 2016
    I brought this up with nightangel during the run up to TFA, as I have a number of colleagues in Berlin and Munich who I work with on a few projects. Indeed, mainstream German society has a very intolerant view of failure. There's a lot of shame built into it. It's a very unfortunate, damaging attitude and the source of a lot of psychiatrist's work!

    But Star Wars, at its heart, does not share this fatalistic view. Luke failed in ESB and bounced back. The hope and optimism of the films is far more American than anything else, if you have to give it a national character.

    So to nightangel, I say transcend this harmful view of human endeavor and accept that Luke can fail, more than once, and still be a hero.
  21. CEB

    CEB Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 3, 2014

    How about something like this; Luke was, prior to the jedi academy slaughter, told by Yoda or Obi-Wan about the chosen one prophecy, and urged to consider the notion that Ben Solo was in fact the chosen one, and that the true darkness he was supposed to end was Snoke. Bit contrived, but there you go - but after the academy slaughter, Luke seeks out the first jedi temple, and finds that the prophecy actually condemns "chosen ones" to fall to darkness before dying in bringing balance?

    That would explain at a stroke A: why Luke is disillusioned with the Jedi - his father and nephew were doomed not *just* by their choices, but by the Jedi's own prophecy, and the failure of the Jedi order to protect them from their "destiny", and would also explain why Luke stays away; Kylo *has* fallen, and if the prophecy plays out, he is on an unstoppable path to redemption at the cost of his life; he considers the damage done, and wants the Jedi to die with him.

    But that what Rey brings out in him is a desire to change that destiny, to say that while the Jedi were wrong, Luke doesnt have to end the Jedi order, just change it. And that part of doing that is bringing Kylo back, whatever it takes
    Demsa Aztor likes this.
  22. Dame sans merci

    Dame sans merci Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 17, 2016
    I like the ideas behind Luke's disillusionment with the Jedi here, but one of the most WTF spoilers we've had from MSW thus far is the one suggesting Luke wants Rey to kill Kylo. Whilst that fits (to a degree) with Luke sloping off to live out his days on Ahch-To (maybe he thinks ALL the Skywalkers need wiping out at this point?), it seems...oddly cowardly. You'd expect him to do his own dirty work rather than foisting it off on Rey. So I wonder if that particular spoiler, curious and unnerving as it is, relates back to this idea of prophecy and destiny suggested by EW.
  23. JoJoPenelli

    JoJoPenelli Chosen One star 6

    Aug 14, 2000
    No way is that accurate.

    If Luke says something like that, it would be top-secret ADR'd.
    nightangel likes this.
  24. afrojedi

    afrojedi Jedi Master star 4

    Oct 23, 2015
    Look at the story through the lens of children/young adults who know nothing of the OT. Rey for some reason is hero worshiping this older dude who apparently was some sort of legend in his day. Luke's arc makes perfect sense from that perspective. They can flash back to the OT and see why he's a legend. For those of us who experienced his arc from OT to ST, we see he's now dealing with a mental challenge perhaps far greater than many of physical challenges he triumphed over in his past. Luke's arc is also illustrating life doesn't always play out the way we imagine; but I'm confident that Luke will work through this challenge and it will be a rewarding experience.
    Demsa Aztor likes this.
  25. CEB

    CEB Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 3, 2014
    I'm not sure quite how sure MSW are about that rumour, but imagine it like this; Luke is absolutely committed to the idea that the wheels of destiny are in motion, that the Jedi order has ****ed generations of Skywalkers (Shmi, Anakin, Luke, Ben) and that no good can come of his involvement. From that starting point, maybe "you must kill Kylo Ren" is less a request or a plea, but more a "I'm not leaving this planet, and I dont think anything can change. YOU kill Kylo Ren if you think it'll make any difference", and that that comes before Luke gets his head together and decides to play a role.

    Let's remember that by the time ROTJ ends, it could be argued that Luke is already disillusioned with the "certain point of view" BS and the requests to kill his own father. If he finds out that the Jedi order have used the skywalkers as unwitting pawns, dooming them in the process, it begins to make sense that a couple of setbacks would cause Luke to question not just his own ability, but the ethics of the organisation he's devoted his life to
    Dame sans merci likes this.
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