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The Last Jedi Discussion Thread - **UNTAGGED SPOILERS WITHIN**

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by mavjade , Dec 10, 2017.

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  1. Gahmah Raan

    Gahmah Raan Jedi Master star 3

    Feb 2, 2015
    Saw it last night. It was amazing.

    It was Rogue One levels of different for a Star Wars film. And I enjoyed the self-aware humor.

    And way to throw a lot of wrenches in the post-TFA fan speculation. Not only does Snoke die half-way through the film (unless, he's powerful enough to pull a Darth Maul or come back in some other form), Rey is ultimately revealed to be related to no one we care about (presuming Kylo isn't just gaslighting her).

    And Admiral Holdo's sacrifice against the Supremacy was amazing. [Removed]

    On a side note, I was surprised to hear some real world expletives you rarely heard in the Star Wars universe in this film. Although it's been used before in both canon and Legends, I wasn't expecting "bastard" to be used (I've already used it plenty of times [Removed]). However, I wasn't expecting "ass" (there have been substitutes such as "exhaust port" for more kid-friendly works), considering the word is derived from another word for donkey (which probably don't exist in this universe). I guess that gives me a little more freedom in writing some of my characters' dialogue (I'll still be making substitutes for the f-word, or curses cut short in other cases).

    Mav Edit: Please review the rules about promoting. You can find them in the FanFic FAQ.
  2. Briannakin

    Briannakin Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 25, 2010
    Yeah. I didn't mind Leia too much in TFA. But some of the acting was a bit... stiff? I'm not sure if that was the directing, or awkwardness between Ford and Fisher, or something else. But I really felt she shined in TLJ.

    Yeah, as I was watching those scenes I was like "okay, this movie has some pacing issues". I agree it was long and a bit unnecessary, but a great way to flesh out Rose (which I didn't mind).


    EDIT: also, I am happy to say the movie kinda poked a SW plot bunny. It's AU but a SW plot bunny none-the-less.
    Kahara and Chyntuck like this.
  3. mavjade

    mavjade Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 10, 2005
    That's exactly the feeling I got from it that I was trying to express. Yes, I was sad, but it did feel right.

    I took it as no one is really ever gone because they are one with the Force and the Force is in everything. So they will always be with you because the Force will be with you, always.

    But then also the double meaning with him saying it to Carrie Fisher. I know the movie was fully filmed before she died, but it just added another layer to me.

    Something else I loved was the line that was something like: If the only time you have hope is when you feel the sun on your face, you'll never make it through the night.
    Kahara and Ewok Poet like this.
  4. Lady_Misty

    Lady_Misty Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Mar 21, 2007
    On first viewing I liked it but I didn't.

    I didn't like the look of Force Ghost Yoda but I didn't mind his and Luke´s conversation.

    Some of the scenes with the Porgs were awkward looking.

    There was one scene where it looked like they changed the ratio of the film or something since it suddenly seemed to get closer than further away depending on what character they were focusing on so that bugged me.

    And a few other things.

    I did like the 'shared space' 'seeing each other despite the distance' between Rey and Kylo.

    I liked the stampede in the casino and the aftermath.

    Rose was a great character.

    I loved the scene where Leia slapped Poe for not listening to her in the beginning and later when she stunned him for his insubordination; he´s lucky she's not like her bio father in how she deals with traitors.

    The big downside I had was the fact Luke was tempted to murder his nephew while he slept. That upset me more than I thought it would and had a hard time falling asleep; I even took one of my anti anxiety pills to help relax because I was that distressed and wanted/needed sleep.

    I am going to see it again later now that I don't have any expectations going in.

    Sent from my Rebel Base using Tapatalk
    Gamiel, Kahara and Sith-I-5 like this.
  5. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    Luke in my mind is not dead. He used the Force to physically transport himself to Mara's bed. That is why his cloak stayed behind. He didn't need clothing where he was going. Leia and Rey felt him disappear in the Force because he was Force cloaking so they wouldn't see the PWP that would soon follow. That is my head-canon.
  6. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    Being the only person so far who didn't like the Porgs and the Leia vacuum scene feels weird.

    But the fact that we can use the word "bastard" now is great. :D

    Ambiguity. The idea that failures are made, as said by Yoda.

    Tip for the pill: take it an hour or so before the film starts the next time around. You will be able to enjoy it better and reduce any unwanted avalanche of unexpected WTF. I had a bromazepam with me and since I was already shaking when I got to the food court and I freaked out at the steps of the stairs for the upper level where I like to sit. Didn't want to miss the cosplayers, a chance to get free donuts etc, so I had to do it.
    Kahara likes this.
  7. whiskers

    whiskers Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 19, 2005

    I've often joked that the best ending for this ST was for Luke to wake up next to Mara and then complain that the Bothan food they ate gave him nightmares.

    Ewok Poet Having seen the Leia scene, I agree. I've seen it synced up with the Superman theme, though, and that's hilarious.
    Kahara likes this.
  8. whiskers

    whiskers Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 19, 2005
    Dupe. Kriffing servers.
  9. Briannakin

    Briannakin Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 25, 2010
    Head-canon accepted! While I don't mind the new movies, they are no Legends.

    I LOVED THE PORGS (my brothers and I were joking that our sister is a porg because she has big eyes and a big mouth), but yeah I kinda agree with the Leia vacuum scene. As AWESOME as it was to see Leia really use the Force (other than the ESB telepathy), the whole thing kinda was so... ridiculous, it made me kinda want to laugh. Leia was still awesome but that scene was odd.
    Kahara likes this.
  10. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    I probably connect Porgs to 2017 as whole way too much, the same way I avoid specific foods, places, TV shows and clothing items. I hope it passes me by, like some sort of a brief trauma. :(

    whiskers - Find our PM, the one I have not responded to in ages and link me to that. :p
    Kahara likes this.
  11. Mistress_Renata

    Mistress_Renata Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 9, 2000
    Agree with some of what's been said, disagree with others. Fair enough! (and the boards... seriously, PTB, you've got to do something about this)

    Loved this! One of the best entries in a long time; and Rian Johnson gets it. I'll be sorry to see J.J. back, frankly. I do agree that Canto Bight was an unnecessary diversion, although I did like seeing a different slice of the galaxy and a different strata of people; we haven't really seen the Galaxy's 'upper crust' since the Prequels.

    Liked Rose, not impressed by Holdo. I don't get the feeling that she had any kind of military experience, and her great plan was not that great. Load the survivors of the Rebellion on transports without hyperspace capability, send them to a featureless planet and a holdout with no escape and sit waiting to be rescued? Also, a tiny Finn-Rey-Rose love triangle? Hmm!

    The porgs seemed a bit awkward, because they really don't look as if they can fly. The way they just took off like that seemed fake. I did like the porg infestation on the Falcon, and poor Chewie's quiet dinner interrupted!

    Loved Leia. I did think that the whole survival after being blown off the bridge was stretching it. Even with the Force, wouldn't her lungs have been crushed by vacuum or something? It was so hard to watch this movie, knowing this was the last time we'd see her. How on Earth are they going to do the next one? As I understand it, this trilogy was the end of the Skywalker Saga and the passing of the torch. TFA was Han's film and farewell, this was Luke's and the next one was supposed to be the farewell to Leia, only... :_|

    Called it on Rey! I might the only person happy to learn that she is NOT Luke's daughter, or Leia's missing daughter, or whatever. I like the idea that she was a nobody from nowhere. Or is she? Kylo Ren said that her parents were drunken junk dealers, but frankly, how would he know? Was he telling the truth or just messing with her head? Jury is out...

    I loved Snoke's death, although I didn't anticipate it. It did seem a bit anticlimactic, and yet it says to me just how hollow the First Order is. They want to be the great new power in the galaxy, they want to be the new Empire...but they are poseurs. They have the flash but no substance, and Snoke just dying like that (such a great scene!), followed by the snark between Hux and Kylo over who the new Supreme Leader is just brought that home.

    Which, BTW... gizkaspice, there HAS to be a Millicent sequel, after the period of spoilers has passed. There was so much there where I would've sworn they were reading that thread! Hux & Kylo fighting over who was in charge, Hux and Poe at the beginning (oh...oh my word!!! [face_rofl][face_rofl] How I love that man!), and now, Luke as the Glowy Blue Force Ghost haunting Kylo... there is so much potential there!!! Oh, and Rey telling Kylo to put his shirt back on! [face_laugh]

    And I couldn't really feel sorrow over Luke's departure, because I am certain that he is in Glowy Blue Force Ghost mode. He can come back to Leia, if he wants. He can --and I bet he will!-- haunt Kylo. I did NOT expect Yoda, because, thinking about it... we were conditioned by the old EU that after a certain time Luke wouldn't be able to see Yoda or Ben or the others. But here, it seems, he can see any of them whenever he needs to. Love how it was Yoda that destroyed the Sacred Tree with the Sacred Texts and yadda yadda. No attachments, and that means EVERYTHING. And only once Luke learns that, then he can give up his attachment to the physical and transcend into something bigger. BTW, his lightsaber battle with Kylo... [face_hypnotized]

    Oh, and R2 trying to guilt trip him into returning by showing him the old holo of Leia that he kept all that time.

    So much good stuff here, so much potential. Loved the cameo from Maz. I need to see it again, of course. Last night was 3D, and too much going on, was too close to the screen to pick up the nuances. Two or three or twenty more viewings, though...
    Gamiel, gizkaspice, Kahara and 4 others like this.
  12. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    Let's talk about the last scene, folks.

    I only realised how meaningful it was like, now. Those children have their own legends, their own versions of heroes and heroines of the Galaxy. I have been obsessed with this approach to storytelling since sometime late last year (and yeah, I know, people noticed it) and seeing that concept in Star Wars was ZOMG111!11!1!

    Not to mention that the way the boy picked the broom reminds me of Teebo doing the same in Sunstar vs. Shadowstone. ;)
    Kahara likes this.
  13. Mistress_Renata

    Mistress_Renata Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 9, 2000
    My friend & I were speculating on whether the kids somehow tied in to the new trilogy that Rian's been slated to do.
    Kahara likes this.
  14. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    Seriously, nobody in the Imperial First Order fleet spotted the main Resistance cruiser doing a slow, ponderous version of the Tokyo Drift in front of it?
    Jedi_Lover likes this.
  15. whiskers

    whiskers Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 19, 2005

    I can't find it right now as the copyright police got to the links I was seeing them from. If I come across something else, I'll let you know.
    Ewok Poet likes this.
  16. JediMaster_Jen

    JediMaster_Jen Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 3, 2002
    I wasn't expecting it to be quite as funny as it is. :) There were things about it I loved, hated and felt indifferent about. Overall, I think Rian Johnson did a good job.
    Kahara likes this.
  17. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    Ewok Poet - I too, did not like the Leia vacuum scene.

    I could feel the plot leaning towards her opening her eyes, but the logic side of me was saying, no way, she's in ******* space!

    I did feel that they were making a conscious effort to **** with the "TFA was a copy of ANH" complainers, by baiting us, and then give us something completely different.

    "But the Resistance have been exposed, and the First Order is coming for them."

    Me - Well, doesn't that sound a bit ******* familiar?

    Scene: troops manning trenches to face a line of AT-ATs, close-ups of them placing their blasters over the lip of the trench sides, deploying some kind of speeders, laser towers.

    Me - while I recognised the Battle of Hoth shots, I was actually thinking how this would be a Battlefront 2 campaign map.

    Scene: Falcon leading TIEs through red salt chasm.

    Me: ...asteroids...

    Whomever signed up to play Domhnall Gleason's stunt double, must have thought he was on easy street!

    Noooope. You are going to get banged up!
    Gamiel likes this.
  18. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Shelf of Shame - Winner star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014
    Hey, wait, are the boards back up and I can post again? [face_hypnotized]
    Actually, I figured out why I thought that Leia in TFA was off-character when I re-watched it on Wednesday night. It's that her role in TFA is to be the mother of the dude who turned to the dark side, the wife of the dude who gets killed at the end, and really not much else. She doesn't get any proper Leia-ish lines, she isn't involved in the action, she doesn't take any important decisions, she doesn't contribute anything of substance to the plan to destroy Starkiller Base – heck, she's even kept in the dark about the finest details of the plan. That's so not Leia and it's also so not Carrie Fisher and it pisses me off.

    In other news, since the boards were down all day and took my fanficcing plans away with them, we just came back from seeing TLJ again. Seriously, the Hux/Kylo element is pure gold. There's an actual moment when Hux finds Kylo who's been knocked out by Luke's old lightsaber breaking in two and is pulling a blaster on him just as Kylo wakes up. And I agree with Renata, gizkaspice this movie is pregnant with dozens of Millicent plot bunnies!

    Also, did my eyes play a trick on me or did Gareth Edwards get a cameo as one of the Resistance infantrymen in the trenches of Crait?

    About surviving in the vacuum of space, I just checked and it's actually possible according to The Scientific American. (Content warning, this article mentions experiments on animals.) But I would have loved that scene anyway; I mean, we're talking about a movie where a guy levitating above a stone on Skellig Island is projecting an illusion of a younger and cockier version of himself to his nephew, right?
    Gamiel and gizkaspice like this.
  19. jcgoble3

    jcgoble3 Chosen One star 6

    Nov 7, 2010
    Rey stole the sacred texts. They are visible near the end of the film when someone opens a drawer on the Falcon to pull something out. That drawer contains the books.
  20. mavjade

    mavjade Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 10, 2005
    Nope! That's a myth (mostly coming from movies about space) about how a human body would react in the vacuum of space, along with your blood would boil, you'd instantly freeze to death, and you'd explode from nitrogen build up.
    In reality, a normal person would probably lose consciousness pretty quickly from oxygen deprivation, but you'd probably be okay for about 2 minutes. With Leia having the Force and clearly done some training, she could probably stave off unconsciousness for longer than a normal human.

    Also, just on that topic, her pulling herself to the ship with the Force would probably look like that in the vacuum of space. There's no air to cause air resistance so it would look very smooth and etherial (for lack of a better way to say it).

    Yeah, that was one of the blink and you miss it moments, along with the kid at the end who pulls the broom to him with the Force. I mentioned the books to my boyfriend and he had no idea what I was talking about.
    JediMaster_Jen and Chyntuck like this.
  21. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    I for one, spotted the kid's thing with the broom.

    Nicely subtle.
    Mistress_Renata likes this.
  22. Lady_Misty

    Lady_Misty Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Mar 21, 2007
    Ewok Poet I would of taken it sooner if i realized that there was a scene/concept that would have upset that much; especially since i only use that particular medication when I am on the verge of a meltdown or might be in a stressful situation. This is because I could become needlessly dependent on it.

    I can be affected on really deep emotional levels and not realize it. The last time I can remember being so upset about something fictional was a few years ago where the plot of a fan fic upset me so much I couldn't eat or sleep for two days.
    Ewok Poet likes this.
  23. Annikin Starkiller

    Annikin Starkiller Jedi Youngling

    Oct 20, 2017
    She's exposed to an explosive decompresion, she would be badly hurt if not dead. That the reason why Scuba Divers have to do stops or even use decompresion chambers before going back to surface
    Jester J Binks likes this.
  24. brodiew

    brodiew Force Ghost star 5

    Oct 11, 2005
    I saw the books in the filing cabinet but they were in a weird place. I knew what they were but I didn't expect them to be there.
  25. mavjade

    mavjade Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 10, 2005
    Explosive decompression certainly would not be fun, that's for sure, but still possibly survivable. Divers can survive a quick assent if immediately treated in a hyperbaric chamber by our own medical technology. Star Wars has vastly superior medical technology, combine that with Leia having the Force, I don't think it's implausible that she would survive. We saw that she wasn't well afterward, it took some time for her to heal.

    Edit: I'd have to do some research because most of my knowledge is based in how gas is affected in 1 atm, but I think that going from 1atm or maybe a little less to 0 atm (from a space ship to vacuum of space), while the expansion of nitrogen would a concern (which is what causes the bends), it wouldn't be as likely as it is in diving because the difference in change is much less. Recreational divers can go to around 4atm, professional divers much deeper.
    jcgoble3 and Ewok Poet like this.
  26. brodiew

    brodiew Force Ghost star 5

    Oct 11, 2005
    I noticed this too. it was a very Disney moment, but cool nonetheless.
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