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Amph The All-New All-Different Marvel Comics Draft

Discussion in 'Community' started by a star war, Apr 19, 2018.

  1. Leroy Jenkins Jr

    Leroy Jenkins Jr Jedi Padawan star 1

    Apr 20, 2018
    Vulcan thinks your face is overrated :p
  2. Hokage_Kalar

    Hokage_Kalar Jedi Master star 4

    May 13, 2009
    This is sad, are we really saying my Thunder Buddies had a better chance of winning both of those apart, but the trump made them weaker! UGH! I just wanted to go to teams so ______ bad... to discuss my secret strategy!
  3. a star war

    a star war Force Ghost star 5

    May 4, 2016
    I think a lot of respect Bobby gets is from when he was possessed by Emma. And while he's certainly capable of some cool things that I like, I like Magik for the same reasons. They both have a lot of variety in what they can do with their powers, but in the end I think Magik has more variety in what kind of power she has. So I go for her.

    I would have liked to see some prescient examples for Danvers, I could have looked deeper myself, but Stryfe is just maybe a step above what I would normally consider her. It would take some extenuating circumstances for her I think, or a specific case of countering a powerful telepath.

    Week 1: Pain and Recreation

    Showtime, A-Holes!(4-0-0)
    vs A Team Called Starfish (0-2-0)
    Godzilla and Darth Vader Are Lame as **** (1-3-0)
    vs dp4m's Legion of Heels-Turn (3-1-0)

    Morlun's Munchies (2-2-0) vs Katy Perry Presents: Inty's Pre-Teenage Dream (2-2-0)
    The Re-Avengers (2-2-0)
    vs The Cosmic Bunch (2-2-0)

    The location is Department of Parks and Recreation, Pawnee City Hall, Pawnee, Indiana.

    Left character starts in Knope's office. Right character starts in Swanson's.

    The game continues with two more numbers. Those numbers are 2 and 7

    Hyperion (Earth 13034) vs Storm TRUMPED with Nightcrawler
    Namor vs Morg
    Spider-Gwen TRUMPED with Miles Morales vs Groot
    Fin Fang Foom vs Stardust *forfeit*

    Gladiator vs Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)
    Ghost Rider (I forgot which) vs Hela
    Jessica Drew *forfeit* vs Sasquatch
    Dr. Voodoo *prepared* vs Avril *forfeit*
  4. dp4m

    dp4m Mr. Bandwagon star 10

    Nov 8, 2001
    Namor v. Morg

    A herald of Galactus vs. the King of Atlantis in a land-locked office room. If he can kill Nova (no, not that one, the other one), he can kill Namor.

    Ghost Rider v. Hela

    An actual interesting match, but one that favors Hela in terms of magic vs. magic. If it's Johnny, then possibly judges rule that Zarathos is allowed to take over which makes things more interesting; if it's Robbie, then it's over a lot faster.
  5. DarthIntegral

    DarthIntegral JCC Baseball Draft/SWC Jedi Commish star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA VIP - Game Host

    Jul 13, 2005
    I'm going to let my character argue for himself here.

    I am Groot. I am Groot.

    I am Groot, I am Groot, I am Groot.

    I am Groot.


    I am Groot, I am Groot, I am Groot.

    I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot.

    I am Groot.
  6. Hodor

    Hodor Jedi Knight star 1

    May 24, 2016
    dp4m and Jordan1Kenobi like this.
  7. a star war

    a star war Force Ghost star 5

    May 4, 2016
    Looks like our celebrity guest judge has spoken.
    dp4m likes this.
  8. dp4m

    dp4m Mr. Bandwagon star 10

    Nov 8, 2001
    Honestly, I never would have expected Jessica to take that fight as a Forfeit, but Hodor has spoken, I guess...
  9. Leroy Jenkins Jr

    Leroy Jenkins Jr Jedi Padawan star 1

    Apr 20, 2018
    So I have feats if I need to to show that my characters can in fact win in a forfeit......kinda like winning a shadow boxing match :)
  10. Darth Punk

    Darth Punk JCC Manager star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 25, 2013
    The way you present feats, you might end up losing.
    Hokage_Kalar and DarthIntegral like this.
  11. DarthIntegral

    DarthIntegral JCC Baseball Draft/SWC Jedi Commish star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA VIP - Game Host

    Jul 13, 2005
    That was harsh.

    Accurate. But Harsh.
    Darth Punk and Hokage_Kalar like this.
  12. Leroy Jenkins Jr

    Leroy Jenkins Jr Jedi Padawan star 1

    Apr 20, 2018
    Darth Punk and Hokage_Kalar like this.
  13. heels1785

    heels1785 Skywalker Saga + JCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Dec 10, 2003
  14. Hokage_Kalar

    Hokage_Kalar Jedi Master star 4

    May 13, 2009
    I thought that meme wouldn't appear until page 20 or later... I was wrong.
    Darth Punk and heels1785 like this.
  15. Darth Punk

    Darth Punk JCC Manager star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 25, 2013
    I don’t mean it. I’m just taking the piss x
  16. Hokage_Kalar

    Hokage_Kalar Jedi Master star 4

    May 13, 2009
    He meant it
  17. DarthIntegral

    DarthIntegral JCC Baseball Draft/SWC Jedi Commish star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA VIP - Game Host

    Jul 13, 2005
    heels1785 likes this.
  18. dp4m

    dp4m Mr. Bandwagon star 10

    Nov 8, 2001
  19. Darth Punk

    Darth Punk JCC Manager star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 25, 2013
  20. Leroy Jenkins Jr

    Leroy Jenkins Jr Jedi Padawan star 1

    Apr 20, 2018
    All you guys are insane...and I mean it lol
    Darth Punk and heels1785 like this.
  21. Darth Punk

    Darth Punk JCC Manager star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 25, 2013
    Where are you from Leeroy?
  22. dp4m

    dp4m Mr. Bandwagon star 10

    Nov 8, 2001
    Darth Punk likes this.
  23. heels1785

    heels1785 Skywalker Saga + JCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Dec 10, 2003
    dp4m and Darth Punk like this.
  24. Darth Punk

    Darth Punk JCC Manager star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 25, 2013
    heels1785 , DarthIntegral and dp4m like this.
  25. Leroy Jenkins Jr

    Leroy Jenkins Jr Jedi Padawan star 1

    Apr 20, 2018
    Same area as our friend from death valley, Ypsilanti Mi