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Lit Share your headcanons!

Discussion in 'Literature' started by Gruntz, Aug 6, 2018.

  1. Gruntz

    Gruntz Jedi Youngling

    Feb 10, 2018
    I would be interested to hear your weird headcanons about the Star Wars literary universe [face_alien]

    Mine: Amilyn Holdo (at least her teenage version from "Leia, the Princess of Alderaan") has a penchant for wearing minimalist open-toed hippie/monk-style sandals that look plain in contrast to the rest of her dress (probably Gatalenta-style). Sort of like Tahiri Veila lite ;)
  2. Darth Invictus

    Darth Invictus Force Ghost star 5

    Aug 8, 2016
    I'm not sure if this thread falls under the category of fanfic or just interpretation. I do have however some interpretations of my own regarding legends stuff.

    -the republic was forged in war and was from the beginning a joint human duros political project.
    -the celestials were not defeated but rather "their time was done" and so they departed the Galaxy.
    -I firmly believe palpatine send the dream of Shmi's suffering to Anakin.
    -Allana Djo Solo has prophetic metaphysical significance.
    -Luke's legacy as Jedi grandmaster was not as positive as one would think-and the three Jedi masters of the old republic who returned took the reigns of the order post Luke or post Ben.
    -Ania solo's ancestry was neither directly of the Hapan line nor that of the Fel dynasty but was more obscure and convoluted.
    -Tahiri likely co-founded the imperial Knights.
    -Ben eventually redeemed Vestara Khai and she was Cade's grandmother.
    -Lando became one of the richest men in the Galaxy just before his death.
    -the one Sith survived Wredd's rampage-or at least Nihl, Talon, Ramage, Maladi, and Wyyrlok IV did.
  3. Charlemagne19

    Charlemagne19 Chosen One star 8

    Jul 30, 2000
    Headcanons are different from fanfic in the fact they tend to fall under the rule of, "They have to be somewhat plausible outcomes or interpretations from existing materials rather than the stories themselves. They must also be something that's not more than a paragraph long and usually only a sentence or two." I find them to be a fun little game that is harmless and hope the mods won't have a problem with them.
    TaliaJoy and Voltron64 like this.
  4. Darth Invictus

    Darth Invictus Force Ghost star 5

    Aug 8, 2016
    That's what I figured-just asking for clarification.
  5. Charlemagne19

    Charlemagne19 Chosen One star 8

    Jul 30, 2000

    + Jaina Solo was never Empress of the Galactic Empire but actually had both of her children when Jagged Fel was just an Imperial politician back in the days of when it was still a democracy.

    He only became Emperor when there was a collapse in the central government and after his wife's death. There was a split in the Solo-Skywalker clan over the issue and only his eldest child, founder of the Imperial Knights, supported him over it.

    The Throne of the Emperor is actually a newer institution than Legacy implied. Also a less stable one.

    + Allana Solo has almost no Force Potential despite her parentage or, more precisely, she never developed the discipline to develop it. Hence, Jacen's fear for her was entirely unfounded. She left the mantle of Hapan Queendom in the hands of her cousins and became the galaxy's greatest smuggler.

    Ania is her direct descendant.

    + Jahan Cross and Ysanne Isard were lovers. However, she eventually turned against him and he was forced to flee to the Rebellion. His name was eventually used by multiple Rebels as a codename.

    + Jyn Erso and Cassian existed in the original timeline and survived to see the New Republic.

    + Luke Skywalker was eventually forced to kill Tank during their next encounter.

    + The Force Awakened 1 and 2 is a dramatization of the life of High Inquisitor Galen Marek, which was publicized after his death. The general details were actually correct like him being one of Lord Vader's pupils and defecting to the Rebellion but were significantly less dramatic.
    Marek survived the Battle of Endor and eventually died an old man battling Lumiya.

    + Dass Jennir died at the hands of Darth Vader.
  6. darklordoftech

    darklordoftech Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 30, 2012
    - Thrawn repeatedly tried to convince Pellaeon that Palpatine was Sidious, but Pellaeon never believed Thrawn.

    - There was an Imperial propaganda film called "Clone Madness".

    - Tessek was Tikkis's accountant. When Tikkies died, Tessek fled to Tatooine.

    - Palpatine used The Force to read Anakin's mind and find out about his marriage. Palpatine's awareness of Anakin's marriage clued Anakin in to Palpatine's true identity.
  7. KamNale

    KamNale Jedi Master star 2

    Feb 11, 2012
    Palpatine killed Padme from across the galaxy via the Force and then told Vader that he killed her.
  8. teamhansolo

    teamhansolo Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 25, 2018
    = Leia bites her nails a lot.
    =Rey knows her last initial is S.
    =Han can communicate with Leia through the force.
    Voltron64 and Charlemagne19 like this.
  9. BobaMatt

    BobaMatt TFN EU Staff star 7 VIP

    Aug 19, 2002
    in nu canon: it's true that Jango Fett isn't Mandalorian, but only in the sense that he was cast out for being a mercenary.
    Ben and Poe knew each other growing up.
  10. Charlemagne19

    Charlemagne19 Chosen One star 8

    Jul 30, 2000

    + The Mandalorians have a caste system with the warriors being the "traditional" Mandalorians described by Traviss like the samurai or knights of Europe. The ignoring of the peasants as well as those who supported them in their history is a revisionist touch up. Jango was notably NOT a warrior caste member despite his last name but a farmer.

    + There's still a large number of pacifist Mandalorians and they are not at all impressed by Sabine's attempts to reinvent the warrior caste as heroes.

    + Kylo Ren's chief motive is the Greek concept of arete (glory/greatness) as he grew up in the shadow of legendary heroes and hated the fact he was expected to be eternally in their shadows. Snoke preyed on him by suggesting the Empire was morally equivalent to the Rebellion and that as a part of the First Order, he could become a great a hero as his aunt and uncle if not greater.

    + Kylo Ren is considered a legendary hero of the First Order's citizens and has won countless battles for them. General Hux knows his troops will side with the former rather than him since they despise him but love the former.

    + Snoke impersonated Darth Vader with his powers and blocked Kylo's connection to his grandfather.
  11. Yunzabit

    Yunzabit Jedi Master star 4

    Apr 5, 2015
    The Force power cards in Star Wars: Destiny are canon
    Charlemagne19 likes this.
  12. Vthuil

    Vthuil Force Ghost star 5

    Jan 3, 2013
    I want to make a D'harhan joke but I can't actually come up with anything about him.
  13. Charlemagne19

    Charlemagne19 Chosen One star 8

    Jul 30, 2000
    I had the idea she had a Force Bond with Anakin and it was the pain from his horrific injuries that caused her to have a traumatic brain injury.
  14. Voltron64

    Voltron64 Jedi Master star 1

    Dec 23, 2009
    - Padme died because she and Anakin were in a Force Bond with each other, which meant she also felt Anakin's pain from being burned alive and the ensuing cybernetic surgery whilst also in labor meaning the sheer combined pain overwhelmed and sent her into shock.

    Edit: Ninjaed by Charlemagne19!
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2018
  15. Charlemagne19

    Charlemagne19 Chosen One star 8

    Jul 30, 2000
    How apropos!
  16. Voltron64

    Voltron64 Jedi Master star 1

    Dec 23, 2009
    On that note, the reason Padme still felt there was good in Anakin as she died?

    During his painful cybernetic surgery, he subconsciously sent a telepathic message to Padme saying the following over and over;

    "Padme, please, help me..."

    (His Big No! wasn't just about how he was now completely unable to save her, but also vice-versa.)
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2018
    Charlemagne19 likes this.
  17. Noash_Retrac

    Noash_Retrac Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 14, 2006
    Is it possible that Padme became Force sensitive towards the end of her pregnancy and she and Anakin's subconscious bond was part of it thus leading to her death?
  18. Voltron64

    Voltron64 Jedi Master star 1

    Dec 23, 2009
    Personally, I think she always was Force-sensitive, just nowhere near enough to become a Jedi.

    In a more just Infinites timeline, something along the lines of this probably would have happened to her.

    Last edited: Aug 6, 2018
    Charlemagne19 likes this.
  19. Charlemagne19

    Charlemagne19 Chosen One star 8

    Jul 30, 2000
    Not Headcanon but ideas

    This one was rejected for being too out there:

    * Dass Jennir is Brandt. Yes, the flying droid from Dark Empire II. Darth Vader chops off his limbs and leaves him to die, only for him to float into the gas cloud nearby Nar Shadda. Thus, he is the Jedi who actually contributes to Palpatine's Final Death.

    Less out there

    * The Emperor Palpatine of Dark Empire isn't actually Emperor Palpatine. Rather, instead, it was a far older Sith Spirit awakened with the power of the Dark Side by his worshipers and brought back to life. Possibly Darth Vitiate.

    * Darth Nihilus was another of Darth Vitiate's avatars and one of the Emperor's Children.

    * Darth Traya tried to interpret Revan as a brilliant Ubermensch who was planning to defend the galaxy against a worse threat than the Sith Empire but he actually wasn't. He had just fallen to the Dark Side.

    * Valkorian is the result of Vitiate being influenced by Darth Revan's light side and releasing the Sith Way as interpreted was incredibly stupid and self-destructive.


    * The Sith Philosophy is not actually evil but people have misinterpreted it greatly. It's a philosophy when, followed correctly, argues a person should always struggle for self-improvement as well as pushing oneself past one's limits. It argues true strength comes from freedom from limitations and confronting one's fears.

    Most Sith who follow it are people who have corrupted the original Sith race philosophy with aristocratic preening and bullying or follow Darth Bane's interpretation, who had a messanic belief in the Dark Side that is completely wrong since there is no Devil in the Force.

    * The Dark Side isn't evil being entropy, passion, and chaos. It is, however, something that draws the evil.

    * The Dark Side cannot be fought with the Dark, only the Light.

    * You can become Force sensitive to a small degree through decades of training and meditation. The Jedi have basically ignored this because they were trying to keep their numbers down because of the Ruusan Reformation.

    * In a KJA retcon, Rey is aided by Anakin Skywalker's spirit throughout TFA due to making contact with it using the lightsaber.

    He lost his ability to do so when his lightsaber was destroyed. Rey was naturally already an incredible fighter, though, and a quick study of Force principles.

    It was partially Anakin's influence who encouraged her to believe in Kylo Ren's good.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2018
  20. Daneira

    Daneira Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 30, 2016
    Han shot first.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Charlemagne19

    Charlemagne19 Chosen One star 8

    Jul 30, 2000
    Baron Papanoida edited his holo because he was worried about offending Rodians with his adaptation of the Galactic Civil War since the Testu Clan had taken over the region and King Greedo III had elevated his namesake Uncle to mythic gunslinger status.

    It failed to impress anyone as it meant Greedo the Younger was a ridiculously bad shot rather than just being outsmarted.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2018
  22. TheRedBlade

    TheRedBlade Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 17, 2007
    * Leia and Holdo casually dated for awhile, or at least made out a whole bunch. Maybe during the Rebellion? Maybe after Han left pre-TFA? Both?

    * Those TIEs Poe shot down during his "one heck of a pilot" run were all from the same squadron. Remember Myn Donos? Somewhere on the Finalizer, a TIE pilot spent all of TLJ lying on his bunk, staring listlessly at the ceiling.

    * Padme's death is somehow tied to the dark side. Running theory is that Anakin somehow drained the life from her by accident when choking her.

    * Poe was Wes Janson's favorite student at the academy.

    * Saw's Partizans kidnapped Face Loran.
  23. darklordoftech

    darklordoftech Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 30, 2012
    The Jawas are descendents of the miners who built the Sandcrawlers. Malnutrition caused them to shrink over time, but they never forgot the knowledge of how to operate the Sandcrawlers.
  24. H-BOMB

    H-BOMB Jedi Master star 3

    Feb 21, 2009
    If it was up to me:

    *I'd squish a lot of the Old Republic stuff closer together in the timeline, essentially making the Great Hyperspace War, Mandalorian Wars, KotOR, Jedi Civil War, Great Galactic War/Cold War, New Sith Wars, Darth Bane stuff all part of the same conflict (which it sort of kinda is). But just make it a lot tighter in terms of the timeline, all happening across a few hundred years instead of a few thousand. Basically, my headcanon is that everybody's conception of the timeline as it is, is off.

    *Hypori still happens, still the introduction of General Grievous - where General Grievous makes his first Jedi kill and gets his first lightsaber.

    *Vong are still a thing that's out there and potentially a threat(idc, I think they're cool)

    *Saurins are just Trandoshans exhibiting normal genetic variation and not an entirely different species.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2018
    GrandMoffTrachta likes this.
  25. Charlemagne19

    Charlemagne19 Chosen One star 8

    Jul 30, 2000
    That seems like it would make a very boring timeline. "There was one time in galactic history a group of people called the Sith raised hell." Mind you, I'd have thousands of other conflicts we've never heard of.

    I wonder if in this reality, the Vong and the First Order squared off and that's what they were doing for the past ten years or so and why they were so battle hardened, xenophobic, and dangerous. The First Order, rather than being a group of poseurs, turns out to have already got one enormous galactic war underneath their belt in preparation for their fight against the Republic.

    I'm imagining it like someone put Warhammer 40K into a little slice of Star Wars.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2018