When you see kids post the dumbest **** imaginable in the tweeters, FBs or comment sections of...whatever...in the web.
And you just want to smack them and say that stuff is going to come back to haunt you down the line, especially when perspective employers go through your social media accounts.
When you lose it over the fact they replaced Michael Jordan with Kevin Durant at the 46 second mark: Other then that, it's a fabulous commerical though I guess you can say you are old when you remember seeing the original in the theater.
I think it's going to be incredibly weird for us millennials when the Brady/Belichick dynasty truly is just plain over and the Patriots are just another mediocre NFL team.
When your nieces not only remark about you going bald, but also about what's left of your hair going white
Yep. Also... —when you look around at work and think, you were born in the 90s and you’re an adult? —when a 29-year-old tells you that her mother is your age —when coworkers don’t get “Who shot JR?” and don’t know to watch Brat Pack movies for ideas on how to dress for 80s day. Yeah, I spend a lot of time feeling old at work.
If I typed "who loves ya baby?" I reckon only about 5% of members on this forum would know its origins.
I now have "work sons" instead of "work husbands", I was an early adopter of 'puters and work in IT. i've learned a lot from our kiddie consultants. It's fun to be around them
When I went to tech school for IT, we were still using keypunch machines and punched cards. (Late 1970s). I didn't get a work PC til Windows 95 since I worked on the IBM mainframe.
When the dozy radio DJ claims that 999 was the chosen number for emergency services because on the old rotary dials it was the shortest number to dial , and you're shouting WRONG! at the radio.
Replace female with male and that's pretty much me right now. I think I just made a small inarticulate noise of horror at that.
You take your son to shoot hoops, but he's just had field day at school and is crawling on all fours across the court saying "Mom your turn!". And there is no way you can crawl across an asphalt basketball court on your hands and knees.