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JCC Political ****posting Thread

Discussion in 'Community' started by Lord Vivec, Jun 5, 2017.

  1. Darth Guy

    Darth Guy Chosen One star 10

    Aug 16, 2002
    Modern Greece has no more claim to a guy who lived over 2,000 years ago than modern Macedonia does, and tiny, poor North Macedonia can't possibly conquer Greek territory. I wasn't trying to blame Greek nationalism entirely, but it's a ****ing stupid issue.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2019
    Abadacus and solojones like this.
  2. solojones

    solojones Chosen One star 10

    Sep 27, 2000
    Yes, came here to say, anyone who actually cares about who gets to claim some monster who lived millennia ago is a freaking weirdo. It has no place in anyone's modern politics.
    Rew likes this.
  3. dp4m

    dp4m Mr. Bandwagon star 10

    Nov 8, 2001
    Hey, Hans Gruber claimed Nakatomi Corporation claimed Alexander!
    Rew and DarthIntegral like this.
  4. Jabba-wocky

    Jabba-wocky Chosen One star 10

    May 4, 2003
    Alexander destroyed Persepolis in a senseless orgy, then went on to, at best, make no plans for governance and at worst deliberately incited a civil war amongst his own populace among his death. He is bloodthirsty and far from admirable, only really displaying a talent for killing people.
    Rew and solojones like this.
  5. solojones

    solojones Chosen One star 10

    Sep 27, 2000
    And honestly, ancient Greece has a bunch of philosophers, mathematicians, poets, and playwrights for modern Greece to claim and look up to.... but nope, they get their panties in a bunch about some bloodthirsty conquerer instead.
    Rew likes this.
  6. PCCViking

    PCCViking 14x Wacky Wednesday Winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 12, 2014
  7. Adam of Nuchtern

    Adam of Nuchtern Chosen One star 6

    Sep 2, 2012
  8. Lord Vivec

    Lord Vivec Chosen One star 10

    Apr 17, 2006
  9. 3sm1r

    3sm1r Force Ghost star 6

    Dec 27, 2017
    What is going on in the head of a person who actively choose to watch a video with the title "SJW FAILS AND CRINGE COMPILATION" ?
    I mean what kind of emotions does he hope to feel by watching it? What motivated him to watch it in the first place?
  10. Adam of Nuchtern

    Adam of Nuchtern Chosen One star 6

    Sep 2, 2012
  11. Darth Guy

    Darth Guy Chosen One star 10

    Aug 16, 2002
  12. I Are The Internets

    I Are The Internets Shelf of Shame Host star 9 VIP - Game Host

    Nov 20, 2012
  13. vncredleader

    vncredleader Force Ghost star 5

    Mar 28, 2016
    Well they do when Northern Macedonia barely includes any of historical Macedonia. Being true to history is important, also as I explained elsewhere, the Balkans and territory claims are way more vitriol than you are treating them like. Within the lifetime of most Greeks today, they have seen small Balkan nations go to war over nationalist claims and over small bits of territory. You get the benefit of saying its idiotic, they don't.

    But ***** empathy am I right?

    They can find both important for starters, secondly holding onto historical figures is not the same as treating them as heroes, Northern Macedonia treats him as even more of an idyllic hero with him essentially being their national myth's founder, and third and most importantly: it is really easy for all of you to say what does and does not matter. But we don't get to pick and choose what issue are important to other nations. The greeks have a long history of their history being oppressed and taken from them. From artifacts being stolen from Britain, to Venetians and Ottomans fighting and casing the Parthenon to be destroyed, to the fact that the very language itself was politicized in the past with an "ancient Greek" language being developed that was not any more helpful for understanding ancient texts but was used to treat the modern Greeks as if they dont deserve their own heritage.

    Can you really not feel sympathy for that? Being told that you don't deserve your own history and even language? Greeks hold onto historical monsters cause they are still a part of their past, they don't think Alexander is a great person, but he is their hot mess. If any of you cared enough I would suggest a speech by their now former leader.....and bleep it its long but I am gonna anyways
    He does go into the trickiness of Greek history a bit and the fact that this is about accepting the truth, acknowledging history, and then growing from it. If we allow blatant nationalistic lies with no historical foundation, we are just lying.
    I think some of my comment got clipped when editing, but my added point is essentially that Greece has had its heritage taken from it under Ottoman role with churches destroyed, it has been treated as undeserving of its heritage by western scholars in the past, and so on.

    Most importantly though the Balkans have shown that small territorial disputes can lead to war or violence. Heck WW1 was sparked by small right-wing activists inciting violence in the Balkans over nationalism. Or look at the split of Yugoslavia and how the Balkans torn one another apart over territorial claims, or the Balkans wars of old and how small little Serbia began annexing its own neighbors who where just as small mere years prior.

    Heck we have seen Israel propped up and allowed to grow from being small to gobbling up Palestine. If you think that cannot happen in the Balkans or at least cannot be attempted in a bloody way I suggest looking into well any point in the history of the Balkans. Smaller countries making claims are still worth worrying about, particularly when greece feels Europe has turned its back on it and the Balkans have left a migrant crisis on their shoulders entirely.

    Oh and Greece does look up to its poets and playwrites, this is not about thinking Alexander is neat, plus if it was then Northern Macedonia deserves more condemnation since they are the ones who idolize him far more than Greece does.

    This west centric, oh so american dismissal of other people's feelings and national concerns is disgusting and I am so done. If empathy and treating the concerns of other nations that dont affect us is "****** idiotic" then fine: blocking. I have better things to do than explain why looking at your own privilege and concerns and actually stepping outside them to empathize with others is important. My bad for giving a BLEEP. This is so not worth tanking my mental health to argue over with people who openly admit they don't give a flying BLEEP unless an issue personally appeals or applies to them. A resolved issue I might add, one that Northern Macedonia and Greece have found peace over which is impressive. I guess this forum wishes to be like the rest of the world and proclaim "who cares about the Balkans" oh how predictable
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2019
  14. Adam of Nuchtern

    Adam of Nuchtern Chosen One star 6

    Sep 2, 2012
  15. vncredleader

    vncredleader Force Ghost star 5

    Mar 28, 2016
    I know I know sorry, but I am already in a bad mood and seeing pot shots treating issues as trivial so long as they don't appeal to oneself really really is not something I feel like turning a blind eye to. I mean you think I like my heart racing and my anxiety kicking into overdrive every word I type? I want to freaking scream btb, but I know the guilt for sitting by and watching casual prejudice would be even worse if I let it simmer.

    But imma stop before I spark an actual war,
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2019
    Lordban likes this.
  16. Darth Guy

    Darth Guy Chosen One star 10

    Aug 16, 2002
    I got blocked for mocking nationalism? lol

    "Greece" as a single entity did not exist before the 19th century. Classical Greek city-states had distinct cultures and didn't necessarily think of themselves as having a common identity. Greece and North Macedonia are far from alone in spinning fiction in order to shore up a unified national identity, but it doesn't make it any less ridiculous. I also find it hard to sympathize with a founding member of NATO causing sometimes severe economic hardship over a neighbor's supposed irredentism.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2019
  17. Lord Vivec

    Lord Vivec Chosen One star 10

    Apr 17, 2006
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2019
    Rogue1-and-a-half likes this.
  18. vncredleader

    vncredleader Force Ghost star 5

    Mar 28, 2016
    yeah yeah I know, honestly though your anger is not swaying me, I am already done, and again this is not your thread. Stop minimodding while acting like you own the place, or at least be funny like @Adam of Nuchtern is being

    Or is that aimed towards US drug costs?
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2019
  19. Lord Vivec

    Lord Vivec Chosen One star 10

    Apr 17, 2006
  20. Point Given

    Point Given Manager star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Dec 12, 2006
  21. 3sm1r

    3sm1r Force Ghost star 6

    Dec 27, 2017
    You realize that we live in dark times when you see that Cenk Uygur is a voice of wisdom.

    Last edited: Jul 24, 2019
    Sauntaero, Rew, Glitterstimm and 3 others like this.
  22. Chewgumma

    Chewgumma Chosen One star 7

    Apr 14, 2009
  23. VadersLaMent

    VadersLaMent Chosen One star 10

    Apr 3, 2002
  24. PCCViking

    PCCViking 14x Wacky Wednesday Winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 12, 2014
    Given what we know about the Senate's refusal to protect against Russian interference, it's only fitting that Senator is an anagram for treason.
    Juliet316 likes this.
  25. Adam of Nuchtern

    Adam of Nuchtern Chosen One star 6

    Sep 2, 2012