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Census Best U.S. President?

Discussion in 'Community' started by Ghost, Dec 13, 2016.


Best President(s) of the United States of America?

  1. George Washington

  2. James Madison

  3. John Quincy Adams

  4. James Knox Polk

  5. Abraham Lincoln

  6. Theodore Roosevelt

  7. Franklin Delano Roosevelt

  8. Barack Hussein Obama

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Ghost

    Ghost Chosen One star 8

    Oct 13, 2003
    Does anyone disagree with how they voted earlier, does anyone new want to vote?
    Tython Awakening likes this.
  2. CLee

    CLee Jedi Knight star 3

    Jun 18, 2017
    It's interesting and darkly amusing but also fair that a lot of presidents are considered great kind of for what they didn't do. Washington, Lincoln, FDR had the chance to become dictators but didn't, Kennedy and Reagan to destroy the world but didn't.

    My top picks would be George Washington (for setting a moderate, reasonable and, though favoring Hamilton, basically bipartisan and non-imperious administration and especially for his international neutrality) and Theodore Roosevelt (for adopting a reasonable amount of populism and regulation, despite the extreme imperialism). I also like Grover Cleveland for being similarly moderate (and not imperialist) and Thomas Jefferson for outright reducing the government but they were still much less successful overall.

    I think even by the standards of his time Andrew Jackson wasn't particularly successful in office (aside from avoiding secession and being popular) but he does deserve a lot of political/historical credit for either founding or re-creating the Democratic Party.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2019
  3. 3sm1r

    3sm1r Force Ghost star 6

    Dec 27, 2017
    It seems to me that Obama received a bit too many votes.
  4. LloydChristmas

    LloydChristmas Baseball and Three-Time Jedi Draft Champion star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 3, 2012
    So Trump isn't even an option, these boards are so freakin biased
  5. CLee

    CLee Jedi Knight star 3

    Jun 18, 2017
    You could make an argument for Lyndon Johnson that even with his foreign policy, not any but most other possible presidents would have also tried to fight out Vietnam. But even with that, the war was still a foreign policy failure in terms of his administration very much and repeatedly lying to the public about the likelihood of being able to win for so long.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2019
  6. SuperWatto

    SuperWatto Chosen One star 7

    Sep 19, 2000
    No, it's because he sucks big time.
    Juliet316 likes this.
  7. Lord Vivec

    Lord Vivec Chosen One star 10

    Apr 17, 2006
    The only right choice is to not vote or put down Carter.
    CT-867-5309 likes this.
  8. SuperWatto

    SuperWatto Chosen One star 7

    Sep 19, 2000
    @Ghost, if Lloyd Christmas and Lord Vivec agree your topic sucks, chances are your topic sucks.

    This is the JCC. Last I heard, the motto is "everything is bad".

    There are no best presidents of the USA. You would fare much better with a Least Bad President thread.
  9. LloydChristmas

    LloydChristmas Baseball and Three-Time Jedi Draft Champion star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 3, 2012
    To clarify b/c there's a thread where someone is defending the ****ing Proud Boys, I was not being serious
  10. Tython Awakening

    Tython Awakening Force Ghost star 4

    Oct 12, 2017
    Why are Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan not on this list?
  11. Mortimer Snerd

    Mortimer Snerd Force Ghost star 4

    Dec 27, 2012
    For comedic effect.
  12. Jabba-wocky

    Jabba-wocky Chosen One star 10

    May 4, 2003
    It seems to me he received not nearly enough. Especially in retrospect.
  13. 3sm1r

    3sm1r Force Ghost star 6

    Dec 27, 2017
  14. solojones

    solojones Chosen One star 10

    Sep 27, 2000
    It was tempting to go for Lincoln but I had to say Washington. The politicial principles he had were admirable. And he could have been king but stepped down after two terms. Gotta go with the OG.
  15. Tython Awakening

    Tython Awakening Force Ghost star 4

    Oct 12, 2017
    I went with Lincoln. My runners up were Washington, Madison, and FDR.

    Reagan? Truman? Carter? LBJ? Kennedy? Clinton (minus Lewinsky scandal)?
  16. I Are The Internets

    I Are The Internets Shelf of Shame Host star 9 VIP - Game Host

    Nov 20, 2012
    LBJ forever and always. Minus the bigotry.
    Tython Awakening likes this.
  17. Ghost

    Ghost Chosen One star 8

    Oct 13, 2003
    Read the first post. This was the result of many other polls, this only has the finalists.
    Tython Awakening likes this.
  18. Lordban

    Lordban Isildur's Bane star 7

    Nov 9, 2000
    George III.