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ST I Have A Bad Feeling About This - The "Haters" Sanctuary

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by Pro Scoundrel , Dec 6, 2019.

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  1. Shadao

    Shadao Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 31, 2017
    To be fair, he was the best part of the film. The only thing disappointing (aside from not referring himself as Darth Sidious) is that he didn't get show why he's the most dangerous of all the Sith Lords.

    I mean imagine this except with Rey and Kylo Ren instead of Maul and Savage Opress.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2019
  2. Darth Nobunaga

    Darth Nobunaga Jedi Master star 2

    Jun 1, 2018
    So I've only just found the time to post on these forums, due to being assaulted relentlessly by school finals and then having to do some mandatory holiday stuff with the family, so my interactions have been limited to just glossing over/liking posts instead of penning the American novel-sized rants I typically do.

    There's no way I can catch up to the last month's worth of posts, and I suppose there's a limit to how much insight I can give on TROS until the novelization comes out (which, as I've stated, is the only way I plan on experiencing this weaponized fanfiction), but what I can say at this point is that everything I've read and heard about this film matches exactly what I thought it was going to be: a bunch of hastily scrapped-together, poorly-developed, woefully-explained 11th-hour nonsense to make the 3rd film in this fart of a trilogy have any weight or substance due to the previous two completely lacking in either. So much of this film--from Palpatine surviving, to Leia being trained, to the Force Dyad, to Rey's familial reveal, to characters learning/implementing Force Heal on the fly lacks any and all organic presence in the story, and has all of the same shoe-horned convenience and sterile feel that the plot points introduced in Abrams' other drek like Star Trek Into Darkness had.

    Jumping ship from these films was the best decision I ever made, and every narrative decision made in them makes that feeling of relief all the rosier.

    And with that out of the way:

    This has literally nothing to do with anything, and this post is from God-only-knows how many pages ago, but this is the sweetest gift I think I've ever heard of. That sounds adorable and lovely. Definitely the high bar when it comes to SW-related Christmas gifts.

    The only SW-related gift I've received in recent memory was a Kylo Ren sweater. And anyone even remotely familiar with my posting history will probably guess the...enthusiasm that kind of gift would inspire.
  3. Hernalt

    Hernalt Force Ghost star 4

    Jun 29, 2000
    This is false equivalency. Lucas' capability to do something new and different is not exemplified by Star Wars Detours. This is defending the ST by the backdoor channel of throwing Lucas under the bus of creative poverty by insinuating that Star Wars Detours is the equivalent and proxy of the best quality we could expect in a Lucas-authored Episode VII. Lucas was done with the Skywalker thread in 2005. With Star Wars Detours, Lucas was cashing in a little more on the good will and nostalgia of a concluded Skywalker thread. The existence of a plan to make Star Wars Detours says nothing about what maximum theoretical Episode VII quality Lucas was capable of. The existence of a plan to make Star Wars Detours merely reminds everyone what Lucas' intentions were at the time. No one can use Star Wars Detours to defend the ST by attacking Lucas artistic capability. Backdoor, front door, outflank, sap the wall, dive out of the sun, attack at morning with the sun in their eyes, trebuchet diseased cadavers over the wall. This content, Star Wars Detours, is orthogonal. It possesses no predictive power.
  4. Shadao

    Shadao Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 31, 2017
    Detours was never meant to be canon. More of a Robot Chicken parody cash-in than a serious attempt to create the ST.
  5. Vicarious Fan

    Vicarious Fan Jedi Master star 3

    Jul 1, 2013
    never said it was i said it was the next official Star Wars product
  6. Darth Nobunaga

    Darth Nobunaga Jedi Master star 2

    Jun 1, 2018
    It's also worth mentioning that Season 6 of TCW and Star Wars Underworld were in development. There was also cross-media ventures he was planning like Star Wars 1313, which was going to tie in directly to Underworld before it was changed to a standalone Boba Fett project, which only got shelved specifically because of the Disney purchase

    Bottling Lucas' next big direction for SW with Detours is somewhat disingenuous considering what he had planned.
  7. Merrin

    Merrin Jedi Knight star 1

    Dec 12, 2019
    Chewie didn't even try to fight back when the FO troopers took him to their ship. I feel like he was OOC for most of the movie. That could be said of many characters though.
  8. Master Jedi Fixxxer

    Master Jedi Fixxxer Force Ghost star 5

    Oct 20, 2018
    In this sentence, you can replace Shattered Empire #4 with literally every single Legends novel that is part of the New Republic era, the New Jedi Order era or the Legacy era, and also includes Luke Skywalker, and the sentence remains true.

    Yes. By bringing back Palpatine, the game was lost. If he had not brought Palpatine back, anything else would probably be better. Rey Palpatine was just adding insult to injury, the Reylo kiss was the cherrytop on the cake, and Bendemption was the middle finger to logic.

    He didn't need to have liked it. But even if he could ignore 90% of TLJ (which thankfully he did), he still had to follow up on at least some of the things.

    How so? I WISH Kylo Ren had died evil. That would have given more gravity and identity to his character, would not have made him a poor man's version of Anakin, and would actually have successfully subverted expectations, contrary to anything that happened in TLJ.

    I was sold with Bendemption until the kiss happened. That was just vomit worthy, and made me wish Bendemption hadn't happened, even if I thought it was done well up to that point. Removing the romantic/erotic element altogether is the only way that Bendemption would have worked for me.

    Best post of the 4th century in pages (300-400) no matter what follows. I am NOT KIDDING YOU, I literally messaged a friend of mine who is adamant and passionate about TLJ being the best ST film and a good film altogether YESTERDAY, that TLJ is the equivalent of a high school project from a student who wants to study film in college, while TROS is just an art experiment where the artist just made a collage of random scenes to see what happens and how people will interpret it. And my friend's argument was that at least TLJ is still a movie, with proper structure, to which I replied that I will still prefer the art experiment than the high school project.

    Ooooof you bring competition for the best post in these 100 pages. I might have to call it a tie between you and godisawesome.

    Never mind. Tie broken. I am sorry @christophero30 and @godisawesome . Yodaman has won. Best post of these 100 pages. I laughed out loud.

    SO MANY GREAT POSTS. I have changed my mind again. I call it a 4-way tie between the three people above and this video, for which I will praise the messenger, aka you.

    Can't be worse than rock bottom, can it?
    For me a GL sequel trilogy would have been better than what we got without even having to think about it. Even if it was really bad. It would still have had the George Lucas signature all over the films, and that signature cannot be replicated, bested or even matched. Maybe Filoni and Favreau can come close, but nothing can equal it.

    This is true for all 3 sequel trilogy movies.

    Last edited: Dec 26, 2019
  9. Jedi Ben

    Jedi Ben Chosen One star 10

    Jul 19, 1999
    Look, you can't expect a man to succeed at a woman's job. ... Yes, this was sarcasm but this has to be amongst the most tone-deaf, sledgehammer subtle attempts at being 'feminist' going.
    Nope. Going way back to the new Jedi Order Critics Club, of which I and @ChildOfWinds were active in, people not reading the sign on the goddamn door was a recurring pain in the arse but should not influence posting.
    One of the best examples of dysfunction between marketing and actual movie. The sad thing both Phasma stories were pretty good, but they have no pay-off in the film.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2019
  10. Nate787

    Nate787 Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 29, 2016

    It was the part I hated the most. I think everything he did with Luke was worse than TLJ and extremely corny. Not to mention making him flat out verbalize that he was a coward. Everything he tried to "correct" in TLJ was made worse and my head was sore from him bashing me in it with every example.
  11. Master Jedi Fixxxer

    Master Jedi Fixxxer Force Ghost star 5

    Oct 20, 2018
    Well.... he WAS a coward in TLJ and it had to be said. At least Luke in TROS was the Luke from the OT, and not a sad version of him.
    Having said that, yes, he SHOULD have lifted the X-wing in TLJ and shown up on Crait in flesh. And not die.
  12. La Calavera

    La Calavera Force Ghost star 4

    Sep 2, 2015
    Luke was terrible in both TLJ and TROS. In neither version he felt like the character in the OT.
    The TROS version made me laugh though, because he felt like a parody.
  13. Nate787

    Nate787 Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 29, 2016
    I don't agree it had to be said. In fact JJ needed to quit saying things on screen period. He completely stopped telling a story and just addressed complaints the whole time when he should have been addressing his own problems that he created.

    There are many who watched TLJ and bought into the whole idea of him being the "symbol of hope". I agree he should have shown up on Crait too but what's done is done - leave it there and move forward. But then JJ had to go and officially brand him a coward in TROS. It was a stupid move and another example of why he should have left things well enough alone.
  14. Master Jedi Fixxxer

    Master Jedi Fixxxer Force Ghost star 5

    Oct 20, 2018
    Well, I don't agree with that. The only parts of TROS that I really liked are the ones that invalidated TLJ.
    leelaamidala and Mange like this.
  15. Nate787

    Nate787 Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 29, 2016
    And yet he made them worse.
  16. nightangel

    nightangel Force Ghost star 6

    Oct 31, 2014
    don't kill me, but I will see TROS in a little more than 1 hour....I know I said I won't....:rolleyes:
    but here at my Christmas location I have no Netflix or Prime and the 900th with movies like home alone or die hard made me so bored that I go for the movie at least once. [face_blush]
    I will see it without any expectations...[face_blush]
  17. La Calavera

    La Calavera Force Ghost star 4

    Sep 2, 2015
    Go see it and have fun! Seriously, it's an hilarious movie.
    Just make sure to turn off your brain and disconnect your heart from the franchise, okay? ;)
    KSennia, ImpKnight, Ren Kylo and 6 others like this.
  18. Nate787

    Nate787 Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 29, 2016
    Exactly this. It's the #1 comedy of the year!
    ImpKnight, AgentCoop and nightangel like this.
  19. nightangel

    nightangel Force Ghost star 6

    Oct 31, 2014
    yes I will do so, I know the rumors which is good this time. So I can see the movie like any other normal movie. ;)
  20. TheCloneWarsForever

    TheCloneWarsForever Force Ghost star 7

    Apr 24, 2018
    The ST really is meta.

    It seems like going to see TROS is the ultimate Jedi test for the fan. Confront your worst fear. You'll be stronger for it. It'd be funny if the relief of getting it over with is what's keeping the WOM above basement level.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2019
  21. Darth PJ

    Darth PJ Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2013
    If the ST had to bring Palpatine back, it would have been so much more fulfilling for Luke to play an active role in his discovery/demise. It’s just yet another example of how Kennedy and Abrams failed utterly in creating an overarching story. Somewhere in the dearth of ideas that constitutes the sequels are a couple of good concepts re. resurrected Sith Lords, defected stormtroopers and the hunt for Sith relics. Unfortunately these are just threads that are never developed... and instead we’re left with a trilogy that is devoid of story or narrative.
  22. Darth Wardawg

    Darth Wardawg Jedi Knight star 1

    Oct 12, 2018
    It's beyond silly at this point. I hope whomever takes over after KK (assuming they will remove her sometime in 2020) will clean house and get rid of the Story Group or get people in who are going to do the job and not spend their time on social media criticizing fans.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't think he's without fault in all of this. He should have paid far more attention to what was going on, and I blame him for the stupid idea to totally discard George's story for the sequel trilogy. Once they did that they went down the road of fan fiction. If they had any brains, they would have done HIS story with someone else (Michael Arndt) writing the script and JJ directing the first film, then acting as "show runner" to make sure no idiot (Ruin Johnson) came in and just did whatever the **** he wanted to do. I still can't believe LFL allowed RJ to just do whatever he wanted to do.
  23. Alliyah Skywalker

    Alliyah Skywalker Force Ghost star 5

    Dec 18, 2017
    I think JJ clumsily tried to "fix" Luke but in the context of the ST, he cemented him as worse. That so-called myth on Crait anounts to nothing, he is declared a coward in text, he "does" something as small-fry as lifting an X-Wing in a movie where Super-Rey and Kylo play God with the force, his quest in the past failed while Super-Rey solves it in 5 minutes and he is not remotely involved in actually bringing down Palps. As a bonus, Leia kickd his butt in 5 seconds of training just like Super-Rey did.

    So apparently he is "nicer" but it's all surface-level stuff and he is still just as much if not more of a loser that TLJ painted him as.

    And the surface stuff means zilch to me. I don't give a rat's behind if he now acts nicer when he is still a cowardly failure.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2019
  24. Jedi_Fenrir767

    Jedi_Fenrir767 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 16, 2013
    I think Iger was screwed though things were great after TFA the brand was king and Rogue one did well: It all started to collapse after TLJ and he didn’t have many options besides removing KK and even based on the issue she was still doing good things and only had one film that the fan base didn’t like. The optics of removing KK would have been far worse than letting her finish what she started. Also the damage had been done after TLJ can’t undo a movie they put out in theatres.

    That being said Feige come on as a producer to teach people how to preuve a universe the scrapping of pretty much everything in development film wise that’s all Iger stepping in to set up the brand for long term success. This biggest issue is that they screwed up on the ST which they will never get another shot at.
    DominusNovus and Jedi Ben like this.
  25. Darth PJ

    Darth PJ Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2013
    I can’t ever imagine other studios having the hubris to both ignore ideas and undermine the previous work of Tolkien and JK Rowling, for example.

    JK: ‘Hey WB, I’ve got some great ideas for a sequel to Harry Potter’.
    WB: ‘Sorry JK, we thought Fantastic Beasts was **** so we’ll be going in another direction’.

    Disney have done that with Lucas, and ultimately it’s not paid off.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2019
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