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Amph "Engage!" - Star Trek: Picard Discussion Thread [Paramount+/CraveTV]

Discussion in 'Community' started by Darth_Voider, May 16, 2019.

  1. Jedi Ben

    Jedi Ben Chosen One star 10

    Jul 19, 1999
    [face_rofl][face_laugh] You get some points for that quip.

    <Headbutts K2771991, followed by punch to the gut, followed by Klingon hug>
  2. Darth Downunder

    Darth Downunder Chosen One star 6

    Aug 5, 2001
    Guess we’ll find out next week how Elnor & his sword will fare against ranged weapons. It’s not like he has a lightsaber. Any ideas?

    One nitpick I had, & this could be just an oversight from my one viewing but
    I thought it was dodgy the way Narek knew to ask Soji to “look up at the skylight, what do you see?”. While she was in a part of her dream that even she hadn’t consciously experienced before. How does that make sense?
  3. The2ndQuest

    The2ndQuest Tri-Mod With a Mouth star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 27, 2000
    One other detail I wanted to mention:

    I really dug the "upgraded" depiction of a Borg Cube interior with the Stargate-like reconfiguring walls and such- I don't believe we've seen them do that for the most part (VOY Queen body assembly system being a sort-of excception, I suppose). But it tracks with how we saw the original Cube repairing itself in TNG: Q Who. Back then it was more of a morph distortion effect seen from the outside, but you can totally see what they're showing in PIC being a version of what was "really" happening in situations like that.
  4. Biel Ductavis

    Biel Ductavis Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 17, 2015

    and maybe also Skywalker
  5. K2771991

    K2771991 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 21, 2019
    Pfft. Everybody knows Romulans are'nt Tolkien Elves, their Elder Scrolls elves:p

    So really, his name should be a combination of whatever the Altmeri words for star and trek are - shame on you writers of STP! Off to Northwatch Keep with you all!
  6. Biel Ductavis

    Biel Ductavis Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 17, 2015
    There is a reference in "Timeless" to the artifact.

    "EMH: You said you'd found a way to communicate with Seven in the past. How?

    KIM: Behold. Salvage component three six six nine eight. A Borg temporal transmitter.

    CHAKOTAY: Starfleet Intelligence found it in the wreckage of a Borg cube in the Beta Quadrant.

    KIM: We stole it."

    I read somewhere that "Timeless" is one of Michael Chabon's favorite episodes
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2020
  7. The2ndQuest

    The2ndQuest Tri-Mod With a Mouth star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 27, 2000
    That's a nice connection!

    As for this week's episode:

    Hugh! Nooooooooo!!! I was all set for a Hugh & Space Legolas hunting Tal Shiar spin-off show!

    Bunnycorn sausage, yum yum!

    Really liked the scenes between Picard and the Troi-Rikers. Felt like maybe a little too much reminiscing for characters who won't be continuing onward in the current storyline, though.

    Storyline aboard the ship being tracked is interesting with Agnes's guilt. Story aboard the Cube, while interesting, felt a little out of place given how long a stretch on non-Cube story was being told between the three brief scenes set there.
    BigAl6ft6 likes this.
  8. K2771991

    K2771991 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 21, 2019
    I liked the refence to the Kzinti. Guess nobodys worried about paying royalties to Niven anymore:p

    I saw Kestra being the daughter's name from a mile away as soon as the trailer where a girl's voice yelled "dad" to Riker dropped, but while I liked Thaddeus as the sons name (it's a good reference to VGR) I think Thomas might have worked better, as it would be both Riker's middle name and in honor of his "brother" - barring that maybe Kyle - Jean-Luc would have been a nice refrence to Future Imperfect, but it would be, IMO, to on the nose and tacky within the context of the show.

    You could almost say he died becuse he made a hugh-g mistake...

    ...okay, I'll see myself out now

    Just becuse their not going to be main charecters does'nt mean they won't show up again.

    I caught anouther good reference (though I can't say if its deliberate or not) when watching The Visitor with my roomate a couple weeks ago - future Bashir talks about how how long it's been since he used a "two-demenisonal control panel," which ties in pretty well with the Mass Effect syle holo terminals that seem to be the norm in current timeframe of Picard.[/spoiler][/QUOTE]
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2020
    Darth Caliban and BigAl6ft6 like this.
  9. BigAl6ft6

    BigAl6ft6 Chosen One star 8

    Nov 12, 2012
    I actually thought Riker said Xindi but didn't know it was a TAS reference (also I was trying to bend my brain how the Xindi would have made it to Riker's back yard hundreds of years later)

    I liked how Picard straight up admitted this crew he's with was no shakes compared to the crew on the Enterprise.

    Picard suddenly playing a mean trick on Soji that it was all a simulation seemed a wee bit out of character but sometimes Picard's humour can be a bit dry.

    One thing I loved was that Troi's empathic capabilities were used for plot and character stuff. When was the last time Troi's powers were actually used in a decent way? I mean, closest you get is Nemesis which is.... kinda yikes comparatively.

    I actually thought Riker's family was going to die horribly for angst purposes but they made it through fine. Only killed the son off screen before we knew he existed years ago. :/ but does reinforce how awful the sythn ban was and how it affected non-synths.

    longest episode ever of the show so far but I guess it was they wanted to keep in every frame of the Riker/Troi stuff and also all the plot stuff.

    I miss Hugh already, his return was so great, fantastic performance actually, great build upon his first intro and a much better use/farewell to the character (even though he was brutally murdered) than in Descent.

    Cool action bit when the Romulan Legolas threw the star at Evil Romulan lady but she transported away, however, wouldn't the dagger transport with her ala when that lady jumped into Kirk's transporter beam?

    So 3 weeks ago when Commodore Evil talked to Agnes which was I believe 3 weeks ago we saw the scene so apparently it's been a hellova long trip. Also I was convinced the Commodore was a Romulan but unless they've figured out how to mind meld I guess she's a true Vulcan. Conspiracy!
    AhsokaSolo and Darth Downunder like this.
  10. The2ndQuest

    The2ndQuest Tri-Mod With a Mouth star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 27, 2000
    Perhaps, but within this episode
    they didn't really do anything for the story other than make pizza and talk about how great Picard was- and that feels weird given that they're the focus on 70% of the episode, even if they show up again next season.

    Speaking of which, what do we think about the vision? Implanted thought to motivate Agnes? Or something genuine? Someone from the future? A connection to the alt-future of Control from DIS S2?
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2020
  11. BigAl6ft6

    BigAl6ft6 Chosen One star 8

    Nov 12, 2012
    I think

    what Agnes saw would probably be the potential of what is to come, interesting thought in the AV Club review, Romulan Legolas being stuck in a Queen chamber on a Borg Cube could be a be potential no-no and maybe cause the synth disaster. I'm assuming he will straight up activate the Borg Queen and things will properly promptly go to hell in a handbasket (but the Borg blowing up Earth seems a wee bit out of bounds of their usual assimilation jag)

    Anyway, that aside, Dad Riker having Security Immediately implemented with a classic "SHIELD'S UP!" holler was very in-character for him, can take Number One off the bridge but you can't remove those instincts. And even before that, him just telling his kid "Stop yelling!" I thought was kind of hilarious.
  12. The2ndQuest

    The2ndQuest Tri-Mod With a Mouth star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 27, 2000
    You REALLY, really want the Borg to awaken, don’t you? [face_laugh]
    BigAl6ft6 likes this.
  13. Darth Downunder

    Darth Downunder Chosen One star 6

    Aug 5, 2001
    Not surprised, it's great. Speaking of 'Timeless' which featured LaForge, I'm disappointed that through all of
    Hugh's arc on this show he didn't mention Geordie once. No reference, no asking after him to Picard. That's a pity. I would've liked their close bond to at least get a mention.

    This show has flaws left & right, but it's still damned enjoyable.
    Frakes is awesome. After so many years he effortlessly slips into the skin of Riker & perfectly nails it. The scenes between he & Picard felt the most "Trek" of anything I've seen in years. Picard's "thoughts?" might be my favourite line of the series to date. Overall a very nice episode - at least while the focus was on the TNG crew.

    As always, some problems though. A ghost of a previous episode inevitably reared its head. It was a glaring oversight that Jurati's problem of the EMH witnessing Maddox's murder was never addressed. That's TNG season 1 levels of shoddy storytelling. Just bcs there could be several ways for her to address it, that doesn't mean it's ok to gloss over it without ever referencing it. Here the EMH just shows up again & all is fine!

    I have to watch it again but did anyone find the resolution of last week's cliffhanger ending to be underwhelming, or even non-existent? Did we even see Elnor take out those Romulans? Then there's Rizzo's very questionable logic. She can't kill High bcs he's Federation. But when he conspires with Elnor she can. Would it have been beyond her to just have killed him initially & said that he was being treacherous? Esp if such treachery gives her the right to immediately execute him herself? Also, didn't Hugh's actions along with Elnor at the end of last week constitute treachery? I thought it was a poor way for the writers to have her delay killing Hugh until their preferred time. Frankly, the mid-late seasons of TNG are far better written than this is, & we're supposed to be in a golden age of high quality tv. Still, it's tradition for Trek shows to get away to shaky starts, & there's enough gold & magical moments in this to easily get me looking fwd to each week.
    darthcaedus1138 and BigAl6ft6 like this.
  14. BigAl6ft6

    BigAl6ft6 Chosen One star 8

    Nov 12, 2012
    eh, maybe Federation and Romulan treaties are super specific what constitutes treason or not. The EMH seeing Agnes freak out should hopefully be addressed though.

    I'm calling odds the Borg all wake up and start assimilating everyone in sight as next week's cliffhanger. Only likable characters left on the Artifact is Elenor and maybe that Trill scientist and a few XBs so not everyone is horribly assimilated. Them Romulan hubris needs comeuppance! Comeuppance, I say!
    Darth Downunder likes this.
  15. Nobody145

    Nobody145 Force Ghost star 5

    Feb 9, 2007
    Figures they would kill off Hugh too. At least his death (and that of the other xBs) will probably set off a big chain reaction. Bit annoying that the Romulan lady was beamed out at just the right moment to avoid being killed. With just a few episodes, I hope we soon finally find out just what the big synthetic secret the show's been revolving around the whole time. Too bad the rest of Picard's crew is still pretty naive, although Raffi is suspicious but then Agnes is perhaps too obviously "innocent" and an EMH that doesn't mention her killing Maddox. Or lethal poison that's easily accessible, but then this isn't a starfleet ship.

    Wonderful to see Riker and Troi again after all these years, everyone was pitch perfect. They're happy to help Picard but also understand that whatever he's involved in, its complicated and they have to worry about their own daughter. Still, nice to see a mostly happy ending for that family.

    A bit heavyhanded with the talk of a dead son who could have been saved if not for the synthetic ban but that's fiction for you (and it was nice to see Picard kept in touch with his old crew). Their daughter is nice and was a breather for Soji who is still reeling from all of this. Saving Data's daughter is one thing, trying to talk to her is a whole other problem.

    So they're heading for Soji's "homeworld" next while I expect things will just get worse on the Artifact. I hope we get back to the Starfleet thing sooner or later, Picard doesn't want to frighten Soji more and I expect he and Raffi would be very interested in whatever's going on with the Romulans and synthetic but it'd be nice to be able to call in Starfleet sooner or later, now that Picard's got proof of something way bigger going on.
  16. K2771991

    K2771991 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 21, 2019
    It's funny you bring them up in relation to this; my personal headcanon has always been that the Kzinti are just anouther subspecies of Xindi who left their homeworld well before it was destroyed ("Kzinti" would just the Xindi word for Xindi-Feliniod in this case) - the Xindi Conflict in ENT is the last of the Earth-Kzin Wars mentioned in TAS (though Earth obviusly did'nt know the Kzinti were Xindi until after the fact) and Sulu's statment that it ended "two hundred" years before is him generalizing/mispeaking like Khan speaking of how long ago the 1990s were in TWOK

    The way I read it (based on what Troi said to him after) is that he was'nt playing a trick but rather misunderstood that she was being serius since he assumed that becuse he considered it an absurd idea she must have as wall - he thought she was being sarcastic, so he decided to be sacrastic right back

    When was the last time it snowed on the sun?:p

    Nah, I'm just kidding. Deanna's a doll and we all love her.

    I know. It feels like a hugh-g peice of the show is missing now. But at least we got to see that he had rediscovered his hugh-manity

    Ah, damn it, I'm doing it agian...

    I assume it has to do with how much has de-materilized so far. If I'm not mistaken Gillian* jumped onto Kirk before he had started to materlize earlier (we know from earlier in the movie that the transporter has a "buildup" before somewhat actually starts to beam, since Gillian herself starts to freak out before she's beamed the first time - she's actually quite clever for taking note of that and using it to her advantage)

    *interesting fact for those who don't know - not only did Catherine Hicks play the wife of Stephan Collins's charecter in 7th Heaven, she was also a lead on the short-lived 80s tv show Tucker's Witch (which also had Alfrie Woodard in it), having replaced Kim Catrell in the role after the later was'nt picked up for the show after the pilot becuse of her...ahem...performace in Porky's.

    So, Gillian Taylor married Will Decker, hung out with Lily Sloane and stole a job from Valeris[face_laugh]

    We could have Romulan spies aboard this ship![face_laugh]

    Perhaps Administrator V'las was the tip of much deeper, long-term operation to maintain home-grown operatives on Vulcan/in the Federation - hell, maybe Selok/T'Pel was actually a Vulcan after all, not a Romulan posing as Vulcan

    I wonder what this terrible secret is supposed to be anyway.

    My guess is it's the impending invasion of the Reapers:p. *assuming direct control!*

    There's no Kzinti. Riker just kept walking into the living room and yelling "shields up!" and then getting sad when nothing happens so Kestra and Deanna installed real sheilds to make him happy.

    They don't really have an issue with it. What they do have an issue with him is the weird way he sits down at the dinner table and how he has to linger behind them in a Captain Morgan pose while their all watching TV.

    Hey guys, watcha watching?

    I'm not suprised he forgot Geordie - everybody else seems to:p

    That being said I'm still hoping for an apperance by Captain La Forge and the USS Challenger (if only becuse of the tease of the Galaxy-class in the first and second episodes got me wanting more), and the fact that Chabon apperantly likes Timeless so much gives me hope of that being a possiblity
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2020
  17. The2ndQuest

    The2ndQuest Tri-Mod With a Mouth star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 27, 2000
    Don't put a foot rest step next to your chair if you don't want someone to Captain Morgan it. Just common sense.
    BigAl6ft6, K2771991 and Iron_lord like this.
  18. mnjedi

    mnjedi JCC Arena Game Host star 5 VIP - Game Host

    Nov 4, 2012
    Really solid episode for the most part, the stuff with Picard and with the crew was all great (well aside from the EMH randomly forgetting about the murder he witnessed.)

    Will say I’m now at my limit as far as the gratuitous offing of side characters goes. This is Star Trek not GoT.
  19. AhsokaSolo

    AhsokaSolo Force Ghost star 7

    Dec 23, 2015
    I'm basically hate watching at this point, and looking for nuggets that I can enjoy in the process. My friend that I watch with can't believe I'm gonna keep paying for CBS All Access, but as long as she can watch for free she'll stick with me.

    So I listened to Robert Meyer Burnett's critique of this show recently where he talked about how casually this show treats death. I really think that is spot on. When all those ex-borg were unceremoniously executed, the only reaction my friend and I could have was, "because of course gratuitous, emotionless, narratively pointless violence." I always felt the stakes in Star Trek, but that is just gone here. I figured Hugh would die because why wouldn't he? That's how this show rolls. I felt it was basically better than expected because at least he wasn't tortured to death. Still, he mainly just spent the episode running for his life until he was successfully taken out. No clue why Elnor stayed behind, and I definitely can't stand that Picard allowed him or Hugh to stay behind. Elnor and Hugh had no plan, or for the two second they had a plan, they were being spied on and immediately outed. He ended up needing a rescue anyway. Nothing makes sense ever in this show. There's no point to anything.

    I do agree with someone's point above that it was lovely to see Troi use her empath abilities. As soon as she met Soji, I was hoping that something would come of that. Very good usage for her. But then of course, it wouldn't be nuTrek Picard if everyone doesn't have a tragic backstory, so we get the new tragic backstory of the Rikers, yay! We thought it was hilariously ridiculous that their son died because of the synth ban. But I was moved when Troi told Picard she couldn't bear it if anything happened to Kestra. I'm a sucker for mama bear relationships. Speaking of which, I did love Kestra. She was a lovable character and the actress was wonderful. Her scenes with Soji were a joy.

    Oh one last thing - Soji doing the Data head tilt? Come on. She never moved like that before that exact moment. Plus, isn't she mostly organic? Does she have a robotic shell in her body? I was under the impression that she didn't.

    Waiting for these characters to figure out that the scientist woman is a traitor is so frustrating. I can't suspend my disbelief to buy it. Wasn't Rafi Starfleet intelligence in a prior life? That's what I recalled, but maybe I'm wrong because I didn't care to look it up. Nobody is suspicious of the woman that is clearly a basket case and that was alone with the man that should have lived when he mysteriously died? I just can't take it.
    -LordSkywalker- likes this.
  20. K2771991

    K2771991 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 21, 2019
    I would have perferred that he died on Mars, to be honest, and then have Riker decide to retire afterwards in order to spend time with his remaining child.

    We've only seen Soji for a comparativly small period of her existence so far; it's possible the head tilt is something she does all the time but we've just never had a chance to see it before now, and honestly in-universe if someone was'nt looking for it it would be easy to miss.

    As for why she does it when she's a BSG-style skinjob, she's cloned from Data's positronic nuerons, so it seems highly likely she'd share some of the same traits as him.

    She was seemingly Picard's aide, and the way she treated her job/the color of her uniform in the flashbacks indicates that she was an operations officer of some sort. The recent comic has her as his XO and say she's Starfleet's leading expert on the Romulans, but that is, of course, non-canon.
  21. AhsokaSolo

    AhsokaSolo Force Ghost star 7

    Dec 23, 2015
    I knew I heard it or read it somewhere. Here's an excerpt from an article:
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2020
    K2771991 likes this.
  22. Chancellor_Ewok

    Chancellor_Ewok Chosen One star 7

    Nov 8, 2004
    Riker and Troi served with Data for seventeen years, so they’d recognize the fingerprints of his body language in an android that he built and then Kestra says that Soji burned through a five hundred page language book in under five minutes. That’s classic Data, so they’d think, “yeah, android.”
    Darth Caliban, BigAl6ft6 and K2771991 like this.
  23. Darth Downunder

    Darth Downunder Chosen One star 6

    Aug 5, 2001
    Your final comment there undermines the rest a bit. Fast reading & head tilts are an android thing, not exclusively a Data thing. Riker already knew she was an android. It was lame, but also pretty minor. The writing of late has far bigger problems.
  24. AhsokaSolo

    AhsokaSolo Force Ghost star 7

    Dec 23, 2015
    Deanna, I assume, probably figured she was an android basically immediately because she couldn't sense any emotion from her.

    I don't care that they figured that out. I just thought the head tilt was contrived with no build up. The actress never moved like a robot before.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2020
  25. K2771991

    K2771991 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 21, 2019
    She senses emotion from both Data and Lore, so the fact that she did'nt from Soji is likely an oversight on the part of the writers.

    That or maybe Troi's abilities are just slipping in her old age:p

    True, she did'nt, but it could just be that we hav'nt seen her do it before - we're less then ten episodes and there's no reason to think she tilts her head all the time just becuse Data did. Honestly if they had'nt know she was an android and they had seen her tilt her head they probobly would'nt have noticed.

    I could also be becuse more android abilities/traits are "activating" like they did for her sister during the raid on her apartment, just in a less drastic way

    That's a good catch. Until it's put in the show though we can't say that she actually was and, even if it is, she could simply be an SI desk analyist whose feild of expertise was Romulans specificly, not an investigator (not to mention that at this point in her life she's drugged up and washed up, so she's clearly not at the top of her game)

    As for the EMH not reporting Jurati, well Anges could have just fiddled with it to delete what happened from its memory - she is an engineer, after all.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2020
    AhsokaSolo likes this.