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Lit The One Canon

Discussion in 'Literature' started by Sinrebirth , Aug 18, 2015.

  1. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    I enjoy the idea that their TFA meet was so short that their TLJ one was an amusing repetition of them doing so, is all.
    PCCViking and Jake Starkiller like this.
  2. Force Smuggler

    Force Smuggler Chosen One star 7

    Sep 2, 2012
    Do we have something of a working chronology of the OT era?
    Slowly making my way through it but am curious to see other people's ideas.
  3. QuinlanSolo

    QuinlanSolo Jedi Knight star 1

    Jun 17, 2019
    Here is one attempt, but many of the old EU placements themselves are sub-optimal or just plain wrong. (NuCanon entries in bold.) Hoping to fix at some point using TalonCard's ongoing project on the EU Yavin-to-Hoth timeline, starting here: .

    I. “Shortly” after the Battle of Yavin

    - Battlefront I (DS escape pods on Yavin 4)
    - The Day after the Death Star
    - Rebel Thief (First three-and-a-half panels)
    - Missions #1-4
    - Science Adventures #1-2
    - Empire #14: Savage Heart (Vader’s hyperdrive gets him to Vaal day-of)
    - Scene from Lost Stars [Vader must have cannibalized the first shuttle to partially fix TIE; pick-up by second shuttle which takes him to Coruscant]
    - Darksaber (flashback: Palps kills Bevel Lemelisk)
    - Princess Leia, Parts I-V (some of part I right after ANH; end of part V after AORHS)
    - Smuggler’s Run: A Han Solo and Chewbacca Adventure
    - Age of Rebellion: Han Solo [unshown: Han must recover the reward lost here]
    - “Breaking Free: The Adventures of Dannen Lifehold”
    - “Changing the Odds: The Adventures of Dannen Lifehold”
    - “A Certain Point of View”
    - “Droid Trouble”
    - “The Occupation of Rhamalai”
    - “To Fight Another Day”
    - “Sandbound on Tatooine”
    - Empire #16-18 To the Last Man
    - Vader: The Ultimate Guide (“The Path of Evil” information – sent back to TIE by Palps)
    - Rebel Force: Target (after 2 weeks on Yavin 4)
    - Rebel Force: Hostage (Vader never shows up on Delaya)
    - Inferno Squad (begins morning after Yavin 4 celebration; then jumps weeks)
    - Marvel #7: New Planets New Perils (beginning – Crimson Jack steals Han’s reward)
    - “Heist”
    - “Winner Lose All”
    - Scoundrels (Jabba raises Han’s debt to 500,000)
    - The Keeper’s World (R2’s repairs don’t last)
    - The Kingdom of Ice/War on Ice
    - The Weapon’s Master
    - The Maverick Moon
    - Marvel #7-15, 24, 16 (reward recovered from Crimson Jack [returned to rebels])
    - Stenax Shuffle (flashbacks in Marvel #70-71)
    - The Bounty Hunter of Ord Mantell (per the 5/31/81 comic, this is weeks before Fondor)
    - Rebel Thief (Han gives 500,000 to Jabba [refused] and to rebels [who return reward])
    - Missions #9-12 [EV-D9 story continuity problem – when does Lando get Bespin?]
    - Rebel Force: Renegade (Han accused of spying for Empire) [Combine with Marvel #31 beginning – Luke’s 1st return to Tatooine, sees Fixer.]
    - Marvel #17 Crucible
    - Scoundrel’s Luck (Han gambles away reward; 2nd bounty hunter on Ord Mantell; Vader recovered by Imperials; Ozzel only a desk admiral, not field rank, Executor test drive)

    II. First Evacuation of Yavin 4

    - X-Wing Marks the Spot
    - Imperial Spy (Han playacts as an Imperial spy to reveal the real one – Rogor)
    - Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike
    - “Flat Mountain of Yavin” (SWA)
    - “The Most Dangerous Foe” (frame story)

    III. Beginning of the Blockade

    - Empire at War: Forces of Corruption (Crime lord Tyber Zann scavenges DS wreckage; tangles with Rebels, pirates, and Imperials)
    - Battlefront II (501st raid on Yavin 4)
    - Force Commander
    - SW Adventures Annual #1 (Jaxxon/Wheel story)
    - Marvel #18-27 (Vader Force-probes for DS pilot while Luke&Co.@Wheel; Tagges@Yavin)
    - “Trouble at Tibrin” (SWA)
    - Heir to the Jedi
    - Weapon of a Jedi: A Luke Skywalker Adventure

    IV. Han debt and bounty free/Vader does not know Luke Skywalker’s name

    - Marvel #28-30
    - Marvel #31 Return to Tatooine (middle and end) (Luke’s 2nd return to Tatooine)
    - Marvel #32 The Jawa Express [Combine with Blackthorne #1 and Applejacks Droids]
    - Marvel #33-34
    - Missions #17-20 (Vader’s 1st post-DS in-person meeting with Palps)
    - Darth Vader Strikes (4/19/81-5/3/81) (?)
    - “Small Favors”
    - Bounty Hunter Wars Trilogy flashbacks (?) [assume advanced tech regrew Bossk’s tail]
    - Han Solo miniseries
    - “Swoop Race” (SWA)
    - Choose Your Own Adventure (Luke, Leia)
    - “Flight of the Falcon” #2 (SWA)
    - NEW Marvel Star Wars #1-3 (Vader confronts “Kenobi’s disciple,” finds him weak)
    - Darth Vader Strikes (5/4/81-7/26/81) (Fondor) (trap for Kenobi’s disciple)
    - The Serpent Masters
    - Deadly Reunion
    - Traitors Gambit
    - The Nightbeast
    - Rebel Force: Firefight
    - Darth Vader #1-6/NEW Marvel Star Wars #4-6 (Luke’s 3rd Tatooine; duels Fett blind)

    V. Han debt and bounty free/Vader knows Luke Skywalker’s name

    - Marvel #35 Dark Lords Gambit (beginning) [Combine with opening of Vader’s Quest, per Hidalgo’s NEC endnotes – Vader learns Luke’s name. Assume Manga N-canon.]
    - End of NEW Marvel Star Wars #6 and Darth Vader #6 [Vader learned name of DS pilot on Centares. Later, Fett confirms Kenobi’s disciple is the same person – “Skywalker”]
    - NEW Marvel Star Wars Annual 4 and #7 - 12/Darth Vader #7 (first six illustrated pages – on Tatooine) [assume the Gungan in SW #10 hadn’t heard that Han’s bounty was off]
    - Rebel Force: Trapped (1 week? after RF: Firefight; Vader orders X-7 not to kill Luke)
    - Vader’s Quest (Vader’s 2nd meeting w/ Palps; faces Luke @ Jazbina, 1 Tatooine mo ABY)
    - Gambler’s World
    - Tatooine Sojourn (Luke’s 4th return; or 1st [pre 1st Ord Mantell] or 3rd [post M27])
    - Princess Leia, Imperial Servant
    - The Second Kessel Run
    - Bring Me the Children
    - As Long as We Live
    - SW Adventures Annual #1 (Leia sprains her ankle story)
    - Jedi’s Honor
    - Devilworlds: Pandora Effect; Tilotny Throws a Shape (Leia re-sprains her ankle)
    - Marvel #35 (the rest of it) -37

    VI. Han’s bounty back on/Vader continues to search for Luke

    - World of Fire
    - Marvel #37 In Mortal Combat (Epilogue: Jabba restores Han’s bounty, 3rd Ord Mantell?)
    - Marvel # 38 Riders in the Void (Yuuzhan Vong?)
    - The Frozen World of Ota (Fett tells Han Jabba’s bounty is on; seems familiar to Luke)
    - Chewbacca mini/Holiday Spec. [assume toon propaganda; Life Day every 3 standard yr.]
    - Brian Wood’s Star Wars (1-20) (Luke’s 5th return to Tatooine)
    - Allegiance
    - Rebel Force: Uprising (a month? after Rebel Force: Trapped)
    - Darth Vader Annual #1
    - Darth Vader #7-12
    - Vader Down
    - Darth Vader #16-19 (Shu-Torun War)

    VII. End of the Blockade/Final Evacuation of Yavin 4

    - Shadow Stalker
    - NEW Marvel Star Wars Annual 1, #16-20 (Rebel Jail)
    - Darth Vader #20-25 (End of Games – ends two weeks before Executor finished)
    - The Return of Ben Kenobi
    - The Power Gem
    - Iceworld
    - Revenge of the Jedi (trio persuade Akbar to help out with Rebel fleet)
    - Doom Mission
    - Race for Survival
    - Imperial Spy (final panels with Vader confronting Rogor on Yavin 4)
    - Death Star Pirates
    - Blackthorne #2

    VIII. Post-Yavin 4

    - Chewbacca and the Slavers of the Shadowlands (frame story)
    - Empire #19-22
    - River of Chaos
    - Empire #23-25
    - “Doctor Death: The Tale of Dr. Evazan and Ponda Baba”
    - “The Great Herdship Heist”
    - “Fair Prey”
    - Galaxy of Fear #1-3
    - Empire #26-28
    - Galaxy of Fear #4
    - “Only Droids Serve the Maker”
    - “A Bitter Winter”
    - Galaxy of Fear #5
    - Empire #29-40
    - Galaxy of Fear #6
    - Rebellion #1-16
    - Boba Fett: Overkill
    - Galaxy of Fear #7-8
    - Choices of One [hard to square with Thrawn at end of Rebels]
    - Galaxy of Fear #9
    - Missions #5-8
    - Galaxy of Fear #10
    - “Priority: X”
    - Galaxy of Fear #11
    - “Uhl Eharl Khoehng”
    - “Finder’s Fee”
    - “The Breath of Gelgelar”
    - Galaxy of Fear #12
    - Galaxies: The Ruins of Dantooine
    - Planet of Kadril (per NEGTC)
    - NEW Marvel Star Wars #21-25, Annual 2 (Flight of the Harbinger) (C-3P0 captured)
    - NEW Marvel Star Wars #26-30 (Yoda’s Secret War)
    - Doctor Aphra #1-6 (Aphra) (Imperials on Yavin 4) [Nu-canon Rur; contra Devilworlds]
    - The Screaming Citadel
    - NEW Marvel Star Wars #33-37, Annual 3 (Out Among the Stars) (R2 rescues C-3P0)
    - Storms of Crait
    - Doctor Aphra Annual 1, #9-13 (Doctor Aphra and the Enormous Profit)
    - Marvel Annual #1
    - Rogue Squadron 3D/The Mystery of the Rebellious Robot (6th? Return to Tatooine)
    - Honor Among Thieves
    - Lando miniseries (?)
    - “Lady Luck” (Tales)
    - “Lando Calrissian: Idiot’s Array”
    - “A Family Affair” (SWA)
    - Splinter of the Mind’s Eye
    - Razor’s Edge (Willard alive)
    - Boba Fett and the Ship of Fear
    - Princess Leia and the Royal Ransom
    - NEW Marvel Star Wars #38-43 (Ashes of Jedha)
    - Doctor Aphra #15-19 (Remastered)
    - NEW Marvel Star Wars #44-49 (Mutiny at Mon Cala) (trio persuade Mon Cala fleet)
    - Doctor Aphra #20-25, Annual 2 (The Catastrophe Con)
    - NEW Marvel Star Wars #50-55 (Hope Dies) (Willard dies)
    - Doctor Aphra #26-31 (Worst Among Equals)
    - NEW Marvel Star Wars #56-61 (The Escape)
    - Doctor Aphra #32-36 (Unspeakable Rebel Superweapon)
    - NEW Marvel Star Wars #62-67 (The Scouring of Shu-Torun)
    - “Crimson Bounty”
    - “Combat Moon”
    - “Do No Harm”
    - “The Capture of Imperial Hazard”
    - “Idol Intentions”
    - “The Last Hand”
    - “Side Trip”
    - “Command Decision”
    - “Laughter after Dark”
    - “The Draw”
    - “Double Cross on Ord Mantell”

    IX. Lead-up to Hoth

    - Rebel Mission to Ord Mantell (3rd bounty hunter on Ord Mantell)
    - Rebel Heist
    - Blackthorne #3
    - Missions #13-16
    - NEW Marvel Star Wars #68-75 (Rebels and Rogues)
    - Doctor Aphra Annual 3, #37-40 (Rogue’s End)
    - Empire Ascendant
    - Paradise Detour
    - A New Beginning
    - Showdown (4th bounty hunter on Ord Mantell)
    - The Final Trap
    - The Kashyyyk Depths/The Constancia Affair (TKD and TCA here only per EGTC)
    - A Valentine’s Story
    - Age of Rebellion: Lando
    - Forces of Destiny: Beasts of Echo Base
    - Age of Rebellion: Special (Yoda story)
    - Battlefront: Twilight Company (months before, during, and after TESB)

  4. Force Smuggler

    Force Smuggler Chosen One star 7

    Sep 2, 2012
    QuinlanSolo likes this.
  5. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    I love it.
  6. Force Smuggler

    Force Smuggler Chosen One star 7

    Sep 2, 2012
    I didn't see the Dark Forces game in there though.
  7. QuinlanSolo

    QuinlanSolo Jedi Knight star 1

    Jun 17, 2019
    Thanks! :)

    Fair point. My coverage (and awareness) of video games in this period is pretty spotty. As per the Wook, the Big Three don't intersect much with Dark Forces, so I'm not sure how much we have to go on to place Katarn's missions relative to everything else.
    Last edited: May 11, 2020
  8. Chrissonofpear2

    Chrissonofpear2 Jedi Knight star 3

    Mar 25, 2020
    Leia wiped their minds to conceal something? ymmv...
  9. sidv88

    sidv88 Force Ghost star 5

    Aug 22, 2005
  10. ColeFardreamer

    ColeFardreamer Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 24, 2013
    Or it was Legends Snoke... just saying! Joruus killed him and kept his robes!
  11. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    Depends on when you have it that Palpatine started making faulty clones...

    @sidv88 - that would probably work very well.

    All we know is...

    1. Vader was freed from Dantooine, and the Rebels abandoned the base.
    2. Rahm Kota was killed.
    3. Galen, the Dark Apprentice, PROXY and Juno were never seen again.

    I place TFU during Rebels season 3, to explain where Vader is during this time, and Thrawn is busy until he's recalled in season 4 for Alliances, and then again for Treason, which Vader can be dealing with TFU II during that timeframe? The Death Star quest i.e. Battlefront II/Dark Forces/Rogue One follows TFU II, of course, before leading straight into ANH.
  12. sidv88

    sidv88 Force Ghost star 5

    Aug 22, 2005
    1. We don't know Vader was freed from Dantooine. I strongly suspect he never even reached there due to his lack of knowledge of Dantooine base in ANH. He was likely freed en route by Boba Fett.

    2. How do we know Rahm Kota was killed? There's no source for his death but it's a fair assumption. However, we don't have to tie it into Galen and Juno's disappearance. We know Rahm was alive a bit longer to lead X2 on some Death Star info stealing in Battlefront Elite Squadron. The best bet is he was on Alderaan when it was destroyed.

    3. Galen, PROXY, and Juno were never seen again. But not at Vader's side either. We know Boba went to rescue Vader who was held by them. A few years later, in ESB, Vader's still ticked off at Boba, telling him, "I want them alive, no disintegrations (this time)". I think we can put two and two together. Also Boba Fett has a deep-rooted uncontrollable hatred of Jedi since childhood that Galen's saber swinging antics will likely trigger.

    4. The Dark Apprentice is still canon despite not being in the game itself due to the bonus content he appears in. However, he's also never seen again. Considering Palpatine always knows what Vader's up to, he no doubt captured the dark apprentice himself and put him to good use. Why not as guardian of mount tantiss?
    Last edited: May 13, 2020
  13. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    1. Well, I admittedly enjoy the idea of Vader standing beside Tarkin going. I know there is no Rebel base on Dantooine but I won't help you there.

    2. Kota eventually falls prey to one of Vader's minions hunting down the last vestiges of the Jedi Knights. Page 217 of the Force Unleashed Campaign Guide.

    3. Fett went after them? I thought the Dark Apprentice did.

    4. Bingo. I agree.
  14. sidv88

    sidv88 Force Ghost star 5

    Aug 22, 2005
    2. I didn't know Kota was killed by Vader's minions. Maybe it was the Dark Apprentice who did it. Or maybe Jerec and his gang. They should have something to do before they meet Kyle Katarn. Although Jerec and his gang being Vader's "minions" is a bit of a stretch, but I'm guessing all inquisitors, like in Canon, answer to Vader.

    3. It was Fett. Look at the ending. That's clearly the Slave I.

    I suspect we already saw Legends Snoke in the EU as an Imperial Sentinel.

    The Sentinels were in actuality an early experiment of Emperor Palpatine and his inner circle of dark side Force-users to create a race of beings completely subservient to their will.[1] Sentinels were cloned from tissue stock[2] in hidden facilities on the Imperial fortress world of Byss,
    Last edited: May 13, 2020
  15. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    is trying to remember

    The novel and the game and the comic blurred as they all differ slightly.

    Yeah, it was Slave I, I remember now. Eek.

    Also, whose tissue stock... at least in Canon, the Sovereign Protectors were drawn from the Sith Troopers...
  16. sidv88

    sidv88 Force Ghost star 5

    Aug 22, 2005
    I know there was supposed to be a Force Unleashed 3 before the buyout and all that, but honestly I think it still works with Boba going after Galen and Juno, then years later in ESB Vader snarls at Fett, "I want them alive! No disintegrations." Especially as I don't think we ever got what incident Vader was referring to when he said this, TFU2 works well enough.
    Force Smuggler likes this.
  17. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    It was the incident involving the headless priestess and the despondent prophets. Boba and Vader came to blows over her ability to see the future.

    I can remember all this but not the name of the comic. Fett killed her, I believe, thus Vader's ire (but also respect).
    ColeFardreamer likes this.
  18. sidv88

    sidv88 Force Ghost star 5

    Aug 22, 2005
    It was . And again you are misremembering. Vader killed the prophet, not Fett. He killed her rather than let Palpatine have her. So it's not the source of the 'No disintegrations' line.

    You can find the comic:
    Sinrebirth likes this.
  19. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    Wow my Boba Fett continuity is awful.

    Apparently I dislike him.

    Force Smuggler and PCCViking like this.
  20. sidv88

    sidv88 Force Ghost star 5

    Aug 22, 2005
    No actually you are right and I was wrong about the disintegrations line. Although you did misremember Boba killing the prophet, it was Vader. Boba disintegrated someone else.

    In addition, because of Fett's involvement in Karda's death before Vader had a chance to interrogate him, Vader when hiring him for future assignments made a stern request for "no disintegrations", especially if he needed the target alive.
    Last edited: May 13, 2020
  21. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    Team effort!
    PCCViking and sidv88 like this.
  22. SpecForce Trooper

    SpecForce Trooper Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 19, 2016
    I wouldn't mind Fett having a reputation for disintegrations; the more the merrier. Plus Starkiller would definitely matter enough for Vader to have a problem with Boba some 2-3 years later.
    sidv88 likes this.
  23. sidv88

    sidv88 Force Ghost star 5

    Aug 22, 2005
    Yeah, I think Starkiller would definitely stick out more in Vader's mind than that "Enemy of the Empire" comic book guy Boba killed.

    And despite Starkiller's reputation as an unbeatable power god, you don't feel anywhere that powerful on playing him in the actual game. I almost quit TFU 1 on failing to bring down that star destroyer for the gazillionth time, until I finally managed somehow. And I'm still stuck on a very early level in TFU 2, have been for several years even with a walkthrough.

    So I can totally see Starkiller being disintegrated by Boba, especially if I'm controlling him. [face_laugh]
  24. sidv88

    sidv88 Force Ghost star 5

    Aug 22, 2005
    Just some random timeline issues I came across on the Sernpidal thread.

    In Legends Triclops was only an 11 year old father when Ken was born. The mother, Kendalina, was a nurse caring for Triclops at the time. And the circa 18 BBY birth year for Triclops was locked in with the article that Sly Moore gave birth to Triclops during the reign of the Empire.

    Maybe the article writer @Halagad_Ventor wasn't feeling sharp on his math when he wrote that, but we now have the unfortunate implications that Ken's mother, Nurse Kendalina, was engaging in some serious criminal abuse on minor Triclops :( . That or for some reason Triclops received a clonetrooper accelerated aging DNA alteration.

    Even Sly Moore's timeline is wonky. Sly is said to have been dumped in the Cron Drift by Darth Maul as an infant, so she wasn't able to be found by the Jedi. However, Sly Moore was already an aide to Palpatine as of 32 BBY per the Darth Plagueis novel. Even if she were some 14 year old prodigy at this time (like Padme was), that means her infancy and imprisonment in the Cron Drift was circa 46 BBY when Darth Maul was all of... 8 years old. Maybe if Sly were 3 when it happened and Maul were 11, it could possibly work, but it's still stretching credibility.
    Last edited: May 13, 2020
    Sinrebirth and ColeFardreamer like this.
  25. ColeFardreamer

    ColeFardreamer Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 24, 2013

    So the Halcyon/Horn family is no longer the sole champion of "too young, too soon" procreational timeline issues?

    I think Triclops using accelerated aging does make sense here. And even then the nurse might be evil!

    Well while we always assume adults did it, why not have some nasty Sith missions for Maul at a young age? if YJK/JJK and others can jet around the galaxy aged 11 years old.. so can he! Look at how evil Boba Fett was aged 10 years only in TCW going full on terrorist, assassin, bounty hunter killer!