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Lit The One Canon

Discussion in 'Literature' started by Sinrebirth , Aug 18, 2015.

  1. Darth-Krayt

    Darth-Krayt Jedi Padawan star 1

    Feb 25, 2018
    If you assume triclops and the failed sidious clone/rey's father are the same person it would make sense if he has accelerated aging
    ColeFardreamer likes this.
  2. sidv88

    sidv88 Force Ghost star 5

    Aug 22, 2005
    I'm not sure about that. I have no idea where Rey's father dies in One Canon timeline, but in my Crucible Canon timeline he dies at 51 ABY. If Rey's father were Triclops, that would make him 69 years old.
  3. ColeFardreamer

    ColeFardreamer Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 24, 2013

    Your theories really stand and fall with 60 is the new 40, don't they?

    That aside, don't forget that aging issues can be overcome by different means too, not just accellerated aging. Look at Boba Fetts wife Sintas Vel... going at 60 she looks like 30 or younger still! Carbonite does the trick sometimes.

    And as in the Millennium Falcon novel, galactic medtech for the rich is really really far more advanced than what the average joe gets with bacta dips.

    PS: I still find it funny that Palpa-Son in canon ran away to find love and have a kid that will destroy her grandfather... whereas in Legends Isolder ran away to find love and have a kid that will destroy her grandmother. It just rhymes too well. I'd not even mind if Palpa-clone-son would be named Isolder at this point. Where he no clone I'd have been fun to have Legends give us his tale from the grandmothers pov, and canon the same from his fathers pov... Ta'a and Sheev are such a nice couple!

    All I want to know is WHO is the mother of Rey, where is she from... cue irony if her name is Ederlath Pallopides.
    Last edited: May 13, 2020
  4. sidv88

    sidv88 Force Ghost star 5

    Aug 22, 2005
    I haven't even gotten to the part where I theorize that aging Jedi 85 year old Rey and 89 year old Finn are brutally slaughtered at Ossus by Darth Nihl in 130 ABY off panel in Star Wars Legacy.
    Force Smuggler likes this.
  5. Force Smuggler

    Force Smuggler Chosen One star 7

    Sep 2, 2012
  6. sidv88

    sidv88 Force Ghost star 5

    Aug 22, 2005
    Darth Nihl: My master will not make your grandfather's mistake. All Jedi must die! (tosses bodies of Cade Skywalker, Wolf Sazen and other Jedi in front of Rey)
    Rey: You're a monster!
    Darth Nihl: Ben Solo can't save you now. (Other Sith laugh) The Sith will prevail.
    Finn: We'll use the Force.
    Darth Nihl: That's not how the Force works!
    Rey: Finn, what are you doing here?
    Finn: I came back for you.
    Darth Nihl: Die now, hug later!

    (Rey and Finn fight Nihl and the other One Sith. Nihl then chops off Finn's hand)

    Darth Nihl: You are nothing! A scavenger hag is no match for the power in me! We are the One Sith!
    Rey: And I... will not be the last Jedi.

    (Darth Nihl stabs Rey. As she dies, the bodies of Cade, Wolf, and various other dead Jedi fade away and Nihl realizes they were just Rey's Force projected illusions, and the real ones escaped).

    Darth Nihl: FN-2187, I heard you were always scum.
    Finn: Rebel scu-

    (Nihl stabs Finn and he dies)
    Tahiri Veila as Rey's mother comes out as just the right age for my Crucible Canon Rey birth year of 45 ABY.
    Last edited: May 13, 2020
  7. Golbolco

    Golbolco Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 20, 2016
    In Canon, assuming that he's made after the Battle of Endor, Palpatine's son is no older than 11 at the time of Rey's birth (15ABY.) It must be a cloning thing.
    ColeFardreamer likes this.
  8. sidv88

    sidv88 Force Ghost star 5

    Aug 22, 2005
    Thats another reason why the clone thing is less plausible than just a biological son from sheevs chancellor days. They could have taken the sly moore relationship from legends even.

    Sent from my SM-P900 using Tapatalk
    Last edited: May 13, 2020
  9. sidv88

    sidv88 Force Ghost star 5

    Aug 22, 2005
    I just reread the Clone Wars Campaign guide that had Sly's history, and it didn't outright say the Zabrak assassin was Maul. So it could have been some other Nightbrother that Palpatine and Talzin sent out in their younger days. It also didn't say how old Sly was when this happened, just that she was young. I'm guessing the writer of her wookieepedia article did some extrapolation in conflating her abduction with not being found by the Jedi Order, unless there's another source that details this...?
    Last edited: May 13, 2020
    ColeFardreamer likes this.
  10. ColeFardreamer

    ColeFardreamer Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 24, 2013
    Why do I now have the vision that a young Ania saw the Ghost of Ben Solo and named herself Solo after him... [face_whistling]

    Just a matter of time before someone un-earths the lightsabers on Tatooine or dives to find Kylos in the ocean.

    Give poor Tahiri some rest... why would she date Palpaclone? Besides we saw his wife in TROS and it looks nothing like Tahiri. But she did look like someone else we know!

    Clones and the magical number... seems about right. If it is a ten year kaminoan incubation period, he got "tube born" mature and only 1 year later he got laid! Or at what point did Kaminoans un-tube the kids, given some had learning and training in addition to flashimprints. 5 years?

    I wonder if Palpaclone got all of Palpatines memories or not? Did they only learn of his lack of the Force after the imprint? Hmmm...

    Typical Wookieepedia!
  11. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    I've not even began to speculate about the fates of Rey and Finn and Poe.

    Canon has forever to tell those stories, which is fiiiine by me.

    At least we have a general idea of how the fates of the Jaina, Jagged, Ben and Allana pan out. Even if Lowbacca could have been alive during Legacy, he didn't survive the Sith-Imperial War, at very least.

    Though at least with One Canon, with Rey born after Dark Empire (21 ABY), she'd not likely be around circa 127 ABY anyway, which is neat.

    I'm pretty contented for Rey to go off and found her own Force using group, at this point, and they head into the Unknown Regions to do their own thing. It's neat and tidy. Whatever comes next eventually becomes the Galactic Alliance, with Jagged and Jaina using Bastion as a springboard to rebuild a light side Empire.

    Say what you will, Canon at least explains what happens to Luke, Han and Leia between Crucible and Legacy.
    Force Smuggler and PCCViking like this.
  12. Jake Starkiller

    Jake Starkiller Jedi Padawan star 1

    Apr 6, 2020
    If what it explains is that Han became a deadbeat and Luke sulked on an island for 7 years while everything he worked for was destroyed...I'd rather it was left to the imagination.
    Last edited: May 14, 2020
    Golbolco likes this.
  13. sidv88

    sidv88 Force Ghost star 5

    Aug 22, 2005
    So who does Rey's mother look like to you then?

    And here's comparison of Jodie Comer, who played Rey's mother, and Tahiri. They look close enough.


  14. ColeFardreamer

    ColeFardreamer Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 24, 2013
    If by close enough you mean that she is natural dark haired and not blonde like Tahiri...
    Sorry but celebrities with changed haircolor to play someone is something I dislike.. like all the fake redheads playing redhead characters.

    But to me Rey's mom from TROS looked like some of the TPM Handmaidens. Age might fit too.
    Golbolco likes this.
  15. PCCViking

    PCCViking 7x Hangman winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 12, 2014
    Possibly too old, assuming they're older than Padme was in TPM (which took place 32 BBY). That would place them in their mid to late 50's to 60's by the time Rey was born.

    However, if one of them was Rey's mother, why not Sabe?
  16. Coherent Axe

    Coherent Axe Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 20, 2016
    Yep, even if they're Padmé's age (which I think they're implied to be), they'd be 14 in 32 BBY, so 67 when Rey's left on Jakku in 21 ABY.
  17. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    One Canon helps me with that, I'd say.

    For Han.

    You've given more than half your life to defending the galaxy. You've lost two of your children, and you were about to retire and hand over responsibility to the next generation, as well as the Jedi Council. Your youngest goes bad, slaughters a Jedi Academy, and your wife dedicates to the cause yet again. After defeating the Empire, the Yuuzhan Vong, Caedus and after that thwarting Daala and a tribe of Sith? You're done. You want that retirement; you don't want to kill another son. You just can't.

    For Leia.

    You've fought to stop another Palpatine, another Vader, another Alderaan, ever happening again. As a discredited Senator, you rework the Insiders into the Resistance, which investigates the New Republic Senate while you reconnect with Han aboard the Millennium Falcon, doing more and more for the Galactic Alliance, becoming a Jedi, and dedicating yourself to opposing Caedus, to protecting Allana, to saving the galaxy from Daala, from the tribe, from Abeloth. You see your son walk into the clutches of Snoke, and you blame yourself for the gap between Ben and Han, and you rejoin the Resistance, taking back command because you will never let Alderaan happen again.

    For Luke.

    It's been over two decades since you left Tatooine. You've lost adopted parents, and a wife. You caused the deaths of your nephews, and in that crucial moment where you could have saved Ben, a moment of fear consumed you; the merest moment. You trusted Snoke; you feared your nephew was another Caedus. You get that instinct under control - but its too late. Ben strikes - you awaken to the Temple burned, students and fellow Masters slaughtered, and the galaxy a much darker place. You can't face Leia and Han, not again, not with their third son. Everything he has given to the New Jedi Order is undone, and its his fault. He leaves.

    Also, with One Canon, it's possible to have it that Luke was only gone for just over a year, that Han and Leia were separated for only that time, which is really no different to the NJO and their separation over Chewbacca's apparent death. Han may not have gone away about Anakin, or Jacen, but Ben too. It's a lot, and like I don't blame Luke killing Lumiya, I don't blame Luke, Han or Leia for their response to yet another threat.

    The Council is split over events. With Luke, Kam and Tionne gone, it leaves Saba, Corran, Kyp, Kyle, Cilghal, Jaina, and Barratk'l.

    Jaina rushes to Bastion to support Jagged in defending the isolated fortress world, now the heart of the Imperial Remnant becomes the First Order, joined by seceding New Republic systems and sectors. The Jedi are caught between continuing on with potentially flawed teachings. They have Knights searching for Mortis, for Kesh,for Vestara, for the Dark Man, or defending Allana. The Order fissures along those lines, even as the Jedi survivors are set upon by those enemies, now including the Knights of Ren. They were only a thousand members - with the Galactic Alliance basically redundant, they can't keep the peace.

    The New Republic doesn't step in to police the former worlds of the Remnant in the north, and the Resistance steps in to defend them from enroaching pirate gangs secretly on the payroll of the First Order. The First Order sets up outposts along the Mid Rim line of Hutt Space, and begin policing it; Corellia, still suffering from the Second Civil War, falls under the sway of the First Order, essentially meaning the Confederation ceases to be. Without a functioning Alliance, Confederation or Remnant, the cold war is between the New Republic and First Order - with the New Republic Senate still gridlocked by the Centrists that remain behind. Dac swears outright for the Resistance, to the chagrin of the New Republic.

    Leia hunts Luke, and evidence to bring to the New Republic Senate to turn the tide; the First Order finalises Starkiller Base, a year from completion.

    The Emperor prepares the Final Order, two years from the last stages of completion.

    A year later, the cold war boils over - Kylo Ren leads an offensive from Jakku to Takodona - but the Resistance secures the map to Luke, and is bolstered by Han rejoining the fight; the First Order destroys Hosnian Prime. The First Order secure the HoloNet in the opening hours of the offensive, and advance wholesale - Centrist systems join up; terrified systems surrender; worlds are taken -

    The Resistance destroys Starkiller Base, but the message of their success is squashed by the First Order; the Resistance retreats, pursued from D'Qar to Crait, destroying two dreadnoughts but shattering most of their fleet in the process - Rey kills Snoke; Kylo Ren takes the throne; Luke dies to save the Resistance.

    It has been barely a week since Hosnian Prime was destroyed.

    The New Jedi Order cannot do anything in that short a timespan.

    As surviving military assets retreat, as the First Order snaps up shipyards and disperses its Stormtroopers to the length of the galaxy, Fondor and Dac, the latter which swore neutrality after Hosnian Prime, falls. Assets picked up from raids on Corellia, and the retreat from Dac, swell a new Resistance force. Batuu shapes up as the next major Resistance base. Coruscant, Naboo, Endor, Jakku, Thyferra, Kashyyyk - they all fall under First Order rule or blockade.

    From the retreating task forces, the strong points of the Galactic Alliance, Confederation and Imperial Remnant remain, albeit isolated - Hapes, Bothawui, Bastion, with admirals such as Kre'frey, Reige, Bwua'tu, Darklighter holding worlds that become known as the Free Worlds. Half a year after Crait, Kylo Ren locates the Resistance base on Batuu, and his flagship, the Finalizer, is severely damaged, and several Resistance assets lost - Hux's position collapses during this time period; too relevant to ignore, too irrelevant to do much but drag along with Kylo Ren to the Steadfast.

    Ben and Tahiri continue to hunt Vestara; Jaina and other Knights continue to defend Bastion; Zekk and others defend Allana; the Ten Knights hunt Mortis; the Jedi Council hides in plain sight on various worlds, much as they did after the destruction of Katarr.

    Six more months later and the First Order is indeed the greatest galactic power, but without the Supremacy and Starkiller Base, they have not won; their Stormtroopers are sent to innumerable worlds, but their fleet is spread thin, with a handful of ships still dedicated to the pursuit of the Resistance - enough to succeed, but a far cry from the armada Snoke sent to D'Qar. But as long as the galaxy is thoroughly divided by fear, they have every advantage.

    The Final Order is completed.

    The Emperor's words and threats have the opposite impact on the galaxy, and now the people know how to bypass the HoloNet. While Kylo Ren and Rey launch a whirlwind series of raids and skirmishes across multiple worlds, the former admirals, people and Jedi of the galaxy know this is their last chance. When Lando calls - they are ready.

    An armada from across the galaxy launches for Exegol - uprisings are lead, assisted by rebellions by First Order Stormtroopers, who have spent the year moving from an isolated mindset to having to face the realities of the galaxy - their former homes, their former families, for many of them.

    With the destruction of the Sith fleet, and the death of the Emperor, the First Order collapses.

    Han, Luke and Leia have given up their lives for the final victory.

    Darth Krayt inherits the surviving legacies of the Sith, including the Sith Trooper project that Palpatine had planned in his guise as White Eyes. Krayt has utter control of the One Sith now; he can wait for the galaxy to settle, and new, or even old, weaknesses rise up. He knows that now the galaxy is too unified - that the strength the people now wield needs to be parred down, to be broken, to be undone, and that will take a generation or even two, before resentments can be used.

    The Sith have lost; but they survive.

    Bastion and the Victory Without War, the Imperial Mission, find a niche in a devastated galaxy, and rebuild the honour of the Empire, albeit exceptionally slowly. Jagged being named Emperor gives some confidence to the Imperial citizenry that the First Order betrayed, and abandoned, or even enslaved. Jaina setting up the Imperial Knights with Jagged also provides some certainty that the Sith will not seize control again. Just as much Zekk, reinforces the Hapan Knights, though their prominence is quieter than the Imperial Knights.

    The Galactic Alliance resumes rule of the galaxy from Coruscant, within its connections the various states including the Empire, Hapans, Hutts and so forth - even the Chiss. The New Jedi Order resumes their position on Ossus, with a new Council led by Ben, Tahiri, Lowbacca, Raynar, and Tekli. The galaxy has its crises, but many of them are resolved by Rey Skywalker and her allies. In the midst of this, the Hidden Jedi Temple, who sent fighters to Exegol as well, rejoins the New Jedi Order, giving them a boost and also placing T'ra Saa and K'Kruhk back within the order.

    Of course, some seventy years later, things begin to go wrong anew.
    Force Smuggler likes this.
  18. Chrissonofpear2

    Chrissonofpear2 Jedi Knight star 3

    Mar 25, 2020
    Loving it so far. Of course, things may become a bit tighter later, especially with likely talks of long periods of peace. An alternative would also be to put Bloodline before LOTF, maybe, with both periods of successionism overlapping (1st Order plus Confederation) but that is minor, otherwise. Plus, Falcon must be lost some time (and supposedly was on Jakku for most of Rey's time there).
    Sinrebirth likes this.
  19. Jake Starkiller

    Jake Starkiller Jedi Padawan star 1

    Apr 6, 2020
    I would say with the EU added NuCanon's portrayals of Luke and Han (I'm fine with Leia) are even worse. Han loses his son, so instead of trying to help him back to the light, or supporting his beloved wife of decades, he walks out on her and abandons a cause he supported for at least 40 years. Why the hell would a post Caedus Han leave Ben to fall even darker instead of doing something about it?

    As for Luke, the fact he once again falls under the influence of the dark side with Ben is silly. All those experiences learning to control his anger, all those failures that strengthened him and made his resolve even stronger, they just evaporate? The fear that Ben could be Caedus 2.0 shouldn't mean he abandons all that development and makes the same mistakes that he made with Jacen. Also, he just leaves his surviving students to be hunted down, instead of trying to correct his failure. And what about the millions the First Order killed he let die while he sulked?

    The EU doesn't help NuCanon. It just brings it's problems into the limelight.
  20. sidv88

    sidv88 Force Ghost star 5

    Aug 22, 2005
    Have you read my Crucible Canon thread that puts the ST at 64-65 ABY? Because that addresses all your concerns in a way that One Canon doesn't.
    Well in Crucible Canon, Luke had 20 years to let anger control get sloppy. Also, you assume there are students left to be hunted down. I think for a merged canon theory it's best to assume ALL Jedi (maybe even Luke's own son Ben and niece Jaina) were in the temple explosion (maybe for a convocation or something). That's enough to make Luke break.
    Last edited: May 14, 2020
  21. Chrissonofpear2

    Chrissonofpear2 Jedi Knight star 3

    Mar 25, 2020
    I dip into both. Will be issues with each, but that was kind of inevitable. At moment I just like to see where certain stories would fit around each other, without every detail having to line up (particular in Endor to Jakku and Bloodline to TFA periods) Rest I will wait to see on.
  22. Jake Starkiller

    Jake Starkiller Jedi Padawan star 1

    Apr 6, 2020
    Still, it's a very bleak end for a Luke that also lived through the post ROTJ EU. Him, Han and Leia basically failed at everything. They didn't even get Palpatine...
  23. Chrissonofpear2

    Chrissonofpear2 Jedi Knight star 3

    Mar 25, 2020
    I am certainly not against some Jedi escaping a purge, but that may be best to keep vague, for a bit. If it can be slipped in, why not, perhaps...
    Still do not know if we will ever get a major post TROS revisitation, even.
  24. sidv88

    sidv88 Force Ghost star 5

    Aug 22, 2005
    Well, it has that gritty, brutal, realistic vibe that Star Wars was trying to get since Vector Prime. Dreams fade, nightmares persist.
  25. Jake Starkiller

    Jake Starkiller Jedi Padawan star 1

    Apr 6, 2020
    We certainly won't see one in live action. Ridley and Boyega have made it clear they're done. The latter has pretty much burnt down the bridges anyway.