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PT RYL: The PT Social Thread, open until at least Feb 11 2023

Discussion in 'Prequel Trilogy' started by cubman987 , Feb 8, 2021.


Is Dandy's name Meg?

  1. Yes

    15 vote(s)
  2. No

    8 vote(s)
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  1. Dandelo

    Dandelo SW and Film Music Interview Host star 10 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 25, 2014
    aw :D hope you had a great time!
    Darthman92 and s_heffley like this.
  2. s_heffley

    s_heffley Chosen One star 7

    Jun 7, 2015
  3. Huttese 101

    Huttese 101 Sam Witwer Enthusiast star 7

    Jan 19, 2016
    Of course you would post a map meme
    s_heffley and Darthman92 like this.
  4. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    Hope your all doing good. Today is gonna be one of those days where I walk a marathon
  5. Darthman92

    Darthman92 Force Ghost star 6

    Feb 24, 2016
  6. Darthman92

    Darthman92 Force Ghost star 6

    Feb 24, 2016
  7. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    Doing pretty well already got 20k steps in
  8. darkspine10

    darkspine10 Chosen One star 8

    Dec 7, 2014
  9. Moonshield76

    Moonshield76 Jedi Padawan star 1

    Aug 21, 2020
    you mean, Making of THX 1138? Yes, I have.
    Jedi Knight Fett likes this.
  10. s_heffley

    s_heffley Chosen One star 7

    Jun 7, 2015
    I am the world’s foremost authority on maps after all
  11. darkspine10

    darkspine10 Chosen One star 8

    Dec 7, 2014
  12. PCCViking

    PCCViking 7x Hangman winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 12, 2014
  13. Dagobahsystem

    Dagobahsystem Chosen One star 10

    Sep 25, 2015
    Back to report that the Chicago style pizza was delish, especially the cheese and sauce. The amount of crust was a tad overwhelming and I could have used a tad more sausage and pepperoni, but they did a decent job with it at least considering we aren't actually in Chicago.

    Four slices was way too much for me though as I went into a food coma and crashed early lol.
  14. s_heffley

    s_heffley Chosen One star 7

    Jun 7, 2015
  15. CIS Droid

    CIS Droid AOTC 20th Anniversary Banner Winner star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Oct 21, 2015
    I did not know SW Armada had begun selling CW era ships.

    I might buy some of these. Its tempting.
  16. heels1785

    heels1785 Skywalker Saga + JCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Dec 10, 2003
    those games all look so fun, but a) i don't know any other SW fans in RL and b) holy crap they're expensive

    good morning amigos and amigettes
  17. Dagobahsystem

    Dagobahsystem Chosen One star 10

    Sep 25, 2015
    Good Morning @heels1785

    It was cool to hear you had started collecting some Criterion Collection films on physical media. I had about 7 of them prior to the pandemic, but over the last year, my collection has grown to about 49 CC films. And that's not including the Showa Godzilla collection.

    The packaging, transfers, special features, and booklets included with them really make it worthwhile if it's a film you truly love. And I happened to find a lot of deals online so avoided paying full price for the most part.
    Just gotta be patient.

    I'm currently on a hiatus from purchases as I fully enjoy all of the contents in the sets I currently have in my collection.
  18. heels1785

    heels1785 Skywalker Saga + JCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Dec 10, 2003
    that's brilliant, dags! i'm hoping to add a few more soon - got my eye on hitch's notorious next, just starting with movies i like.

    i remember around the time that GvK was releasing that you mentioned the quality of criterion's godzilla collection - i really enjoyed that evening of old kong/godzilla films that TCM ran the night before GvK's release. hope to sit down and go through the showa godzilla films at some point - i love the original from 1954. the end of it is so haunting.

    speaking of notorious/cary grant, i know our friend ejc is also a big fan. there's a podcast series about classic film titled "the secret history of hollywood" that I'm just starting, deals with a lot of different themes from the golden era. there's a 12(!) hour episode with some audio drama elements devoted to cary grant that was released last summer, and there's a sequel coming soon. i'm not sure if the pandemic caused the slowdown in production, but here's the site, if anyone is interested:
  19. Huttese 101

    Huttese 101 Sam Witwer Enthusiast star 7

    Jan 19, 2016
    I don't even have 49 Blu-rays.
  20. darkspine10

    darkspine10 Chosen One star 8

    Dec 7, 2014
    Ooh, those look gorgeous. The only question is, do they come with detachable stands or not? Don't suppose you know or not, CIS? I've bought at least one SW ship from a range like this (Clone Wars Y-wing), and it had a frustrating plastic stand that was unremovable. If these are the same, then that'd be a big shame for me. Otherwise that Acclamator and frigate set would be ideal :)
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2021
  21. CIS Droid

    CIS Droid AOTC 20th Anniversary Banner Winner star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Oct 21, 2015
    I think these are the games stands, seen some people use them for the game.

    I have no real interest in the game itself, but the models look great.
  22. Huttese 101

    Huttese 101 Sam Witwer Enthusiast star 7

    Jan 19, 2016
    I laughed. I knew you would ask that.
  23. darkspine10

    darkspine10 Chosen One star 8

    Dec 7, 2014
    Hmm, can't tell if that's removable or not, the eternal struggle ;)

    Though I did just look up the price that Republic Fleet starter pack... £85... ok, maybe not so ideal :p
  24. darkspine10

    darkspine10 Chosen One star 8

    Dec 7, 2014
  25. CIS Droid

    CIS Droid AOTC 20th Anniversary Banner Winner star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Oct 21, 2015
    Every hobby is just so expensive, feeling done with lego at the moment. I bought the latest Lego AAT because of 2 batledroids, ridiculous how expensive it is for what you get. Probably the last lego set i'll buy for a long time. All so i could get the 2 AAT battledroids for later stop motion projects
    [​IMG] (why cant you link pictures from wiki pages? Its been happening for a while now and i dont get it.)

    I just feel so demotivated to pursue hobbies because everything just feels too expensive, one plus from this unrelated to star wars project im working on is that i find the stuff i need for cheap online, which has helped in keeping myself interested in the project.
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