All these years and what's never brought up about Kylo Ren is his acknowledgement of one's mortality and his respects to someone in their elder years. This definitely needs to be touched in future film with Kylo Ren in it, maybe during his Ben Solo days, you know?
I could've sworn I responded to this. Quite well. Finished up a move and started a new job about a month ago, so getting settled in nicely.
I have walked into piles and or trees for a long time. I remember the first time would have been in like 5th grade. I ran straight into a pole. Once while walking back on Fourth of July I walked into a bent over stop sign. Still have the scar from that. I am not very vigilant.
Not a tree, but I’ve narrowly avoided walking face first into hydro poles more than once on the way home from work in the past week. And it’s not like I wasn’t paying attention. I saw them getting nearer. I am just not well coordinated.
I ran through the aluminum pillars of a jungle gym and was unscathed and kept running. It was like I was the Man of Steel.
3 I think. Honestly Covid threw me off. But I think I am technically junior year 2nd semester this fall. And then I graduate fall 2023
Congrats on almost reaching the end of that journey, and I don’t envy you having to go through university during the pandemic. I did my Bachelor’s and Master’s back-to-back from fall 2013 to spring 2019, so I just missed out on that experience by a year. Hopefully your final semesters go smoothly!
If I have to single handledly carry this “social thread” I will. I always like asking this but when you guys work out what is your prefer way? Mine is walking very long distances. Such as today I have walked 33,000 steps