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Lit Share your headcanons!

Discussion in 'Literature' started by Gruntz, Aug 6, 2018.

  1. Dawud786

    Dawud786 Chosen One star 5

    Dec 28, 2006
    Animated TCW Obi-Wan 100% did this on the Halcyon.[​IMG]

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    K2771991 and darklordoftech like this.
  2. Charlemagne19

    Charlemagne19 Chosen One star 8

    Jul 30, 2000
    I feel like that may have been superceded by what we later find out.
  3. Jedimarine

    Jedimarine Force Ghost star 6

    Feb 13, 2001
    Perhaps we should look at it from the perspective of the man on the street.

    For the better part of 2 decades, the citizenry of the Empire lived in the shadow of the Inquisitors...even on a backwater like Tatooine, the ships, the was recognized and dreaded.

    Then...seemingly out of the blue...they stop coming around.

    No more more wanted postings for suspected just seems to end.

    The average person doesn't know what happened to the inquisitors...nor do they really want to find out.

    They are gone. Disappeared. An acceptable, even appreciated mystery the public embraces, and the Empire can use to disperse the dark jedi assets to other projects.

    How much of the workings of the Inquisition was in Tarkin's radar? If he is just spewing the public's zeitgeist on the matter, he may have been out of the loop where it comes to them. Clearly, Vader is in no hurry to discuss them...perhaps they have been removed from his attention as well. Palpatine took the entire department and put them elsewhere.

    The individuals are not necessarily dead, nor their talents eliminated...merely the job being performed and the operation under which it was working is gone.

    Palpatine de-mobilized one element of his forces, likely to use them elsewhere (Exegol is the obvious choice).

    As such...out of universe - the writers can bring in an ex-inquisitor at any time. Be nice if they could explain the gap from being an inquisitor to the reintroduction...but mystery can work as well.


    There is also the question of the extent of which one takes Tarkin's understanding of "Jedi" and "the Force".

    When Tarkin talks about the Jedi being extinct and Vader is the last of the he being absolutely he referring to Vader specifically as a Jedi? Is he putting "Sith/Jedi" in an equal reference? What about Palpatine/Sidious? Tarkin was aware of the Emperor's powers.

    I suspect Tarkin thought the Inquisition was over and the Emperor had liquidated the department...Vader was the only tool left of that era of the Empire because he was the best possible enforcer. Tarkin clearly believed his Death Star would usher in the next era, where Imperial power would be driven by industrial/mechanical might...his "technological terror". He was thusly dismissive of the force users, and probably cared little to have any followup knowledge as to the whereabouts of the dismissed inquisitors.

    People talk in broad generalization and hyperbole all the time...if they don't do it in films too, it would come across very technical and strange.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2022
    K2771991 likes this.
  4. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    Yes, indeed.

    Also the chaos from Vitiate killing the Dark Council too, which undoubtedly both damaged the Empire and delayed matters.

    It's completely arguable that Revan and Meetra saved the galaxy by merely delaying Vitiate.
    K2771991 likes this.
  5. Foreign32567

    Foreign32567 Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 4, 2021
    NU Canon:
    During the first century of his "career" Triple-Zero mostly used medical droids' bodies as vessels for his personality matrix.

    Pretending to be a servant of yet another warlord from Outer Rim during the early High Republic era, Trip manipulated him to start collecting Force-sensitive, so the droid could experiment on them. This operation was shut down by the Jedi who captured 0-0-0 and placed his personality matrix in a vault that was later robbed by mercenaries working for Wat Tambor.

    Black Sun's return to power in the Legacy era was due to the large border zone between the expanded Fel Empire and the Galactic Alliance, for a start the syndicate took advantage over smuggling operations.

    Maul controlled only the part of Black Sun, "the Core faction" based on Coruscant and leaded by Dal Perhi was independent.
    K2771991 likes this.
  6. ColeFardreamer

    ColeFardreamer Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 24, 2013
    Darth Tanis real name is Meetra Surik aka Jedi Exile and the Dark Side Ending for KOTOR 2 is Disney canons chosen reality.

    G0-T0 survived his body's destruction and had his code spread to other hosts. HK-47 over the millennia encountered him several times, sometimes at odds destroying him again, sometimes partnering up even. HK.47 also had many different bodies. Their latest incarnations are Triple-Zero (HK-47) and BT (G0-T0), the droids from Vader and Dr. Aphra's comic.
    K2771991 likes this.
  7. Dawud786

    Dawud786 Chosen One star 5

    Dec 28, 2006
    I kind of figure Vader, perhaps at Palpatine's behest, just summarily executed the remaining Inquisitors after Malachor. A kind of Night of the Long Knives. Perhaps because they power plays within the Inquisition could prove to be a divisive threat to the dominance of the Sith left unchecked.

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    K2771991 and QuinlanSolo like this.
  8. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    The Maul game did happen post-Legacy, and with the overthrow of the Krayt and subsequent in-fighting, the galaxy destroyed the Empire once and for all.
  9. Golbolco

    Golbolco Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 20, 2016
    ...And the Rule of Two proved superior to the Rule of One in preserving the Order of the Sith Lords in the long-term? :D
    Sinrebirth likes this.
  10. CosmoHender

    CosmoHender Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 2, 2016
    Luke went by "Luke Lars" while growing up on Tatooine. He didn't start calling himself "Luke Skywalker" until he decided that he wanted to become a Jedi like his father before him.
    QuinlanSolo likes this.
  11. Havoc123

    Havoc123 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 26, 2013
    Like I said in the other thread, my headcanon on that is that after the events of Legacy vol.2, the Talon/Nihl faction and their armada of Dragon Ships carved out a territory for themselves around Korriban and the surrounding Sith worlds, essentially forming up a new Sith Empire. This new Sith nation engages in open war with the Galactic Federation Triumvirate under Empress Marasiah Fel, while also engaged in a shadow war with Darth Maul's Rule of Two Sith, of which Wredd was Maul's first apprentice. Talon later defects to Maul, and helps bring the One Sith Korriban-centric empire down from the inside. Krayt also briefly resurrects himself for a final time and usurps power from Nihl, only to be defeated again. During the game, Maul's enemies would also be swathes of Stormtroopers in service to the Galactic Triumvirate, as Maul to them is just another Sith.

    Meanwhile the Nihl/Krayt Sith Empire's aesthetic would be built around what we saw in Legacy-War, with added non-Force using mooks. Dragon Ships, Annihilator Starfighters, Sith Troopers. Very non-Imperial, and more specifically Sith to differentiate it from the Imperial-looking Triumvirate forces. As said, Maul would be fighting Triumvirate and Sith forces both, to keep up with the tradition of main characters slicing down Stormtroopers.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2022
  12. K2771991

    K2771991 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 21, 2019
    I just watched both Uncharted and Eternals. And now I can't help but picture Tati Gabrielle as Voe (though I'm not sure why I did'nt realize that quite some time ago, since I had seen Sabrina even before TROKR was written, lol) and, thanks to Ikaris's single white streak in his otherwise dark hair, Richard Madden as Jagged Fel.

    My point about bringing up Tarkin's line was less that he's an authority* and more that it ties into the line from Secrets of the Jedi that discribes when the Inquistors disapeared (after the Jedi had been deemed extinct); it would have to be before Obi-Wan resurfaces at the point of that discussion in ANH (and likely after the finale of Rebels, which provides a very narrow window and makes their disappearence fairly recent).

    *I would argue he'd be in the know; he figured out Anakin = Vader and he's basically Palpatine's left hand to Vader's right and Empire's military chief and most importent political actor after the Emperor; the details of the Inquistors duties and that were former Jedi would be things I would be very superised to find out that he would be unaware of (especially when their birth names are still something they use and even Obi-Wan knew who they were/where the came from).

    I would'nt be suprised if some or all of them went to Exegol; though Palpatine might have been selective in who he recruited for that purposes since his whole goal with the Sith Eternal seemed to be to construct a "purer" empire.

    More then arguable, IMO; KOTOR 2 takes great pains to stress that the Republic is on the verge of collopse and there's barely any Jedi left (I belive that "less then a hundred" or "barely a hundred" is the number given for the Jedi *before* the Sith started killing them all from the shadows) and even seemingly minor things could bring the whole house of cards down.
  13. MercenaryAce

    MercenaryAce Chosen One star 6

    Aug 10, 2005
    The troop transports from Kenobi and the Mandalorian are actually the older models, and were planned to be phased out in favor of the Sentinel class landing craft. However, the galactic civil war meant this was never fully completed, and so many of the Sentinels were lost or captured that the imperial remnant largely had to rely on the older landers - which were not only more numerous, but easier and cheaper to maintain.
  14. K2771991

    K2771991 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 21, 2019
    I actually coming her just to share a headcanon about those transports, but had to wait until someone commented so I would'nt double-post.

    Anyway, mine is that they're the canon version of Delta-class DX-9 Transport (probobly just designated DX-9 since the name Delta-class is already taken by a canon Imperial ship)
    MercenaryAce likes this.
  15. MercenaryAce

    MercenaryAce Chosen One star 6

    Aug 10, 2005
    Yeah I couldn't help but think of those as well.

    Personally I like to think of them as separate but related designs from the same manufacturer. Perhaps a competing design with the Sentinel, with much of the production run being sold on the civilian and black markets after the empire went with the Sentinel.
  16. Chris0013

    Chris0013 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 21, 2014
    I would add to this that while the Sentinel was being rolled out the Mando/Kenobi troop transports were shifted to lower priority postings. The Core worlds, key worlds and large ships like the ISDs got the Sentinels and backwaters and smaller ships got the troop transports previously assigned to those posts.
    K2771991 and MercenaryAce like this.
  17. darklordoftech

    darklordoftech Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 30, 2012
    When the Rakata heard about what the Death Star did to Scarif, they said, “Thank you Death Star for removing the tourism competition.”
  18. K2771991

    K2771991 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 21, 2019
    @MercenaryAce @Chris0013 given the Sentinel's larger size and the fact that it can haul heavy equipment in an attached underpod, the relationship between these two craft might be less competitors or a case of one design suceeding the other*, but rather the difference between a CH-47 Chinook (Sentinel) and a UH-60 Blackhawk (Stormtrooper Transport); basically their complementry crafts that both fill specific niches within the field of military airlifting.

    *This line about perfering the "new" Sentinel-class to the "old" Theta-class...
    ...would perhaps indicate that the Sentinel-class was intended to replace the Theta, and definantly makes it seem like the class is relatively old by the time of the OT.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2022
  19. Havoc123

    Havoc123 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 26, 2013
    The Theta-class was used as a Troop Transport in Battlefront II I believe, the 2005 version. So yeah it could fit as basically a predecessor to both the Lambda's executive role and the Sentinel's troop carrying role. Maybe rather than trying to do both of the Theta's roles into a brand new design, Cygnus decided to split them off into two designs, one being a space limo, and the other a troop transport.

    Interestingly, the Sentinel is still used into the Legacy Era. (So is the Lambda, for that matter)
    Is there something particular about the design that kept it operational in official capacity for so long?
    clone commander bossk likes this.
  20. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    I thought the Mandalorian ones were precursors to the FO ones? Not sure.
    Vialco and MercenaryAce like this.
  21. Havoc123

    Havoc123 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 26, 2013
    Maybe the FO simply didn't have the credits to upgrade the Sentinel, so went for the cheaper troop dropships and just upgraded and simplified the design? Not every upgrade needs to be a total technological upgrade. It could be that the Mando transport, while older, simply suited the First Order doctrine better. But I'm of the opinion that, were it not for SW: Resistance, the Upsilon-class Command Shuttle was exclusive to Kylo Ren (could be stretched to other top-line FO leaders like Hux, Pryde and Snoke) and the Sentinel/Lambda-equivalents were the TIE Echelon, as a simplified mass-production variant of the Upsilon, and the Xi-class light shuttle as seen in TLJ.
    MercenaryAce and Foreign32567 like this.
  22. ColeFardreamer

    ColeFardreamer Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 24, 2013

    Has anybody ever attempted a well written fanfic about it and its ripple effects? A well done timetravel tale in the SW galaxy that befits it? I know some used it as reason for a multiverse or even the Legends/Canon timeline changes, but is there anything like say "Butterfly Effect", "The Dark", etc. or likewise?
    I think, one could do a well composed story and use it to iron out some timeline and continuity issues without getting over the top convoluted or messy.

    Headcanon: What if Jacen Solo flowwalked and encountered the Butterfly Effect, aka everytime he only peaked into the past already altered it slightly and some of it could be felt in the future, some only lead to past events happening slightly different. Now that may account for some events happening different during the Clone Wars f.e. or other such trouble spots. At least those he did peak for some reason, not those that did not interest him.

    Now the Aing-Ti were hinted at to act like Timecops to minimize flowwalking changes by removing any abusers of the technique. And if they know the Butterfly Effect, they would not attempt to change anything back for any such attempt would only make things worse and accumulate the changes and counterchanges. So they only remove abusive or errant Timetravellers/peakers but leave their impact be in the timeline. I would even go so far as to they only teach flowwalking to people they expect to alter the timeline in a certain way before reigning them in again because they themselves are forbidden from altering it and thus let others do it for them before turning them in. Cold and calculated maybe but would befit them.

    I could see Jacen Solo eluding them with his flowwalks using Fallanassi techniques to hide from them hunting him. Until the point where he gives up flowwalking realizing the danger and/or banking on one final change being enough for the future he saw for Allana to come to pass.

    The question is, how could a web of flowwalks by Jacen, maybe by Tahiri or Ben later on, too, account for most timeline/continuity changes in a believeable way for a compelling emotional story that is not just forced continuity fixing.

    We know Jacen was interested in Anakin/Vader primarily during his flowwalks. With Tahiri they focussed on the NJO and Anakin Solo. Ben Skywalker may have not flowwalked beyond the training sessions he'd had except for retracing Jacen Solo's own steps and missteps.

    Now the question is which events do we treat as original and which as new/final version? Are we chronological in the real world with first published means original inuniverse that got altered to later retconned/published? Or are we going by medium and level, with movie, tv trumping lit as original and if lit uses retconning flowwalking, then the lit only version would be the final one, hence TCW being the original that flowwalking altered to the Multimedia project instead of the other way around?
    Alternatively is the main timeline the Legends one that kickstarts the flowwalking? Or is there another main timeline before that already, neither Disney canon, nor Legends, that got altered by flowwalking or else into Legends one? Timetravel stories often begin in one timeline that does turn out not to be the original one, or a loop that needs to be broken/ended/resolved, etc. The original timeline thus could be Lucas original ST plans with Luke's sister and Leia not his sister for all that matters. Or it could be a Legends without the NJO and instead Darkhorse's NJO version, or even other roads not taken. Do we treat Disney canon as the final timeline, given it is the continued one and latest published? Or a hypothetical OneCanon?

    Also who else might appear outside the touched upon timeline spots? Any Ones, Celestials, Force Priestesses or other such entities with interest in temporal shenangians? As guides or warning voices?

    I am looking forward to your opinions and preferences!

    This multiverse timeline back and forth may sound like a second set of War on the Temporal Planes from the distant past, maybe it is, but I'd prefer to keep such a story personal and emotional as good timetravelstories are and not blow them up to messy grand scale despite things that may happen in the background.

    What if Flowwalking is literally accessing the World between Worlds without a gate or portal in a temple wall or Mirror cave? I already imagine Jacen Solo and Tahiri walking its pathways as fanart in my head or peeking through gates she is drawn towards. In fact I see a lot of paralells here to some Disney canon stories. Should visual paralells be used to further bridge and unify the two timelines?

    As for different SW timelines: Some are only as different as the variety of TCW knightings of Anakin and other minor alterations of events. Others are wilder, like a different timeline branch entire as in NJO or no NJO or two different post ROTJ Sequel Trilogies. But what is interesting is the mythology of SW and themes remain the same, although sometimes applied to different characters, timeline spots, places or even relations. Whereas Infinities merely differed in who lived or died, got trained or fell to the Dark Side, Disney/Legends differ far more and got entirely different character sets that share a lot with others in the other timeline of Legends.
    Compare this to the Marvel Multiverse: Not all Barry Allen/Flash's look the same, not all Spidermen look the same, some paralell universe versions have the same looks but different stories. Others have different people under the same name. Or different people by another name in the same roles. Compare it to X-Men and it gets even wilder, depending where the comics are set in the timeline you got different aesthetics, different loves and affairs between charactes that are generations apart in one timeline and sharing a bed in another as contemporaries.

    Thus, in SW, this could mean one timeline has Luke & Leia not as brother and sister, with the sister someone else. Heck even with Luke and Leia as a couple as weird as it may sound. Or a forceless Emperor Palpatine. Or a timeline where Jacen and Jaina are not siblings but like Ben Solo and Rey lovers, or if not that a Dyad of friends merely. Anything goes in the multiverse. But at the core the same stories, myths and roles happen in almost every timeline. What changes are the people filling the roles, places, times, even relationships between them all. Stories may differ a lot, but ultimately the core of them where and whenever they happen remains true.
    But this also could mean while ripple effects like the Butterfly one change things not all minor details are coursecorrected. Hence some characters misremembering or other deja vu effects in the timeline.

    So when Jacen tried to figure out the Chosen One, his grandfather, he tackled big themes. Destiny vs. Free will, was it all happening as intended or did he mistep somewhere or were misteps part of the Force's plan? Is the Dark Side part of the Force's will and plan or rather against it? And what does that mean for his path, and his own dark path. Where and when did or could Luke mistep and how can he avert what he saw happen to Luke as the Dark Man. And how to fix a future for Allana that is good, for the galaxy too. Does it all even matter when there is another timeline where all is fine, that this one goes crazy?
    With Tahiri he was more careful it seems having learned from previous walks, but also risked a lot showing her the past. Ben Skywalker was the most passive flowwalker, aka The Watcher, who may have sent ripple effects back but minimal ones.

    Any timeline where Anakin got resurrected and is happy with Tahiri? No matter the age difference as he may catch up in age quickly due to some timeywimey effect.

    Taking another look at the Dark Man, aside the fanfavourite White Eyes visions that Leia already had in Tatooine Ghost and that many interpreted as Palpatine in light of the TROS or OneCanon White Eyes with the One Sith. A Dark Empire comic cover had dark Luke Skywalker sporting bright white pupil-less eyes! Always my choice for a White Eyes character interpretation. What if he is a dark Luke, or another Luuke type clone. Kemp's duology and cancelled continuation about clones and doppelganger Forceuser plots may have tied into that. Anakin Solo always had a fear of becoming like his namesake grandfather Darth Vader. That was cut short due to his heroism and death in the NJO.
    So would he have lived, would Anakin Solo have become the Dark Man as he always feared? His Dyad with Tahiri featuring him dark and her as a light Jedi.
    Would Luke have fallen again and become White Eyes again as per Jacen's vision? Or rather a Luke clone he mistook for his uncle?
    Jacen choose to become the Dark Man to not have others have to...or that is his reasoning that may or may not have worked out given Krayt being around still and coming much later anyway.
    Jaina Solo is the darkest of them all with her Sword of the Jedi crap-fate and assassin role for the Jedi Council of Madness. Her murdering her brother and other such sprees would set her up perfectly as a future Dark Lady. Well Empress has to do I guess.

    I wonder what a timeline would have looked like where Jacen did not take up the Sith path and Dark Man role. Some people would have died, others replaced by clones as per Kemp plot coming into full play? Covert takeover of the galaxy via replacing and vanishing people? Those trying to call it out considered crazy for seeing things not there as replacements act like the original but in secret have a different Master?
    No Centerpoint destroyed may have meant no Abeloth released at least. Unless that would have happened anyway somehow. The cloneplot with people seemingly crazy kinda runs too close to her affecting people and manipulating them all. And the "Mother" AI in the UR is a too close paralell to the actual "Mother" in spe, Abeloth and her Mother role or rather from Maid to Mother (while looking like a Crone!). If the Kemp plot is tied to her the conspiracy would be a much wider net of chaos and crazyness. Did she use the Dark Man fear to manipulate people into freeing her from her prison without them seeing the much larger looking threat than a Dark Man?

    The seeds were there to reveal dead characters as alive and replaced already... to reveal dark characters as doppelgangers of the real ones never fallen... to resurrect the dead like Anakin Solo...but they did not have the balls to go through with it. So how would a timeline look where they did?
    Xammer, K2771991 and Force Smuggler like this.
  23. comradepitrovsky

    comradepitrovsky Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 5, 2017
    Seventh Sister put down a revolt on Anzat, killing a number of the nigh-immortal assassins. Because of this, she earned the epithet “The Vampire Slayer.” :p
  24. MercenaryAce

    MercenaryAce Chosen One star 6

    Aug 10, 2005
    -Similarly the Textler Marauder is an improved version of the ITT, specifically one built more for direct combat as well as deploying troops, but few were produced before the fall of the empire and fewer still survived the war, which is why they were so valuable as mentioned in the show.

    -Kef Bir also had a community of salvagers, focusing on death star parts and other Endor wreckage, and these were the civilians Company 77 refused to fire upon, just living on a different island.

    -NED-B and the similar loader droids we see on Mapuzo were owned by the Mining Guild (the color scheme just seemed kind of similar). In fact, I think whenever the Empire is ravaging some planet or another, the Mining Guild is there to help out.

    -In turn, after the war a lot of ex-imperial soldiers ended up working as Mining Guild security forces.

    Yes, exactly!


    Course, there is still Spira, Zeltron, Iloh, Sesid so on and etc...

    But man, I really love the homeworld of an ancient dark empire becoming a tourist trap planet.

    Ah, I stand corrected then.

    Very interesting.

    As for why still used - well, with a transport, the main thing is space, and that doesn't change, so I could see transport designs largely looking the same even if the guts are exchanged for newer equipment.

    Yeah, that is what I was going for - with the implication that the first order went with improved versions of what they could take with them rather than imperial top of the line designs, for practicality reasons and to look weaker than they were. Like how their tie fighters are mostly based on the old tie/lns rather than interceptors, defenders, or the like.

    Did she work with Tarkin on that job? :p
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2022
    K2771991 and Sinrebirth like this.
  25. Coherent Axe

    Coherent Axe Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 20, 2016
    The Battle of Ansett Island was likely on the planet Ansett, which recently showed up on the Timelines galaxy map.
    K2771991 likes this.