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Saga - ST Prepping for Flight | 2023 Fanfiction Olympics Pentathlon (featuring Melch!)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by Seldes_Katne, Jun 3, 2023.

  1. Seldes_Katne

    Seldes_Katne Force Ghost star 3

    Mar 18, 2002
    Title: Prepping for Flight

    Author: Seldes Katne

    Time Frame: Sometime during the Sequel Trilogy

    Summary: Melch and three of his relatives journey to Batuu to help Hondo Ohnaka launch Ohnaka's Transport Solutions. A good thing, too....

    Author’s Note: Back in January of 2023, I wrote a gift-fic for Raissa Baiard, featuring Hondo Ohnaka. Melch appeared in that story as one of Hondo's mechanics, and a few weeks later I had the idea for this pentathlon. I hope you enjoy the stories.

    The Ugnaught Melch was first introduced in Star Wars Rebels. He spoke only his own language of Ugnaught (a.k.a. Ungnese and Ughanese), as it seems most Ugnaughts do. All the speech in Ugnaught in the following stories is rendered in << and >>.

    --------------------------- "Behind every great endeavor….

    …is a dedicated team of Ugnaughts." ------------------------------------------
    Business motto of Melch's family​


    "New Beginnings" 110 Word Hurdle: 110 words in which the name or names of your character, couple, family or friendship aren’t mentioned.

    "A Work in Progress": 400 Word Cross Country: 400 words about your character, couple, family, or friendship with any theme.

    "Straight Talk". 200 Freestyle: A 200-word story about your character, family, friendship or couple with a free choice of any theme.

    "Fair Trade(s)". 1500 Word Dash: A 1500-word story about your character, family, friendship or couple with any theme.

    "Taking Flight." Synchronized Swimming: Write a story between 230-500 words in length inspired by a song of your choice.
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2023
  2. Seldes_Katne

    Seldes_Katne Force Ghost star 3

    Mar 18, 2002
    New Beginnings
    110 Word Hurdle: 110 words in which the name or names of your character, couple, family or friendship aren’t mentioned.

    Four Ugnaughts waited for the shuttle to empty. There was no hurry, thought their leader, savoring the anticipation.

    His people had a new life now; they came here not as slaves or indentured servants (as on so many other planets), or as pirates (been there, done with that) but as hired laborers.

    No more roving the galaxy for non-existent treasure. No more get-rich schemes that failed. No more watching every shadow, expecting an attack or arrest. Just an honest job and steady paycheck. Pay that could be spent or saved or sent home to free others.

    At the bottom of the ramp, their employer waited. “Hello, hello, my friends. Welcome to Batuu!”
    Findswoman , Kahara, whiskers and 4 others like this.
  3. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    Excellent hurdle entry. =D= You can feel the sense of anticipation and liberation ... a fresh start without being anxious and hypervigilant because you're on the wrong side of the law. :p
  4. pronker

    pronker Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 28, 2007
    They're the best characters! I'm glad you are writing about them. The failures that cause individual growth, as well as their species' growth, come across well.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2023
  5. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    This should count as a bonus entry for the Single Sentence Shot Put!

    I just went and read Better with Sauce before re-reading your first entry, and with the added context it makes it even better – and it also gives the series title additional meaning, since this is the moment Melch and his relatives spread their wings, so to speak, as free Ugnaughts. And yet...
    Even before reading Better with Sauce, I suspected that I knew who the employer would be. Seems to me that adventures involving non-existent treasure and failed get-rich schemes aren't entirely out of the question yet!
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2023
  6. UltramassiveUbersue

    UltramassiveUbersue Jedi Knight star 3

    Nov 7, 2022
    This is a great start to the challenge! I love the contrast you're setting up between Melch and his fellow Ugnaughts' patience and persistence as they seek a better quality of life, freedom, and dignity; and Hondo's boisterousness. Hondo seems like he could either be a fun boss or a hot mess, and I'm looking forward to seeing how this is going to go. :)
  7. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    A great introduction to your character and his colleagues. I like to see more of them
  8. whiskers

    whiskers Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 19, 2005
    Sometimes, a fresh start is exactly what a group of beings need. Great intro!
  9. Seldes_Katne

    Seldes_Katne Force Ghost star 3

    Mar 18, 2002
    Thank you to everyone who's been reading! I wasn't sure how much traction this pentathlon would get, as Melch is a very minor character from a single series, but it's been fun to write these and I'm glad people seem to like them.

    Thank you! Certainly running around with Hondo Ohnaka is a quick way to get on the wrong side of the law, but this is supposed to be a "legitimate business" and therefore a second chance. Fingers crossed.

    Thank you! I have a soft spot for non-human Star Wars (and Star Trek) characters, so I'm happy these stories appeal to you.

    Well, I do use it elsewhere in a later story, so... yeah.

    Well, by the time we got to "Better with Sauce," Melch has become the voice of reason, so he's presumably learned from some of those failed schemes. We've yet to see if Hondo has.

    He's gong to be a bit of both, I suspect. Wait until he meets Melch's sister Zikk, who's been running the family business for years. :D

    Thank you! We've four events to go!

    Thank you. A fresh start brings new opportunities, but also new challenges, as we'll see.

    Next event will be up on Saturday!
  10. Seldes_Katne

    Seldes_Katne Force Ghost star 3

    Mar 18, 2002
    Reminder: All the speech in Ugnaught is indicated with << and >>.

    A Work in Progress

    400 Word Cross Country: 400 words about your character, couple, family, or friendship with any theme.

    Melch and his three relatives stood outside the mechanics bay, along with a Rodian and a Twi’lek, whom Hondo Ohnaka had introduced as Tsang and Miordai, respectively. Hondo spread his arms. “Soon we will have the largest shipping fleet in the region! Perhaps the galaxy!” He had walked them all over the Ohnaka Transport Solutions facility, rambling on about fleets and trade routes.

    <<Right,>> said Melch. <<We’ve seen the ships. We’ve seen the buildings. Now, go away and let us start doing our jobs.>> He and his sister Zikk exchanged glances. Zikk nodded once.

    <<We’ve seen ships, all right,>> she said. <<Where are the pilots?>>

    “I am still working on that,” Hondo admitted. “But I have dozens of applicants –”

    <<Hondo,>> Melch suggested patiently, <<go hire some pilots. Now.>>

    <<And a cook,>> added Zikk.

    “Madam, we are shipping cargo, not passengers. We don’t need to feed cargo.”

    Zikk planted her fists on her hips. <<Unless the cargo is people. Or live animals. Plus, you have staff. Who will be working all hours. They need to eat. And sleep. Do you have bunks?>>

    “Uh –”


    “Well –”

    <<A bookkeeper?>>

    “Yes! That I have –”

    <<Good.>> Zikk grabbed Hondo by the wrist and towed the Weequay down the hall. <<We’ll start there. Introduce us.>>

    Melch waited until the far door closed on Hondo’s protests. <<Right. That’s him out of the way. Let’s see what we’ve got to work with.>> The three remaining Ugnaughts and their companions pulled the mechanics bay doors open. The huge room held work tables, repair pits, and walls lined with shelving.

    Everyone stared up at the prohibitively high shelves of disorganized parts and containers. <<Reckon this’ll take a while,>> Barbik remarked finally. <<How are we supposed to reach all of that?>>

    ”I suppose we could stand on each other’s shoulders,” Tsang, the Rodian, suggested, only half in jest.

    <<I’m a mechanic, not a circus performer,>> Barbik grumbled.

    Miordai peered around the room. “Really? No ladders?” the Twi’lek asked.

    <<Or gravsleds?>> Barbik added.

    <<We’ll put ’em on the list,>> Melch remarked. <<It’s probably gonna be a long one. No wonder Hondo got this place cheap.>> He paused. <<Let’s tally up how many ships we’ve got and what make they are. Then we assign repair bays and start moving the required parts to each area.>>

    “I don’t suppose there’s an inventory droid?” Miordai asked.

    <<Add it to the list….>>
  11. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    Sheesh! What a list! Melch and crew deserve bonuses for all the stuff they are needing to work without until the inventory comes in. :p
  12. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    what a mess. They need a lot of stuff to get this organised
  13. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    It definitely looks that way!

    Methinks that Melch already is the voice of reason at this stage, but the character who really stole the show here was Zikk. She certainly knows how to handle Weequay charmers who think they can go from pirate to legit and make it up as they go along [face_laugh]

    I remember reading a comment by @Kahara on one of your other threads where she said that she was "reading this like a cat rolling in catnip" or something along those lines, and that's me right here. Bring 'em on!
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2023
  14. Seldes_Katne

    Seldes_Katne Force Ghost star 3

    Mar 18, 2002
    I'm sure all the mechanics would agree with you! Funny you should mention bonuses -- that will come up in a later installment. Thank you for reading and commenting!

    Indeed they do. As mentioned, Hondo apparently got this place on the cheap, and as the saying goes, you get what you pay for. Thank you for reading and commenting!

    Zikk was a delightful discovery in this story set. She'll be keeping things real (in a humorous way) for the rest of this pentathlon.

    Awww, thank you! :) And thank you for your commentary on my stories in general -- it's greatly appreciated.

    On to the next event!
  15. Seldes_Katne

    Seldes_Katne Force Ghost star 3

    Mar 18, 2002
    Straight Talk
    200 Freestyle: A 200-word story about your character, family, friendship or couple with a free choice of any theme.

    “That female is a force of nature!” Hondo exclaimed, pouring something from a bottle into his mug. He and Melch sat at a make-shift table in what would someday be the staff lounge.

    <<”That female” is my sister, Hondo,>> Melch said. <<And she’s been running our family’s construction and repair business for almost three decades. Ignore her advice at your own peril.>>

    “So she said.”

    Melch glanced up as Zikk approached their table. <<Hey, Zikk! You’ve been officially declared a force of nature!>>

    Hondo jumped. Zikk grinned as she sat down. <<It’s about time!>> She eyed Hondo. <<So. How much of OTS’s business will be above board, and how much will be smuggling?>>

    “What?!” Hondo exclaimed. “Smuggling? Whatever are you talking about?”

    Both Ugnaughts wore knowing expressions. <<Hondo,>> Melch said, <<not all of our family business was strictly legal.>>

    <<We never broke the law!>> Zikk stated. Then she smiled slightly. <<We did, however, bend it occasionally. Sometimes a lot.>>

    <<We expected a certain amount of illegal activity when we agreed to work here,>> Melch explained. <<But it depends on how much, and who we’re doing it for.>>

    <<And why,>> Zikk added.

    Hondo nodded sagely. “Fair enough. Here’s what I’m thinking….”
  16. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    LOL Zikk is indeed a fun OC. =D=
  17. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Zikk arguing with Hondo. Fun and what they are expecting of working with Hondo
  18. pronker

    pronker Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 28, 2007
    Together, Melch and Zikk can handle Hondo.

    I enjoy how pragmatic these two are, looking forward to more!
  19. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Hooray for the Ugnaughts! It’s so cool to see a series centered on Melch, who was such a steady head and hand in even his few appearances, and I am enjoying the relatives you created for him, especially Zikk, who most definitely is a force of nature. Go them for having that crazy, slippery Hondo’s number right from the get-go and holding him accountable, even when it comes to the less above-board side of the business. Tsang and Miordai look like they’ve got their heads screwed on right too, and this looks like the makings of a mighty fine team. Can’t wait to see more of their adventures! =D=
  20. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    She most definitely is, Mister Hondo, and you should put your Weequay pirate pride aside and listen to the woman.
    Listen to the woman, Hondo, listen to the woman...
    Oh, Hondo. You're so bad at pretending that you're going legit. Zikk can't only do straight talk, she can also see right through you.
    Hahaha! These two knew exactly what they were getting into, apparently, and Hondo was a bit of a fool if he thought he could smooth-talk them into believing otherwise. But then, that last line...
    We won't find out before the next stories, but my guess is that he was thinking rather a lot!
  21. Seldes_Katne

    Seldes_Katne Force Ghost star 3

    Mar 18, 2002
    Thank you! She's fun to write, too. :D

    Thank you! It's always good to set ground rules early on, to avoid unpleasant suprises!

    Zikk can probably handle almost anyone alone, but it's good to have back-up. And Melch had worked with Hondo previously, so I imagine he's got a good idea what to expect from this so-called "legitimate business venture."

    Thank you! I'm sure Melch had a pretty good idea of what he was getting himself into before he and his relatives signed on for this wild ride. There's an ensemble event coming up next with all of the mechanics. Stay tuned!

    Zikk will undoubtedly end up running this whole show before we're through, and thank goodness for that! (She makes a remark about Hondo's knowledge of "legitimate business" in the next installment. She's definitely got his number.

    He probably has been, although I'm not sure we'll see any direct result of this.

    New entry going up tomorrow!
  22. Seldes_Katne

    Seldes_Katne Force Ghost star 3

    Mar 18, 2002
    Fair Trade(s)
    1500 Word Dash: A 1500-word story about your character, family, friendship or couple with any theme.

    <<This really would be easier with an inventory droid,>> Barbik reminded Melch. The Ugnaughts, along with the other mechanics and a couple of new pilots, had been hauling boxes and bags all morning, and were about to stop for lunch.

    Melch shrugged. <<For some reason, this place didn’t come with one. We’ll have to look into buying or trading for it.>>

    The Rodian Tsang placed a plastisteel tool kit on Repair Bay Two’s floor. “We could try Mubo’s Droid Depot.” Tsang had been working odd jobs on Batuu for several months before coming to work for Ohnaka’s Transport Solutions. “Prices are reasonable, and we might be able to buy on credit and pay in installments.”

    <<Sounds like a good place to start,>> Melch said. <<Let’s round up Zikk on the way out. She’s got a good handle on the finances now.>>

    <<Such as they are,>> Barbik muttered.


    The male Utai, Mubo, leaned over the shop’s front counter. “Inventory droid, eh?” He straightened. “You’re in luck – I got a bunch of RA-7s in stock. One of ‘em’s almost intact.”

    <<And by “almost intact” you mean…?>> Melch asked.

    “Just missing a couple of parts. I’ve been meaning to stop over to Savi’s Salvage for ‘em, but something always comes up.” The salamander-like being gestured around at the partially assembled droids and storage containers of parts. “There’s always something else to fix.”

    <<I know the feeling. We can pick up the parts for you and bring them back, if that would be easier,>> Melch assured him. <<What do you need?>>

    “We’ll want two intermotor actuating couplings for the legs. I’d also suggest an upgrade for the commlink system, so see if they’re got any of the later models.” Mubo squinted thoughtfully at the ceiling. “Some metal paint, if you want specific colors.”

    Melch shrugged. <<Let’s hold off on that for now. We’ll be back when we’ve got the parts.>>


    The bearded Human male in the salvage yard shop front introduced himself as Savi. “Pretty sure I’ve got those parts in stock.” He poked his head through the back doorway and shouted for someone. “I’ll have one of the salvagers pull them for you. It may take a while, though. I’m short-handed today, and the person who would usually find those for you is currently running errands.

    “I’d pull them myself if I didn’t need to go place a lunch order. Part of everyone’s pay is food for the noon meal, but before I can pick that up, I need to drop off some items to Dok-Ondar’s. He’s pretty strict about deliveries.”

    <<We’re on lunch break ourselves,>> Melch told him. <<We can take your items to Dok-Ondar and then place the food order for you and bring it back.>>

    Savi smiled. “That’s very kind of you, but if you haven’t worked with Dok-Ondar before, I’m not sure he’ll accept my delivery from you. He’s mighty particular.” Tsang nodded to confirm Savi’s opinion. “However, if you’re willing to go place my food order and bring it back, that’ll give me time to find the parts for you.” The Human rummaged around under the front counter and pulled out a lockbox. He opened it, counted out coins, and handed them across the counter to Melch.

    The Ugnaught blinked. <<You’ve just met us and you’re trusting us with money?>>

    “I’m a pretty good judge of character,” Savi told him. “I can tell you’re honest folks. Just bring back the food and the change.”


    <<Okay. Next stop, Ronto Roasters.>> Melch handed Zikk the spira coins, which she stashed in a fist-sized belt pouch.

    “An excellent choice,” Miordai declared. “Their food is outstanding!”

    <<It must be,>> Zikk remarked a few minutes later, staring at the line of costumers running out the restaurant’s door and down the block. <<That’s quite a crowd.>>

    “I know the counter help,” Tsang said. “Let’s see how long the wait actually is.”

    The Twi’lek led the way through the tables to the register, where two employees were talking behind the counter. Bakkar, the Human, turned out to be the owner.

    “Sorry, folks, it’s going to be an hour’s wait,” Bakkar said. “I’m down to one grill.” He gestured to the podracer engine mounted over the main trill pit. “It would help if I could get my second grill’s heating unit up and running, but it needs repairs.”

    <<Mechanical repairs are our specialty,>> Melch assured him. <<Let’s take a look at it.>>

    In the char pit area, Barbik peered at the grill workings. <<Sure, I can fix this. I’ll need gloves, though.>>

    <<We have gloves back at the storage area,>> Wuran pointed out.

    <<You think we’re going to go back to the office and sort through all that stuff? If we could find things that easily, we wouldn’t need an inventory droid.>>

    “Black Spire Outfitters, right down the street, has all kinds of clothing and equipment. They’re sure to have gloves,” Bakkar said.


    “Sure, we’ve got gloves,” the Outfitters’ owner, Arta Kleidun, told them. “Not sure we’ve got them in your size, though… Let me check.”

    She motioned to her inventory droid, who responded, “We have ordered a shipment of smaller-sized gloves, but they have not arrived. According to my records, they were received at Ohnaka Transport Solutions, but have not been delivered.”

    The Ugnaughts, Tsang and Miordai all exchanged glances. <<So, we’re back to needing an inventory droid,>> Barbik muttered.

    <<Wait,>> Wuran said. He turned to the female Twi’lek. <<That’s your company’s logo, right?>> He pointed to a symbol on the wall.

    “Sure, that’s us.”

    Wuran turned to the others. <<That order arrived yesterday. I recognize the logo. The bookkeeper had me tag a container with it and then stash the box in a locker until she could find someone to run it over here. I know right where it is.>>

    Zikk poked Wuran in the chest. <<Go. Now!>> Wuran grinned, snapped off a salute, and sprinted out the door. Zikk shouted after him, <<And see if the bookkeeper wants a sandwich, too!>>

    “The bookkeeper?” Tsang asked.

    Zikk nodded. <<It’s always best to stay on the good side of the person who controls the purse strings. And your custodial staff, too, but we really don’t have anyone for that yet. That’s the next thing on my hiring list.>>

    <<Your hiring list?>> Melch grinned.

    Zikk shrugged. <<Of course. It’s becoming obvious that we could put what Hondo Ohnaka knows about running a legitimate business in this –>> she indicated her belt pouch <<—and it would rattle if we shook it.>>

    Fifteen minutes later, Wuran was back with the shipping container – and the bookkeeper’s lunch order for one Ronto Wrap, hold the spicy mustard. Arta paid Zikk (minus the price of a pair of gloves) and thanked them for the delivery. Zikk put the spira in a different belt pouch (<<how many of those does she have?>> Barbik asked, shaking his head) and led the way back to Ronto Roasters.

    The restaurant line was a little shorter; Barbik marched past them all, pulling the gloves on and flexing his fingers to loosen the leather, and went straight to the grill pit. Fifteen minutes later, he and the smelter droid 8D-J8 fired up the grill. Satisfied with the repair job, the droid gave Barbik a thumb’s up and immediately tossed the next order in the queue onto the grill.

    When the order for both Savi’s and Melch’s groups were complete, the Ugnaughts divvied up the boxes and carried them back to Savi and Son’s Salvage, handed them to Savi himself, and received the promised droid parts, which were then dropped off at Mubo’s. Mubo assured them that their droid would be ready the next day by noon.

    The four Ugnaughts, along with their Rodian and Twi’lek companions, bore their well-earned food into the staff lounge. Tsang carried the bookkeeper’s lunch down to her office (Zikk gave Melch a knowing look, as the bookkeeper was also a Rodian), and the rest of them settled themselves at the table.

    <<This is gonna taste so good,>> Barbik declared, preparing to take his first bite.

    The lounge door slammed open. “What are you all doing just sitting around?” Hondo Ohnaka demanded. “Break time is over! We have work to do!”

    Melch looked at Zikk. <<You wanna kill him, or shall I?>>

    Without uttering a word, Zikk fished through the carrying bag and pulled out a sandwich. She held it up. <<Have some lunch, Hondo. Otherwise, if break time is really over, you and I are going through the pilots’ applications again and start setting up interviews. Then we’re going to post notices for custodians, an errand-runner, and a cook. Then we’re going over the finances, so when our new inventory droid arrives tomorrow, we can start making needed purchases.>>

    She paused. <<Or we could all sit and have lunch, and then get back to work. Entirely up to you.>>

    Hondo carefully took the sandwich. “Well, I suppose we could all do with a longer lunch break….”

    Parts for Droids

    Inventory Droid (likely an AP unit or RA-7

    Mubo’s Droid Depot


    Savi and Son Salvage

    Dok-Ondar’s Den of Antiquities

    Ronto Roasters

    Black Spire Outfitters

    I remember, as a child, having a record (vinyl, nowadays) that included a song called “There’s Hole in the Bucket,” in which the singers alternated between finding a problem (hole in the bucket, knife needs sharpening, need repair materials, etc.) and identifying solutions for the problems. However, the song brought them right back around to the fact that there was a hole in the bucket. That’s kind of the model for this story.

    Lyrics for the song

    Video with lyrics
  23. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Visiting all those shops to get one inventory droid. Great writing and hilarous that Hondo joins them for a longer lunch break. They deserve it
  24. pronker

    pronker Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 28, 2007
    Ahah, this is like a scavenger hunt, all tied together with one goal: lunch. :)
    Sure they do - for giant size hands, at least to the Melch crowd ...


    Always adaptable to getting along with folks, that's why we like him!
  25. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    I think I know which “Hole in the Bucket” song you mean, and we’ve definitely got that situation here in spades—only better, because there’s no better way to start resolving such a situation than a good hearty lunch! (Especially ronto wraps! A Findshousehold family favorite from the Black Spire Outpost Cookbook!) Besides, it provides a wonderful opportunity for Melch and his family and friends to get to know the other businesses in the neighborhood and make some friends and connections—a very important thing, and who wouldn’t want to be these guys’ friends? (I bet that bookkeeper is especially well inclined toward them now!) They (and their hearty lunch) even manage to bring out the better side in old Hondo—which shows not only how good food can bring us together but also, as @pronker points out, how Hondo really is a get-along sort of guy under the gruff pirate exterior. And Zikk is, of course, magnificent from start to finish! Great job once again; I’m really enjoying this series! =D=