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PT RYL - the PT Social Thread - Indiana Jones Edition

Discussion in 'Prequel Trilogy' started by cubman987 , Feb 18, 2023.


Rate Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny:

  1. Great!

  2. Very Good

  3. Good

  4. Okay

  5. Bad

  6. Hated it!

    0 vote(s)
  7. Have not seen it but plan to

  8. Have not seen it and do not plan to

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  1. Jedi Bluth

    Jedi Bluth 10x Hangman Winner star 7 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 4, 2021
  2. Jedi Bluth

    Jedi Bluth 10x Hangman Winner star 7 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 4, 2021
    Later Dudes!

    AusStig and Jar-Jar Binks like this.
  3. B99

    B99 Force Ghost star 6

    Nov 10, 2014
    Anyone seen the Flash?
    Jar-Jar Binks likes this.
  4. Darkslayer

    Darkslayer #2 Sabine Wren Fan star 7

    Mar 26, 2013
    Since everyone loves my rankings posts for meme purposes, here’s another one on the most underrated entry in the Infinity Saga. The Dark World really made me a fan of Loki, but I also loved the darker, GOT-esque vibe and the bombastic score by Brian Tyler. We also see the introduction of Infinity Stones and see a sneak peak at Guardians as well.

    This movie ages even better when you take Endgame and Love and Thunder into account. Only negative is there was too much time on Earth. However the best cliffhanger ending and the most shocking moment I’ve ever experienced in a theater more than make up for it.

    Darkslayer MCU Rankings

    1) The Avengers - 10/10
    2) Thor: The Dark World - 9/10
    3) Thor - 9/10
    4) Iron Man - 9/10
    5) Captain Marvel - 9/10
    6) Iron Man 2 - 9/10
    7) Captain America: The First Avenger - 8/10
    8) The Incredible Hulk - 7/10
    9) The Consultant - 6/10
    10) A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Thor’s Hammer - 5/10
    11) Agent Carter - 2/10

    darkspine10 likes this.
  5. Dandelo

    Dandelo SW and Film Music Interview Host star 10 VIP - Game Host

    Aug 25, 2014
    hallo :D
  6. darkspine10

    darkspine10 Chosen One star 8

    Dec 7, 2014
  7. El Jedi Colombiano

    El Jedi Colombiano Chosen One star 6

    Jun 24, 2013
    Darkslayer ever the contrarian :p
    Darkslayer and Huttese 101 like this.
  8. Huttese 101

    Huttese 101 Sam Witwer Enthusiast star 7

    Jan 19, 2016
    Are you marathoning the MCU ahead of Secret Invasion? Or just because? Because Secret Invasion is the only new Marvel thing coming out that I know of. I forgot what you told us.

    Somehow I'm going to regret asking this because I usually almost immediately regret asking questions about or even mentioning anything Marvel movie-related on this thread.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2023
  9. PCCViking

    PCCViking 7x Hangman winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Jun 12, 2014
    I've seen it.

    It's different from most musicals in that 99% of the dialogue is literally sung. Only very few non-singing lines. Most musicals have quite a bit of non-singing for their dialogues.
    Lady_Belligerent likes this.
  10. Dagobahsystem

    Dagobahsystem Chosen One star 10

    Sep 25, 2015
    Does that make it 99% more irritating? :p
    I've seen Les Mis, Liam Neeson version. It's alright.

    The Umbrellas of Cherbourg is 100% sung. It's quite a lovely picture actually.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2023
  11. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    Hey guys
    PCCViking likes this.
  12. El Jedi Colombiano

    El Jedi Colombiano Chosen One star 6

    Jun 24, 2013
    How’s your job JKF
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2023
  13. El Jedi Colombiano

    El Jedi Colombiano Chosen One star 6

    Jun 24, 2013
    Speaking of which, we haven’t done this in ages- anybody willing to help me update this list ?

    (in case I forget any, Huttese 101, our RYL Historian, Minister of Rites and Provost of Weight and Measures Pro Tempore will add to the list :p)
    Battledroid in the sexy pose
    The Mathletes
    The Amazing Ginger Wolfman
    Bananakin Skywalker
    We could all be an 80 year old Dutch woman and Quantum/Ezon probably is.
    The other Banana and Plantain Socks (in particular @Plantain Jack Sparrow )
    BvS Hype Train
    The RYL Sitcom
    My Beautiful Cinnamon Roll
    DarthAnakin96 and Deliveranze are Secretly Twins
    How several years later darkspine realized his username was misspelled
    The Order of the Dandelo
    Uncle Bail @B3
    That time Dags, Del and Hutt where going to have a brawl in the back of a Dairy Queen
    The Four Main Posting Styles of RYL as recorded in the remote Heroic Age of the Social Thread of the Prequel Trilogy Forum.
    That time Seagoat banned himself
    Watch ya mouth, Jake Lloyd!
    That time Seagoat cracked an egg open onto a smashed banana wearing track pants in his Spanish classroom for a project.
    Poe Dameron is Wedge with more personality
    The Rivalry between Huttese 101 and cubman987 over the Cardinals
    General Cubisimo's communist dictatorship
    @super clone trooper
    I dunno what this is, but @Jay says it's a ******* big sea turtle..
    That time B99 went golfing at night
    The Battle of Tanaab: A Star Wars Story [face_flag] (formerly slated for Fall 2018, now postponed indefinitely)
    Heels being the founding member of the "Last to Know Club"
    That time Seagoat banned Heels
    John Fett Kennedy, Go do Your Homework!
    Ingram and the Hot Sister he's going to give a call
    The Identity Search of the Socks
    Heff's Spielberg encounter at the Cafe.
    Mrs Nesbitt
    Bath or Shower
    PJ and his obsession with Spiderman 3
    @Khalia Octa being from the future
    Greg Lurkis
    Genie Witwer
    Diana Agron, Adriana and all the Baes
    Margot Robbie: SHHH
    Canada doesn't exist
    Viva and her many (adopted) babies
    Getting Stuck in an Elevator with christophero30
    That time Heels gave away Cubman's JCF password
  14. darkspine10

    darkspine10 Chosen One star 8

    Dec 7, 2014
    Have you got @Blue_Aether secretly being 80 years old? I see to remember that one :)
    El Jedi Colombiano likes this.
  15. Huttese 101

    Huttese 101 Sam Witwer Enthusiast star 7

    Jan 19, 2016
    El Jedi Colombiano likes this.
  16. Huttese 101

    Huttese 101 Sam Witwer Enthusiast star 7

    Jan 19, 2016


  17. Jar-Jar Binks

    Jar-Jar Binks SWC Late Show With JJB Host star 8 VIP - Game Host

    Nov 17, 2016
    This I got to hear about?
  18. Jedi Bluth

    Jedi Bluth 10x Hangman Winner star 7 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 4, 2021
  19. Tia

    Tia Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 11, 2022
    El Jedi Colombiano likes this.
  20. Jedi Bluth

    Jedi Bluth 10x Hangman Winner star 7 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 4, 2021
    My brother has.
  21. Tia

    Tia Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 11, 2022
    you have a brother? :p
  22. Jedi Bluth

    Jedi Bluth 10x Hangman Winner star 7 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 4, 2021
    Who is Jake Lloyd?
    El Jedi Colombiano likes this.
  23. Jedi Bluth

    Jedi Bluth 10x Hangman Winner star 7 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 4, 2021
    El Jedi Colombiano and Tia like this.
  24. Tia

    Tia Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 11, 2022
    well whaddaya know? :p
    s_heffley and Jedi Bluth like this.
  25. Huttese 101

    Huttese 101 Sam Witwer Enthusiast star 7

    Jan 19, 2016
    @B99 I saw The Flash today
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