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Beyond - Legends Holocron trouble. Olympics decathlon challenge

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by earlybird-obi-wan, Jul 2, 2023.

  1. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Holocron trouble. Olympics decathlon challenge
    Author: Earlybird-obi-wan
    Timeframe: 139 ABY
    Characters: Tarhin Engaron, Ivano Arvedai, Steve Magaron, Tarkan Er-Veridan e.o.
    Genre: challenge

    Disclaimer: Star Wars belongs to Lucasfilm and Lucasfilm belongs to Disney.

    A.n. follows my decathlon with Tarhin Engaron

    1. 100 Word Sprint: A 100 word drabble about your character, family, friendship or couple using any theme.
    2. 110 Word Hurdle: Exactly 110 word story. As an optional bonus challenge, don't mention the name or names of your character, family, friendship or couple aren’t mentioned.
    3. Single Sentence Shot Put: A story told in a single sentence about your character, family, friendship or couple.
    4. 400 Word Cross Country: Exactly 400 words about your character, couple, family or friendship with any theme.
    5. Equestrian Cross-Country: Jump the following hurdles by writing a story of 400 or more words. You must include the story element of a chasm to cross; the words Reined, Fence, Hunter; and include or take inspiration from the line of dialogue, "Only the strongest shoulders can carry the hopes of a nation."- Katie Taylor, Irish boxer and 2012 gold medalist
    6. Tennis Match: Write a story of 100 or more words that is dialogue-only to create a true volley of words.
    7. Judo: In Japanese the word "ju-do" means "the way of suppleness", referring to the story of the tree branch "bending" under the weight of the snow and not breaking. Write a story of 100 or more words where your character shows "the way of suppleness."
    8. 1500 Word Dash: An exactly1500 word story about your character, family, friendship or couple with any theme.
    9. Prime Time Coverage: Minimum 500 words of action, adventure, or excitement with your chosen character, friendship, family or couple as the star.
    10.Synchronized Swimming: Write a story between 230-500 words in length inspired by a song of your choice. with the Final countdown by Europe ending this decathlon
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2023
    UltramassiveUbersue likes this.
  2. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    100 Word Sprint: A 100 word drabble about your character, family, friendship or couple using any theme.

    'Vlado Virine your nerf-steak is ready.' Tarhin Engaron saw the startled expression on the face of his colleague Steve Magaron when the technician collected his steak from the barbecue. “Memories Steve?”

    “Yes, his surname is Virine. You know what trouble a Virine and Mokovic has caused me.”

    “He is just a technician. Don't worry Steve and eat your veggie-steak before it turns cold.”

    “But he must have heard us discussing the Dorsetti holocron and where it is now stored.”

    “He cannot do anything harmful here, working in the hangar with the rescue-craft.”

    “That worries me.”
  3. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    Super start. =D= The fact that he overheard and can sabotage things and outright steal the Holocron now that he knows where it is... [face_worried] =D=
  4. study888

    study888 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 16, 1999
    Like it so far.
  5. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    is leading to trouble
    and introducing the villains in the second post (they appeared first in my story 'the flowers of evil')

    2. 110 Word Hurdle: Exactly 110 word story. As an optional bonus challenge, don't mention the name or names of your character, family, friendship or couple aren’t mentioned.

    His niece had escaped with Carolin Mokovic, getting that darweed to help her uncle Krion Grail in his battle. He was still here on this planet with his friends and wanted to join her because she had the darweed drug to help them conquer Force sensitives like Jedi and Sith. Now he could begin his action. The ultimate prize was the holocron stored in the vault of the healers' academy in Eled-hir's valley. It would give his leader of the Sorgona gang the power to become the new emperor with him as his second in command. He gave a signal to his friend to throw the canister with knock-out gas.
    UltramassiveUbersue and Chyntuck like this.
  6. pronker

    pronker Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 28, 2007
    This seems heedlessly optimistic ... *bites nails*

    Dream on, bub.:rolleyes:
  7. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    he doesn't dream on but takes action and that's trouble for...

    3. Single Sentence Shot Put: A story told in a single sentence about your character, family, friendship or couple.

    With an uneasy feeling and grabbing the BA-unit hanging near the entrance Tarkan Er-Veridan hurried to the ready-room after seeing one of the rescue-craft leaving and seeing Alan, Jeran, Melko, Tarko, Skon, Jay, Pat and Tim out cold, he pressed the alarm that would have the ER-team coming here.
    UltramassiveUbersue and Chyntuck like this.
  8. pronker

    pronker Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 28, 2007
    Ahah, a being of action!=D=
  9. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    and continuing with

    4. 400 Word Cross Country: Exactly 400 words about your character, couple, family or friendship with any theme.

    “Melko!” Aradan Mirdees, wearing a BA-unit was the first of the three-man ER-rescue team to rush into the ready-room. Only a few minutes ago he had sensed that something was wrong with his son and that something was now clear to him when he saw all the teams for the medevacs and rescue craft lying there unconscious on the floor of the ready-room. He knelt down next to his son.

    “It is knock-out gas.” Mick Kerebuy grumbled distorted by the mask when he spotted the canister. “No worry Aradan. Oxygen and getting them to a room will bring them back to concsiousness but we need new crews. You made the right decision by grabbing that BA-unit Tarkan. And you are very early to begin your shift.”

    “I wanted to go to the library for some study and get one of the famous briku-fruit pies from chef Mouraha but saw that craft leaving and headed here where I saw this.”

    “We need more stretchers.” Beran Daranon came in with two droids carrying a stretcher.

    The droids placed the stretcher next to the first victim.

    Beran went to the com-unit and pressed the com. “ER-team here in the ready room. We need seven stretchers.”


    “Alan Guyet is being placed on the first. We need new crews to man the rescue-units.”

    What happened?”

    “Knock-out gas. Eight man unconscious and one of our craft is missing.”

    We will alert the Noranan police station 1 to track that craft.”

    “Get special ops in here.” Tarkan came to the com. He had inspected the empty cilinder without touching it.

    Special ops?

    “It's a crime-scene with one of our rescue-craft taken.” Tarkan had an uneasy feeling. “I have to find out which one. First our friends. Get those droids and stretchers here.”

    We will get them. And we are calling Noranan police now.”

    “Daranon out.” Beran grinned when he saw the first stretcher leaving with Alan Guyet on it, carried by the two droids. “Now seven more and we have to find out who did this. The gas can be in the hangar too with more victims.”

    “I can go and see if there are and see which craft is taken.” Tarkan walked to the hangar. “The gas should have been diluted with the hangar-door open.”

    “Keep your BA mask on.”
  10. pronker

    pronker Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 28, 2007
    More action, yay! *awaits developments*
  11. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    and coming here

    5. Equestrian Cross-Country: Jump the following hurdles by writing a story of 400 or more words. You must include the story element of a chasm to cross; the words Reined, Fence, Hunter; and include or take inspiration from the line of dialogue, "Only the strongest shoulders can carry the hopes of a nation."- Katie Taylor, Irish boxer and 2012 gold medalist

    “Will do.” Tarkan inspected the big hangar and the work-place of the technicians, responsible for the craft. He saw that only the Big Fish was missing. He was relieved to see that no more victims had fallen to the gas. He ran back to the ready-room and saw that Jay and Tarko were the next colleagues being carried out by the droid-teams.

    Mick had an analyzer in his hands. “In a few minutes it will be safe to dof your BA gear Tarkan and you can begin your...”

    “Duty? No. Special ops will need me.” Tarkan interrupted. “With general alarm all officers will come. And there is something about this accident that worries me.”

    - - -

    Vlado Virine visiting that end of the week party and hearing all the details about the Dorsetti holocron had been the key for Sergio Sorgona and his son Jefro to implement their plan to get away and become more than lowly ganglords on a forgotten world. He had known about the holocron from Vlado where it was stored but he didn't know that it was that powerful. He knew that in the valley of Eled-Hir a hyperdrive capable craft was used.

    Jefro had given instructions to his fiancée Laura Anelta in the use of the cilinder. She was an expert marksman and had often competed against Volca Virine and her cousin Vlado. She had gone with Vlado to start the theft of the Big Fish, the fastest transport available and the one that could outrun any airspeeder sent after her.

    Sergio had travelled from Rondor with his men and was waiting for Vlado and Laura to land at the Monir spaceport. With him was his second in command Mads Oetin, checking his equipment and the ten battle-droids and Hes Gianno, his demolition expert.

    Jefro was in an X-wing gotten years ago by his father when the craft was sold by the authorities. 'We might need it if they give chase in one of those X-wings after we get the Big Fish.' was what Vlado had told him. Sergio had sent Jefro to wait in the upper atmosphere.

    - - -

    Tarhin was enjoying the ride on Aran with his friend Ivano Arvedai on Nauran. Aran was not reined like the meari he had owned on Boreas all those years ago but guided by voice and the bond when he saw the stallion for the first time, holding only the long manes for stability. He remembered riding on Madheen during his visit to Mitrinna. Rian Solma, now a crèche master in the hospital had offered him the ride. It had been exciting with Rian on the hunter Orion, jumping a fence and crossing that chasm.

    'Rian and his diary and the two Keana-diaries, they were nice but...' Tarhin had the long manes of his husan stallion Aran in a firm grip. He was still thinking about what Steve had told him when he was trying to guide Aran into the surf. 'That moirani engwari Dorsetti holocron. Steve worries about a technician named Vlado Virine working in the hospital.'

    Aran sensed his rider's unrest and remained on the beach not following Nauran and his rider Ivano Arvedai.

    “Tarhin follow me.” Ivano looked over his shoulder.

    “I don't know what's bothering Aran but he doesn't want to play in the surf.”

    “He mostly does but it can be you.” Ivano sensed the unrest observing his friend. “Thinking about something?”

    “Uh yes. About the Dorsetti holocron.”

    “That is safe in the vault at Eled-hir's place.”

    Beep beep.

    “And that's my pager.” Tarhin took one look at the display and shouted “General alarm for special ops. To the hospital Ivano. We may be needed too.” He felt Aran responding immediately and going into a fast canter.

    Aran and Nauran knew what their companions wanted. Sand, surf, tidal pools, the road leading to the hospital, a fence, grass, the open hangar doors, sliding to a stop next to one of the rescue-craft.

    “The Big fish is missing.” Tarhin jumped from his husan.

    “And that worries me because it is the fastest rescue craft able to land everywhere.” Ivano was on the floor and began to run towards the ready-room but didn't enter when he saw the masked men.

    Tarhin stayed with the two husans.

    “I will take them.” Jehna Er-San had been enjoying his break in the restaurant of the surgery wing when he saw the two riders coming and recognizing one of them he ran to the hangar.

    “Thanks Jehna. They will need me.” Tarhin saw a fast air patrol landing and two man running to the open hangar.

    “And we will join the party.” Kaagi Adin wheeled into the hangar and was followed by Jason Guyet. And two beeping astromechs.

    “We were like Jehna busy with our caf when Kaagi began to ride away.” Jason grumbled. “Something tells me that we will need our X-wings.”

    “I have an uneasy feeling about a holocron.” Kaagi saw Aradan coming out of the ready-room, mask dangling before his chest.

    Jason pointed to Kaagi and the X-wings. “Only the strongest shoulders can carry the hopes of a nation.”
  12. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    6. Tennis Match: Write a story of 100 or more words that is dialogue-only to create a true volley of words.


    “We need those because the Big Fish is missing and our X-wings can search and intercept the fast craft.”

    “Beep proott.”

    “Get inside Beesie.”



    “And you too Iffy. We need you. Get my craft ready. And check the weapons.”

    “I will don my brace.”

    “And who are there when you get to the Big Fish and land her?”

    “We and try to contact Master Eled-Hir. He has his friends to deal with all emergencies.”

    “Dispatch is busy with that.”

    “You have to guard her. We will come but we won't be as fast taking that patrol craft.”

    “You Tarhin?”

    “Yes and you Steve and and Ivano with that Dorsetti holocron troubling us we will need him too. The air-patrol has seats for six.”

    “Arriving at the right moment?”

    “Yes Aaqu. You brought that holocron to Eled-Hir's vault and I have an uneasy feeling about what started this knock-out. The criminals needed the fastest craft available and that's the Big Fish.”

    “Yes and Virine's fingerprints and those of an unknown are on the cilinder. They are after the Dorsetti Holocron.”

    “I have brought the holocron to keep it safe from beings wanting utimate power and will tag along.”

    “You are a pilot too. Nice.”

    “Get going guys. Kaagi and Jason are leaving now.”

    “No contact with Eled-Hir.”

    “Must be busy. Try again and brief us when you do. We have to warn him.”
  13. pronker

    pronker Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 28, 2007
    I love it when all these conflicting parties are after the Big Important Thing![face_money_eyes]
    earlybird-obi-wan likes this.
  14. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    They sure are but will they get it

    7. Judo: In Japanese the word "ju-do" means "the way of suppleness", referring to the story of the tree branch "bending" under the weight of the snow and not breaking. Write a story of 100 or more words where your character shows "the way of suppleness."

    “Now what?” Kaagi saw the signal of the transponder code of the Big Fish on his display diverting to Monir.

    “They must be getting the rest of the gang.” Jason began to follow the signal. “But we are too far behind to stop them. They are already there and we are half-way. And still no contact with Eled-Hir.”

    “He must be busy with a procedure. Knowing where the Big Fish is headed, we can get to Eled-Hir faster. Up Jason.” Kaagi began to guide his X-wing up through the atmosphere avoiding civillian transports.

    Beweweep prooottt.

    “What's up Beesie.” Kaagi saw the discharge of a laser and took immediate action. “Shields and split wings.”

    “I am on your six. Iffy has spotted the bastard. We had an X-wing ambush waiting for us.”

    “Only one?”

    “Yes one of those old museum pieces from the Korua Gem they must have sold five years ago.”

    “I remember that. When their users were all gone the authorities sold the three X-wings to the Monir museum. They were on display for a long time and when they redesigned the museum there was this ad. But we didn't need parts for our craft.”

    “And two were sold to whoever wanted one. He is coming around.”

    “Yes and now we begin the Beesie barrel roll Jason. You know what we have practised. We don't want accidents. Up to the moon.”

    “He has seen me too.”

    “Now he has us to follow.” Kaagi was getting more speed, going farther away from the planet, not wanting to be in the path of the regular transports going from Monir to the other continents. And he began to smile. The X-wing was following, firing the quad-lasers but scoring no hits because Kaagi remembered his lessons from very long ago. As a padawan becoming a healer he had loved to fly all the different craft available for the Jedi. “Now Beesie. Send that signal to Iffy.”

    Pwiiit, swiiit.

    “Yes Iffy.” Jason did the barrel roll, saw the target and fired his quad-lasers.

    The enemy X-wing disintegrated.

    “And we are now even further away from the valley of Eled-Hir.” Jason grumbled when he saw the Moniron moon. “The Big Fish is airborne again. We will be too late.”

    “And dispatch tells me that there is still no contact with Eled-Hir.” Kaagi pushed the controls of his X-wing. “We are the only ones between him and the gang.”

    “Trying Kaagi?”

    “No doing. You know what a certain master of the Jedi told all younglings.

    “Do or don't there is no try. I was born after he died but he sure made an impression on you and your ex-Jedi colleagues.” Jason followed Kaagi.
  15. pronker

    pronker Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 28, 2007
    They're quite flexible as they bend to the necessity of battle even though the Big Fish grows farther away.
    earlybird-obi-wan likes this.
  16. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    And they will meet the Big Fish in

    8. 1500 Word Dash: An exactly1500 word story about your character, family, friendship or couple with any theme.

    The valley of Eled-Hir. A tranquil place with a teaching hospital, healers' academy, a hangar and cottages near a big lake. It was after lunch. Doctors and nurses were busy. Technicians were working. And their leader? He was not in his office.

    Tarmenel Eled-Hir was in the wreck of an old speeder near the entrance of the hospital. His scrubs were showing holes, gashes and some red stains. And he was truly enjoying this. It was the big exercise of his fire-department and he, being the leader of the healers and having no procedures today was asked to be the victim. 'Paperwork' could wait. Through the cracked windshield he saw four children and their teacher Leda Errini walking towards the entrance of the healers' academy, the school to train new doctors and nurses and the place were old treasures were stored in the vault. He smiled. Today Leda would be showing them Master Yoda's lightsaber, on display in the library. Seeing Aarik Maazi waving his hands and trying to get his attention his smile disappeared. He had to act as a victim. “Help me. I am hurting.”

    “Don't worry. We will get you out. Aarik will be supporting you.” commander Jesse Aranon was at the side of the old speeder.

    Roy Forgo was with the truck, distributing the equipment when asked by his commander.

    Aarik was watching the trapped man. He was the medic in the team and waiting to go inside.

    Mardil Er-Suna, Gareth Jarada and Sena Galin were busy with the stabilizing blocks.

    “Ready.” Gareth pushed the last block under the wreck near the driver-seat.

    “That speeder is stabilized. Gareth and Mardil will keep watch. Go in Aarik and keep his head immobile. Sena get the saw.”

    “Will do commander.”

    Sena ran to the truck.

    Aarik climbed into the back of the wreck.

    “Easy.” Tarmenel grumbled when he felt the speeder moving.

    “Almost there young man.” Aarik soothed.

    “What's that?” Jesse looked up.

    “The Big Fish from Noranan and she is coming here to land.”

    “Must be on an errand. She is landing.”

    “But they didn't contact us yesterday. And that's odd.” Tarmenel began to search if there was another way to get out of the wreck. “Get that roof removed as soon as possible. No play. No play. Don't worry about me. Aarik. Get out the way you came.”

    “Will do.” Aarik began to turn in the cramped space. The exercise was finished with the words no play.

    “Stay with me Sena!” Roy shouted. “There is an X-wing coming in and it is firing it's quad lasers at the engines of the Big Fish. And another one. The Big Fish is down.”

    With the exercise now abandoned Jesse ran to the truck, took a saw to cut the roof and was just beginning to power it up when the ramp of the Big Fish opened.

    Tarmenel began to push against the windshield when he saw battle droids pouring out followed by men and a woman in fatigues.

    Aarik was crawling back.

    “Destroy those X-wings.”

    Battle-droids began firing at the X-wings.

    Going down under the assault of the quad-lasers.

    X-wings dodging the fire and one going to the lake.

    Droids following the descending X-wing.

    “Jefro nooh.”

    “Keep focussed Laura.”

    “We now need plan B.”

    “Yes and your stuff. They will do.”

    Footsteps coming to the wreck.

    “You with me.”

    The sound of a saw swinging away from the wreck.

    Gun fire.


    Tarmenel saw Jesse dropping his saw and crumbling down and continued his battle with the windshield. Turning his head for a moment and seeing that Aarik was almost out.

    “We have lost our droids Sergio.”

    “But we have them to get the job done.” The woman pointed her still smoking particle gun at Gareth.

    “Get moving or we will destroy that wreck with two more dead. Lead us to the vault.”

    Tarmenel saw Gareth and Mardil walking away held at gunpoint by the men and woman.

    Going inside the academy. And he heard all through the comlink from Aarik because the comlinks of Gareth and Mardil were active.

    “Mardil no.”

    Another shot.


    “You keep moving. Inside.”

    “What's this?”


    “Com gone.” Aarik grumbled.

    “No more contact with Gareth and Mardil.” Tarmenel felt the wreck moving.

    “I will get you out.” Roy Forgo came from the fire-truck.

    Jesse was moving, holding his left leg and reaching with his other hand to his com.

    Aarik had managed to crawl out of the wreck.

    Tarmenel saw the two X-wings returning and landing. “Check Jesse first. And get me out.”

    “He has a wound in his left leg from a particle slug.” Aarik was kneeling next to Jesse and had taken a bandage from his first-aid kit. “We will get you to a treatment-room.”

    “And I will get this.” Sena powered up the saw and began to cut through the windshield.

    Jason came to the wreck with Iffy. “Iffy help her to get that out.”

    Iffy fired his thrusters and was hovering above the windshield. A grappler came out, took one piece of the windshield and began to tug. “Pwieeet proot.”

    “Tweieeeiit. Pooh.”

    “More help coming.” Sena stopped her sawing when he saw another astromech firing his thrusters and joining the first.



    “And done.” Tarmenel saw the windshield going away and crawled out, going immediately to Jesse and taking one of his hands in his hand. “No worry Jesse.”

    Jesse began to smile when the pain from the wound began to diminish.

    “Good work Iffy.”

    “Pwiieet po.”

    “And you too.” Kaagi had left his X-wing and came limping to the wreck. “He is our first priority.”

    “I will get a stretcher.” Sena walked back to the fire-truck.

    “Yes and we have to get Gareth and Mardil.” Aarik grumbled. “They are inside the academy with those morons. Mardil can be injured too. We heard his cry.”

    “We have to wait.” Jason knelt down next to Jesse. “We don't know what we are up against. But our friends are coming. Two are from special ops. And we will help you first.”

    - - -

    Jesse was on the stretcher and carried by Sena, Roy, Aarik and Jason towards the entrance of the hospital when Jason halted.

    “What?” Tarmenel was still holding Jesse's hand.

    “Our friends.” Jason continued towards the entrance. “They will follow us.”

    A patrol-craft from the Noranan police was coming.

    - - -

    Tarmenel had directed the stretcher to a treatment room and had Jesse on the table when the door opened.

    “Tell us what happened.” Aaqu came in followed by Steve, Tarhin, Tarkan and Ivano.

    “Jesse was shot by a woman. She and four men have taken Gareth and Mardil at gunpoint to the academy. One was lugging a case and we heard a shot before the com was de-activated. Leda and four children are inside the library.”

    “A hostage situation.” Tarhin took the lead. “They are after the Dorsetti holocron.”

    “And that's in the vault, secured in a safe.” Tarmenel grumbled. “They will need explosives to open the safe. Unless I can go in and open it for them. I have the code. But my priority is Jesse. And after that I will go in.”

    “No way Tarmenel.” Steve said. “Is there another way into the building? The roof is covered with grass but there must be some sky-lights.”

    “Uh yes. Get the schematics Roy from my office.”

    Roy came with the datapad and activated it, showing a hologram of the building. “Mardil must be in the hall and there is the door to the library.”

    “There is the vault. They must have gone through the library into this corridor.” Sena said.

    “And with two or three guarding Gareth and Leda and her charges, there are three or two nasties going after the holocron.” Roy saw Ivano leaving the hospital and walking to the fire-truck.

    “Getting this equipment that is standard on all trucks.” Ivano came back with a thermal imaging cam. “It can show us who is where.”

    “The hall has this.” Roy pointed at a grid near the ceiling. “It's the ventilation system. It can lead you to the library.”

    “Great.” Steve grumbled. “Crawlducts are my favorite.”

    “And mine.” Tarhin grinned. “Only creepy crawlies to bother us. We will go that way. Who is coming to help us?”

    “We.” Roy, Sena, Aarik said.

    “And don't forget us.” Ivano was holding the thermal imaging cam.”

    “Getting your wounded crew-member out is the first thing.” Tarkan pointed at a gurney.

    “And getting Gareth and Leda and the children out will be our work before we can deal with the morons.” Tarhin was checking a blaster given to him by Steve.
  17. pronker

    pronker Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 28, 2007
    Brave and useful!


    That's such a neat idea, to use thermal imaging.=D=
    earlybird-obi-wan likes this.
  18. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    Wow, you've been on a roll! I came over here thinking I'd read a couple of stories and you already posted 8????

    Nice to see the adventures of that pesky holocron continuing, and this is an action-packed story. I can't wait to see how our heroes will deal with the hostage situation.
    earlybird-obi-wan likes this.
  19. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    astromechs are quite resourceful amd as a fire-fighter we used those cams
    they will but it will lead to the final countdown.
    Now the ninth part

    9. Prime Time Coverage: Minimum 500 words of action, adventure, or excitement with your chosen character, friendship, family or couple as the star.

    “It's the blaster from our chief. And you have to get something else to wear. Bright green shorts and white trainers are not done.”

    “Yes Steve. You have your uniform but I have been riding with Ivano.”

    “He is getting fatigues from Roy's guys.”

    “And this should do for you.” Sena came with a black coverall.

    “Perfect.” Tarhin donned the coverall and placed the blaster in one of the large pockets.

    “And now to the academy and beware of the woman. She can be dangerous after loosing her beloved.” Roy was the first to leave the hospital with Sena and Aarik.

    The two were carrying a stretcher.

    “I have been here when I brought the holocron with Tarmenel to the vault.” Aaqu was signalling Ivano, Tarhin and Steve to come with him to a wall next to the door of the academy. “The class-rooms, practicums and offices are there with another entrance. We have to use this door to get to the hall and the library. We can go but first a check.” He gazed through one of the windows for a moment. “Nothing here.”

    “This can see more.” Ivano had activated the thermal imaging cam. “Only one in the hall and he is near the door. I have to go inside to see what's in the other areas because this hall is huge.”

    “It's also for parties and graduation ceremonies.” Aaqu said. “But it was deserted when I went with Tarmenel through the library towards the vault.”

    “We can get Mardil out.” Roy joined the group with Sena, Aarik and Tarkan.

    “Only five morons and they are not here.” Sena opened the door and saw Mardil lying near a table. “Mardil.”

    “He is unconscious.” Roy joined her and began to check the vitals just using his hands. “ABC alright. Just this.”

    “I can treat him outside.” Aaqu had his hands for a moment on the head of Mardil. “No serious injuries. The bullet grazed his head. He will be fine with just a bad head-ache when he wakes up.”

    “Roy that grate.” Steve indicated a grey striped rectangle near the door. “Is that where we can enter?”

    “You can.” Roy saw Aaqu using his powers to float Mardil on the stretcher held ready by Sena and Aarik. “That table and you can go up. And here is a rope and harnas.”

    Tarhin and Steve took the table and positioned it near the door.

    Tarhin was the first up and opened the rectangle. “Inside Steve. We are to meet the creepy crawlies and they are not the same ones you have seen in Coronet city.”

    “They were huge.” Steve climbed with help from Tarhin inside. “And the crawlduct? You could go inside very easy.”

    “Yery easy. Han Halcyon said that too when I was with him.” Tarhin joined Steve. “Ivano, Tarkan guide us to the hostages and criminals.”

    Ivano and Tarkan walked silently and swiftly, following the indications on the cam to the door of the library where they took cover behind a platform.

    “The door can be rigged to blow.” Tarkan pointed to the ceiling. “There another grid.”

    “And nine persons in the library. Five are there in the back and four small ones are moving around.” Ivano said. “You there?”

    “We are.” Steve tapped on the grate. “And there is another grate where we can enter.”

    The grate was opened. A rope was attached.

    “The techies are good. No noise from those grates.” Steve whispered when he used a library-stack to go down.

    He was followed by Tarhin who saw a girl getting a book.

    “Get back Joan.”

    “Will do master Errini.”


    “You too Tini and I have to get Micha and Wil back.”

    “All of them. You are the next on my kill list.”

    “Don't hurt them. I will get Micha and Wil. You promised that the children could get books.”

    “I did. Mads with her. A library can be full of surprises.”

    “Yes Laura.”

    “That woman is mad.” Steve whispered. He with Tarhin following him, saw after using the cover of the library-stack a display case with something he recognised. He opened the case and took out the object.

    “Up again?” Tarhin voiced with no sound coming out.

    Steve pointed his hand with the object up and climbed on the stack with Tarhin. He followed Tarhin going from stack to stack until he saw two boys in another row near the entrance. He dropped a book from the top shelf.

    A boy looked up.

    Steve signalled up with his hand. “Shh.”

    The boy climbed and was followed by the other boy.

    “To that rope and into the crawlduct. My friends are waiting in the entrance. And no noise.”

    “They should be here. This is where the book is what they wanted to read.” Leda came around the corner and into the row between the stacks.

    “Call them or.”

    Steve saw the man pointing a vibro-blade at the woman and jumped down behind him with the object, pushing a switch.

    “Owww.” The man dropped his vibro-blade.

    “Oops.” Steve saw a green blade penetrating the arm swinging the vibroblade. He swayed it.

    Mads retreated behind a stack.

    “You have taken Yoda's lightsaber.” Leda whispered.

    “Up the stack and to the rope swinging from a grate. Two boys are going there. We will get the rest.” Steve indicated Tarhin going to the rear of the library.

    “Gareth and the girls are near the door leading to the vault. That place is rigged with thermal detonators.” Leda had climbed on the top of the stack and did as instructed. She had recognised the black fatigues worn by the officer.

    “Easy for me.” Steve hopped from stack to stack until he was next to Tarhin. “Now.” He dropped a book.

    Gareth looked up.

    “Ambush.” Mads holding his useless right arm was coming from a row.

    “To the vault. Support him Vlado.” Laura fired her particle gun at Steve.

    Swinging the green beam, Steve saw the particle slug disintegrating.

    Tarhin saw the door to the corridor leading to the vault being opened by Vlado.

    Laura fired again. Slugs met the green beam. She started to follow.

    Tarhin jumped from his stack and missed Laura landing a few meters away.

    Laura turned, fired her particle gun at Tarhin's head and felt the intense heat from a green beam intercepting the slug.

    The object dropped and the green beam was gone.

    Laura bolted to the door, taking a large step. She turned once. A mad smile on her face. “You all are going to die.” She pressed a switch on her belt.

    Tarhin started to follow.

    “No Tarhin.” Steve jumped down and took the lightsaber. “The girls and Gareth are our priority. We have to leave immediately. You know what Roy told us. She lost someone dear to her and has activated a timer from themal detonators. To find those would take too long.”

    Gareth took one of the girls on his shoulder in a fireman's grip and began to run. “To the hall. They have placed three thermal detonators in the library at the place where we were being held and one in the corridor leading to the vault. And one of them was lugging a case with more explosives to open the door of the vault.”

    Tarhin picked up the second girl and ran after Gareth and Steve to the door of the library.

    “Locked with this.” Gareth indicated the wire. “And there must be a detonator near this.”

    “Making another exit.” Steve began to cut with the lightsaber through the wall made of light material. He was ready and in the hall when he saw two boys followed by a woman being helped down by Ivano and Tarkan.

    “Hey he has used Master Yoda's lightsaber.” One of the boys shouted.
    Chyntuck likes this.
  20. pronker

    pronker Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 28, 2007
    The imager sure came in handy!

    I like how everyone knows it's Master Yoda's and not Qui-Gon's or someone else's.=D=
    earlybird-obi-wan likes this.
  21. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    It is little and was saved by a firefighter in one of my older stories
    And now the final part of the decathlon

    10.Synchronized Swimming: Write a story between 230-500 words in length inspired by a song of your choice.

    The song is 'The final countdown' by Europe

    “It's the final countdown and we have to run.” Gareth followed Steve, who placed the lightsaber in a pocket of his uniform. “Evacuate the hall. The far side of the library and the vault will go. But the rest of the academy can be saved when the fire-supressing system goes.”

    “And we don't want to be here when that goes.” Ivano saw the nozzles in the ceiling and took a girl in his arms. “CO2 suffocates fire but is deadly for us.”

    “We are leaving.” Tarkan took the second girl and ran with Leda and the men to the door of the hall.

    Going outside and seeing Aaqu busy treating Mardil with Roy, Sena and Aarik helping him.

    “Get further away. This part of the academy is going.” Gareth shouted.

    “Up.” Roy took action and carried the stretcher to the fire-truck with Sena and Aarik. “This will do.”

    “And now we are waiting for the final countdown.” Sena saw Mardil opening his eyes.

    “And cannot save those who don't want to be saved.” Ivano had his cam active and saw the beginning of the explosion.

    All took cover behind the truck and heard the rumble of thermal detonators exploding, followed by flames doused immediately by the grey whirling clouds now seen through the windows.

    - - -

    It was the next day. The engines of the Big Fish were repaired. The seven rescuers had enjoyed a nice rest and breakfast and were waiting for Tarmenel, Roy and Leda to return before going back to Noranan.

    Kaagi and Jason had already left in their X-wings.

    Tarkan was in the Big Fish and had secured the police patrol in the large hangar.

    “With only the replacable books near the vault destroyed we are lucky.” Leda came back with Roy and Tarmenel after their inspection of the library.

    “But the men and woman going after the holocron are vaporized. The vault is ruined except for this.” Tarmenel had a bag in his hands and opened it.

    “Moirani engwari.” Steve grumbled. “The Dorsetti holocron.”

    “No worry.” Tarmenel closed the bag. “We will build a new place to keep it safe. But you have something that belongs there too.”

    “Ah this.” Steve extricated the lightsaber from his uniform and gave it to Tarmenel. “It was a nice tool and now I know how to use it properly.”

    Aaqu asked. “You have used one before?”

    “Yes but that's another story.” Steve coloured. “I will tell during the flight home and we can take another breakfast. Kaagi told me that Mouraha is making his famous pies.” He entered the Big Fish.

    “We are leaving.” Tarhin joined him with Ivano.

    Aaqu was the last and said “we are heading for home.”

    The ramp closed.

    Tarmenel and his friends saw the Big Fish leaving. A disaster was averted.

    Chyntuck likes this.
  22. pronker

    pronker Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 28, 2007
    Grim end to their madness ... [face_sigh]

    And so does your tale, congratulations on completing it![:D]
    earlybird-obi-wan likes this.
  23. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Yes and thank you for your nice reviews and reading it