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TV Discussion The Future of Star Wars on TV

Discussion in 'Star Wars TV- Current and Future Shows' started by ThatWanFromStewjon, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. Serpico Jones

    Serpico Jones Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 3, 2012
    The trillion dollar tech companies will be the only survivors of the content wars. Legacy studios like Disney, Paramount and WB will be kicked to the curb. Disney stock is down 32% over the last few years, WB stock down over 65% the last two years and Paramount stock is down 77% in the last five years. That’s a complete disaster.
  2. Jedi Master Frizzy

    Jedi Master Frizzy Force Ghost star 7

    Jan 15, 2018
    Soo Disney is doing great then.
    2Cleva likes this.
  3. Jedi Historian

    Jedi Historian Jedi Master star 1

    Nov 1, 2012
    Well, stock prices are only one measure of fiscal health. Cashflow is another: Disney corporate holdings generated $23.5 billion in revenue in the first quarter of 2024 alone. So I think it's a bit premature to start writing's Disney's obit just yet...
    Jedi_Fenrir767 and 2Cleva like this.
  4. The Chalk Jedi

    The Chalk Jedi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 8, 2019
    Look out folks, but Rotten Tomatoes says The Acolyte is the most popular streaming show:
  5. Serpico Jones

    Serpico Jones Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 3, 2012
    I do think Disney will survive but they’ll essentially be a travel and leisure company first and foremost with a small dwindling media arm.
  6. The Chalk Jedi

    The Chalk Jedi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 8, 2019
    Not with assets like Marvel and Star Wars. Get outside and get some fresh air.
    2Cleva, Riv_Shiel, Bor Mullet and 2 others like this.
  7. Serpico Jones

    Serpico Jones Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 3, 2012
    Yes assets that have been bombing both in theaters and on streaming in the last two years.
  8. Jedi Master Frizzy

    Jedi Master Frizzy Force Ghost star 7

    Jan 15, 2018
    Star Wars been winning in both outside Solo.
    Ody_Mandrell and The Chalk Jedi like this.
  9. The Chalk Jedi

    The Chalk Jedi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 8, 2019
    Two years is not forever. Franchises ebb and flow.

    Unlike your sky is falling routine, which you vomit everyday for some reason.

    Go get an ice cream or muffin and relax. Stop predicting doom and pet a kitten.
  10. Serpico Jones

    Serpico Jones Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 3, 2012
    It’s simple economics.
  11. The Chalk Jedi

    The Chalk Jedi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 8, 2019
    Simple is the correct word.

    So simple it distorts reality.

    Get outside!
  12. Jedi Master Frizzy

    Jedi Master Frizzy Force Ghost star 7

    Jan 15, 2018
    I listened to Star Wars News today and they gave our three most likely animated shows and three wild predictions.
    1. Crimson Dawn series with Maul and Qira as most likely to happen. It be a different show to the jedi and Rebellion/Resistance shows we been getting. If no Maul and Qira in live action after Solo. Then animation is the best option to explore post Solo and pre Rebels. Could go 2-4 seasons.
    2. Assajj Ventress series. They speculated it be like her hunting for jedi and Sith relics and us meeting familiar characters. Her and Quinlan arc and so. Could cover the origins of The Path. 2-3 seasons.
    3. Poe and Finn post TLJ and pre TROS series. This could be a 2 seasons show that deals with how The Resistance grew from small tag team to a small military force. Development of Poe and and Finn as characters with Rey involved as she grows as a Jedi to the one we see in TROS. Kylo Ren as the new Supreme leader. See the Galaxy in chaos.

    The three wild predictions.
    1. Luke and Ben series. That deals with The Jedi Acedemy. How Luke finds and trains his students. His relationship with Ben and how the darkness takes him slowly see the other OT heroes. It can be a great bridge from ROTJ to TLJ. 3-4 seasons
    2. A high Republic series. That is after the last phase and could bridge 100 years between that and The Acolyte. With new jedi characters and Cameos from likes of Yoda and Yaddle. Show us the time before The Jedi became soo arrogant. 2-3 seasons
    3. Post TROS. That can lead up the movie New Jedi Order. Show us the last remnants First Order be defeated and The Republic and Jedi Order rebuilding itself. What Poe, Finn and Rey does in this new post TROS era that leads to the movie. 3-4 seasons.
  13. A Chorus of Disapproval

    A Chorus of Disapproval Head Admin & TV Screaming Service star 10 Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 19, 2003
    So, like most channels labeled "News" these days, it's just rampant speculation and commentary.
  14. Jedi Master Frizzy

    Jedi Master Frizzy Force Ghost star 7

    Jan 15, 2018
    Like always its all speculation and commentary
  15. Sarge

    Sarge Chosen One star 10

    Oct 4, 1998
    Have you not met Fred?
    Riv_Shiel and Bor Mullet like this.
  16. The Chalk Jedi

    The Chalk Jedi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 8, 2019
    The predictions about the end of Disney are funny and ill-timed, I think, considering Deadpool and Wolverine is likely to do well this weekend.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2024
  17. DannyD

    DannyD Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 16, 2017
    Now there's a name I've not heard in a long time.

    Weirdly, that probably meets a definition of actual "news".
  18. The Chalk Jedi

    The Chalk Jedi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 8, 2019
    Actually, looks like the Deadpool and Wolverine opening weekend will be HUGE.

    Disney saved by claws and katanas (and so many phallic jokes you can't count them on four hands).
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2024
  19. clonegeek

    clonegeek Jedi Knight star 4

    Oct 28, 2022
    Rise of Skywalker underperformed
    2Cleva likes this.
  20. Jedi Master Frizzy

    Jedi Master Frizzy Force Ghost star 7

    Jan 15, 2018
    No it didnt. By all accounts it a Success and a billion dollar movie.
    Ody_Mandrell likes this.
  21. clonegeek

    clonegeek Jedi Knight star 4

    Oct 28, 2022
    Considering how high the budget was and the reshoots, it underperformed. A movie can cross a billion and still underperform.

    Remember the studios only a part of that money to recoup costs
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2024
    AusStig and 2Cleva like this.
  22. Jedi Master Frizzy

    Jedi Master Frizzy Force Ghost star 7

    Jan 15, 2018
    The Forbes, lol one of Disneys biggest haters, lol.
    Ody_Mandrell likes this.
  23. clonegeek

    clonegeek Jedi Knight star 4

    Oct 28, 2022
    And the data is what's important here
    2Cleva likes this.
  24. Jedi_Fenrir767

    Jedi_Fenrir767 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 16, 2013
    No metrics makes this claim about all 25 shows rather odd. Is it just traffic to their site?
  25. Hollowshape

    Hollowshape Jedi Knight star 1

    Jun 25, 2024
    Your eyes can deceive you. Don't trust them.