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Lit Unintentionally funny Star Wars lore

Discussion in 'Literature' started by Galactic Bibliophile, Apr 10, 2024.

  1. Dawud786

    Dawud786 Chosen One star 5

    Dec 28, 2006
    That Academy was staffed and attended by a bunch dopey edgelords.
    MercenaryAce likes this.
  2. Carib Diss

    Carib Diss Jedi Knight star 3

    Mar 31, 2024
    Almost everything about "Darth Voren" winds up being funny in retrospect:
    This self described "Darth" is training under a completely unnamed "Sith Knight", he isnt even the head of security he just "helps control the ship's security forces", Additionally the time gap between the Cron Supernova, the last time anyone could be trained at Ossus, and the First Battle of Onderon is 33 years, and surely he was a decent age at the time of the Supernova. So this 40+ year old man joined Revan, fought in the mandalorian wars, was one of the Jedi that was with him when he first turned Sith and yet was just a "Sith Apprentice".

    Also, if he fought side by side with his master during Onderon, and given that the Kotor era goes with the prequel "one master, one apprentice" system for Jedi compared to TOTJ having a jedi master train a class of multiple Knights... this means he was a 40 year old padawan. This man's career is absolutely dead.
  3. SheaHublin

    SheaHublin Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Feb 15, 2008
  4. Darth Mortuos

    Darth Mortuos Jedi Youngling star 1

    May 19, 2024
    As someone who always likes to get a feel for how the Sith function when not experiencing major historical events (one of my favorite parts of Path of Destruction is when Bane is a lowly student), I would be in favor of this.

    In Labyrinth of Evil we learn that
    Nute Gunray leaving behind his chair resulted in Sidious having to begin the final stages of the Grand Plan sooner than he originally was going to, which resulted in Luke and Leia being born after the declaration of the Empire and Anakin's fall, which resulted in them being smuggled away from Palpatine. Or to put it another way, Nute Gunray, through pure greed and ineptitude, spoilt the execution of the millennium-long conspiracy of the Order of the Sith Lords.
  5. TherenAdarni

    TherenAdarni Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 4, 2020
    Tales of the Jedi repeatedly describes Nomi Sunrider's training on Ambria being "across the galaxy" from Qel-Droma on Onderon. Checked the Essential Atlas, and they're right next to each other [face_dunno]
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2024
  6. Carib Diss

    Carib Diss Jedi Knight star 3

    Mar 31, 2024
    technically they could be on opposite sides of the galactic plane, making that technically correct. :D
  7. IG_2000

    IG_2000 Force Ghost star 4

    Aug 5, 2008
    Uhhhh, uhhhhhh

    *puts on thinking hat and frantically types up retcon in new sourcebook*

    The exact midpoint between Onderon and Ambria was a time space fold that causes the two planets to be right next to each other when in reality they are on opposite sides of the galaxy
  8. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 42x Wacky Wednesday winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
    There's lots of moments in the The Glove of Darth Vader series, but TV Tropes calls this one out in particular:

    "We will need a new, secret home base," said Trioculus, turning his attention to another matter of business. "I have yet to decide where. I will now listen to your suggestions."
    Several of the grand moffs squirmed in their seats. This was new to them, entirely new. Emperor Palpatine had never asked them for suggestions.
  9. TherenAdarni

    TherenAdarni Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 4, 2020
    Where did they choose? Tatooine, Hoth, or Bespin?
  10. Carib Diss

    Carib Diss Jedi Knight star 3

    Mar 31, 2024
    Hoth of course.

  11. MercenaryAce

    MercenaryAce Chosen One star 6

    Aug 10, 2005
    As I have said before, I did like the idea of turning Hoth into an imperial gulag after the battle cause it seems like a good use of a harsh, isolated world and a giant middle finger to the alliance.

    But yeah it was really random how they all discussed important places from the films that are supposedly obscure in universe.

    Especially since it isn't like the whole series sticks with the well known - Duros is in there from what I remember, and Mon Calamari plays a big role.

    ....though speaking of bases on movie worlds, let's not forget the rebel base on Dagobah, specifically Mount Yoda.
    cthugha, Golbolco and Iron_lord like this.
  12. Hamburger_Time

    Hamburger_Time Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 13, 2010
    In the famous Old Ghosts AU comic, the first story to experiment with the idea of Darth Maul's survival, the dreaded Sith Lord is finally killed by Uncle Owen with a shotgun.

    Last edited: Aug 25, 2024
  13. Carib Diss

    Carib Diss Jedi Knight star 3

    Mar 31, 2024
    You call it AU as if TCW, The Story of General Grievous: Lord of War, and later Lone Wolf didn't retroactively make it the closest thing to a canonical end to Maul in Legends.

    TCW downright copying his cyborg design from Old Wounds, Lord of War mentioning that a "cyborg acquaintance of Obi-Wan's, an old enemy" found and reported the Soulless One to the empire, and Lone Wolf depicting two bpfasshi Jedi tracking obiwan down to Nar Shaddaa at the behest of an unnamed cyborg master after Obiwan arrived there to pawn off the Soulless One before getting to Tatooine.

    Really this long series of retcons retroactively making a previously Infinities comic basically canon is funny in its own way, as well as the fact that Rebels itself likely was referencing the same comic. Doubt that no one on the team knew about the comic after using its design like that.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2024
    FS26 likes this.
  14. The Positive Fan

    The Positive Fan Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 19, 2015
    They absolutely did know about it - the trivia gallery for the TCW episode "Revenge" on directly references Visionaries and credits Aaron McBride, creator of "Old Wounds," for Maul's TCW design. I wouldn't be surprised if GL himself, known to have been inspired by the comics on other occasions, mandated using it.
  15. Darth Vectivus

    Darth Vectivus Jedi Knight star 3

    Dec 9, 2023
    The existence of Osha and Mae contradicting Anakin Skywalker as the only one Force born Chosen One
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2024
  16. TherenAdarni

    TherenAdarni Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 4, 2020
    That was meant to be a joke [face_laugh]

    Headcanon doesn't really count. Does remind me though, of how in RotS, Anakin says "It's never happened in the history of the Jedi, it's insulting!" in reference to him joining the council as a knight.

    Despite the EU material having established that this had happened fairly recently with Ki-Adi Mundi!
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2024
    FS26, MercenaryAce and darklordoftech like this.
  17. Darth Vectivus

    Darth Vectivus Jedi Knight star 3

    Dec 9, 2023
    Like Darth Vader telling Obi Wan that the last time Vader saw him in person he was Obi Wan apprentice or Leia remembering Padme in ROTJ without ever having met her contradictions have always existed in Star Wars but with Osha and Mae is different Anakin Skywalker should always have been a unique individual that was established in TPM
  18. TherenAdarni

    TherenAdarni Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 4, 2020
    The pre-2012 examples really reflect how Lucas approached continuity in different circumstances I'd say. From his perspective, it was his universe, but he also reserved the right to change his mind about aspects of his story later on. Which absolutely drove some fans nuts.

    I personally find it more interesting if the creation of life through the Force had been attempted before. In RotS Palpatine claims Plagueis had done it. To me, Mae and Osha add to the story. Vernestra refers to "tipping the scales" i.e. an imbalance, which Osha has now become a part of by going dark. The twins were made by drawing on a vergence, whereas Anakin is a vergence, a natural creation of the Force to restore the balance. Nothing has changed as far as the prophecy goes, we just have more context now.

    Your mileage may vary though. For me, the prophecy isn't all that interesting. It doesn't add much to the story, it wasn't there in the OT, and it's never really defined. I could take it or leave it, but I get that big prequel fans would be more attached to it.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2024
  19. Carib Diss

    Carib Diss Jedi Knight star 3

    Mar 31, 2024
    If people find the concept of pre-anakin creation of life out of nothing funny then I have something that might be a lethal amount of hilarity, Vitiate created creatures out of the darkside itself, fully formed, with no need for a surrogate mother at all, multiple times.

    and then there is Darth Plagueis apparently creating a bunch of non-Anakin lifeforms, though still relying on surrogates like a chump:

    Galaxy of Fear also implied that Eppon was created abiogenetically on Kiva, carefully imbued with traits of all previous Project Starscream creations, creating a creature with traits and powers of all previous creations
    Safe to say that the idea that Anakin was one-of-a-kind for being created by the Force was dead on arrival, and funnily enough was never even implied in the movies anyway. Palpatine implied that Plagueis could do it, which means he probably did do it at least once, and Palpatine never implied that Plagueis was the only Sith who ever did it anyway.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2024
    TCF-1138 , Dawud786, Golbolco and 4 others like this.
  20. The Positive Fan

    The Positive Fan Force Ghost star 4

    Jan 19, 2015
    Yenna, from the short story "Bug" by E. Anne Convery, is possibly another example of a character created via the Force, although whether she was created before or after Anakin is hard to determine at present.
  21. Darth Vectivus

    Darth Vectivus Jedi Knight star 3

    Dec 9, 2023
    I know that the Sith created life with Sith alchemy but they were just monsters in the Darth Plagueis novel they say that Anakin Skywalker was the only Force user born without a father created by the force there was no one like Darth Vader if the Acolyte had been created by George Lucas i would have accepted it but that is not the case its funny that in 100 years no one knew there was a Jedi born like Anakin as the Sequels downplayed Luke the Acolyte did it with Anakin
  22. Carib Diss

    Carib Diss Jedi Knight star 3

    Mar 31, 2024
    The thing that marks Anakin as unique is that he was created by the midiclorians, of their own volition, no force users in sight.

    I have no idea what you are even trying to say

    Who had ever said that "no one knew there was a Jedi born like Anakin", very rarely is attention ever drawn to how Anakin was conceived inuniverse.

    Luke and the sequels have literally nothing to do with this, relax.
    FS26 likes this.
  23. Barriss_Coffee

    Barriss_Coffee Chosen One star 6

    Jun 29, 2003
    Ok, I have a new one. It is a bit obscure:

    Many years ago there was a rather interesting game that was developed only for Game Boy (alas), named The New Droid Army ( This game was full of weird stuff, like dopplegangers and whatnot, but that's besides the point at the moment. The point is that the game ends (spoilers) with Anakin arresting Wat Tambor. This seems innocent enough because one minute Anakin's standing there at the Metalorn factory planning to do this, and the next he's back on Coruscant being congratulated by Palps/the Jedi/etc. But what I found confounding at the time was that Anakin brought Tambor to Coruscant on his Jedi starfighter. Like... wtf? How does that actually work?

    Some years later, this happened again. But this time it was a comic book, and the author must have realized it didn't make logical sense. It was a similar situation where Anakin couldn't get backup, and had to take a villain in by sharing the front seat. Which is really just one seat. I can't remember which comic it was -- it was one of the many Clone Wars cartoon-looking ones (part of the Adventures series I think). The villain was a woman and they spent the ride very uncomfortably sharing the front seat of the fighter, and Anakin's sort of like "WTF who designed these?"
    FS26, cthugha, jSarek and 2 others like this.
  24. Dawud786

    Dawud786 Chosen One star 5

    Dec 28, 2006
    As noted above, everything regarding Anakin's problems with the Council specifically in ROTS, not being elevated to Master and keeping his marriage and children secret, is hilarious because of the Legends story for Ki-Adi-Mundi.

    Anakin: this has never happened in the history of the Order!!!!
    Ki: ......

    Obi-Wan: marriage and children are forbidden to a Jedi.
    Anakin: Ki-Adi-Mundi has 5 wives and a bunch of kids.
    FS26, darklordoftech and Sarge like this.
  25. Carib Diss

    Carib Diss Jedi Knight star 3

    Mar 31, 2024
    You are slightly misremembering, you are thinking of "The Brink" short story in Clone Wars Adventures issue 4, here Anakin goes into a station that recently gave a distress signal, saves Serra Keto from some nanobots, but the fighter has only one seat. Keto suspects that he did that on purpose while Anakin was acting uncharacteristically smooth and flirty with her, which honestly is funny in its own right considering he is very much married at this point.

    Also this means that Anakin flew to Coruscant either on Tambors lap or Tambor in his lap, neither of which sounds particularly comfortable.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2024
    FS26 and cthugha like this.