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JCC Amph Unpopular Film, TV, Music, Books, Comics & Games Opinions

Discussion in 'Community' started by The Emotional Jedi, Jan 24, 2025.

  1. Jabba-wocky

    Jabba-wocky Chosen One star 10

    May 4, 2003
    I'm pretty sure he is actually referring to the incident where Moses struck a rock with his rod rather than asking for water to come forth from it, as he had been carefully instructed. That wasn't about idol worship so much as just irritation.
    Sarge and Kenneth Morgan like this.
  2. Kenneth Morgan

    Kenneth Morgan Chosen One star 5

    May 27, 1999
    That's it. The result: Moses gets to see the Promised Land, but not actually go there.
    Sarge likes this.
  3. RokurGepta

    RokurGepta Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Oct 23, 2010
    tHe pHanToM mEnaCe hAs nO mAiN cHaRacTeR
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2025
  4. Sarge

    Sarge 3x Wacky Wednesday winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Oct 4, 1998
    John Carter is a fun film.
  5. Count Yubnub

    Count Yubnub Chosen One star 5

    Oct 1, 2012
    I respect the originality, uniqueness, and creativity of Zardoz.
  6. gezvader28

    gezvader28 Two Truths & Lie winner! star 6 VIP - Game Winner

    Mar 22, 2003
    you forgot to mention Sean Connery's underpants.
    Lulu Mars and Sarge like this.
  7. Sarge

    Sarge 3x Wacky Wednesday winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Oct 4, 1998
    In America, we'd call those diapers. Is that what the British call nappies?
  8. Count Yubnub

    Count Yubnub Chosen One star 5

    Oct 1, 2012
    Yeah they’re more like diapers than underpants.
    Kenneth Morgan and Sarge like this.
  9. Kenneth Morgan

    Kenneth Morgan Chosen One star 5

    May 27, 1999
    It should be noted that writer/director John Boorman has admitted that he was so drugged up during the making of the movie that not even he understands what he was trying for.
    BlackRanger and Count Yubnub like this.
  10. Count Yubnub

    Count Yubnub Chosen One star 5

    Oct 1, 2012
    I suspect Boorman was far from the only one on that set who was on drugs.
    BlackRanger and DarthRelaxus like this.
  11. Saga_Symphony

    Saga_Symphony Force Ghost star 4

    Oct 30, 2010
    I didn't hate The Last Airbender.
    Dark Ferus likes this.
  12. gezvader28

    gezvader28 Two Truths & Lie winner! star 6 VIP - Game Winner

    Mar 22, 2003
  13. tom

    tom Chosen One star 8

    Mar 14, 2004
    gezvader28 and Count Yubnub like this.
  14. gezvader28

    gezvader28 Two Truths & Lie winner! star 6 VIP - Game Winner

    Mar 22, 2003
    could you point me more specifically, (I have done a lot of drugs)
  15. Point Given

    Point Given Manager star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Dec 12, 2006
    The Emperor's New Groove is a top 5 Disney film
    grd4, FatBurt, darkspine10 and 4 others like this.
  16. Ahsoka's Tano

    Ahsoka's Tano Force Ghost star 7

    Oct 28, 2014
    On that subject, I didn't think Big Hero 6 was a great movie.
  17. Adam of Nuchtern

    Adam of Nuchtern Chosen One star 6

    Sep 2, 2012
    That's an opinion that's not remotely unpopular.
    Lulu Mars likes this.
  18. Kenneth Morgan

    Kenneth Morgan Chosen One star 5

    May 27, 1999
    I believe it's a quote from the DVD commentary.
  19. Jedimarine

    Jedimarine Chosen One star 6

    Feb 13, 2001
    Of all the movies that define time and place...

    If you asked me to pick one movie that defines the 1980s...

    That movie would be...

    Last edited: Jan 29, 2025
    DarthRelaxus and Jedi Bluth like this.
  20. Jedi Bluth

    Jedi Bluth 13x Wacky Wednesday Winner star 7 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 4, 2021
    Rodney Dangerfield is one of the greatest of all times!
  21. dp4m

    dp4m Mr. Bandwagon star 10

    Nov 8, 2001
    My counterpoint, more unpopular these days than your take, I hate The Emperor's New Groove...
    Jedimarine likes this.
  22. Jedimarine

    Jedimarine Chosen One star 6

    Feb 13, 2001
    Man of Steel has the best depiction of, comic, tv...ever.
  23. Lulu Mars

    Lulu Mars Chosen One star 5

    Mar 10, 2005
    It certainly managed to make Superman believably vulnerable without resorting to kryptonite, which I found interesting.
    Jedimarine and Happy Sando like this.
  24. DarthTunick

    DarthTunick SFTC VII + Deadpool BOFF star 10 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Nov 26, 2000
    Woody & company should have perished in Toy Story 3.
    Ahsoka's Tano and Lulu Mars like this.
  25. gezvader28

    gezvader28 Two Truths & Lie winner! star 6 VIP - Game Winner

    Mar 22, 2003
    I've always loved it, and I never had a problem understanding it (don't know what that says about me!) . I know he developed it after spending a lot of time working on Lord of the Rings, as I understand it the Eternals were like the Elves. But this society has become sick and it creates Zed to destroy it. The Matrix owes a lot to Zardoz.
    Count Yubnub likes this.