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Saga The Galactic Correspondent (RR, new writers welcome) | Prompt 10 up! 15-30 June 2015

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by TheGalacticCorrespondent, Feb 2, 2015.

  1. Viridian-Maiden

    Viridian-Maiden Jedi Master star 1

    Aug 14, 2013
    Ooh...I want to read about Mace Windu. That's juicy.
  2. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014

    #1 While this does not remind me of the paper its style is an expy of, it's promising. :)

    #2 ...this is "Third Eye" and they NEED YOU.

    Viridian-Maiden, took me a while to realise that your entry was not a result of a database failure. Then I figured it out and it's brill!

    SabyneAmberle, my first reaction was "SHUT UP, SHUT UP, FFS, SHUT UP RIGHT NOW!" which means you got the annoying fashion reporter using a posh lingo perfectly. I believe this is one of the two publications I want to involve my reporter with at some point, next to this conspiracy nut thing; as it would involve into an awesome nonsense.


    Goodwood, any particular reason the journalist name reminds me of a certain popular book author's? Because of the whole relation to a distant planet and the fact that the author was a pilot himself; or do you...just like the name?

    skygawker, love it how the news is on page 6, so people would miss it or treat it like just another random event. At the same time, the apologetic, biased tone is perfect.

    Kahara, I like how the article seems irrelevant at first, covers a very, very irritating topic and then suddenly, it turns to be related to what is actually going on! Will definitely have to read it a couple more times, though. :)

    Nyota's Heart, I assume that your concept of this circular is something that doesn't get read by wider audiences? Otherwise, I'm not sure how it would work, given the terms and how I imagine most regular folk to be somewhat ignorant to people guarding them. Looking forward to more.

    In response to comments on my post:

    Chyntuck, Nyota's Heart; thanks. :)

    Goodwood, it's also chicken in Italian. If there's a Gallo among Gungans, there just had to be a Pollo. :D
    Kahara, Chyntuck and Nyota's Heart like this.
  3. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha WIP Month Champion star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 31, 2004
    Yup, Poet, the Circular is like an internal information & opinion source. :D
    Kahara and Ewok Poet like this.
  4. Goodwood

    Goodwood Jedi Master star 5

    May 11, 2011
    Indeed Poet, that was the idea. ;) In my head, he's actually a retired starfighter pilot.
    Kahara, Viridian-Maiden and Ewok Poet like this.
  5. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    That's a brilliant concept. :) Have you tried to reimagine the whole book in the SW universe?
  6. Goodwood

    Goodwood Jedi Master star 5

    May 11, 2011
    No, but then again it isn't my usual custom to try to re-write stories in other universes. Not that the idea doesn't have merit... :)
    Ewok Poet likes this.
  7. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    This is just to remind everyone that the deadline for prompt 1 is 14 February -- I'll reserve of course a post for late entries under my other identity as the sock 8-}
    TBH I tried to read Frankfurter Allgemeine only once and I found it terribly boring (which may or may not have to do with the fact that my German is pretty basic) but I thought it made a cool name for a GFFA newsflimsi :p
    I recently received one of those chain emails that explain how the Charlie Hebdo shooting in Paris was an Israeli conspiracy and somehow connected that to the state of Greek finances (I kid you not). I think I'll refer the sender to the link you quoted above :rolleyes:

    I guess I'll have to start working on it then :)
    Viridian-Maiden and Ewok Poet like this.
  8. TheGalacticCorrespondent

    TheGalacticCorrespondent Jedi Youngling

    Feb 2, 2015
    (Reserved for entries sent beyond the deadline)
  9. TheGalacticCorrespondent

    TheGalacticCorrespondent Jedi Youngling

    Feb 2, 2015
    It's already 15 February on this side of the Atlantic, so Prompt 2 is up! (DVD chapter 3: Short Negotiations -- from 00:01:53 to 00:07:55)

    Remember to include the following information in your post:
    Publication title: (e.g. Awesome Newspaper)
    Article title: (e.g. “Funny or not-so-funny title”)
    By-line: (e.g. “by Fareed Blitzer-Kristof in Coruscant”)
    ... and whatever else you think is relevant.
  10. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    From the front page of Die Coruscanter Allgemeine

    Staff and agencies

    Reports indicate that Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum has dispatched a delegation of ambassadors to Naboo in order to mediate the dispute between the sovereign Mid-Rim world and the Trade Federation, whose battleships have been blockading the planet for more than a month. “Chancellor Valorum has chosen to take action in order to resolve this crisis swiftly and efficiently, as his mandate requires,” a senior official from the chancellor’s entourage told the galactic news agency Roy’teriz. “We expect that the blockade will be removed soon in order for the debate on trade taxation to resume in the Senate without blackmail or shenanigans from either side.”

    Asked about the Chancellor’s reported move, Senator Lott Dod of the Trade Federation declined to comment. A source close to Senator Dod indicated that the Federation will accept goodwill services from the chancellor’s ambassadors – whose identities remain at present unknown – but that the legality of the blockade cannot be challenged. However, the Senate Special Committee on Institutions and Transparency is currently examining the validity of this claim, as well as a series of aggressive actions undertaken recently by the Federation, notably in Haruun Kal, Cularin and Karthakk. Conversely, a number of Valorum’s opponents noted that his decision to bypass the Senate with discretionary executive action may be a last-ditch attempt to raise his profile after the collapse of the Eriadu summit and the allegations of bribery by the Nebula Front (which are still being investigated by the Internal Affairs Committee) stained his name indelibly.

    Our correspondent on Naboo reports that Queen Amidala and her advisory council are awaiting the ambassadors’ arrival eagerly, as the prolonged blockade has (continued on page 3)
  11. Goodwood

    Goodwood Jedi Master star 5

    May 11, 2011
    Cover story from The Judicial Record:

    by Almonin deSait-Exubre

    A report from the Diplomatic Corps Dispatch Office, corroborated by the tasking of the Radiant VII to make stops along various Mid Rim worlds, confirms that negotiations to end the blockade of Naboo are underway. While the identity of the negotiators themselves, their priorities, and mandate remains unknown, it is clear that this is a unilateral action taken by the Supreme Chancellor to head off the developing crisis. Subsequent to the confirmation, a request for comment was sent to Senator Palpatine, representative of Naboo and the Chommell sector of which his homeworld is the sector capital; unfortunately, no answer is forthcoming and it is believed that the Senator is not in fact in his home sector.

    An inquiry put to the Legal Analysis Bureau, requesting a review of the Neimoidians' claim that their blockade "cannot be challenged," has produced an internal report for review by the Judicial Department's Command and Operations Control Office (COCO), most of which has been classified. However, this reporter has been cleared to relate the most relevant information, particularly in regards to its relevance to Republic law. To whit, the document concludes that "while the Neimoidians are permitted to protect their assets through such actions, there must be tangible evidence that such measures are both necessary and undertaken with a reasonable chance of success." This mandate is not without caveat, however, as by the laws on interstellar commerce and the Federation charter itself, such blockades must ensure that "those who by ignorance, inaction or refusal to comply, are not part of the action(s) that necessitate such a move, must be protected from the negative effects of such actions."

    Given such demands placed upon both the Republic and the Trade Federation, to ensure that no one suffers needlessly as a result of this move, this reporter is confident that an amicable settlement should be reached within a few Standard days at most. While the Neimoidians may feel that they are wholly in the right, they do bear a burden of reciprocity in this matter. Since this blockade has not interfered with normal communications, it seems likely that word of settlement, when it comes, will not be long in its dissemination.
  12. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    [live holostream]





    [cuts to an advertisement for a children's talent show, "Yousa Da Bombad"]
  13. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha WIP Month Champion star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 31, 2004
    Great entries and as for the Gungan one [face_rofl] Totally. =D=
    Chyntuck and Ewok Poet like this.
  14. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha WIP Month Champion star 8 VIP - Game Winner

    Aug 31, 2004
    Jedi Circular, reporting on the blockade & start of talks - by Calionna Farrell

    The Jedi team arrived without incident and suddenly went silent on communiques. The Council was expecting this and was only awaiting periodic and final status updates. But Master Yoda and Adia Gallia in particular are solemn, more than usual. Obi-Wan's friends, Bant and Garen, are eager for news. Siri Tachi is as well, although she tries to be circumspect about it. But I miss very little.

    More news as it becomes available.
  15. Kahara

    Kahara Chosen One star 4

    Mar 3, 2001
    Nyota's Heart:
    Love the Temple in-jokes and references of these Jedi Circular articles. When compared to almost no Jedi, the Old Jedi seem like so many... but really, they're probably about the size of a small town and I can imagine that they interact like one too sometimes. :D I like seeing Calionna's asides on the various Jedi related to the current events.


    This is a great twist on events through a different point of view. I could see opinions like this being part of the basis for the later Separatists. Especially from places where the Trade Federation has some access to control over information.


    1: Interesting and believable ideas on the Federation's ships being poodoo for serious combat against the "real" war vessels. The reasoning on their being retrofitted from non-military ships makes perfect sense for the Federation's history as a corporation rather than a military organization. Congrats on finding a unique angle to look at the combat aspects of the Federation and how it reflects their overall attitudes.

    2: Another intriguing look into the inner workings of the galaxy.

    "The negotiations were short", I believe someone said. :p

    Ewok Poet:

    That's really all anyone needs to know, too. [face_laugh] Excellent summary of the state of things at the moment.


    Oh, that's fantastic. [face_rofl] Love Farla's complete inability to comprehend that there might be some... you know... concerns for her poor assistants being stuck on a blockaded planet and everything. Who cares about that, give us pictures of dresses. :rolleyes: The tone here is just pitch perfect.


    Neat! I like the references in the newsfeed that you can see if you look for them. Little chunks of the greater events, familiar names, etc.


    Awesome conspiracy rag! I really like that it's presented as a cover, too. And hmm, they're talking about Palpatine? That's a little risky to their health. Better get some Taung medicine for that mysterious choking disease that's going around. :p


    [face_laugh] And the word "shenanigans."
  16. Viridian-Maiden

    Viridian-Maiden Jedi Master star 1

    Aug 14, 2013
    Crevasse City Communal Post-alert

    {}Notices>>> N bridge lx10 – Status Norm. | Schoolform ʢ Delayed x1 Chime | Medi-Station lx27 Re-opens. Emergency Holo-summons only. Portal use off S bridge | {}House Alderaan>>> Signs/Declares 539 Yr Renewal of Chandrila Alliance | {}News>>> Gands Visit Lx34 Killik Ruin Edge with Welcome | h^Panteer Invests in Lir Lakir Sanitarium Combatting Common Core Deathstick Pandemic | Delaya Ind. Lobbies Aldera as Mid-Rim Plasma Skyrockets | Negotiations Under Way to End Naboo Blockade | {}Sen. Antilles Voting>>> Colonies Protection Designation !2 /in abs. | Fed. Immunity and Transparency Legislation !5 + | {}Natalis>>> Bail Omas lx9 | {}Mortis>>> Maxima lx5 | Fay lx20 | {}Events>>> Aldera University Student Forum, chime 3, Crispin’s Holo-caf. Applicants Welcome | CCCP Datasort Protocol Update Hearing, lx20 Gathering, post Sunrise-chime @2days&. | Winter Cirque. Patron. h^Maxima lx5, :Arc/k: [Corellia] @3days&. :Unnamed Death Dramas: [Kel Dor] @4days&. Chime5, Moonrise | {}Publicized>>> Starstar lx2 (T.), Fed. Statis, Coruscant Publi., Elahar Expl. Committee, Xenograph. Holo-Art. |
    Ewok Poet, Kahara, JadeLotus and 2 others like this.
  17. AngelQueen

    AngelQueen Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 1, 2001
    Oh wow, these are great! I particularly loved Galaxy Watch (though all of the entries are excellent, of course). Why do I have a feeling that Galaxy Watch is going to see and understand the most about what's really going on, and yet will still be dismissed as being part of the lunatic fringe? [face_hypnotized][face_hypnotized]

    Thanks so much for sharing! This is such an amazing idea!
    Kahara, Nyota's Heart and Chyntuck like this.
  18. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
  19. AngelQueen

    AngelQueen Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 1, 2001

    *is proud reader of Galaxy Watch*

    Great edition, Chyntuck! :)
    Ewok Poet, Chyntuck and Kahara like this.
  20. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    Just a reminder that entries for prompt 2 are due by Saturday 28 February. The sock will reserve a post for late entries and post the new prompt on Sunday morning in Europe (sometime around Saturday midnight in North America).

    *pulls herself back into a single personality and continues*


    Goodwood You really need to apply for a job as a media officer with the UN. You speak DPKO lingo as fluently as if it were your mother tongue :p

    This. Oh, Calionna... ;)

    Was that a subliminal message to the various Gands on these boards? [face_laugh]

  21. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    I was wondering the same thing! :p And also was curious whether this was based on something in the official lore. Do tell me more! [face_batting]

    Wonderful and enjoyable entries all around. I agree, Goodwood really has the lingo down! :D
    Chyntuck, Viridian-Maiden and Kahara like this.
  22. Goodwood

    Goodwood Jedi Master star 5

    May 11, 2011
    Thanks a lot for the compliments, everyone! I guess all that studying paid off, after all... ;)
    Chyntuck, Viridian-Maiden and Kahara like this.
  23. SabyneAmberle

    SabyneAmberle Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Sep 16, 2004
    Page 2 of Interstellar Fashion Weekly, the Galaxy's best source for celebrity and fashion gossip.

    Salons and Secrets
    Farla Fraabhal, Senior Celebrity and Fashion Writer

    Greetings again, my dearest readers. Farla Fraabahl here, your intrepid and fearless eyes and ears to the comings and goings of your favorite famous faces. I've just come from the one place on Coruscant that everyone is clamoring for a ticket to. Senator Lukwar of Correllia has decorated his vast apartments in a 'Dubrillon Summer' theme, and invited those of means to join him for tea and music in his salon. Of course, Yours Truly was at the head of that line with ticket firmly in hand, and so I am able to bring you an exclusive scoop on the shindig. Page six has a full photo spread of the Senator's salon, from the fine tea and sandwiches served at mealtime to the sparkling waterfall cascading into a pool filled with rainbow fish. It is a delight to behold, and I do feel for those who are unfortunately unable to attend. Perhaps the senator will be good enough to host a few charity nights for those less up-and-coming than others.

    But on to serious news now. I am somehow still receiving scattered updates from my interns on Naboo, and they have sent me a few images of the lovely Queen Amidala and her handmaidens as they wander through Theed palace. I must say, readers, the heavy gowns and rich colors seem so austere for a girl as young as she is. You didn't hear this from me, but rumor has it she's barely older than a child. Some say she's a puppet ruler, placed on the throne to distract from other issues the planet has unfortunately faced in the recent past. I don't claim to be a Naboo historian, but I believe that's a silly theory. After all, if Naboo wanted a puppet on their throne, why would it have to be a child? Couldn't they find one of those stodgy old men and stick him with the job? At any rate, the photos sent to me by my brave interns will be featured in next week's spread about fashions of the rich and royal.

    The streets of Coruscant are abuzz, dear readers. It seems the Senate did grow a spine and sent along some ambassadors to the Trade Federation blockade around Naboo. I then heard word from sources planted amongst the Trade Federation that no ambassadors ever arrived and none were ever sent. So which is the truth? Frankly, I don't know. Seems my spies on Naboo were wrong; they kept insisting an invasion had happened when it was just that silly blockade that trapped them. Oh, it's so hard to find good help these days, especially in the press business. What I do know is the Nemoidians running the Trade Federation have the most ghastly sense of fashion. That much black and those drab lines...all of that is so last decade. Who allows these Nemoidians to get dressed, a Jedi in a pitch black room?

    And speaking of those hooded weirdos, there hasn't been so much as a peep from that temple of theirs since all of this blockade chatter started. For being the guardians of the Republic, they sure aren't doing much. I made a point of walking past the temple the other day, and it's pretty quiet. Too quiet, if you ask me. Maybe someone should go in there and redecorate the Temple with a 'Dubrillon Summer' theme. That would wake them all up.

    That reminds me! Senator Lukwar invited me back to his apartments for an exclusive interview on Correllian fashions and their best new designers. So I muse be away. Can't keep a Senator waiting, after all, not when I made an appointment weeks ago for this interview. Look for the scoop in my next column. Until then, ta-ta readers!
  24. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    In response to others 'posts:


    #1 Having read some of Allgemeine to compare, I am surprised at how super-sterile a news can be, regardless of the world it's from. Good job at immitating them. I stand corrected regarding my comment on the first prompt!

    #2 "Gunray, the Rakatans and the Celestials" - OK, I DEMAND to see this article written, or I will write it myself. :p

    "Nal Hutta: The secret beauties of the bog" - I think I am not going to eat my breakfast now. Either that, or I'll choke on it. WHAT.EVEN. PMSL.

    Goodwood, this is...freakin'...Stratfor. O_O Eerie. In a good way!

    Nyota's Heart, took me a while to figure out your persona's name, now I'm scared of the gender bender person I imagined. And when I imagine that person in a Jedi robe, it's even madder. While the bulletins themselves look pretty much like real news, this gives them charm.

    Viridian-Maiden, now that people have spotted references to Gand, I totally hope that, in one of your next tickers, there will be a meta joke or something! simply cannot miss that chance, right? R-right?


    Love how most of the news is about her and what she's doing, as opposed to the matters at hand. Classic fashion journo vanity. XD

    "And speaking of those hooded weirdos, there hasn't been so much as a peep from that temple of theirs since all of this blockade chatter started." - PERFECT IGNORANCE. BWAHAHAHAHA.

    "That reminds me! Senator Lukwar invited me back to his apartments for an exclusive interview on Correllian fashions and their best new designers." - Ooooook, this is kinda...juicy.

    In response to comments on my post:

    Nyota's Heart, Chyntuck, glad it made you laugh. :D Pollo has an exciting future ahead of him in an AU where Jar Jar Binks is a deity...sort of. :D

    Kahara, while I did not intend for that to be cynical, as I am not sure if Gungans are capable of cynicism, what you pointed out made me think that, written in "normal" way, it could indeed be the best way to sum things up. Funny how presentation changes the perspective! Thanks. :)

    Et cetera:

    AngelQueen, welcome! Are you going to assume a persona and write with us, too? :)

    Findswoman, I was hoping you wrote something, but yeah, it was a comment. There's got to be a Hutt clan journal or a Gand newspaper!
  25. AngelQueen

    AngelQueen Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 1, 2001
    Ewok Poet, hello! :) I am considering maybe taking up a persona and joining in! Something from the handmaidens perhaps...
    Kahara, Ewok Poet and Chyntuck like this.