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PT A Thread For Prequel Fans To Discuss New Star Wars Content (spoiler tags required)

Discussion in 'Prequel Trilogy' started by Darkslayer, Apr 24, 2015.

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  1. Stoneymonster

    Stoneymonster Force Ghost star 4

    May 8, 2002
    <stops by to see what's shaking on other parts of the forum>
  2. El Jedi Colombiano

    El Jedi Colombiano Chosen One star 6

    Jun 24, 2013
    It's not about JJ saying anything against ROTJ- more about how it gets left out in conversations when talking about the originals
  3. mikeximus

    mikeximus Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jan 6, 2012
    I gotta admit that's actually funny...
  4. sarlaccsaurs-rex

    sarlaccsaurs-rex Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 10, 2007

    Its that evil sexy bikini, it objectifies women. Not to mention that god-awful seizure inducing space battle (its so dense), and those dumbass ewoks they are as bad as teh GUNGANS!!!! Also The Emperor is also a *Vomits* PREQUEL CHARACTER!!1111!!! even has a sh****y prequel actor!!!!!!1!!1 WHY IS LANDO DRIVING TEH FALCON?!?! The lightsabe battle is too fast-pace and intense it makes me sick [face_sick]

    Note: sarcasm
  5. Obi-John Kenobi

    Obi-John Kenobi Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 30, 2012
    That's my point though. Lucas had to endure MORE than his share of insane rantings than any film maker alive. Hell, Joel Shumacher continued on with his career after Batman & Robin without as much negativity as Lucas got in certain quarters. And B&R was a legit bomb in every sense of the word.

    In a "fair" world, people would've resigned themselves to liking or disliking the prequels and just move on with their merry lives. Instead, that dead horse has been flogged down to it's skeletal remains at this point. It just never stops. That's why it's not entirely on Lucas for stepping away.

    But as I said, we must remember it was his choice. I honestly believed that if he really wanted to make these movies, he would've. But he has been backing away from involvement with the ST as far back as the pre-TPM days. His line was basically "There's no story. The saga of Vader is over." Which makes me wonder just how much of an outline he really had for them to work with?
  6. Deliveranze

    Deliveranze Force Ghost star 6

    Nov 28, 2015

    Ironically, the only reason ANH has emotion, if any some would argue, is because of the prequels. Without the prequels, it's just 2 old men poking swords and at one time they just happened to know each other from an unspecified era. The prequels gave them both character and it makes the first time Ben has seen Vader since Episode III. There is actually some emotion to it because of the prequels. Also, I like Sir Alec Guinness but his character throughout the OT was the archetype wise old man. Ewan gave Kenobi an actual character. Ewan's portrayal is why Obi Wan is my second favorite character.
  7. SeventySeven

    SeventySeven Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Jul 18, 2002
  8. Darth Downunder

    Darth Downunder Chosen One star 6

    Aug 5, 2001
    Wow look at you Mike. All excited & in a tizzy. Huge boldface lettering. Typing "LMAO" 7 times in the one post. Hope you managed to reattach your 'A'.
    So out of the 5 pieces of evidence I gave for Lucas always favoring a continuation of the Empire beyond RotJ you debunked one of them that I hastily grabbed. Congratulations =D=^:)^
    You would imagine that would you? Why? Lucas was still around during the early part of Abrams arrival. That was after they'd departed from his treatments. You talk about conversations. You mean like these ones?:
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    So please establish that the FO wasn't derived from GL's treatments, then fleshed out in conversations between Abrams/Lucas/Arndt/Kasdan? Then developed further after GL's departure. You've done nothing, not one thing to establish that Lucas didn't have a continuation of the Empire in his story. All of the hints over the years suggest that the next evolution of the Empire is his story. He also loves Nazi allegories in his storytelling. Remember Lucas personally brought Kasdan on board for TFA. The two of them collaborated on the story of Raiders. They both love the Nazi angle & villains having an obsession with the occult. Fact is the First Order is a classic Lucas/Kasdan concept.
    We also have TFA story consultant Simon Kinberg confirming way after Lucas' departure that they still used his outline as a blueprint. We had Pablo saying just recently that they used it to establish the state of the galaxy post RotJ. KK said she spent countless hours picking the brain of Lucas for story ideas. Still waiting for you to tell us who Lucas' antagonists were if not the FO.

    At the end you say if the FO was a Lucas idea you'd be equally critical. I seriously doubt that. Your fan pandering argument is entirely based around pointing the finger at Disney, as if they directly come up with plot ideas anyway. Somehow I think you wouldn't be as irate about this particular part of the story if you knew it came from Lucas.
    You're being ridiculous. Saying that a new SW movie made by Lucasfilm is fan fiction is clearly & obviously meant as a dig. It's also inaccurate, but what does it matter. Cheap shots don't need to make sense. Not sure why you & others are bothering to justify this silly label. Just keep using it but leave out the ham-fisted attempts at trying to legitimise it.
    We need all we can get around here. This is a SW fan forum & half the people in this thread are miserable about a new Star Wars movie being just weeks away [face_hypnotized]
  9. Deliveranze

    Deliveranze Force Ghost star 6

    Nov 28, 2015

    Such a well put together and beautifully made video. :_|So damn sad though.
  10. sarlaccsaurs-rex

    sarlaccsaurs-rex Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 10, 2007

    All I see is the Vile death stares JJ and Kennedy are giving Lucas.

    EDIT: I'm kinda joking, but the skeptical body language is still visible.
  11. SeventySeven

    SeventySeven Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Jul 18, 2002
    Deliveranze - yeah neat aren't they, just found them the other day. I love discovering these little things amongst all the other 'reviews'.
    Deliveranze likes this.
  12. Deliveranze

    Deliveranze Force Ghost star 6

    Nov 28, 2015
    You know there is a second one I think. Darth Vader remembers. Both are excellent. Honestly even though YouTube comments for the prequels are usually 99% cringe, it's videos like these that show the beauty to be found in these films.
  13. SW Saga Fan

    SW Saga Fan Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 19, 2015
    There's some footage of the gameplay of the battle of Jakku. We can see in this video that the Empire had not just one but two Super Star Destroyers: the first one crashed on the second Death Star during the battle of Endor in ROTJ while the second one has crashed on the surface of Endor:

    But the interesting part is what was written in the video description by EA game:

    The New Republic? Since it is mentioned at the beginning of this video that the battle of Jakku took place 29 years before TFA, in other words 3 years after the events of ROTJ and the destruction of the second Death Star, did the Rebel Alliance had the time to form the New Republic after the destruction of the Emperor and Vader? If so, how the New Republic was shrunken to a simple group known as The Resistance by the time of TFA, and the Empire rose once again to form the First Order?
    Sab Jo likes this.
  14. Darth Downunder

    Darth Downunder Chosen One star 6

    Aug 5, 2001
    No it's not. They could be talking about their lunch order for all we know. A still frame of a conversation between people means nothing.
    Cryogenic and thejeditraitor like this.
  15. SeventySeven

    SeventySeven Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Jul 18, 2002
    I dont know - the first photo is obviously - JJ - "Ford and Fisher - wot ? In the dressing room?!?!"
    Pensivia, Darth Downunder and Sab Jo like this.
  16. Darth Nerdling

    Darth Nerdling Force Ghost star 4

    Mar 20, 2013

    Supposedly it was 50 page treatment for the 3 ST films together. Still, I pretty much agree with what you're saying. To move on with his life, Lucas had to sell his company. Virtually all his money was tied up in Lucasfilm, so to become a philanthropist he had to sell it, and that meant selling Star Wars too. Lucasfilm wouldn't be worth much if he said, "Well, you can have Lucasfilm for this price, but you can't make any Star Wars movies."

    So, knowing that there would be more Star Wars films, I think Lucas wrote the ST treatments to ensure that things would go the way he wants for his favorite characters. I'm sure for years he's had an idea of the general direction the characters lives would go (for instance, Luke wouldn't ever turn evil, Luke would never marry and remain monk-like, etc.). I think that is what has ticked Lucas off. I think they've done something with one of this characters that he never, ever would have done; in fact, his treatment has them doing the exact opposite. Still, I don't think he ever had or ever developed an overall "vision" for the ST similar to the complex vision he dreamed up for the PT -- with democracy collapsing from within, Anakin being seduced by a Faustian pact, Anakin fulfilling a prophecy he was trying to prevent, Palpatine controlling both sides of the war, Obi-Wan fighting Anakin on a lava planet, etc.

    In short, I think when Lucas finished the OT, he felt that he had only told 1/2 the story, and he really wanted to complete the other 1/2, though he knew doing so would be a huge headache. I don't think that Lucas now feels like he's only told 2/3rds of his story, and that Disney is denying him the chance to tell the final 1/3rd. I think Lucas feels like his story is complete but that Disney (and a personal friend) is refusing to follow even the basic character arcs for the characters he created. I think Lucas would've been enraged if Fox found a contractual loophole and discovered that they could make the PT trilogy without him and without following his vision. I think Lucas was hopeful that Disney would handle things differently, but he's resigned to fact that they're not following his treatments and he accepts this.

    Like I've said before, I certainly understand it if someone doesn't consider TFA authentic Star Wars because it hasn't come from the mind of Lucas and because it's gone in another direction than he would have wished. Still, my main concern is just that the film will be a crappy, formulaic, rehash.

    This is a great point, young padawan!
    Cryogenic, CIS Droid, oierem and 8 others like this.
  17. Force Smuggler

    Force Smuggler Chosen One star 7

    Sep 2, 2012
    Luke is the last Force user in the galaxy. Who knows what could have happened to the Force in the meantime?
    Tens of thousands of Jedi and a couple Sith, down to a handful of Jedi and the Sith and then down to just Luke. Why wouldn't there be an upheaval like that?
    Or maybe Luke, Rey, Finn, Snoke or Kylo Ren do something that helps the Force go to a level unseen in thousands of years.
  18. Darth Downunder

    Darth Downunder Chosen One star 6

    Aug 5, 2001
    OMG. Tragedy!! :oops:
    Can you pls tell us about these tragically dumped treatments? What were the parts of the story you liked? Which characters were your favorites? How was it better than the story they went with?
    If you're not going to watch it why spend time talking about it?
    This thread has officially jumped the shark. It's supposed to discuss new content. I just caught up on the last few pages & it's mostly people whining about Abrams & Disney & bringing up PT issues [face_hypnotized]
  19. sarlaccsaurs-rex

    sarlaccsaurs-rex Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 10, 2007
    Darth Nerdling Agreed, I loved seeing a young un-broken human Obi-wan. Full of all the relatable young man traits that makes everyone human and not just a wise old monk character.
  20. sarlaccsaurs-rex

    sarlaccsaurs-rex Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Apr 10, 2007

    Well some of us may be sick of Natalie, Hayden, and George (whom I loved all in the PT) getting beat into the dirt, while Daisy, John, and JJ are getting praised when the movie isn't even out yet.
  21. thejeditraitor

    thejeditraitor Chosen One star 6

    Aug 19, 2003
    we haven't really seen any yet.

    this new battlefront ad uses pt music btw.

  22. Darth Downunder

    Darth Downunder Chosen One star 6

    Aug 5, 2001
    Then find an appropriate thread to complain about it. This one is to discuss new content. Also the TFA cast aren't being praised for their performances in the movie. They're getting praised for their general demeanor, the way they speak about SW, just their overall likable personalities. What a crime!
  23. -NaTaLie-

    -NaTaLie- Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 5, 2001

    In other words, Luke hasn't accomplished anything in 30 years. Something tells me that's not what Lucas had in mind.
  24. Stoneymonster

    Stoneymonster Force Ghost star 4

    May 8, 2002
    If you read Aftermath, much of this is either made clear or clearly set up.
    Sab Jo likes this.
  25. thejeditraitor

    thejeditraitor Chosen One star 6

    Aug 19, 2003
    we don't know what gl had in mind. i like how people ignore this part of the article where gl talks about seeing the film.

    He expected that he would soon see it here at the ranch (“I’ve got the best theater in the world,” he notes), perhaps even with Abrams and Lucasfilm Ltd. President Kathleen Kennedy (a longtime Lucas collaborator) in the room, watching him watch it. What then?

    “Now I’m faced with this awkward reality, which is fine,” Lucas says. Extending the metaphor, he says it’s like when a grown child gets married. “I gotta go to the wedding. My ex will be there, my new wife will be there, but I’m going to have to take a very deep breath and be a good person and sit through it and just enjoy the moment, because it is what it is and it’s a conscious decision that I made.”

    gl is dealing with this just fine. it's the people here who are taking it too far. gl isn't boycotting the film or calling it fan fiction.
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