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Discussion The Scribble Pad (Fanfic Writing Discussions)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction and Writing Resource' started by Briannakin , Jun 18, 2017.

  1. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Great discussion @Findswoman :cool:
    • What kinds of things do you worry about the most when writing?
    Answer: I want to make sure there is more "show than tell"; I also have worries /conceerns about action scenes and how to handle them. I also try to flesh out details and balance having too much versus too little info/description.

    • What are you worried least about when writing?
    Answer: I love dialogue and introspection. These come easily.

    • Do you worry about different things in different story types or genres, with different scenes, different characters, etc.? (The corollary to this, of course, is: what kinds of stories, scenes, characters, etc. do you find the hardest to write?)
    Answer: Yes. Mush and humor and character/couple growth is easy for me. Action scenes like star fighter battles are hard. Some authors have this talent down to an art and I admire that.

    • What do you think might be at the root of some of your writing worries?
    Answer: I want the story to flow and be entertaining. :D

    • And finally, when you find yourself plagued by writing worries, what steps, if any, do you take to overcome them, and what might you recommend to others?
    Answer: If I cannot write through it, I skip the scene and come back to it. What really helps is to do the dialogue/conversation first and then flesh out the descriptive stuff later. Having somewhat of a rough outline of what I want in the current and upcoming posts helps too. I keep it detailed enough to lay a framework but not so much that I cannot tweak it later, add to, delete from.
  2. FireKeeper

    FireKeeper Jedi Padawan star 1

    Jun 23, 2017
    @Findswoman since I am worried, I'll reply to everything too.

    1. I worry about many things. There's logical in-universe consistence. The less plot holes the better. In fact, I scrapped a story once because there were too many plot holes.

    Then there are characters being in character. Or at least how I imagine them in character, because with recent SW installments, what I see as in character for the OT trio and what Disney sees as in character for the OT trio became very different things. If I write a character OOC, I either disagree completely with the direction their character took in canon, hate them and am warping them on purpose just for the lulz, am so disappointed with canon I don't care anymore, or some combination of the three.

    Also, dialogue looking natural. I've seen and laughed at many terrible movies with abysmal dialogue( oh hai, "The Room") , so I am afraid to be like the writers of those movies, I also know I am a socially awkward person, so dialogues aren't my strong suit.

    I also kind of worry about the action scenes, because I haven't figured out how to do them properly yet.

    Also, I hate it when things I don't want to happen in the fanfic somehow find their way into it. Off with them.

    2. Angst. I am a dramatic person IRL and I angst a lot, so I find it pretty easy to transfer on characters.

    3. I haven't published that much since my return to writing( and believe me, you don't wanna hear about my epic fails before that), I mostly drafted different moments and experimented. Out of things I have written yet, it's action and drama. So not much experience yet. I guess would be kinda hard for me to write comedy though.

    4. Personal qualities. Like I said, I am a socially awkward person with empathy problems. This causes complications with writing dialogues and spending more time to think them out.

    5. Think, think, think. Logical thinking is the key to many things, no matter how many others say writing is all about feelings. Got a loical inconsistence? Think of a way you can remove it. Got a character that's OOC? Think about what would be in character for them. Got things you don't want coming into your fanfic? Think how to remove them too. Just outline the problem and think of the possible solutions.
  3. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    Cool prompts. :D Let's see...

    What kinds of things do you worry about the most when writing?

    I want to make sure that what I'm writing is plausible enough. While it's not possible to keep everything "correct" (hello, Selonian donning a Stormtrooper armour and constant use of the word "orange"...), most things should be correct. It's a different universe, FKS. There is no teleportation, but there is chocolate, etc.

    What are you worried least about when writing?
    Dialogue. Just like @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha and @Raissa Baiard, I build the rest around it. Also, first-person stuff is super-easy.

    Do you worry about different things in different story types or genres, with different scenes, different characters, etc.? (The corollary to this, of course, is: what kinds of stories, scenes, characters, etc. do you find the hardest to write?)
    Space battles and ground battles. I have some of those due in one fic and I'm like GULP! Watching Rebels helped me with some of the lingo, but I still don't think I'll manage.

    What do you think might be at the root of some of your writing worries?
    I'm with @brodiew here - VALIDATION RULES. I'm cursed, so I kind of seek validation from those who never gave me any, because...because that means that they would discover me or something?! I had 55 people comment on my stuff so far - don't look at me like that, I LOVE to count stuff - three on round-robins only, 52 on actual stories and still, I get giddy whenever I see somebody new!

    And finally, when you find yourself plagued by writing worries, what steps, if any, do you take to overcome them, and what might you recommend to others?
    I talk to my friends. :D
  4. Mistress_Renata

    Mistress_Renata Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 9, 2000
    Ooo, good questions, @Findswoman!
    What kinds of things do you worry about the most when writing?
    Mostly, getting stuck. If I'm writing, I often come to a point, where I can't figure out what happens next. I might know how I want things to end, but I'm not always sure how to get there (having that issue right now). It's one reason why I have my rule about 'finish the first draft before I post.' If I get stuck, the readers aren't hanging for months while I try to figure stuff out.

    The plot needs to make sense, and I worry that there are plot holes or too many deus ex machina... you have to put in hints or suggestions, so that if a giant starship drops in out of the sky to save the day :D, then at least attentive readers had hints that it was coming.

    And while I love writing description, I worry about going over the top, so I try to pull back.

    What are you worried least about when writing?

    Dialogue usually doesn't give me a problem.

    Do you worry about different things in different story types or genres, with different scenes, different characters, etc.? (The corollary to this, of course, is: what kinds of stories, scenes, characters, etc. do you find the hardest to write?)
    Yes, this. I do want to make sure that my ECs are in character, which isn't always easy. It's not just figuring their motivations, either, it's their dialogue. Han Solo doesn't talk the same way Luke Skywalker does, and neither one of them would be mistaken for Tarkin. You really have to get into their heads. Sometimes rewatching the movies helps.

    Action scenes (lightsaber combat, air battles, etc) are also need to put in enough that the reader knows what's going on without putting in every detail of every shot that might put folks to sleep!

    And plots...I want them to make sense. Mysteries are hard, you have to be creative and clever, and give enough clues for your readers to figure things out along with the main character who is also trying to figure things out. Red herrings are fair game, but pulling something out of nowhere isn't fair.
    What do you think might be at the root of some of your writing worries?
    I know I'm not a professional; I don't have a degree in Creative Writing or English. But I try not to stress TOO much. Writing fanfic is what I do for fun, after all.
    And finally, when you find yourself plagued by writing worries, what steps, if any, do you take to overcome them, and what might you recommend to others?
    I step away and do something else. Write a different genre or story, read a book, go for a walk, play a game... Reading non-fiction or reading the news always sparks ideas and opens up possibilities.
  5. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    What kinds of things do you worry about the most when writing?

    1) Well, from your selection, too silly comes up often. Back in my distant past, a concept that was too silly for ME, halted my fic-writing for two or three years, so as a defence mechanism against that, I try not to be too self-judgemental. Plus when my favourite OC failed the Litmus Tests twice, and I stopped roleplaying him as I wanted, and found that my resulting enjoyment plummeted; I'm here to have fun, not spoil my day for the benefit of my critics.

    Still though, I occassionally worry that something that I have written, counts as a jump the shark moment for somebody else.

    2) There are things that I don't know how to describe. I'm rubbish at describing people, hair, faces, a particular style of Roman / Greek Temple column (I've grabbed the term "crenellated" from somewhere, and hope it means something to someone), and what people do with their fingers or hands to get a lightsabre to spin a full vertical circle.

    3) People's perception of me after reading my ****. Sometimes relates to a news article that might pop up where someone could accuse my story of being in bad taste because of a recent event that did not exist when I started to write.

    What are you worried least about when writing?

    Least? Cannot think of anything.

    Do you worry about different things in different story types or genres, with different scenes, different characters, etc.? (The corollary to this, of course, is: what kinds of stories, scenes, characters, etc. do you find the hardest to write?)

    I don't know how to answer the first bit. The hardest to write scenes, are lightsabre fights, and starfighter dogfights. The latter are just mentally and physically draining for not a lot of progression written.

    What do you think might be at the root of some of your writing worries?

    Oh. Well, with the latter, starfighter dogfights re just mentally and physically draining for not a lot of progression written.
    With visual scenes, including the lightsabre spinning, it bothers me that I can study a Youtube video for research, and literally have no idea how to convert it into text, so that a reader knows what I am visualising.

    And finally, when you find yourself plagued by writing worries, what steps, if any, do you take to overcome them, and what might you recommend to others?

    I mentally refer to a sign on a fictional Los Angeles' police captain's desk, that he points out to detectives Martin Riggs and Roger Murtaugh in one of the Lethal Weapon films: "Know why I don't have an ulcer? Cos I know when to say, I don't give a ****."

    And then I try to write 200 word updates, to get myself out of being stuck.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2018
    brodiew and Findswoman like this.
  6. Briannakin

    Briannakin Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 25, 2010
    I swear I tried to post this last night.

    Descriptions. Do I have enough of them to make the reader see what I want them to see? Does that really matter to the story or can/should they use some of their own imagination. It doesn't help that I am a very auditory person; writing and describing visuals just doesn't come to me easily.

    Also, action, but I think that can be lumped into physical description in general.

    Dialogue. It just (usually) comes naturally to me).

    Yes? I'm not sure how to expand on this.

    I'm not sure. Validation is of course part of it. Even with one reader, you want them to be entertained so they can give you feedback and encouragement to continue writing what you enjoy.

    And part of it is a fear of misinterpretation, but that just gets into my own personal issues.

    I re-read my own works and the comments people have left on them. And just ranting about it to get it (here or in PM) off of my chest to get that reminder that this is just for fun.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2018
    brodiew and Findswoman like this.
  7. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Mods' Dare 2nd Place & Mods' Choice Dare Winner star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014
    What worries me most when writing is that my story might not be "going anywhere" – and by this I mean not only narratively, but also thematically. I never start writing unless I know the endgame, but even then I keep worrying that the means to get there isn't substantive enough. This is no doubt why I'm a compulsive outliner. I plan out my stories in great detail for the narrative bit and then I go back and decide how I will include the thematic elements I want in there. What I'm least worried about, once I've done that, is writing individual scenes. Most of the time they just pop up in my head and I can really visualise them (but then of course I agonise about how to connect them to each other within the wider story).

    I haven't written much action, because I find I just don't have it in me to get the right balance for those scenes. Similarly I rarely write canon characters, at least the most prominent ones, because finding their voice can be a pain in the backside and writing fanfic is supposed to be fun. Minor established characters and OCs are an entirely different story of course :p

    I think the root cause of my writing worries is the fact that I'm an avid reader, and nothing infuriates me more than a bad book. If I find the slightest similarity between a book I don't like and something I've written (by "slightest" I mean that it could be a single word) I go back and check my writing to make sure that it's not quite *that* vain and verbose. Then after wallowing in self-doubt for a while I'll harass Mr Chyn when he comes home, re-work my story outline, go and read a good book to find similarities with my writing (I don't recommend this one, it never works) and end up switching to a different story or taking a break from writing until my mood changes (my little niece is very helpful with that last point, even though she doesn't know it).
  8. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    What kinds of things do you worry about the most when writing?

    My main concern when writing is usually getting canon characters right, which can be pretty hard given that every author(both in fanfic as well as in profic) has his or her own interpretation of each character which can differ quite a bit. Especially when writing characters I´m not so used to I´m being pretty nervous not to write them OOC.

    What are you worried least about when writing?

    Not sure if there is anything that I´m not worried at least a bit about. I think I´m pretty confident when writing my OCs or certain canon characters.

    Do you worry about different things in different story types or genres, with different scenes, different characters, etc.? (The corollary to this, of course, is: what kinds of stories, scenes, characters, etc. do you find the hardest to write?)

    Well I always tend to be nervous when writing romance, cause I think I´m not very good at it. Also humor as I often worry if other people would consider the same things funny than I do.

    What do you think might be at the root of some of your writing worries?

    I think my fear of getting characters wrong hails from seeing other stories being criticized for this and just the fear of writing established wrong.

    And finally, when you find yourself plagued by writing worries, what steps, if any, do you take to overcome them, and what might you recommend to others?

    I tend to talk to both my beta reader as well as my friends, listen to their opinions and rethink what I have written so far.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2018
  9. Thorn058

    Thorn058 Jedi Master star 3

    Jul 28, 2008
    What kinds of things do you worry about most when writing?

    Well I tend not to worry about a lot of things anymore, life is too short. I just write when I can and hope people read and enjoy it. Occasionally I’d like someone to say they don’t think this is working or that could work but maybe try this but its not necessary I mean I write fanfic for fun and so that when I do write my original stuff I have the Muse taking to me again. Biggest thing I think about when writing and maybe worrying is that the mechanical aspect ie tense, voice, grammar and so on will take my reader out of the flow of the story.

    What are you worried least about when writing?
    I don’t worry about characters much. Since I tend to work with OC’s and AU a lot I don’t sweat characters so much anymore. although I wish I never found about Mary Sue and Gary Stu because I started to worry about that a for awhile until I realized that most of my characters are unique but are ypically broken individuals that I try to make more real. So yeah Gary and Mary be damned.

    Do you worry about different things in different stories?
    Only in so far as will it make for a reasonable story, will it work and will it be fun for people to read. I find doing first person stories to be very challenging and they push me since one of my biggest downfalls is staying with in the present tense and I do worry that if I’m not getting it right I will lose the reader not because the character is bad but because the writing took the out of it.

    What do you think might be at the root of some of your writing worries?

    I will echo what so many others have said validation although for me that is a smal part. I want to tell an entertaining story first and foremost and I really want to get it down on “paper” so that five years fromnow I don’t have these characters running around in my head and me sitting here going man remember that story I was going to tell that time, that was a great idea. I think my other real worry is that I have time to write and ultimately finish the stories I start. My epic WIP started sometime late 2011 and I haven’t advanced it ugh since then just due to time constraints but maybe I just need to be more organized in my writing and have a hour or so I do it every day.

    The final question, I don’t have a real answer to. As I get back into the community I hope that I can encourage others and be more active in updating and commenting and maybe that will build up a support system for times when I want to write and the muse doesn’t cooperate or DRL takes over.
  10. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    That's what I think this whole place is for. :)
  11. divapilot

    divapilot Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 30, 2005
    • What kinds of things do you worry about the most when writing?
    I worry most that what I write will be interesting. I don't want my story or my characters to be boring. I worry that there isn't enough conflict to justify a story.

    • What are you worried least about when writing?
    Description. I could write description 'till the cows come home. I have to be sure I edit the description to just what is needed.

    • Do you worry about different things in different story types or genres, with different scenes, different characters, etc.? (The corollary to this, of course, is: what kinds of stories, scenes, characters, etc. do you find the hardest to write?)
    Well, not really. A good story follows essentially the same elements: intriguing characters that the reader can relate to and identify with; a solid, believable conflict; a build-up of suspense; a satisfying resolution. It's all in the details. I have written "romance" scenes that are supposed to be heartbreaking, breath-taking, and downright creepy. Same kind of situation, but different genres. It's all in how you get those details across.

    • What do you think might be at the root of some of your writing worries?
    Again, character investment. A story is only as strong as the characters. I worry that readers find my characters dull and not worth following - the worst, WORST thing that can happen is that the reader just doesn't care about what happens to the characters. That's why one of my epics is stalled - not because I don't know what to write about, but because I don't think the characters are compelling enough as they are right now.

    • And finally, when you find yourself plagued by writing worries, what steps, if any, do you take to overcome them, and what might you recommend to others?
    Like @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha said above, I walk away from it for a while. I write something else. I read. But in the background I'm still churning the story and seeing where I can strengthen it. I may have to add a new twist that makes my character's life more difficult, I may have to rip out my character's heart more, whatever it takes. The characters can't live a happy life. There has to be a risk or a threat that tests the will and resolve of the character. I sometimes have to step back from the story and really take a hard look at this world I have created for the characters and see what kind of mayhem and conflicts I can throw at them.
  12. FireKeeper

    FireKeeper Jedi Padawan star 1

    Jun 23, 2017
    So, I've been considering giving my OC a hobby because a thought crossed me that she might look a bit robotic and unnatural if all she thinks about is Jedi duty, war and fighting. Yes, these are hard times now, but there is at least something she could do outside her Jedi duties during the times of peace. On the other hand, I have seen many Mary Sues possessing seemingly unnecessary skills like singing or dancing, just to show how perfect they are. That's why I am afraid adding traits like that might make my OC more Sueish.
    The particular hobby I have considered giving her is drawing. However, knowing how rare paper is in GFFA, I also wonder how possible it is for a person who doesn't have such luxuries to draw on a datapad, so that nobody can notice and I don't have to have other characters react to what she does off-duty?
  13. mavjade

    mavjade Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 10, 2005
    What kinds of things do you worry about the most when writing?
    Everything. But that's pretty much my entire life. :p

    But mostly I worry about if things are driving the plot, I think that's a big reason I have such trouble writing longer stories. I love reading things that have a little slice of life, or a character development in a larger story, but when I write it I worry that it doesn't do anything for the story, or is just boring.

    Also, I tend to get bogged down in 'reality'. Things like 'is that physiologically possible?', Is that how something would work?, How can you justify this thing existing, etc. And once I get stuck down that hole, it's hard to get out.

    What are you worried least about when writing?
    Probably dialogue. I find I often write the dialogue first and then go back and fill in the other aspects. Characters drive my ideas, so what they are saying usually drives my writing.

    Do you worry about different things in different story types or genres, with different scenes, different characters, etc.?
    Yep, my worries for Star Wars are vastly different for NSWFF things I write. SW I worry that what I'm writing is silly in such a technologically advanced universe. Like if I wanted to 'write what I know' which is medical things, they would have a cure for most of the things I know. In TWW I worry about writing things that are real to our world and keeping them real when they are things I really don't understand all that well (economics, foreign policy, etc.).

    I also worry when I write someone else's OC (with permission, of course!) that I'm messing them up, even if I feel like I know them really well.

    The corollary to this, of course, is: what kinds of stories, scenes, characters, etc. do you find the hardest to write?
    I find humor the hardest to write. I'm not very funny IRL, I like dad jokes and bad puns which you can only take so far in a story. I also find fight scenes difficult to write, I guess I can see them in my mind I just don't know how to explain them so the reader understands.

    What do you think might be at the root of some of your writing worries?
    The first issue I brought up (driving the plot) I think comes from hearing over and over and over from writing workshops, writers, and teachers that if it doesn't drive the plot, take it out.
    I don't actually think that is true, you need to develop characters so you care about the plot, but I can't un-hear it every time I try to write something longer.
    Other worries come from a fear of looking like an idiot, so I get bogged down in details that really don't matter all that much.

    And finally, when you find yourself plagued by writing worries, what steps, if any, do you take to overcome them, and what might you recommend to others?
    Many times I just have to step away for awhile. Recently I've been trying to push myself to move away from everything having to be 'real'. My Diary challenge is an exercise in just letting go. It's completely preposterous, there's nothing real about it, but I'm pushing myself to just go with it.

    When I want something to work a certain way and it doesn't in real life, I remind myself that Aaron Sorkin --one of the most talented writers of his generation (screen and playwright)- wrote that a spouse of a US Representative can take over the spot when the Representative died (something that would never happen) because it worked so well for the plot. Artistic license is okay if it serves a purpose.
  14. divapilot

    divapilot Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 30, 2005
    I would think it would be very easy to sketch on a data pad. Also, if you are concerned that your character seems too good to be true, she can just draw for fun. She doesn't have to be a prodigy. It takes years of practice and instruction to become a really good artist. She can have natural talent but she doesn't have to be da Vinci. Maybe she could even be aware that she is still an amateur, and that could be the reason why characters don't react - she doesn't share her sketches with anyone.
  15. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    @FireKeeper - You worry far too much about Mary Sues.

    Having skills is A-OK for any character, as long as there is a reason as to why they have that skill, or how they gained that ability, such as training of some sort.
  16. Mistress_Renata

    Mistress_Renata Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 9, 2000
    Agree. I think if she was so gifted that people wanted to put her sketches in museums, then you might be nudging Sue territory. But if she's doing it for fun, I don't think it's a problem. I had a Jedi Padawan who enjoyed cooking, although she didn't have a chance to do it very often. The things she made were pretty simple, what a home cook might do, and she enjoyed reading cookbooks for fun. Her cooking skills never saved the Galaxy, though.
  17. Briannakin

    Briannakin Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 25, 2010
    I've actually gotten this a bit on my SW medical stuff, people pointed out technological solutions or just saying that they probably could cure whatever ailment or disabled with their advancements/the Force. It really kinda sucked, especially when it was a main plot point (insert rant here about how not everything can be fixed). It really kinda prevented me from writing more of what I like to write and maybe why I gravitated more towards TWW. And even over there, given the slight futuristic setting of some of the stuff, I hesitated making one character disabled (no spoilers! but I am super happy I just went with it).

    And yeah with West Wing I worry about messing up "real world" facts, either to do with the American government (I was taught the Westminster system; I've learned so much more about the presidential system, but I'm still googling stuff and hoping I understand, but I still don't know what the difference in purpose between US Congress and US Senate [face_blush]), or military or medical stuff.

    You shouldn't worry! But I totally get it. When I was first writing yours, they were originally just going to be side/minor characters because I was so worried about messing them up. But then they decided they had other plans.

    Also, I agree, please don't fear Mary-Sues. Besides the fact that having a talent doesn't make a character a sue, the fear of a character being a sue just takes all the fun out of writing OCs.
  18. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    I get what you are saying, however, when your main protagonists are literally the Royal Family of a star system, they would be expected to have far more access to medical resources than your average Jane.

    If you don't want readers wondering why nobody even tried, you need to address that yourself.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2018
  19. Mistress_Renata

    Mistress_Renata Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 9, 2000
    Hmm, I dunno... Klieg Larrs was in a hover chair, rather than having a prosthetic. I'm of the opinion that bacta/the Force CAN'T heal everything. I recall one of the X-wing books, a character lost a limb and his body kept rejecting the prosthetics, so he ended up in a hoverchair, too. I think your thought that 'not everything can be fixed' is much more realistic than 'wavy hands the Force-magic! all better!' And while I know Star Wars is space fantasy, the nitty-gritty, the visual realistic details to me is what I love about's not real, but it could be.
  20. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    I agree, not everything can be cured.

    However, a story that gives the impression that a character has to lump it because all reasonable avenues were exhausted, is different from one which says everybody gave up at the first diagnosis.
  21. Briannakin

    Briannakin Former Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 25, 2010
    That particular story you read, Sith (and I've gotten similar criticism on other stories where I have gone into depth about solutions that make little sense - for example Luke isn't going to use the Force to walk when he can save that energy by using a hoverchair) was a diary, written a number of years after the diagnosis. I get what you are saying about addressing it, but solutions that possibly could impede quality of life, just wasn't what the story was about.

    Heck, Tenel Ka was royalty and chose not to have a cybernetic arm.
    Flyboy240 likes this.
  22. Ewok Poet

    Ewok Poet Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 31, 2014
    The truth is probZ somewhere in the middle.

    And @Briannakin stands up for her causes in many admirable ways.
    Flyboy240, Briannakin and Sith-I-5 like this.
  23. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    But wasn't there a reason with Tenel'Ka?

    But fine. There was nothing to be done.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2018
  24. Mira Grau

    Mira Grau Force Ghost star 5

    May 11, 2016
    @Sith-I-5 Tenel Ka deliberatly choose not to get a prostetic arm to both remind her of her mistake in constructing her lightsaber, as well as not make herself dependant from a machine.
    Briannakin and Ewok Poet like this.
  25. Sith-I-5

    Sith-I-5 Force Ghost star 6

    Aug 14, 2002
    Thank you, @Anedon .

    Where there is a reason given, I don't get involved.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2018