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Mini Series Official “The Acolyte” Series Discussion Thread (Spoilers Allowed)

Discussion in 'Star Wars TV- Completed Shows' started by Darth Chiznuk, Apr 22, 2020.

  1. A Chorus of Disapproval

    A Chorus of Disapproval Head Admin & TV Screaming Service star 10 Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 19, 2003
    They are apparently coming.

    And not a moment too soon. He's the hero we need right now. But not the hero we will ever deserve.
  2. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    Will we see him get the coffee is the real question
  3. Krueger

    Krueger Chosen One star 5

    Aug 9, 2004
    I prefer Oppo Rancisis. Such a wacky design.
  4. ladygrey45

    ladygrey45 Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 30, 2015
    Who’s that
  5. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
  6. ladygrey45

    ladygrey45 Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 30, 2015
    Omfg I’m -
  7. A Chorus of Disapproval

    A Chorus of Disapproval Head Admin & TV Screaming Service star 10 Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 19, 2003
    His greatness is such that his name is secretly embedded in the header at the top of the forums.
    Jedi Knight Fett and Bor Mullet like this.
  8. Bor Mullet

    Bor Mullet Force Ghost star 8

    Apr 6, 2018
    Much better design. Generally, though there’s a lot of great stuff in the PT, I find its alien designs to be the worst of the GFFA, with an exception or two (like Sebulba, Watto).
  9. Krueger

    Krueger Chosen One star 5

    Aug 9, 2004
    There were some good alien designs in the PT, but I do find a lot of them veer too far into MIB territory.
    Bor Mullet likes this.
  10. Bor Mullet

    Bor Mullet Force Ghost star 8

    Apr 6, 2018
    Yup. Heads that don’t fit on bodies, etc. The Jedi were particularly bad, as many of the aliens simply looked dumb with Jedi robes and lightsabers. There were some great designs here and there, but I was kind of shocked by the poor quality of a lot of them. I blame Ryan Church, of course. Who I also blame for global pandemics and climate change.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2020
    cwustudent and Krueger like this.
  11. Darth Megatronus

    Darth Megatronus Jedi Knight star 3

    May 17, 2020
    Kit Fisto and Po Kloon were kinda the only good character designs for the Jedi.
    Bor Mullet likes this.
  12. clone commander bossk

    clone commander bossk Ostrich Velocity Expert star 5

    Nov 5, 2019
    They wee exellent, but there are other good ones, like Coleman Trebor.

    cwustudent likes this.
  13. Master Jedi Fixxxer

    Master Jedi Fixxxer Force Ghost star 5

    Oct 20, 2018
    Plo Koon (Keldor)
    Kit Fisto (Nautolan)
    Coleman Trebor (Vurk)
    Adi Gallia (Tholothian)
    Even Piell (Lannic)
    Aayla Secura (Twi'lek)
    Eeth Koth and Agen Kolar (Zabrak)
    Ki Adi Mundi (Cerean)
    Saesse Tin (Iktochi)
    Shaak Ti (Togruta)
    Coleman Kcaj (Ongree)

    All great designs. Love all of them. They all feel as Star Wars as it can be.
    Oppo Rancisis is the only one I think is really bad.
  14. A Chorus of Disapproval

    A Chorus of Disapproval Head Admin & TV Screaming Service star 10 Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 19, 2003

    The singlemost brilliant presence in the entire PT is alive and well during this era. 2020 finally did something right.


    Yarael Poof fears the mighty Empire.
    But, he does not fear the Acolyte.
  15. Blackhole E Snoke

    Blackhole E Snoke Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Apr 26, 2016
    Is that Waru's sister on the jedi council? :p
  16. Qui-Riv-Brid

    Qui-Riv-Brid Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 18, 2013
    Where is this that ever said in Lucas canon? So where in TCW? Not in his one appearance in the Yoda arc as far as I recall.

    In that Lucas interview on the oral history of TPM that came out in 2019 he specifically states the 2000 years before.

    The thousand years before is both EU as well as current Disney canon. The TLJ the visual dictionary says that Sidious and Vader were the culmination of the line of Bane and the Rule of Two from one thousand years prior. Which is after the Sith had vanished.

    That brings up all the problems of how it's possible for the Jedi to think the Sith, who haven't been seen for thousand years, are extinct but at the exact same time they have to not only know that they aren't but also know about Darth Bane and his Rule of Two (except by EU/Disney canon that would have all been a secret).

    A rule that if it didn't exist prior to Bane (being the last Sith survivor who instituted it) would also be something the Jedi couldn't possibly know about. They wouldn't know about either Bane or the Rule of Two yet clearly they did know about both with complete certainty.

    Even if they somehow found out about them (which doesn't make sense in the first place) then why would they believe with compete confidence that was still the case? The only reason to believe in the Rule of Two being so foundational is because as per Lucas' story that was the way it was for a thousand years after the Sith fell apart two thousand years before TPM.

    I don't know who in the EU came up with the Bane was one thousand years before TPM but maybe it was a misreading of what was in the TPM novelization which follows the basic outline Lucas gave the writer:

    The Sith are founded 2000 years before TPM, relatively quickly gained power but just as quickly lost it. Darth Bane emerged from the wreckage. The Rule of Two is implemented. One thousand years after that the Sith completely disappear until they reemerge in TPM. The destruction of the Sith 2000 years prior and their disappearance 1000 years prior were merged into one event despite the 1000 year gap.

    Of course the EU also has the Sith originating many thousands of years prior to TPM not just two thousand but as it concerns the timing of Bane in particular is the question here.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2020
    cwustudent likes this.
  17. Bor Mullet

    Bor Mullet Force Ghost star 8

    Apr 6, 2018
    Trebor is perhaps the worst one, IMO. That head just needed a different body, and it could have been great. Instead, it looks like they just stuck that head on a human body with photoshop.

    Plo Koon, Shaak Ti and Oppo Rancisis are the best.

    And Yarael Poof, of course. Absolutely. I mean, of course Yarael Poof.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2020
  18. Sauron_18

    Sauron_18 Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 1, 2005
    To be honest, Lucas’s dates on Sith history are confusing whenever you get down to the details of where Bane fits in. I don’t think he bothers too much with those details. But references to the rule of two do make it sounds more set than just a random fact the Jedi learned after the destruction of the Sith. Maybe it’s just a storytelling accident on Lucas’s part. I should make my way to the Star Wars Archives thread in the Lit forum to read his recent comments once more.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2020
  19. Master Jedi Fixxxer

    Master Jedi Fixxxer Force Ghost star 5

    Oct 20, 2018
    Fans can be so pedantic with those things.... as if it matters at all whether Bane started the Rule of Two 1000 or 2000 years prior to the movies.
    It is literally the same in terms of narrative.
    Kato Sai and Darth Megatronus like this.
  20. Django Fett

    Django Fett Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 7, 2012
    Bring it on, it's such uncharted territory for live action. GL has already set the scene insomuch as the Jedi Council and how it operates, this can now explore where the Sith are at this time. But more importantly since Asajj Ventress never completed her journey and became a Lady of the Sith, we get an opportunity to see just where her path would've gone had she been around in this earlier time. For me this is an intriguing opportunity to have something that's set outside of the usual well worn path.
  21. Darth Megatronus

    Darth Megatronus Jedi Knight star 3

    May 17, 2020
    oh yeah, I forgot about Shaak Ti, she’s cool.
  22. Master Cado Afu

    Master Cado Afu Jedi Knight star 2

    Oct 1, 2020
    Somewhat old news, but the High Republic timeline does indeed run up until The Phantom Menace...


    I believe I called that one...

    Anyway, so The Acolyte probably won't be set that far before The Phantom Menace, unless Lucasfilm are being really loose and liberal in their...
    The other week Screenrant did a 5 things we know about the series and 5 theories (from Reddit) article.

    Of the "things we know" in the article, I of course like this one...
    I like their way of thinking. :cool:

    A theory that they presented that I like, and this is a pretty obvious theory, but still (and with the Asajj Ventress concept art)...
    And last, Rayne Roberts as co-creator of the The Acolyte?
    I thought that she was just "co-developing."

    I suppose they could be using co-creator and co-developing interchangeably. Either way, cool. But co-creator caught my eye, is all. And as an Executive Producer is extremely cool too.

    But yep, Asajj Ventress would be great. Having a better idea though when it's going to take place gives a bit more something to the next to nothing that we already had.
    whostheBossk likes this.
  23. Aah Fisto

    Aah Fisto Jedi Master star 2

    May 30, 2020
    I like Ventress and I’d love to see them make dark disciple and show her death. But I personally have no interest in this series being used to show her younger years
  24. FiveFireRings

    FiveFireRings Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 26, 2017
    Yeah, the broad outlines and even some of the specifics are even visually onscreen in TCW anyway.

    I'd still prefer this be a Nightsister thing than a Sith deal, just with new characters. But it's super early days.
    Aah Fisto likes this.
  25. Django Fett

    Django Fett Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 7, 2012
    I think the sheer mystery that surrounds this show makes it just that bit more exciting, you can guess roughly where Book of Boba, Mandalorian S3, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka are going to go. But The Acolyte has so much potential, has any SW media gone gothic before?