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Beyond - Legends Saga Beyond the Saga Saga - Legends The Coming of Equals

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by Reaper63, Oct 15, 2024 at 12:55 PM.

  1. Reaper63

    Reaper63 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 17, 2002
    dramatis personae

    Edan Vortan is a human male, home planet not mentioned yet, and he

    doesn't talk about his life before getting into the business. XS

    Freighter Corsair

    Laseema is a beige TwiLek, Lesbian, good pilot, good gunner. mid 20's or so

    now, as a girl was rescued from a Dancer program (getting ready for

    a slave life, and been working crews since,

    Chupa is a male Dug as with the stereotype, he's cranky most of the time,

    only speaks his native language, but understands most many others.

    Cargo master on the Corsair, and mans the port side gun station.

    Thirteen Separatist B1 Battle droid, salvaged from 13 separate Droids.

    Security and Cargo handling backup on the Corsair

    The Tweedles 2 DUM series Pit Droids, reprogramed and serving and

    maintenance and cargo loading duties on the Corsair. Also

    trained in the use of hand blasters. As armed backup. Tweede

    DUM and Tweedle DEE are the individual names given to the


    Talon Karrde human male, owner and operator of indempendant Smuggler

    group, Generally trustworthy, but selective on who he works

    with. Corellian Action VI Transport Wilde Karrde

    Dash Rendar Corellian Human male, Boastful but talented, not well liked, but

    respected for what he can do Flies a YT-2400 Names Outrider

    LEEBO LE series Labor droid, programed to be a wisecracking copilot and

    mechanic for the Outrider, working with Dash Rendar

    Fenig Nebron Corellian Female mid to late 20s. Second Generation

    Smuggler, Taking over from her adopted father who dies in a

    bar fight. YT-2400 Starlady

    Ghitsa Dogder Female born on Coruscant, Former Hutt Counsrlor, currently

    aboard the Star Lady with Fenig Nebron More often thant not

    tries to work Con Jobs in between Smuggling runs, Always

    trying to find the best deal.

    Kay Vess Female from Canto Bite, started the life of a smuggler between

    ESB and ROTJ, took part in a grand theft caper, but has stayed in

    the Smuggler game since, Captains the EML-850 Trailblazer

    ND-5 Seperatist BX Commando Droid, reprogramed and serving as Flirst

    Officer and backup for Kay Vess on the Trailblazer

    Danielle Kieran Corellian Female. Born to Crimson Dawn Leader Qi’ra, and

    grew up within the elite of Corellia, her mother tried to shield

    her from the Business. Never knew her father, secretly

    believes Han Solo to be her father, but has no way to prove it

    and does not speak of it to others. YT=1300 Century Hawk

    Tal Lamb Sullustian Male, Copilot and Mechanic for the Century Hawk,

    originally hired to tech Danielle piloting and maintenance, has

    stuck with Dani as she entered the world of Smuggling and transport.

    Hondo Ohnaka former pirate and smuggler, now establishing himself as the

    leader of Ohnaka Transports, centered in Black Spire on


    Alei Kris Human female,. Alei has had many names, starting with Alei Jance

    And later as the more famous Juval Chern, Holosinger and

    performer. When both the Empire and Black Sun tried to Kill Juval,

    connecting her activities to the Rebel Alliance, they came up with a

    new cover for her, operating in the Fringe and a smuggler. Juvan

    officially died with Alderaan, where her last stop of her last tour

    ended. Maintaines cover to keep her connection to the alliance and

    later New Republic quiet. Captains a Gallofree Nova Courier Nova Burn

    The Corsair ripped out of Hyperspace and as usual, the old ship shuttered a bit when the 2 massive sublight engines kicked in. This ship was originally built at a time when the Galactic Republic was at its height. The Jedi were trusted enforcers of good, The Republic even had had a standard military, outside of the Jedi Things seemed to work well then. For the most part.

    Corellia, even then was famous of the ships it produced. And chief among them was the XS Class Freighter. That line was running for Centuries. It was the ship of choice for the independent freight runner, and even those that didn’t always follow the letter of every law. Lately the number of operational craft in this class was shrinking, but Corellia was still the planet of choice. Lines like the YT series or the YZ series tend to hold top honors now, with the Action series taking the medium range.

    Not that other planets or companies weren’t in demand. Looking out the squared off Viewport in the Ship, Edan Vortan spotted a few of those other makes.

    Ther was a Ghtroc 720 on planetary approach just ahead. And a YT-2400 seemed to just enter realspace a bit to Starboard. Edan squinted a bit but smiled. He recognized the YT-1300 to port. From the copilot’s seat, it seemed others recognized it as well.

    “That looks like the Century Hawk off to port, Looks like Karrde called in Kieran. Pretty girl, but not worldly enough for me. And way too young for you Old Man.” The beige TwiLek in the copilots seat flashed one of her most disarming smiles at Vortan. It has disarmed the unprepared of most species, both male and female (if either term could apply) But Leseema had an eye for the females of many species.

    “One, I had no interest in the kid. Her being young is just one reason. 2, I aint that old. I prefer to think of it as experienced.” Vortan had a serious look on his face, but this was an old routine. The 2 were separated by the larger then usual Navicomputer, placed between the pilot stations on the older ship.

    “Well, compared to your ship, I guess you are a baby.” She turned back to the viewports.

    “You talk about the Corsair like that and you may need to ask around this gathering for new berths.” Vortan made some adjustments, letting the YT-2400 sneak into approach in front of him. “I’m sure I could find a droid to copilot for me. Calrissian used to fly with a droid. He’s always smiling.”

    “Yeah, and Rendar is always complaining about his droid, Besides, the Tweedles and Thirteen would be upset to throw off the balance. I think they like me better anyway.”

    As a welcome break for this back and forth, Chupa, the Dug, and final living crew of the Corsair came into the cockpit and settled himself into one of the rear stations. The Dug didn’t speak Basic, but the crew all understood it’s language, “You fight like a married couple, besides, that’s the Star Lady slipping in front of us. Fenig Nebron seems to have been invited. She doesn’t come out this far usually.”

    “Yeah, but she’s good. Wonder if this will ultimately be a job for Hondo. He’s operating out of Black Spire now.” Laseema commented.

    “Yeah, but Karrde is also one of the only people who knows we have the Compound down there, out in the outback.” As if on cue, the comm unit squeaked to life.

    “Approaching XS Freighter, this is Black Spire Approach, State your destination.” The bored voice boomed

    “Black Spire, this is Corsair, I need a berth outside of Black Spire. Close the the Century Hawk, if you can. And outside the usual city berths. I’ll speeder in.” Vortan adjusted the mike on his headset. There was never mention of the Compound when taking to approach control, that took a few payoffs. Just a coded landing request. But one he didn’t give.

    “Roger Corsair, let me pull up the landing berth assignments. OK, The Century Hawk was just cleared to the outer Westen Pad, I’ll give you the spot next to it. You are cleared, marking is coded for you. Enjoy your stay.” The no longer bored sounding Approach operator must have scrambled for the berth. Expecting the usual reply.

    “They get so used to the Smuggling and pirates here. Gotta shake things up.”

    “Why aren’t we landing at the Compound? I count 4 ships going to alternate landing sites, and resupplies go to the outer villages all the time.”

    “Im not looking forward to a 2 hour airspeeder flight to Black Spire, plus, Karrde may not hold this meeting in the Town proper. I don’t want to go to Black Spire and then have to travel to Peka or Surabat after that. Chupa, make sure the Speeders are ready, if I’m going alone, I’ll take my bike.” Vortan was adjusting the thrusters, to settle the ship down. He had made sure that his Ramp would face the Hawk’s Ramp, which he was sure would open in a moment. As the skids took the ship’s weight, the crew started moving, getting ready to exit the craft. By the time the ramp dropped, Danielle Kieran was leaning against one of the Ramp struts waiting on them. Laseema exited first and smiled that smile she often used against women.

    “Good to see you in one piece Captain. How is the ship treating you?”

    “It’s been over a month since we said goodbye. But she’s treating us well. I did have to give those lasers a workout about a week ago. Pirates tried to relieve us of cargo. We relieved them of 3 Ugly Fighters. I’m really liking the output of that Twin Turret. I may keep it for a while.”

    “Told you I wouldn’t steer you wrong kid. It’s what I have. The Turret controls worked well in the cockpit?” Vortan held out his hand to shake the fellow Captain’s hand.

    Taking the gesture, she smiled. “It did. I took the time to recalibrate the control interface after shooting at some rocks, but when needed, they worked fine. Thank you for all the work on them.”

    “Hey, I like repeat customers. Well, most of the time, but in this case, I want you around for a while, it seems you were made for the life.”

    Hanging from the Ramp way, Chupa started telling Vortan that they are receiving a comm from Karrde. Taking out his hand commlink, he tuned it to the ship and played the message for everyone gather.

    “Welcome to Batuu. I have arranged to rent out Ronto’s Roasters for our meeting. Food and beverages will be provided. Unfortunately, the meeting will be limited to ship’s Captains. The meeting will be at an hour past sundown, local time. Till then, you are free to enjoy the outpost.”

    “Chupa, Take the Speeder and restock the galley, Take the Tweedles. Lasemma, you are free to, well, be you. If you want, take 13 to make sure you stay out of trouble.” Chupa pulled himself back in and Laseema ran up the ramp after him. Turning to Dani, Vortan smiled. “Have you got a Speeder or Speeder bike on board? If not, I suggest you get one.”

    “No, not yet, but I see the appeal.” Dani looked across the Ship as the cargo lift lowered, with a Small Speeder, and 2 Speeder bikes on them. One Bike seemed to have a Old Trade Federation Battledroid in its stowed configuration But the parts seemed to all be colored differently in a random configuration.

    “That’s Thirteen. Thirteen, cause that’s how many different droids we had to piece together to get that one working. The droid brain, well, he has a decent one now, lots of tactical information, and so much more than that. The Seps failed to upload these things into theirs. Not much for conversation, but very handy in a blaster fight or just loading things.” Vortan was smiling as he took one of the bokes and moved it off the lift. Laseema took the Bike with the Droid and sped off towards the market. Probably heading to the cantina. Chupa and the tweedles had the speeder moving shortly after. Chupa had invited Tel along, and Dani nodded to Tell, letting him know it’s ok to go. Probably the thought of stocking the galley appealed to the Sullustian. It would be a 5 minute bike ride, but maybe half an hour walking.

    “If you want, I’ll take you to get a speeder or two. There are a few used dealers out there. And I know a thing or two about which models would work best for you.”

    “I was just thinking that a Speeder bike would be handy, I will take you up on it.”

    Vortan settled onto the bike and told her to climb behind him. She did and wrapped her arms around his waist. She was hesitant, not sure what to expect. Might be her first time being a passenger on a bike.

    The trip went quickly, and Vortan passed the first two lots selling speeders. He pulled over and shut down the bike outside what looked more like a junk lot.

    “Ok, First, I don’t think I ever saw one of these before. It’s fast, even if you were keeping it calm.” Dani looked over the compact, but powerful speeder bike.

    “Yeah, I got a great deal on Colonial Tech Systems gear a while back They were a group, working only in the outer rim, almost into Wild Space. The Corsair’s Crew all carry their heavy blaster, and this is a Sky Cycle. It can grab decent altitude as well, and once up there, you can open the throttle. But I would suggest wearing a helmet” Vortan laughed. “They were selling back lot gear cheap, good stuff, just not a name that could compete with the Big names.”

    “Ok, next question, why this lot? I’m not sure we can find enough working parts to make a speeder actually run.” Dani was looking over the collection of Speeder parts, and what looked like the biggest mash up of parts on what might have been the only “Working” speeder out front.

    The Ardennian who owns this place likes to keep a low profile, and the tourist trade here passes this place up every time, Plus Gelt doesn’t like renting, he sells to own. Come inside.”

    The two walked into the shop’s front door. The structure looked to be backed right up against one of the spires that the settlement took it’s name. but once, in, Dani could see that the spire had been carved out. It wasn’t a large showroom, but the Speeders there looked much more in line with what she wanted.

    The Ardennian in mechanics coveralls walked over. Two of the four arms were carrying a truster assembly while a third adjusted his took belt

    “Vortan, I’m not gonna buy anything you’re selling. I mean, you never buy anything back.” The words were serious, but the smile on his face betrayed the comment.

    “I’m not here to sell, she, MAY be here to buy. She needs a speeder bike that is easy to stow on a YT-1300. Maybe 2, but definitely one.”

    “1300, huh, so the Usual BARC speeders would be too long, as would Imperial surplus. I have an S57 over there, but it’s in need of parts. I sold those parts to someone a half hour ago.” The spare hand scratches the top of the aliens head. The old Sep Flitknot might work, even give you room to tie off gear behind the pilot. I did just finish restoring an old Undicur Class, But no room for storage there. It fits nicely on the ship though.” Gelt looked Dani over, judging the woman, seeing if she was capable. Or worthy in some way. “Wait here., I think I got it.”

    “This should be good, That Ardennian can usually match people to the right speeder every time. Not me, mind you, I like the SkyCycle. He’s dying for me to get him one. But that monster out front is his personal one.”

    The sound of engines starting up made both smugglers turn towards the curtained off shop and out came Gelt riding, very slowly. What looked like a broken circle with handle bars and foot pegs

    “I literally just finished the FC-20. It’s vintage, maybe 12 years before the Clone Wars started, but I just got it back into prime shape. No mounted, weapons, but it’ll fly fast and it’s controllable, you can use your hand blaster fairly easy.”

    “How much?” Dani asked, almost too fast, but with Vortan’s help, they negotiated a price fair enough. Especially since Gelt threw in the Undicur class. Vortan told Gelt to comm Chupa, who had Tel with him. Tel would bring the Undicur back to the Hawk and Dani would keep the FC-20. Gelt even took a moment to weld on a few hitching points to the engine housing behind the circular crew station.

    Checking the time, it was cloes enough to the agreed upon meeting time that both bikes made it to Ronto Roastes, parked, and locked down the bikes and entered.

    Inside the tourist and local crowd had left. The staff checked for the invite codes and then told them to sit anywhere. Dani excused herself, to either get a drink or have some meat carved off. But Vortan wanted to see who had been invited and who was here. Looking at probably the next youngest in the room, Vortan saluted Kay Vess. She probably bought those speeder parts from Gelt. He’d have to talk to Kay, and probably beg to get a look at the Trailblazer. That EML-850 is a beautiful one-of-a-kind ship. The fact that Vess has been able to keep her hands on it was a testament to her skills.

    In a corner, nursing what had to be a Corellian Ale was Fenig Nabron. The Star Lady’s Captain looked like she was taking it easy here, not sure why so many were called together on the younger side, she was in her mid to late 20s now. Not bad, and lots of experience.

    The Duros in the middle table kept fingering his blaster. No Trust in his fellow Smugglers. Not a dumb thing, but no one would cross Karrde.

    The entry opened and a large frame stood there. He gave the code and walked in. Dash Rendar, wearing his armor. That show off never passed a chance to brag, problem was, he usually delivered on that bragging. That meant the Outrider was parked somewhere near. Vortan promised himself he’d avoid a fight, if just for Karrde.

    About half a dozen other shippers were mixed in with everyone else. Vortan had no names for them, but he’s seen them here and there in ports or on stations. He might have even sold them weapons before.

    Everyone quieted down when Karrde walked in. He was dressed in some fine clothes. Not flashy or overly fancy, like Nebron’s partner usually wore, but you could tell he was trying to make an impression. The problem there was that the impression was made by the woman standing next to him. Short blond hair, a great figure, she had a DH-17 strapped to her right hip, wore a sleeveless tunic that seemed almost fitted to her. Ice blue eyes. And tall. There was a grace to her walk. Maybe a background in dance? But that ice cold stare she gave everyone staring at her. An unspoken challenge to try her. Vortan pitied those who took her at that challenge.

    “Gentle beings. Thank you for answering the call. I’m sure you are wondering who my partner here is. This is Alei Kris. She’s captain of the Nova Burn. Now, to what I called you here for. With hostilities between the Empire and Rebel Alliance really heating up into a proper war, there has been a call for medical supplies on a number of planets. My organization has been working with some of these planets, but we need help. The planets are paying, but not smuggling rates. I’m throwing in as much free space in my fleet as I can.”

    Karrde looked around and knew he wasn’t selling this yet. “With these shipments, come the Pirates and hijackers, the armies of warlords, and raiders. I’d like to hire you to ship and protect larger ships bringing in supplies. You all have well-armed, well shielded ships. You can also bring in some supplies as well. I’m not asking you to give up on the real paying jobs, but if you’re down, a small check its better than Nothing.”

    Alai stepped forward. “I’m not new to the life, I’ve lived” she paused, probably trying to word it correctly, “I have lived many lives before taking this one up. And I’ve tried to go unnoticed. The people I worked for did not like drawing a lot of attention. But I’ve sworn the Nova Burn to this mission. And I have a few friends joining. I’m also not saying you can’t bring in other cargos. Cargos you are free to sell for whatever you can make. I’m just asking you not bring in weapons.”

    When she said that, half the room turned to look right at Vortan. Yeah, I guess he’s earned that reaction.

    “I can keep the weapons to myself. The Corsair has run medical supplies before. And aid supplies in general.” He looked at the ones still glaring, “You all know that.”

    The room broke out into laughter. It seemed Kay Vess and Danielle were the 2 not ready for the laughing. “In fact, I’m ready to take a shipment if you have one ready, just tell me where and with whom I’m going with.”

    “Thank you Edan. Hondo will have the supplies readied for you. He’s currently making sure the Nova Burn is loaded now. You two will go together.” Karrde turned to the crowd, “This run could use one more ship. If you are free.”

    “I’ll do it and faster than that Relic he’s flying. Have Hondo comm Leebo and tell him to get ready. Besides, I have worked with Alai before. It’s been too long.” Dash Randar had that smile on his face. That smile Edan would love to smack off of it. But there was a look between Rendar and Kris that showed they did know each other.

    “You three can go. I’m going to talk to the others, see if I can get more commitments. I’ll update the list later. Good luck to you all.”

    Leaving the restaurant, still holding his food, Vortan walked up to the two others, they were talking, probably not wanting to be heard.

    “…didn’t know you survived.” Dash saw Vortan and stopped talking. “You gonna be able to keep up? The Outrider could fly circles around your heap.”

    “Keep it up Dash, once the supplies are delivered, we don’t both have to leave that planet.” Vortan flexed his fingers a bit, “Chupa has wanted to claim the hulk of the Outrider for a while now.”

    “You couldn’t scratch the chromium armor.I like a Shiny ship so you can see yourself getting smaller in it.” Dash also seemed to be flexing his gun hand.

    “Captain Vortan, I’m Alai Kris. Thank you for stepping up here. I’m not expecting trouble, but it does find you when you least expect it. I’m not familiar with your ship. I take it from Dash’s colorful description, it’s an older design?”

    Now, talking to her, there was something that seemed familiar with he woman. But he knew he never heard her name before. “Yeah, The Corsair is an Old Republic CEC XS Class Freighter. But unlike Captain Rendar comments, she’s been completely upgraded and modernized. Upgraded firepower, and much better crew.”

    “XS Class? Ok, I can see why he calls her a relic, I’d call her a Classic.” Turning towards the Landing Bay behind them, Kris points to her craft. “That is the Nova Burn. A Gallofree Nova Courier Class Freighter. Shields, engines, hyperdrive all updated. I have her armed with 2 Quad laser turrets, Top and bottom. There may also be missiles stuck in among the electronics’ pod opposite the Cockpit pod. I’ve got 4 crew, so a decent set up.”

    “I always liked the Gallofree. But that reputation killed the line. I hear the Rebels took a lot of them with those big transports. Parts must be getting hard to find.”

    “Like I said, it’s been upgraded. But yeah, those parts that can’t be upgraded are tough to find at times. It helps to have a long line of friends. And paying jobs.”

    Vortan was going to ask questions about Kris herself, but was interrupted by Hondo walking up, announcing his approach verbally as always. That Weequey was not shy. “Mistress Kris, the Ship has been loaded. I am ready to send the other 2 shipments out to your friends here, I already know what ships they fly so I have broken the shipment down based on ability to fit them in.” Hondo looked right at Dash, and seemed to make a small joke, since the YT-2400 could carry the least of the 3 ships. “I just need to know if you are already loaded and if I need to make further adjustments. Oh, and where you are docked, I can’t bring the cargo if you don’t tell me where.”

    Dash looked annoyed at the former pirate and scowled. “The Outrider is empty right now.” He commented and indicated which pad the ship was on.

    Vortan then indicated his berthing and smiled. “Completely empty, I was hoping for a job. Just too efficient lately. You can have Thirteen and the Tweedles help you load. I know how you and Chupa have issues.”

    “Nonsense, I run things now, I don’t need to load the ships, I pay people to do that, so Chupa can earn his pay. The shipments are going out now. Now, if you excuse me, Karrde promised me a meal in The Roasters. Good evening.”

    Kris looked at the 2 men, probably not wanting to get back into what she was talking about with Dash, and trying to avoid questions from Vortan. “We launch in 3 hours. Get your crews together, Stock up if you need to and lets get going, Destination will be transmitted in orbit. Just to avoid any issues here. I’ll see you in orbit, 3 hours.” And as if to say that’s it, she turned and moved towards her ship.

    Vortan turned to face Dash and put it all on the line. “How long have you known her?”

    “Right now, I’m wondering if I ever really knew her. But that’s not your business. I’ll be waiting for your slow ass in orbit.” And with that, Rendar turned and walked away.

    With nothing else to do, Vortan turned to grab his speeder and go back to the ship. Talking, right outside the entry way, were 3 of the smugglers from inside. The 3 women turned to watch the large man approach and 2 of them smiled.

    “How lucky for you to get Rendar as a partner on your trip, huh Vortan.” Fenig almost laughed. She was probably the only one of the three to actually have worked with him before.

    “Yeah, never met him before today, but I’ve heard about him. Glad it’s not me.” Kay shook her head.

    “At least you got ND-5. I’d put money on that droid to keep Rendar’s ego off your ship.” Vortan smiled back.

    “Yeah, but ND-5 hates LEEBO. They might end up shooting each other.” ND-5 had a longer history in the business than Kay did, and had met Dash and his droid before.

    “Thirteen would shoot him in a heartbeat. Hell, the Tweedles would shoot LEEBO in a heartbeat.” Vortan sees that Dani is just sitting back taking this all in. Vortan smiled and addressed her, “Just try to avoid him Kid. His Ego is HUGE and the main problem with that is most of the time, he backs up the boasting.”

    Fenig lowered her gaze. “That may very well be the worst part of it all.” She looked back up. “But the good news is, the three of us have been given a Shipment tomorrow. Karrde put me in charge, but both of these ladies will do fine.”

    “Just don’t let Dogder fly. Or shoot. Or navigate. Tell me, why does she fly with you?’ Vortan was smiling an evil smile.

    “She can be fun to make fun of along the way. And usually makes herself useful. “

    “Ok, I should get back before Laseema loads on all the girls she has here. I don’t need extra mouths to feed. You all keep your heads down and stay safe. You are all good people.” And looking right at Dani, “listen and learn Kid. They have plenty they can teach you. Even Vess.” Vortan winked at Vess.

    That last comment got a reaction out of Nix, who was resting on one of Kay’s shoulders, “You better go before Nix attacks you, Vortan.” That attitude always surprised Vortan. Someone so young, but like Rendar, so far, the woman backed up that attitude. It’s what will make her a legend in the business one day. Vortan got on his speeder and made his way back to the ship.

    The loading of the ship went quickly, all three organic members of the crew pitched in, helping the ground team upload crates of food and medical supplies. A few of the medtechs would accompany the ship and stay behind to tend to the sick and injured Leseema showed them to the spare bunks aboard and the small rec area. The holotable was a great place to distract them while on route.

    2 hours before later, which was still 45 minutes before the appointed meet up time in orbit, Vortan called for a ship meeting,.

    “OK, Karrde said we are doing this because pirates are stalking these planets looking for easy prey. We are not easy prey, but by the time they figure that out, we may already be trading shots. So, here are the ship rules. ONE of you can sit in the cockpit, We have 2 stations that you can strap into and be there in case I need an extra pair of hands. Everyone else will be either here or in the Bunk room, strapped in and quiet. This will be no later then 20 minutes before reverting to real space. And once you are strapped in, you will not move from there till I give the all clear.”

    Vortan looked every one of them in the eyes as he said this. Then continued. Chupa, you will be in the Cargo arm. I want you ready to power up that Quad gun and start taking out threats. Laseema, If you think you can remote operate the Top Quad, you can stay in the cockpit, but I’d rather you in the turret. Belly Gun is mine, and I’ll have the targeting screen set up. The Tweedles will be ready for emergency repairs. We’ll activate them at the 20 minute mark as well. Now, I would much rather we not need any of this and you all call me an over reactor. But if we do, you’ll thank me. Eventually.”

    “Ship will be sealed in half an hour. I suggest you don’t go far. I’m betting Rendar will be early. And complain about having to wait for us in orbit. I do not want to hear that and would much rather complain about him. This Kris person, well, she has lead, so I don’t care one way or another. Rendar just annoys me. If there are not questions, dismissed.”

    He could tell who had seen combat before and who was new to this. Not just by the ages of the techs, but by the reaction to having the ship’s weapons manned upon reaching the system. Hopefully, the newbies will stay new this time.

    Fifteen minutes later, the Corsair lifted off the landing padd. And angled up into orbit. Vortan adjusted his headset a bit, and then looked to the port side, there he saw exactly what he wanted to see, a YT-2400 trying to catch up on the escape vector. Vortan had barely edged out Rendar, heading towards orbit. Even if Rendar gunned his drives and made it there first, Vortan knew he’d been cleared and departed first. No complaints could be made. Rendar, ir seemed., understood this, because he let the Corsair take the lead over the Outrider. Vortan figured, a very high orbit, just outside the traffic patterns would be a perfect place to wait for the Nova Burn. But that wouldn’t be needed, cause sitting in probably the exact spot Vortan would have chosen was a Gallofree Nova Courier, with its tail facing them and it looked like the main drives heating up.

    “Took you guys long enough. I’ve been waiting for 15 minutes. Hondo needed that Bay for a new shipment, wouldn’t say what though.” Alai broadcast, Vortan could swear he heard the smile on her face.

    “Funny Kris. I bet you think you’re real funny. Transmit the destination to Vortan and I and we can jump. Don’t worry I won’t get there…too much faster than you do.” You could tell Rendar was not having a good day.

    The destination was shared, Vortan had heard about the recent fighting to liberate the planet, but not who won, if either side did. Seemed a lot of these small out of the way systems were thought to be good places for the Imps to hide and regroup. Pulling up the system info, Vortan could see why the ground might have been hit hard. Little in the way of moons or other places to hide, there had probably been a garrison, tops before Endor. Now, they may have taken in forces from other battles. Hoping to be overlooked. They formed a wedge formation. With the Nova Burn taking lead, Vortan settled to the port-rear side and watched the Outrider take up the Starboard -rear position.

    “Hyperspace in 3, 2 , 1, Hit it.” Kris broadcast and Vortan pulled back on the levers, sending the Corsair into Hypersace right behind the Nova Burn.

    The trip was uneventful. The Medtechs stayed out of the way, either slept or played on the holotable. Chupa stayed in the Cargo arm. He had turned the forward Bay, which now mostly containded the missile and torpedo launchers, into his cabin. He had a hammock Set up and portioned off a private area. He really only had to mingle when he came to eat. Vortan napped in the pilot chair. He’d made it so he could recline it a bit and allow him to relax, he kept the headset on, trying to figure out what was being transmitted between the 2 other ships. He’d get pieces of the conversation. Seemed they were using a short range laser comm. Hard to pick up, but Hypersoace sometimes allowed some stray signals. The hypercomm was on standby and Laseema was checking it.

    So it seems that Dash did know Alai, or at least knew her back before Yavin. He heard Alderaan or something as their last meeting. At first, Vortan would swear he called her by another name. but he couldn’t make out that name. then some sort of exchange about a show and an attack at that show. Later, Vortan would look into this, see what he could piece together. Not much could get under Dash’s skin, or through that ego, but he wanted to know how Alai did.

    Napping off and on, not really worried about eating, time went by fairly quickly. The alarm Vortan had set to start getting ready for the 20 minute mark lockdown just went off. He unreclined the seat and locked the back in place. Laseema walked in and threw him a food bar, That woman always knew. It was annoying. But that’s why he kept her around, plus she was damned good at all the jobs Vortan asked of her.

    “All hands, you should now be locked down. We will be exiting Hyperspace shortly. If you are not locked down. Then I hope I’m wrong about company.” Vortan closed off the Internal comm and looked to Laseema. “You staying or you going up?

    “Going up now. I checked; they are tied down nicely. I’ll Check in when the guns are on standby.” She got up, nodded to the Senior Medtech, sitting at the Station behind her and then jogged down the Central corridor to the Gunwell. Vortan turned to the Rodian and smiled. “You can put that hedset on, so you can hear what’s being said. I’m just gonna cut your mike so you don’t talk over the crew.” Before turning back the controls, he made sure the Rodian put the headset on, then he cut the mike from the system. Sometimes these older ships were nice, the Central navicomputer had a Comm unit built in as well.

    “Top Turret is on hot standby, ready to engagement,” Laseema checked in.

    “Cargo arm Turret is ready as well.” Chupa reported.

    “Belly turret is locked and tied in Pilot control. Shield generators are powered up and ready to activate. We will revert to real space in 5 minutes. I’d say we are combat ready but will appear calm. No reason to worry the locals more.

    When those fivee minutes expired, Vortan gripped the levers and pushed them forward. And cut in the Sublight drives almost at the same time. The swirls of hyperstace turned to the streaks of light and then the System resolved around them. The first thing to attract his attention was the wreckage of a light Cruiser floating off to one side. It had been pounded, and probably just tractored out of the hyperspace lanes. More wreckage was seen, rolling around the system.

    “Shields up, I don’t like this.” Vortan said as he hit the switch. And not 2 heartbeats later, energy reached out and struck the Nova Burn on the top rear section, seems the crew was also not liking it and they had their shields up as well. “Top rear, incoming fire. What do you see Laseema?”

    The only answer he got immediately was the sound of the top Quadlaser firing. Then a reply, “We have 2 maybe 3 Ships inbound. Not sure on class, probably one is a CROC or was, it’s armed to the teeth. Can’t get a read on the other one. They have started targeting all three of us.” As the ship rattled from laser hits.

    Vortan could see the Burn returning fire now and was sure Dash was as well.”Ok, time to maneuver and hit back fully. I’m powering the torpedo tubes. Does the Port or Starboard launcher have the Ion Torps”

    “Port Launcer Ion, Starboard Proton.” Chupa replied, now that the Corsair was maneuvering, both the Top and Cargo arm Quads were able to return fire. And checking the scope, showed that the Outrider was also manuvering and firing.

    Vortan smiled as he was finally able to get the Belly Laser a line of sight on the Targets and opened fire himself. But that possible third ship ended up being real and Vortan had to manuver out of its line of fire. “Number 3 is a Skipray. Possibly to use its ion Cannons against the targets. Bet they didn’t count on this.” See, a XS Freighter, or any Freighter should not have been able to turn with a ship like a Skipray. It was designed for combat. And it’s power source was far bigger then it’s size need to power 3 Ion Cannons. But any Smuggler worth the title added things to their ship so it could turn like it wasn’t supposed to. So that Skipray operator never expected the 2 Ion Torpedos that Vortan launched into its tail.

    These Torpedoes could, in enough quantity shut down an ISD. 2 of them, fired this close could not miss and slammed into the ship, covering it with electrical discharges. Then it shut down. Completely. The 3 or 4 crew members were probably wondering what hit them. Vortan selected the other tube and then turned towards the CROC. It had to be the command ship, which would plunder the prey. The last ship, some Corellian YZ series was now fighting off the Nova Burn and the Outrider. And it wasn’t doing well at that fight. Trying to fly through the incoming fire from the converted Freighter, Vortan let his crew unleash the Quad Guns into it’s shields. And the shields were taking damage. So were Vortans, but he was holding up better against the larger ship. Flying along the underbelly, Laseema was pounding away. Once, past the ship, Vortan did a Bootleggers turn, using thrust vectoring and braking thrusters, put his bow on the stern of the CROC and then squeeze the fire switch for the Torp launcher 3 times. Using one tube, you can’t say it was rapid fire, but it got the job done. All three hit the ship. The first 2 flared against the shields and the third, well, that one impacted hull. And seemed to blow one of the 4 main engines almost completely off. He angled the ship and let his crew chew hull on the now exposed rear of the ship, until all the remaining engines died.

    A quick check of the scanner showed that the YZ was now gone. Seemed they fought till they ran out of chances.

    “Let’s leave the pirates here. I sent a signal to Rebel Command. They have a Corvette on its way to pick up survivors. Time, we delivered our gear and made for Batuu. I’ll Comm Karrde, update him on this.” Kris was back in charge. Seemingly no issues with destroying that last Pirate ship. Vortan fell into formation, taking up the rear this time, and they flew into and landed as planned.

    Vortan and Dash were trying to out macho each other. For Dash, this was natural, for Vortan, he made an exception. But what he did do was always kept an eye on Alai Kris. He was sure he had seen her before. Some of the ways she would move were very dance-like. Like she flowed rather than moved. Then others, she seemed the typical Smuggler out of Mos Eisley.

    Wait, Tattooine, that might be it. but it would have to wait. All the ships were unloaded. The locals were meeting with the Medtechs, moving out to where they were needed. The food supplies are now going where they were needed.

    “You guys did well, I’ll tell Karrde that this one worked. I know you will be paid in full, and you definitely have my thanks.” She turned to Vortan and offered her hand. “Despite what Dash here said, you know your way around things. I hope I run into you again.” They shook hands and Vortan smiled. He couldn’t help it when she smiled at him. The woman may not have been highlighting it, but she was naturally beautiful. “Dash, Nar Shaddaa, I’ll be there. I will explain it all then and we can see what to do about it.”

    “I’ll be there, As I promised. See you there. Vortan, nice work. Maybe that relic is worth the time you put into it.” Which for Dash Rendar might have been as close to a thank you he ever got.

    There was no more answer here, and he doubted that invite to Nar Shaddaa was open to him. But he did want to follow up on Fenig’s run. She was the one taking 2 newer operators with her. Moving back up into the ship, both crew members were sitting in the cockpit. Laseema was running prelaunch checks, and Chupa was eating something or other. “

    Ok, once we break Planet, make sure the Rebels were picking up those pirates, and see if they need anything, Then, we’re gonna leave a Hypernet message for Fenig. And finally, we’ll tell Karrde we will take future runs as he needs us. Oh and tell Hondo I expect that his run will be ready once we return. This time to the Compound. Check on our business.”

    “I’m already contacting EV, making sure everything is running well. And that any incoming contracts were dealt with.” Chupa replied. EV -8E4 as the Droid that Vortan left in charge of the operations at the Compound when the crew was out. There was a mix of living and Droids there, but EV organized everything. He was good at it.

    “Ok then, let’s get moving. We also need to restock those 5 torpedos. Maybe installing an Ion Cannon is not a bad idea.” Vortan just wondered where he could fit it onto the ship without losing something else.

    As he approached the Hyperspace Jump point, 1 Rebel Corvette and 3 Y-Wings were recovering the pirates. So, they were handled. And he’d sent the message to Fenig. Maybe they could meet up either on Nar Shaddaa or someplace else. It’d be good to catch up.

    Smiling, He reached over and pulled back on the levers, sending them all onto the next adventure.
  2. Reaper63

    Reaper63 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 17, 2002
    Feedback is always welcome