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Beyond - Legends Saga Before - Legends Before the Saga Beyond the Saga A Hundred Drabbles (UDC IX-Multi Era, Ensemble Cast)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by devilinthedetails , Apr 26, 2020.

  1. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    Title: Luminescent Spirits and Crude Matter

    Characters: Anakin Skywalker; Padme Amidala.

    Genre: Angst; Drama; General.

    Era: Saga-PT and OT.

    Summary: Anakin and the burdens of the past and the future.

    Luminescent Spirits and Crude Matter

    Days Sweet as Shuura Fruit

    The morning after their marriage, Anakin and Padme shared a shuura fruit poached in spices. Savoring the juicy softness as he carved into it, Anakin understood why poached shuura fruit was a favorite delicacy of his wife’s. Smiling at her, he remarked, “Today tastes sweet as poached shuura because I’m married to you.”

    “May all our days taste sweet as shuura.” Padme leaned into kiss him, and he could smell the scent of shuura fruit clinging to her like perfume. Her mouth danced across his, and he could taste the shuura fruit on her lips and then on her tongue.

    Tortured by the Future

    The future was prophecy, and prophecy was the future. Anakin had been tortured by the future—by prophecy—since he was a small slave boy growing up on Tatooine. First had been the dreams of freeing all the slaves of Tatooine and slaying the masters with a sunset red weapon. Then, when he left Tatooine there was the crushing burden of being the Chosen One destined to bring balance to the Force and the nightmares that awakened him in the middle of the night soaked in sweat. The dreams of his mother dying and himself too late to save her.

    Haunted by the Past

    It wasn’t only the future that tortured Anakin. It was his past that haunted him as well. His past of leaving his mother as a slave on Tatooine and never returning to save her before it was too late. His past of his mother dying in his arms, whispering how proud she was of him and how much she loved him. His past of slaughtering all the Tusken Raiders in the camp where he had found her, including the unarmed, defenseless women and children, because his mother had been unarmed and defenseless when the Tusken Raiders attacked and captured her.

    Defying Death

    The moment his mother died in his arms, Anakin became determined to defy death. Not selfishly for himself, but selflessly for those he loved. He didn’t have to live forever. He only wanted eternity for those he loved. That was why when a nightmare of Padme dying in childbirth came to him like a vision of the future, he’d been so tempted by Palpatine’s promise that only as a Sith could he learn to stop those he loved from dying. He had slain the younglings for love, and his greatest grief was Padme didn’t see that, rejecting his greatest gift.

    Unexpected Resurrection

    Anakin had never expected to find redemption or resurrection. When he died looking on his son with his own eyes, Anakin knew that he had found a measure of redemption for years spent terrorizing the galaxy. When his eyes shut on life, he expected to be swallowed by the gaping, dark void that awaited all Dark Siders, but instead he was immersed in healing light. Healing light that purged all evil from his soul so he could finally transcend himself, becoming a luminescent spirit who could stand beside Obi-Wan and Yoda, watching his body burn at his own funeral.
  2. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Lovely range of emotions and experiences
  3. amidalachick

    amidalachick Chosen One star 5

    Aug 3, 2003
    Another wonderful set, and as Nyota commented, such a range of emotions!

    "Days" was such a beautiful, tender moment for Anakin and Padmé. And I've got to say, poached spiced shuura fruit sounds delicious! :D

    Then such a contrast with the angst of "Future", "Past", and "Death"! You really captured Anakin's sadness and guilt over his mother's death, and his fear of losing Padmé. These were all so intense.

    And then "Resurrection" was such a powerful way to finish the set.

    That's always been, and always will be, one of my favorite Star Wars moments (and one of my favorite fictional moments, period), and you captured it beautifully. [face_love]

    Great work as always! =D=
  4. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    a great set showing Anakin's emotions
  5. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Thank you so much for commenting!:)I'm so glad you found this set to have such a lovely range of emotions and experiences!

    @amidalachick As always, thank you so much for your thoughtful comments!:) I'm so flattered that you found this to be a wonderful set with such a powerful range of emotions. "Days" was a really touching, sweet moment for me to write, so I'm so happy you found it to be beautiful and tender, and my mouth was totally watering as I came up with poached spiced shurra fruit (my head canon is it tastes like poached pears, so yummy)=P~

    "Future," "Past," and "Death" were definitely much more heart-breaking and angsty for me to write. I wanted to try to do Anakin's grief and guilt over his mother's death justice even in such a short space as well as his deep fear of losing Padme. I think of Anakin's emotions regarding Padme and his mother in ROTS and AOTC as being so intense that I just wanted to make sure I conveyed that in this set.

    I can never watch the scene of Anakin/Vader asking his son to remove his helmet so he can look on him with his own eyes before he dies without getting tears in my eyes, so it was so moving for me to be able to write about it in this set. It is a very beautiful and profound moment that I just knew I had to use it for this set.

    Thank you again for your sweet words!:)

    @earlybird-obi-wan Thank you so much for your kind comment!:) I'm so glad that you found this to be a great set showing all of Anakin's powerful emotions.
  6. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    Title: At the Homefront

    Characters: Padme Amidala; Jobal Naberrie; Ruwee Naberrie; Sola Naberrie.

    Genre: Family; General.

    Era: Saga-PT.

    Summary: Padme visits home after the Trade Federation's invasion of Naboo has ended.

    At the Homefront

    Safe Haven

    Her parents’ house, where she had been raised, had always been a safe haven for Padme away from the judgment and stress of politics. In the eyes of her mother and father, there was always compassion and concern for her welfare but never condemnation for how she was handling or mishandling anything.

    There was never debating legislation over the simple, delicious meals her mother cooked. Instead, there was conversation light and pleasant as fruit from her father’s garden. The enticing aromas of her mother’s kitchen and the sweet scent of garden flowers erased her memories of war, failure, and invasion.

    Kitchen Helper

    “Let me be your helper in the kitchen,” Padme told her mother, stepping into the kitchen to find her mother kneading fistfuls of dough.

    “You’re the queen.” Her mother laughed. “I can’t treat you like a housekeeping droid.”

    Her family didn’t keep a housekeeping droid although they could afford it, preferring to labor with their own hands.

    “I want to help.” Padme glanced at the soup recipe on the counter, grabbed a knife, and began chopping vegetables. “I want to tackle manageable problems and feel like I’m doing something useful.”

    The way she hadn’t rebuilding after the Trade Federation invasion.

    Healing Garden

    In the tranquility of her father’s garden, Padme could believe that she, her people, and her world could heal from the scars the Trade Federation had left. The bright colors and sweet smells of the blossoms chased away memories of metallic armies marching innocent citizens to camps.

    She said as much to her father as she sat beside him on a stone bench.

    He smiled at her as he answered, “Nature always finds away to survive no matter how cruelly machines and greedy sentients attack it. It’s persistent and enduring just like the souls of the people who love it.”

    Home in Her Heart

    It was on this visit home that Sola introduced her to her boyfriend, Darred Janren. Darred was an architect who’d obviously built a home for Sola in his heart, gazing at her with eyes warm as caf. Sola must have also built a home for him in her heart because she sparkled beside him and smiled at everything.

    Home was love. It was serving each other at table and cuddling on a sofa to watch a holovid. It was rippling laughter and uncomplicated pleasure. Padme was grateful to have Sola and Darred remind her of this in a confusing galaxy.

    Happy Hereafter

    “I get a warm feeling in my heart whenever I look at Darred.” Sola blushed as the two sisters painted their nails in Padme’s bedroom. “Like I could be forever happy hereafter as long as he was by my side.”

    “It’s nice to think of being in love and happy.” Wistfully, Padme blew on a nail she’d polished stunning silver.

    “You’ll find love and happiness one day.” Sola painted her nails blush pink.

    “I don’t have time for that.” Padme shook her head. “It’d be selfish of me to focus on finding love when I should be serving my people.”
  7. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Safe Haven -- There was never debating legislation over the simple, delicious meals her mother cooked. Instead, there was conversation light and pleasant as fruit from her father’s garden. The enticing aromas of her mother’s kitchen and the sweet scent of garden flowers erased her memories of war, failure, and invasion.
    I adored this - the sense of serenity and warmth!

    Home and Hereafter -- I loved reading of Sola's happiness with Darred and Padme and Sola enjoying a sweet, confiding, relaxing sisterly time.
    Padme is happy for Sola and wistful for her own chance at romantic bliss.
  8. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    a sweet time for Padmé and even more so for Sola
  9. Kit'

    Kit' Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 30, 1999
    Aww these were so lovely and comforting. They were all great.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. amidalachick

    amidalachick Chosen One star 5

    Aug 3, 2003
    I love how you write Padmé and her family! There's so much warmth and tenderness between them all. These were such homey, happy prompts too and you did a wonderful job conveying those feelings.

    Lovely! I can practically smell the flowers. And so comforting for Padmé!

    I love the whole scene of Padmé helping her mother in the kitchen, but there really is so much truth in this line! Feeding people is one of the easiest, most hands-on ways to feel like you're making a difference, even in a small way.

    Such beautiful imagery, and a wonderful place for healing. [face_love]

    I love this line, and there is so much truth here too!

    And I absolutely loved seeing Padmé and Sola have some sisterly girl time in "Hereafter"! [face_love]

    Beautiful set! =D=
  11. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha As always, thank you so much for commenting!:) I really enjoyed exploring home as a place of refuge away from the debates and complexities of politics for Padme, and I'm so glad that sense of serenity and warmth was a highlight for you, because that was exactly what I was hoping to capture in these drabbles. Writing Sola's happiness with Darred warmed my heart, and it was truly lovely for me to look at Sola and Padme having a moment for sweet, confiding sister talk. I can understand how Padme would be both happy for her sister finding love while also longing to find that love of her own one day and wondering if she would ever find that love. I think that can be a pretty natural reaction so that is why I had Padme experience it in these drabbles.

    @earlybird-obi-wan Thank you for being a faithful reviewer throughout this series!:) I definitely imagine that Padme's trips home would always be a treasured time for her, and for Sola having the love of her life visit her family would be even sweeter as you say. This was such a nice set of fluffy drabbles for me to write, and I really enjoyed being able to tap these emotions of family bliss and love.

    @Kit' Thank you so much commenting!:) I'm so flattered that you found these to be so lovely and comforting since that was exactly the tone I was hoping to achieve!

    @amidalachick Thank you for always being such a thoughtful reviewer!:) I'm so glad that you love how I write Padme and her family. The more I write Padme's family, the more I fall in love with them and want to explore them even more. They just seem like such good people. I really enjoyed being able to write these sort of homey, happy drabbles with the prompts this week.

    I really wanted to try to capture that sense of the scents of home so it makes me so pleased that you felt you could smell the flowers in that sentence.

    Some of my most treasured memories of time with my mother are in the kitchen, so I couldn't resist having Padme help her mother in the kitchen, and I think Padme is definitely right that feeding people is one of the simplest and most hands-on way of showing others you care about them. I really get such a sense of satisfaction when I cook for someone and I can see how much they are enjoying the food that I made for them.

    The theme of healing was such a powerful one for me in these drabbles, and I'm so happy that came through for you with beautiful imagery in Padme's father's garden.

    Writing Padme's sister bonding moment was wonderful for me, and it makes me so glad that you loved it.

    Thank you so much for your kind words, and I hope you'll enjoy this final set as well!

    Title: Order, Art, and Excisions

    Characters: Dooku; Qui-Gon Jinn; Obi-Wan Kenobi; Yoda; Xanatos (Jedi Apprentice books).

    Genre: General; Drama.

    Summary: Qui-Gon resists the order Dooku seeks to impose upon him over the years.

    Author's Note: A special thank you to all my faithful readers and reviewers! I have never written so many drabbles in my life, so this was a stretch of my skills, and I never would've succeeded without the support and inspiration I found in this friendly community. [face_love]

    Order and Excisions

    Archeological Dig

    “Your room’s a mess.” Dooku stood with his arms folded across his chest in the entrance to Qui-Gon’s quarters, and Qui-Gon couldn’t fathom why his Master was so irritated by the perpetually chaotic condition of his room. “Dust has taken residence under your sleep couch and will be difficult to evict, while you’ll need to go on an archeological dig to find your floor.”

    “I’ll get everything cleaned and organized.” Qui-Gon swallowed a resigned sigh. Things he tided and ordered had a tendency never to stay that way. Archeology was better than cleaning and organizing, he thought.

    Classical and Abstract Art

    Qui-Gon knew that his Master considered himself to be a cultured man who was determined to cultivate this same sophisticated eye for art in Qui-Gon. That was why Qui-Gon spent so much of his apprenticeship admiring paintings and statues at the hundreds of museums in Coruscant’s many artsy districts.

    Qui-Gon was drawn to the more abstract, interpretive works, the ones his Master dismissed as a clumsy artist upchucking on canvas.

    Years later, when Qui-Gon took Obi-Wan to these museums, his Padawan would be attracted to the same classical artwork that had appealed to Dooku.

    Carosi Pups

    “The Carosi pups are adorable, aren’t they, Master?” Qui-Gon gazed into the soft, wide brown eyes of the animals he referred to as he and his Master strode past an “Adopt a Pup” booth erected on one of Coruscant’s crowded pedways.

    “Adorable isn’t the word I’d use.” Dooku’s lips were thin. “Slobbery is what comes to mind.”

    The dogs were indeed drooling, Qui-Gon noticed, but he found even their drool endearing.

    “May I adopt one?” Qui-Gon cut to the chase.

    “No.” Dooku shook his head. “I won’t have it slobbering on my clothes and giving me allergies.”

    Junior and Senior

    Xanatos was Qui-Gon’s junior, but Qui-Gon had always instinctively bristled when Dooku had pulled rank and emphasized the gulf between their statuses within the Jedi Order. That was why he asked his Padawan’s opinion more than he issued orders, and why he gave Xanatos more choices than commands. The boy seemed to appreciate the freedom as much as Qui-Gon enjoyed the banter between them.

    Yoda and Dooku didn’t approve, but Qui-Gon heeded neither of them. He never regretted this decision until their final mission on Telos when he wished Xanatos saw himself as Qui-Gon’s junior.

    Scars of Attachment

    “The fall of Xanatos left scars on your heart.” Dooku had no qualms about disturbing Qui-Gon’s efforts to achieve inner serenity through meditation in the Room of a Thousand Fountains.

    “Yes.” The word sliced a fresh wound in Qui-Gon’s throat.

    “Scars on your heart are testaments to attachments. Jedi should excise all attachments from their beings.” Dooku’s tone was clipped as he spun on his heel, leaving Qui-Gon to mull over his advice.

    Advice that felt too cold-hearted and cruel for Qui-Gon to abide by it. Advice that was a rejection of the Living Force.
  12. Kit'

    Kit' Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 30, 1999
    All of these were great! Also congratulations on finishing!

    And that is why the whole no-attachment rule makes no sense. Gah! Qui-Gon's attachment to the Living Force is what made him an amazing character, but to have that you have to actually care!
  13. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    Qui-Gon and Dooku were opposites. And Qui-Gon was a great and caring friend for Obi-Wan
  14. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Chosen One star 8

    Aug 31, 2004
    Excellently insightful use of the prompts; congratulations on completing the drabbles challenge.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2020
    devilinthedetails likes this.
  15. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    @Kit' Thank you so much for commenting!:D I'm so happy that you found all these drabbles great and thanks for the congratulations on finishing! It's nice to be able to finish something I started, since I feel like I've sort of struggled with that this year but at least I managed to finish this project. I agree that Qui-Gon's connection to the Living Force is a large part of what makes him an awesome character and unique among the Jedi. I also headcanon Dooku as being cold and fundamentally not understanding Qui-Gon's compassion or attachment to other beings. So I did feel terrible for Qui-Gon, especially at the end, when he was getting such cold, not helpful advice from Dooku.

    @earlybird-obi-wan Thank you so much for commenting throughout this story:D I agree that Dooku and Qui-Gon were opposites in so many ways, and that Qui-Gon was a great and caring friend to Obi-Wan.

    @WarmNyota_SweetAyesha As always, thank you so much for commenting!:D I'm so flattered that you found this to be an excellent and insightful use of the prompts since at first I was really struggling to come up with a way to use this week's words. And thank you for the congratulations on finishing! It feels nice to be able to finish something during this crazy year, that's for sure!
    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha likes this.
  16. amidalachick

    amidalachick Chosen One star 5

    Aug 3, 2003
    These were somewhat tricky prompts, but once again you did a wonderful job with them!

    I giggled at "Archeology", and I must admit I share Dooku's opinion of abstract art (although I can totally appreciate the theories and ideas behind it, and anyone who does find that style appealing should enjoy it to their heart's content).

    I really liked "Dog", and I could totally picture the scene.

    Great sentence. It says so much in so few words.

    Yes! Good thing Qui-Gon didn't listen to this advice!

    Fantastic work through this entire challenge, and congratulations on finishing! =D=
    devilinthedetails likes this.
  17. devilinthedetails

    devilinthedetails Fiendish Fanfic & SWTV Manager, Tech Admin star 6 Staff Member Administrator

    Jun 19, 2019
    @amidalachick As always, thank you so much for commenting!:)I agree these were somewhat tricky prompts and honestly I was stumped for a bit before coming up with this set of drabbles, so I'm so happy that you thought I did a wonderful job writing them.

    I'm so glad you got a giggle out of "Archeology," (I admit I had a smile on my face as I wrote it), and I am with you and Dooku in not being the biggest fan of abstract art, ha ha, so I suppose in that way I put something of myself into Dooku.

    I always found the story of Xanatos and Qui-Gon in the Jedi Apprentice to be heartbreaking and powerful so it was great to be able to explore it even in a few words, and I'm so flattered that you found those few words to be so resonant.

    Yes, I'm glad that Qui-Gon sticks to his guns, so to speak, and remains true to himself and his vision of the Living Force. It is something that makes him unique among the Jedi.

    Thank you again for reading and commenting throughout the challenge. It is really appreciated and helped keep me motivated:D