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Lit Abeloth's Escapes - Two, Three and Four

Discussion in 'Literature' started by Sinrebirth , Oct 22, 2024.

  1. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    We know Abeloth escaped once during the Gree-Kwa War, and the fifth time as a result of Darth Caedus.

    We also know that the war usually raged for longer than hundreds of years to trigger her escape, for example, the Jedi-Sith War lasted five millennia.

    It does raise some questions as to the other escapes. We know very little about them, save for some brief images of worlds being tortured by her.

    There are some more obvious possibilities - during the Pius Dea Era, what with their worship of the Goddess. In some distant time in which she influenced Vianism, or the Vain Goddess, perhaps. Either she escaped before, or during, perhaps.

    If one was to One Canon, then the initial outbreak of the Drengir would seem in-theme with the habit that she transform plants into the predators and animals into the prey.

    We also have historic disconnected periods of instability; from 15,000 to 14,000 BBY we have Sith uprisings, Alsakan Conflicts and Dark Jedi secessions, for example.

    Thoughts, my friends? And, even better - candidates who were truthfully Abeloth?

    Arden Lyn, Halbret, or perhaps Elecia Zeveron?
    ColeFardreamer and PCCViking like this.
  2. Force Smuggler

    Force Smuggler Chosen One star 7

    Sep 2, 2012
    Sometime during the Rakatan Empire. The Mother, some Rakatan construct from the Lemp books
  3. clonegeek

    clonegeek Jedi Knight star 4

    Oct 28, 2022
    SWTOR could always do an arc with her
  4. Darth Corydon

    Darth Corydon Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 4, 2018
    Queen Mavee was probably a abeloth after giving the goddess her teeth back in pius dea
    ColeFardreamer and Sinrebirth like this.
  5. SheaHublin

    SheaHublin Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Feb 15, 2008
    tOR doing an Abeloth arc would redeem a lot of it, and all the continuity issues it created. Everyone thought Vitiate was the Final Boss, but the True Final Boss is the ancient entity that posessed him: Abeloth. @Sinrebirth where was it ever said that Abeloth only takes on male forms? She/it was what possessed Tenebrae at birth. It'd be a great way to redeem and tie together a lot of otherwise disparate elements of the later EU.
  6. Darth Corydon

    Darth Corydon Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 4, 2018
    Tenebrae was another evil god
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2024
  7. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    Corydon, don’t patronise SheaHublin.
  8. Carib Diss

    Carib Diss Jedi Knight star 3

    Mar 31, 2024
    Lets remember that Kessel is approximately in Hutt Space for as long as the Republic existed.

    I'd imagine the Devouring would have unleashed Abeloth by sheer proximity and scale of the genocide, about 24500 bby, also simultaneous with the First Great Schism, and we know that Xendor got to Mortis somehow, perhaps an oppositional force to Abeloth considering Xendor seemingly rejected the concept that any God should hold sway.

    The mysterious Hutt Cataclysms about several millenia later is also probably a good candidate given the many religious connotations attached to that time period by the Hutts and how mysterious they were. We also know that afterwards the Hutts ceased doing outright military conquests, instead prefering economical domination.

    EDIT: I personally feel like Tenebrae being Abeloth wouldnt really add much, didn't Abeloth consistently choose women as hosts? Tenebrae's "born evil and powerful" backstory feels more like the propaganda campaign of an emperor with a god-complex, which we know he was. We also have a good enough backstory for why he is so powerful, he was performing the same ritual as Exar Kun but succeeded. Him already being a God would only beg more questions, nor would it like... actually change anything about the story itself. Especially since he is already gone for good... probably.

    The only issues with SWTOR is him doing basically nothing for over a millenia with these godlike powers, and MMO PC character syndrome making him die way too easily, neither of which him being Abeloth would fix.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2024
  9. Darth Corydon

    Darth Corydon Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 4, 2018
    not trying to but sorry :)
  10. Jedimarine

    Jedimarine Chosen One star 6

    Feb 13, 2001
    I always thought something archaic like Xim could work. Would tie in well with the Hutts...perhaps Abeloth is not Xim, but is still somehow involved, and is thusly confined after Xim's fall. Perhaps Abeloth's confinement is the real reason Xim falls.

    I assumed something in the KOTOR/Sith Empire/Vitiate window.

    Tie to that a backtrack to the Rakatan Infinite Empire release...Vitiate or Revan/Malak follow the scraps left behind by the Rakatans efforts to release Abeloth.

    So something like...

    1. Gree-Kwa War
    2. Rakatans/Infinite Empire
    3. Xim the Despot
    4. Vitiate/Sith Empire
    5. Caedus

    Spaces things out somewhat, depending on where in Infinite Empire the release occurs. Is she a reason for the rise of the Rakatans? Is she a harbinger of the fall of the Infinite Empire? Perhaps the cause of the loss of force use?

    The secret weapon of a petulant child king like Xim to gain so much, so fast, so young?

    Masks Vitiate in the Shadows and pieces together all the dark tools and minions of the galaxy to him.

    Works for me.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2024
    darklordoftech likes this.
  11. Carib Diss

    Carib Diss Jedi Knight star 3

    Mar 31, 2024
    I always disliked the idea of tying Xim's successes to some grander baddie, his conquests and the fantasy Greek(everything about the TIon) and Persian(Jannisaries) aspects of his empire always felt obviously evocative of Alexander the Great(even took over from his father at age 20), and as such making it all just due to the influence of something greater than himself feels cheap, especially since nothing ever really hints that besides him conquering Korriban... which back then was just a bunch of warring feudal states rather than a unified cabal of evil, and the occasional use of Rakatan Tech, who collapsed long ago. Saying that he only succeeded with the help of some grander magical mastermind leans too close into the idea that nothing ever happens without the intervention of manipulative Force Users.

    Anyway, I think its highly unlikely that the Devouring didnt unleash Abeloth given that its probably the biggest act of genocide ever mentioned in Star Wars right next door to where Abeloth was imprisoned, and that was 600 years after Xim died, and having her unleashed twice in a millenium feels weird.

    Also I'm surprised noone mentioned the New Sith Wars here yet. That was a 1000 year long period of on-again off-again wars that destroyed the republic and unleashed super-plagues like the Blue Shadow Virus that depopulated multiple planets and was treated as a galactic threat in TCW. Also what better time for a goddess of darkness's machinations to simply be unnoticed?
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2024
  12. Force Smuggler

    Force Smuggler Chosen One star 7

    Sep 2, 2012
    The Killiks aren’t the most reliable narrators, but it was already mentioned in this thread that the Jedi and Sith being at war for the last 5000 years, so TOR and and the New Sith Wars are out.
    ColeFardreamer and Sinrebirth like this.
  13. Jedimarine

    Jedimarine Chosen One star 6

    Feb 13, 2001
    Oh, I don't know...I think you could still bring Abeloth into the Xim narrative and not detract from him. You could even make that he had already achieved his pinnacle, and his next stunt is to release Abeloth and that is what causes his undoing. He reached one step too far.

    Had to looks this up because I wasn't even aware of it. It is nearby, but also quite localized. I also don't know about the Hutts as capable instigators of such an event. Maybe.

    I thought about this era, but I would think if she was around, Bane would have dealings with her, and his relationship to the darkside and hers would clash. I could easily imagine a darkside civil war ON TOP of the darkside civil war already taking place.

    I guess you could have her be involved earlier in the war. But with her power, it is hard to imagine a scenario where she's not involved at the climax of events.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2024
    cthugha likes this.
  14. Carib Diss

    Carib Diss Jedi Knight star 3

    Mar 31, 2024
    While the Devouring was localized, it encompasses a region that was the size of about three sectors and was so thorough that over 24 millenia later its acknowledged as a particularly dead region, if the destruction of Alderaan caused a disturbance in the Force then I'd imagine presumably hundreds of worlds nigh instantaneously depopulated would be enough to unleash Abeloth.

    The hutts back then was a ruthless expansionist empire and for much of known history were the polity that were closest to Kessel so it would be weird if their actions didnt unleash Abeloth at least once.
    Jedimarine and cthugha like this.
  15. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    I would point out too that the Hutt Empire collapsed into civil war until 15,000 BBY but we don't know when it started.

    The battles of Vontor, the Devouring... Abeloth could easily be a localised threat in that part of the Unknown Regions for a time.

    Even if Abeloth isn't Xim directly (which I doubt), the involvement of the Sith and Rakata and thus the dark side in his time period is implied well enough.
    Jedimarine likes this.
  16. Vialco

    Vialco Force Ghost star 5

    Mar 6, 2007
    I remember the ophidian grotesques in the ancient complex that housed the Font of Power. Abeloth's evil was truly timeless. An ancient entity whose evil spanned dozens of millenia. I wonder if Ohali Soroc and her fellows ever found the Mortis Dagger with which to put a final end to the Bringer of Chaos...
  17. Carib Diss

    Carib Diss Jedi Knight star 3

    Mar 31, 2024
    If you want Abeloth shenanigans during Xim's era there is an interesting angle considering these quotes from The History of Xim and the Tion Cluster

    Wouldn't it make sense to assume the Hierophants of Xo were not only instrumental to Xim's conquest of the Kiirium Reaches given Kessel being named Xo's Eye, but also might have been Abeloth worshippers? They don't have to be the true powers behind Xim's Conquests or the "men behind the throne" as it were, but they cfould easily have been pushing for war or perhaps even taking the role of some sort of star wars version of the "Oracle of Delphi"(given the ancient greek tropes associated with him, the Despotica intentionally even reads like a Greek Play) and promised him that if he attacked the Hutts his name will live on for eternity or such.

    Of course there is another angle to this if you read through the Despotica, specifically part II which is the play that is supposedly written by his personal playwright and therefor closest to the truth, it shows both Xim and Xer having believing in resisting Fate.

    Perhaps then Xim's attack on the Hutts was an attempt to subvert a prophecized Fate instead? Additionally if you want you can interpret Queen Indrexu as Abeloth. she is described as a sort of malicious Helena of Troy, and Nuswatta is awfully close to the Indrexu Spiral. This would also retroactively make the "Queen of Ranroon" where Han Solo found the treasures of Xim into an Abeloth reference. Really my only concern is again making Xim's story retroactively into a "he was just a pawn of a manipulative evil woman" but Xim was a renown conqueror and started the Jannisarry-slavery bit before he ever met Indrexu. So she didnt necessarily even make him worse necessarily, just helped direct him in whatever direction she wanted.

    EDIT: It might also be worth pointing out that Abeloth might have been more Low-key in her middling releases. After her first release she knows that if she becomes too visible the Mortis Trio will find her and seal her again. She could spend perhaps centuries without great displays of power, merely doing political maneuvering and military conquests to feed off of the resulting negative emotions.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2024
    SheaHublin, Sinrebirth and cthugha like this.
  18. ColeFardreamer

    ColeFardreamer Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 24, 2013
    Wowza great topic and posts all, thx for that reading!

    While I agree with many proposed escape events, I have to add something important: Her prisons!

    Where was she imprisoned before the Maw? What happened to the places she broke out of? What tech contained her and got destroyed when and how to release her?

    Her prisons are crucial as each time she had to be caged again, not destroyed. And we know that her LAST cage was the Maw Cluster, managed from Kessel's ancient tech and tied to Centerpoint Station in the Corellian system.
    Thus, to entrap her after her 4th escape, an entire cluster was collapsed to keep her in a pocket of space surrounded by blackholes. Centerpoint probably built the Corellian system and species by saving them from the region about to be collapsed. It all adds up given Killiks helped build Centerpoint, the species of the Maw Cluster seem to be deported to the Core's newly built Corellian system. And only her jailers tech destroyed will set her free again... aka Centerpoint's destruction.

    Sidenote: If Corellia were the ancient home of humanity (as in Alien Exodus), it'd be fun that it once was in the Rim close to Tion, another ancient human center. And thus the ancient rivalry between Tion and the Core / Coruscant would get more fuel as for their fight for human centrism and origin that later inspired the Alsakan conflicts, too.

    But back to the topic at hand:

    If Abeloth was jailed since the Corellian systems build, she can not escape within known SW history back over 25000 years! Merely influence anybody coming close to the Maw, as she did in the backstory of FOTJ with the NJO kids at Shelter Base. Or with Mindwalkers in Sinkhole station. But no actual escape since then. So most proposed escape events are sadly out, albeit can still be connected to her influence and Maw proximity.

    Were any escape after 25000BBY possible I'd propose the Vultar cataclysm in 4250BBY with a likewise engine as Centerpoint myself. (Was the Vultar system built like Corellian one? From same cluster or a different one, an earlier trap for Abeloth?) Did maybe the destruction of the Vultar system and engine make some Abeloth interaction possible though not a full escape/release? She could influence stuff since then maybe but not get out. Or was the Vultar cataclysm and engine tied to the UR barrier becoming permeable?

    Given Gree and Kwa were important to craft and prepare Tython for the Tho Yor mission to collect cults to become Jeedai, I guess their war happened after they did that 30000 years ago. Wook has it 27000BBY. Thus during the Rakatan primetime and after the Jeedai had been brought together to Tython. Therefore an escape of Abeloth coincides with the Rakatan Infinite Empire, isolationist Tython and many other Celestial servant races going extinct or into hiding as more and more of them fall prey to war and from celestial principles.
    Fun that it makes more sense they hid from Abeloths release rather than the Rakata actually.

    Now, if Abeloth escape 27000BBY and was caged in or before 25000 in the Maw... how can Corellia then be 100000 years old according to the Corellian Trilogy that speculated Centerpoint created it back then? Either it was created earlier and connected to her prison later, or it was created later than suspected. Likewise, the Essential Atlas mentiones other clusters as Celestial constructs (constructs for what though?). The Hapes Cluster f.e. maybe was another cluster created by the Celestials and their servants to entrap Abeloth by collapsing her inside it, but that never came to pass. Yet it happened elsewhere in the Maw Cluster. So the enemies of Abeloth had multiple attempts to capture here, some failed, some worked. And they moved around quite many worlds to create clusters, to collapse clusters and to move species about.

    Thus if her 5th escape is Caedus,
    her 4th escape is the Gree-Kwa War 27000BBY,
    we have 1-3 left for before that only with one of those probably around 100.000BBY!

    Now looking at her jailors.. or Mortis, we have Mortis interactions with Xim as someone mentioned, as well as a 2000 year old Jedi signal that would give us Mortis shenangians around 2000BBY at the NSW start and Darth Ruin's time. The Vultar cataclysm may not have lead to a full release but weakened the prison kickstarting an era of increased Sith Wars soon after that opened the UR and spilled some horrors even before being contained back and locked up. The NSW started at another weak point which required Mortis interactions but lead to no full release. And then Caedus accidental releasing her.
    There is a clear lineage from weakening her prison, but not releasing her, to Mortis interactions and increased times of war.
    Imprisonment, => Xim => Pius Dea => Jedi-Sith Wars => NSW => Caedus => Release

    Pity we do not know releases 1-3 or is there more to analyse and do educated guesses earlier between 100.000 and 30.000 BBY?

    Actually... we have some more to go on by. But this is were it gets really obscure and conjecture and educated guesses come in.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2024
  19. Havoc123

    Havoc123 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 26, 2013
    I like to think that in very, very, very early Core mythology, Onrai was potentially, unconfirmed, the Daughter. Or at least, the Daughter appeared to them and helped the Zhell deal with some primordial issue, and they conflated her with the Daughter. Then, centuries later, after a polystheistic religion has been adopted, Abeloth claims the identity of Onrai and the Pius Dea focus on Onrai worship, unknowingly worshiping Abeloth. Now, its left up in the air whether the Pius Dea were just proto-Imperial humanocentrists that took up the symbol of Coruscant as their war-symbol to conquer the Rim, and then they were coopted by Abeloth very, very late in the game, like the Renunciates happened because of revealed Abeloth involvement, or whether it was Abeloth All Along (TM), or whether it was Abeloth... some of the time.
    Sinrebirth and darklordoftech like this.
  20. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    @ColeFardreamer - I would say, that Abeloth and Centerpoint are not necessarily directly connected, as we have Sinkhole Station right there. Centerpoint is the crown on various Celestial systems, it seems - we were told by our unreliable narrator that Abeloth was returned to the Maw, and the Font/Pool are fixed locations in the physical realm so the Maw prison seems to be the only prison she had, at least to me.

    The Hapes Cluster could have been build around Archais?

    @Havoc123 - what with Abeloth usurping the Tribe, and the GA, she’s quite capable of taking over an established group. But Abeloth All Along… absolutely needed. I just finished Agatha!

    @Carib Diss, you have converted me fully and utterly. Indrexu is now an Abeloth incarnation in my mind. Beautiful.
    SheaHublin and PCCViking like this.
  21. ColeFardreamer

    ColeFardreamer Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 24, 2013
    Good point that Centerpoint and thus the Corellian System could be far older due to not being directly linked. But why then did its destruction directly lead to her release and no other station like Sinkhole could keep the prison up? If Centerpoint is the key to power remotely all celestial systems, what others broke down after its destruction aside Abeloth's prison (uhoh!)?

    Good point though that the Maw was a prison several times for her. Hmm... do you have the exact quote regarding that?

    I still wonder how many escapes were before the Gree-Kwa war and how many after then. I'd advocate against having too many after, as well as keeping her a special kind of chaos that is not like any lesser chaos the GFFA faces constantly. She can influence many events, but a true escape is something else and should not come as easy as some proposed events.

    As for Archais in the Hapes Cluster, great call!!! Seems to fit nicely.
    As per Wook though Rebels fought the Assassins Guild there according to Gamechambers of Questal rpg adventure in/before 2BBY. How the heck could that happen with Hapes locked up, in the Interior Region no less? Or did the Wook mistake the planet Archais with the Archais Kingdom on the planet Alsakan from ancient times.. and given the same name, are the planet and the Kingdom somehow connected?
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2024
  22. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    And the Alsakan = Archais connection ties well into the obligatory Killik Sith Lord.

    I’ll dig out Apocalypse for the quotes.
  23. ColeFardreamer

    ColeFardreamer Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 24, 2013
    Why do I have the sudden feeling these mythical mountains Archais is famous for are not your average mountain range...

    If you say Killik, I say Killik Mounds.

    Though another guess I had before you said Killik was ancient Tho Yor landed and overgrown to look like mountains, hidden in plain sight. Like they had been on some of the worlds that brought people to Tython before they got entered and lifted off. I mean, if ancient Forceuser temples can bury into the ground (Rebels Lothal, Dagobah Lego SW, etc. why not Tho Yor, too...

    Still I wonder what Rebels did inside Hapes before ANH... WEG Gamechambers of Questal here i come!
  24. clonegeek

    clonegeek Jedi Knight star 4

    Oct 28, 2022
    Well maybe the Ones had other prisons prepared not just for Abeloth but for other threats to them. Maybe Abeloth isn't the first being to be imprisoned there
    PCCViking and ColeFardreamer like this.
  25. Darth Corydon

    Darth Corydon Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 4, 2018
    yeah I think the maw is the only prison