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Discussion in 'Europe General Archive' started by Obi Anne , Mar 13, 2001.

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  1. Bobafett074

    Bobafett074 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 14, 2001
    with the great cheese moment!
  2. Obi Anne

    Obi Anne Celebration Mistress of Ceremonies star 8 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 4, 1998
    Poor pirates. :D

    Another favorite of mine is of course Asterix and the vikings.
  3. Bobafett074

    Bobafett074 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 14, 2001
    I like a centence in asterix and the vikings! in french it's:
    " tape encore, j'ai mal mais je n'ai pas peur!"
    it may be translated like this:
    "Hit me again, i'm hurt but i'm not afraid"
  4. Obi Anne

    Obi Anne Celebration Mistress of Ceremonies star 8 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 4, 1998
    Yeah, I know which sentence you are talking about.

    I also like the background of the vikings, the little who refuses to eat and so on.
  5. emilsson

    emilsson Force Ghost star 6

    Oct 5, 1998
    I like the guy who got several skulls but no ale for his birthday :).
  6. Obi Anne

    Obi Anne Celebration Mistress of Ceremonies star 8 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 4, 1998
    It must have been a hard work collecting all those skulls. :D
  7. Nwalme Jade

    Nwalme Jade Ex(patriated) RSA star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Apr 13, 2000
    I like when Obelix is drunk in England... impression de "déjà vu"??? Nahhh... ;)
  8. Bobafett074

    Bobafett074 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 14, 2001
    quite a bit!
  9. Obi Anne

    Obi Anne Celebration Mistress of Ceremonies star 8 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 4, 1998
    Or when that indian guru gets drunk and can't fly his carpet straight. :D
  10. Lordban

    Lordban Isildur's Bane star 7

    Nov 9, 2000
    That one's just great ! [face_laugh]
  11. Bobafett074

    Bobafett074 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 14, 2001
  12. akhun

    akhun Jedi Knight star 6

    Dec 5, 2000
    This one is truly cool..
  13. Twinnie

    Twinnie Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jan 5, 2001
    yep !

    I really love the cartoon Asterix in England, it's _so_ funny =)
  14. Obi Anne

    Obi Anne Celebration Mistress of Ceremonies star 8 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 4, 1998
    I got the movie for Christmas.
  15. Bobafett074

    Bobafett074 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 14, 2001
    what is realy funny with asterix in england is the way they made the english spoke!
  16. Obi Anne

    Obi Anne Celebration Mistress of Ceremonies star 8 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 4, 1998
    I don't know if that's translated the same everywhere, but there are some places in it where they speak very funny, almost Yodaish.
  17. Twinnie

    Twinnie Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jan 5, 2001
    In the French version, they speak in French (of course) but with a strong British accent ; and the tags (like 'isn't it') are translated word after word, since we have nothing like that in French, and it's funny =) I don't remember whether the adjectives are placed before the nouns when an English guy speaks...
  18. Nwalme Jade

    Nwalme Jade Ex(patriated) RSA star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Apr 13, 2000
    Yes, Twinnie. Remember the "romaines patrouilles" :D
    I read that for the english translation of the comic, they used an archaic form of english.
  19. Twinnie

    Twinnie Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jan 5, 2001
    Oh yeah, right, taht sentence on the boat is great : 'Je dis *jump* une *jump* romaine *jump* patrouille !'
    or is it somewhere else ?

    Anyway, the 'je dis' ('I say') is weird in French too :p
  20. Obi Anne

    Obi Anne Celebration Mistress of Ceremonies star 8 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 4, 1998
    Which comic was that?
  21. Twinnie

    Twinnie Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jan 5, 2001
    It was in the cartoon Asterix in England ; I don't know if there's a comic about that btw ?[face_plain]
  22. Obi Anne

    Obi Anne Celebration Mistress of Ceremonies star 8 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 4, 1998
    OK, I must find that place in my album.
  23. Bobafett074

    Bobafett074 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jan 14, 2001
    shame on U twinnie!
    the cartoon is based on the comic book:
    Asterix in england!
  24. emilsson

    emilsson Force Ghost star 6

    Oct 5, 1998
    Another favorite are the old people in Asterix goes to Corsica. Their swines are just amusing.
  25. Obi Anne

    Obi Anne Celebration Mistress of Ceremonies star 8 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 4, 1998
    Ohh, I can't translate that into English, it so funny! Tama vildsvin och vilda tamsvin (in Swedish)
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