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ben skywalker

Discussion in 'Literature' started by BoutyPunkrAurra, Oct 4, 2001.

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  1. BoutyPunkrAurra

    BoutyPunkrAurra Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Sep 21, 2001
    so....ben. hes just a little baby. but his character we all know, has to have some significance by the end of the series. how old will he be by the end do you think??? he cant be more than, say around 8 or 9.
    what kind of role do you think he will play by the end of the series???
    i think he will just be like, the symbol of hope, like the next generation to sort of carry on the "legacy" of his family.

    what do you think?
  2. Han Soho

    Han Soho Jedi Youngling

    Oct 3, 1998
    He'll barely be out of diapers when the NJO ends.
  3. BoutyPunkrAurra

    BoutyPunkrAurra Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Sep 21, 2001
    since theres 19 books and almost each on is a year, then hell be around...ok maybe like 5 or 6 then.
  4. Valiento

    Valiento Jedi Knight star 7

    Mar 19, 2000
    Actually more like 1-2. since he was born in the middle of the 3rd year, and there will only be 2 more years after that, hardcover 5 is the last book.
  5. Han Soho

    Han Soho Jedi Youngling

    Oct 3, 1998
    The entire NJO arc is no more than 5 years. He was born approximately halfway through, so he'll be no older than 2 and a half when the series ends.
  6. BoutyPunkrAurra

    BoutyPunkrAurra Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Sep 21, 2001
    but still...i know that he was born because luke and mara wanted a kid and thats really cool and all, but really, what PURPOSE will he have in the njo??
  7. Quiwan

    Quiwan Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 29, 2000
    His purpose is to say, "Yes, good will when and the next series will be 12-14 years down the road and will revolve around Ben."
  8. PrinceXizor

    PrinceXizor Former TF.N Foreign Book Cover Staff star 5 VIP

    Jul 4, 2001
    'And they'll live happily ever after' ?
  9. SithSpit777

    SithSpit777 Jedi Youngling star 1

    Oct 3, 2001
    The purpose to have him born now is to have someone else for you to get attached to, only to have them killed when you really like em.

    Ben is just another character destined to get whacked.

    Sorry, but after reading about what happens in Star by Star, I am a bit jaded when it comes to the NJO.
  10. Quiwan

    Quiwan Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 29, 2000
    I hope PrinceXizor is right, but I definetly understand where you are coming from SithSpit
  11. Vergere

    Vergere Jedi Knight star 5

    Jul 19, 2000
    ben's main purpose is to make luke and mara into a family. it's something they've wished for since they were married, and they finally have it...indeed a "happily ever after" ending :)

    also, remember that in Rebirth Ben helped to rid Mara of her disease. in essence, he saved Mara's life because of his strong presence in the Force--an act much akin to anakin's in DE and very significant to Ben's future.
  12. JadedofMara

    JadedofMara Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 16, 2001
    i really, really hope that he does NOTHING to save the galaxy in the NJO, (something i already have elaborated on in other threads) and luckily it doesnt look like that will happen, mainly because he will be around two when the story ends. And i agree with vegere...ben represents something like a bright sopt in an increasingly darkening universe...he kind of represents what they are all fighting and giving their lives for.
  13. LoveisSuicideSP

    LoveisSuicideSP Jedi Padawan star 4

    Apr 23, 2001
    Maybe he will die. That is a purpose.
  14. JWK

    JWK Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 18, 2000
    just leave him alone!

    For the love of the Force, Luke Skywalker, mutliple time savior of the entire galaxy doesn't find a wife for 19 years after he blows up the death star. 12 of those years he could of had any woman in the Galaxy HE WANTED, period. Then he finally finds that special someone. The end up not being able to have child for SEVEN *CENSORED* YEARS. SEVEN *CENSORED* *CENSORED* Years! Now the Galaxy's ultimate savior has to do it again. It about time the galaxy started paying him back. Let him go into retirement and the New Jedi Order whip some Vong *Censored*.

    Self censored by JWK
  15. Vergere

    Vergere Jedi Knight star 5

    Jul 19, 2000
    i understand what you're saying, JWK, but Luke isn't one to just abandon a fight that he thinks he should be involved in. I just can't see him saying, "I'm retired" and stepping back contentedly.
  16. jewlmc

    jewlmc Jedi Padawan star 4

    Oct 29, 1999
    Wait a minute Prince Xizor... I thought it wasn't realistic to have a "happily ever after.."

    Hmmmm I guess only for Luke and Mara right? (Snicker)

  17. BoutyPunkrAurra

    BoutyPunkrAurra Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Sep 21, 2001
    i wasnt saying he didnt deserve it. i was SOOO excited when mara got pregnant (finally!) i totally agree. i was just curious about the plans for him.
  18. JediYvette

    JediYvette Pacific RSA emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jan 18, 2001
    I think Ben Skywalker's sole purpose was to get all us Star Wars freaks SO excited to read the series. Everyone just had to know what the kid's name was--it was a major discussion here for a while.

    George Lucas may have realized (this is just theory) that Star Wars authors were running out of exciting material, and thought making Luke and Mara parents was a good marketing idea. We waited for ages to buy this book (which was really sucky by the way) solely to see what the stupid baby's name was. (Ben--how lame is that?)

    Now that its been announced that a major Star Wars character is gonna die (another marketing move. What other reason would we buy NJO books? The plot?????) Little Ben Skywalker is probably going to disappear into oblivian. No one cares about him anymore.

    God, I am so cynical....

    May the Force be with you!
  19. BoutyPunkrAurra

    BoutyPunkrAurra Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Sep 21, 2001
    you are not cynical at all. i agree with you on most points, even.
  20. JediSilverstar

    JediSilverstar Jedi Youngling star 1

    Aug 30, 2001
    This idea may be a bit far-fetched, but does anyone here watch Dragonball Z? At the very beginning of the series Gohan was super powerful at the ripe old age of 4. We now are seeing 8 year old Trunks and 7 year old Goten tear it up. Now granted DBZ and Star Wars are two vastly different things. Who's to say that the son of the (agruably) two most powerful Jedi in the world wouldn't be able to fight as a toddler. It's a stretch, but drastic times call for drastic measures. I wouldn't be surprised if Ben grew to incredible power at an early age.
  21. JediVegeta

    JediVegeta Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Dec 20, 2000
    Actually, JediSilverstar...COULD might look a little corny. I mean, to have Ben defeating Vong at age 4 or 5 like Jaina and Jacen did ie defeating the spirit of Exar Kun or Waru or whatever else the 'amazin' duo' did? Eh? It would be interesting, but that 'plot' or whatever has already been done. Whatever they have planned, I hope that is will be at least plausable.

    Though I hope Ben doesn't go into oblivion! Luke has to have something good happen to him! Let the kid live!
  22. JadedofMara

    JadedofMara Jedi Padawan star 4

    Sep 16, 2001
    ARGH! LET THE KID HAVE A NORMAL CHILDHODD! PLEASE! DONT LET HIM BE KILLING VONG AT THREE AND FLYING SHIPS AT SEVEN!!!! It would be STUPID and I WOULD HATE to see that happen, im SICK of all the kids in the EU having incredibly powers and ACTING on them at such a young already happened with Jacen, Jaina and Anakin! NOT BEN TOO!!
  23. Valiento

    Valiento Jedi Knight star 7

    Mar 19, 2000
    Considering star wars is "supposed"(not nessecerally anymore)to be a fairy tale, and uberkinden exist in fairy tales, ben will probably be a uberkinden. Like it or not.
  24. JediYvette

    JediYvette Pacific RSA emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jan 18, 2001
    Well, NJO books can't get much more unbelievable. Anything, regardless of how logical it is, is possible. I am very afriad! :)
  25. Rebecca191

    Rebecca191 Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Nov 2, 1999
    Ben will cry so much that the strongest Vong warrior will go insane.
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