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Discussion in 'Archive: LaGrange, GA' started by Jedi_Drew, Mar 12, 2006.

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  1. Jedi_Drew

    Jedi_Drew Jedi Youngling star 2

    Sep 14, 2004
    I need info on what kind of lightsaber do you use and what are the force powers that ican learn?
  2. Xanatos90

    Xanatos90 Jedi Master star 4

    Feb 25, 2003
    The lightsaber that I have used in the past is pictured in my profile. As for the Force powers, look in the older pages of The Sith Trials.
  3. Jedi_Drew

    Jedi_Drew Jedi Youngling star 2

    Sep 14, 2004
    So you use a double bladed and you have all of the universal powers and three dark side powers
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