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Senate You Forgot About Eating Pets: the 2024 US Presidential Election Thread

Discussion in 'Community' started by anakinfansince1983 , Mar 21, 2024.


Who are you supporting for President in 2024?

  1. Harris/Walz

  2. Trump/Vance

  3. RFK Jr/Nicole Shanahan

    0 vote(s)
  4. Claudia de la Cruz/Karina Garcia

  5. Cornell West/Melina Abdullah

  6. Coach Beard/Roy Kent

  7. Meteor. Please send the meteor.


    JEDI-SOLO Force Ghost star 6

    Feb 12, 2002
    What an OWN!
  2. Lowbacca_1977

    Lowbacca_1977 Chosen One star 7

    Jun 28, 2006
    @JEDI-SOLO in case you missed this in all those other comments, it'd be quite helpful if you could shine some light on this one since you brought it up
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2024
    EHT and anakinfansince1983 like this.
  3. DarthIshyZ

    DarthIshyZ Chosen One star 8

    Jan 8, 2005
    Likely not gonna happen, @Lowbacca_1977. Probably just trolling.
  4. KnightWriter

    KnightWriter Administrator Emeritus star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 6, 2001
    This really isn't true, or anywhere close to the truth.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2024
    Vaderize03, PCCViking , EHT and 3 others like this.
  5. Jabba-wocky

    Jabba-wocky Chosen One star 10

    May 4, 2003
    So, I was reading backwards, and trying to understand how we would get to such a bizarre summary statement. By this point, I really should have known whose posts you were referring to.
  6. DarthIshyZ

    DarthIshyZ Chosen One star 8

    Jan 8, 2005
    Why not? It's true that Obama was an illegal President. I mean, not being born in the US, and all.
  7. Adam of Nuchtern

    Adam of Nuchtern Chosen One star 6

    Sep 2, 2012
    Edit: That’s what I get for posting while running on only an hour’s worth of sleep.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2024
    DarthIshyZ and 3sm1r like this.
  8. KnightWriter

    KnightWriter Administrator Emeritus star 10 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 6, 2001
  9. appleseed

    appleseed Chosen One star 5

    Dec 5, 2002
    Few things sicken me more than the far right positions on immigration, especially since the reason people are seeking to come here in the first place is we took everything of value they had and overthrew their governments so that those countries had no path to success.

    You break it, you bought it.
  10. DarthIshyZ

    DarthIshyZ Chosen One star 8

    Jan 8, 2005
    I get that a lot.
    appleseed likes this.
  11. 3sm1r

    3sm1r Force Ghost star 6

    Dec 27, 2017
    Harris' speech after meeting with Netanyahu is to the left of virtually any comment made by people related to Biden's administration. We need to give credit where credit is due.

    Concerning her written statement, it is ridiculous to expect Harris not to condemn vandalism and the celebration of Hamas.
    I understand criticizing her from the left, but it should be done within the boundary of what can be reasonably expected from her, considering that she is still Biden's VP.
  12. Lord Vivec

    Lord Vivec Chosen One star 9

    Apr 17, 2006
    She criticizes antisemitism and Hamas support in the same statement as she's criticizing the protesters. This gives the impression that all protesters are Hamas supporters and antisemitic. Don't lie and tell me that it doesn't. I'm sick of the lies some of you people post
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2024
  13. 3sm1r

    3sm1r Force Ghost star 6

    Dec 27, 2017
    "You people"? Who the hell do you think you are talking to? I'm tired of your childish "us vs them" approach to every conversation. I've been vocal about my disgust for Biden's handling of Gaza on a daily basis. Do better.
    EHT, DarthIshyZ and SithOverlord101 like this.
  14. DarthPhilosopher

    DarthPhilosopher Chosen One star 6

    Jan 23, 2011
    She condemned the pro-Hamas protestors and actions whilst simultaneously reflecting and voicing many of the other issues raised by the protestors. I think her statements were fine, and were appropriate for someone trying to win a general election and prevent what will be a far worse situation if Trump wins office. I understand the white hot anger about how Biden has handled the situation, but Harris has a line she has to walk on the issue if she has any hope.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2024
  15. DarthIshyZ

    DarthIshyZ Chosen One star 8

    Jan 8, 2005
    Excellent! You've effectively shown us a false equivalence! Thank you for your service.
    SithOverlord101 likes this.
  16. Jabba-wocky

    Jabba-wocky Chosen One star 10

    May 4, 2003
    Again, her sentence is right there. The grammar is unambiguous. She condemned people who identified themselves with Hamas, not accused anyone of other sorts of connection. I appreciate that you are passionate about this topic and, in general, have tried to point the JCC towards some important considerations. It is equally evident that, in specific, you are wrong about what Kamala Harris has said and done today.
  17. VadersLaMent

    VadersLaMent Chosen One star 10

    Apr 3, 2002
    Though her first remarks a day or two before missed the opportunity I thought she made up for it well enough with her speech after meeting Netanyahu. If we can get a ceasefire first, maybe charges can be brought upon Netanyahu after; one thing at a time. And I have to say, as VP she has been out of the public eye for the most part but here she is now in the forefront with "this is your next President" written all over her.
    EHT and anakinfansince1983 like this.
  18. VadersLaMent

    VadersLaMent Chosen One star 10

    Apr 3, 2002
    Forgive me, I didn't want to go back and reread the thread a few pages again. The Obamas did endorse her. There's this, um, kind of odd commercial. I mean, it;s ok it's just too staged a thing perhaps.

  19. Rylo Ken

    Rylo Ken Force Ghost star 7

    Dec 19, 2015
    I agree with you, yet whenever I think about the challenge of having to win WI, MI and PA just to eke out a narrow and divisive 270-268 electoral victory, it emphasizes how little room she has for unforced errors like that statement yesterday.
    DarthIshyZ and mnjedi like this.
  20. VadersLaMent

    VadersLaMent Chosen One star 10

    Apr 3, 2002
    Unfortunately you are correct here. If there is one thing the Left likes to do is eat itself. There is now a whole slew of new voters who signed up, and how much would it take for them to get pissed and stay out of it.
    Rylo Ken likes this.
  21. Bor Mullet

    Bor Mullet Force Ghost star 8

    Apr 6, 2018
    The GOP is really going to erase that they killed a bipartisan border bill at the last minute because Trump told them that would hurt Biden’s election chances? Remember that?
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2024
  22. VadersLaMent

    VadersLaMent Chosen One star 10

    Apr 3, 2002
    Oh wtf, they removed it? Anyway, you can easily find it.
  23. blackmyron

    blackmyron Chosen One star 7

    Oct 29, 2005
    The sting operation that just led to the capture of one of heads of the major Mexican drug cartels doesn't bode well for the "border crisis" attack by Team Trump.
    DarthIshyZ likes this.
  24. Vaderize03

    Vaderize03 Manager Emeritus star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Oct 25, 1999
    Simple: erase the Palestinians. Trump has not qualms on that one.

    Funny how Republicans crow about Biden having dementia when it's plainly clear how their entire party's memory deficit is easily on par with a bad case of Alzheimer's.
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2024
  25. Yoda's_Roomate

    Yoda's_Roomate Chosen One star 5

    Feb 8, 2000
    I'm dumbfounded by the fact that the Dems are not talking about this every single second. They should hammer this home as much as they are talking about Project 2025. I would not shut up about it, ever.

    In other news: I saw this when I woke up today

    Reed Hastings, executive chairman of Netflix, donated $7 million to a super PAC supporting VP Kamala Harris’ presidential election campaign — the largest single campaign contribution the streaming mogul has ever made, Variety has confirmed.

    Of course, all I see now are videos of Republicans cancelling their Netlfix subscriptions.