My thread on the temp board seems to have disappeared. Oh well: no one had answered yet. I'm thinking of building the 1985-1990 version. I know the main outfit was a modified Flight suit for high-altitude (something or other). Chest plate, Helmet, weapon, and so forth will have to be sculpted, molded, cast, redone, etc. Can anyone remember what the flight suit was/ideas (aside from military surplus stores) on where to find one?
Hmmm. Looking at the seams and extras, it looks like a very heavily modified flightsuit. I'm guessing it was black/grey and has white paint all over it. The fabric is interesting, though, in that it's textured, almost like a jersey fabric.
I saw some material at the store the other day that has the right hex-pattern. Paint that silver or steel and glue it on, and that would do for the texturing. Finding the flight suit is likely to be the hardest part. And cricket gloves aren't popular in the US. Do they still make "Moon Boots"?