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Oregon Daily Life

Discussion in 'Pacific Regional Discussion' started by Larena_Jade, May 7, 2005.

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  1. Jedi Gunny

    Jedi Gunny Chosen One star 9

    May 20, 2008
    Zombies?! :eek:
  2. Larena_Jade

    Larena_Jade Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 19, 2002
    and back.


    life sucks when you don't have the common comforts of "sedating the human mind"
  3. jimsidious

    jimsidious Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 23, 2002
    after the life ive lived my minds permanantly sedated LOL by the way WTF???who says you have to loose 25 lbs jade??? last i saw you looked in fine shape
  4. AramysStrael

    AramysStrael Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 9, 2004
    I have to agree with Jim. You are perfect, just the way you are, Jade!

    - Bill
  5. Jedi Gunny

    Jedi Gunny Chosen One star 9

    May 20, 2008
    Losing 25 pounds? For what reason? o_O
  6. Larena_Jade

    Larena_Jade Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 19, 2002
    lose 25 lbs??? Where did I post this???

    I'm confused.
  7. Larena_Jade

    Larena_Jade Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 19, 2002
    Why am I going to be emo, here of all places? Because it's just THAT sad. I don't want to writhe another night with no outlet. I am completely and utterly alone. Going from place to place, house to house, just so the bloodsucking family members can see THE BABY. THE CUTE CUDDLY BAYBAY. While I whither away at each place of bondage just so I can succeed in being "polite", lose more and more sleep because at the end of the night all I have is a place on the floor to curl up next to(hopefully without baby, but most nights she doesn't sleep well in her crib), to exist completely without love and divine purpose. (I need one or the other, else I no longer find it necessary to walk this crappy planet called earth.) Seriously. Don't try to talk me into living for another reason. I am too withdrawn from the human race and all its petty materialistic dense ways. I am too alien to live among you for any other reason. I am Moon Child, and no one shall take that from me(I know you tried to kill her once, but she lives still and becomes stronger than ever!). No. Nothing else is or ever will be good enough.

    Living awake is so painful...
  8. Larena_Jade

    Larena_Jade Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 19, 2002
    sorry folks. I'm better now.

    for the moment at least. :rolleyes:
  9. AramysStrael

    AramysStrael Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 9, 2004
    Never a dull moment with you! ;)

    - Bill
  10. jimsidious

    jimsidious Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 23, 2002
  11. Larena_Jade

    Larena_Jade Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 19, 2002
    lol, dude. Did i post that like a billion years ago? Your digging through old posts.
  12. jimsidious

    jimsidious Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 23, 2002
    LMAO heck yes Im digging through old posts, i gotta catch up you know lol, its a combonation of filtering through old posts and surfin cyberspace for a girlfriend, man thats a real bad idea, not to many winners LMAO
  13. AramysStrael

    AramysStrael Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 9, 2004
    That is why yours truly is 35 and still single! :rolleyes:

    - Bill
  14. Jedi Gunny

    Jedi Gunny Chosen One star 9

    May 20, 2008
    At least you still have the OFF, Bill. ;)
  15. AramysStrael

    AramysStrael Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 9, 2004
    Yeah..... thanks!
  16. Larena_Jade

    Larena_Jade Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 19, 2002
    Hey it worked for me... Just happened our two souls were random enough in our similar awesomeness to end up on the same SW message board and live literally 10 minutes away from each other the whole 5 years without even realizing it! [face_peace]

  17. AramysStrael

    AramysStrael Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 9, 2004
    Just kick me while I am down, why don't you......

    - Bill
  18. Larena_Jade

    Larena_Jade Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 19, 2002
    Well, you have to think about all the different facets of your personality, all the outlets, exc.

    What interest, what area of your life would your ideal mate be interested? In this you have to be honest with yourself. It could even be your random love for power tools for all you know, hahaha...

    anyways. What things in life are more likely to draw people of similarity together in such a way? Now, the OFF, for the moment, is not a good example simply because we have people of ALL KINDS here right now. But Derek and I were similar in age as well, similar in soul, we are both ruled by the planet mercury, and Virgo also happens to be exalted in mercury(Mercury represents the principles of communication, mentality, thinking patterns, rationality and reasoning, and adaptability and variability.) Now, with THAT in common, it was very likely, with our mentality, thinking patterns, rationality, and reasoning to end up on the same message board. :p
  19. Larena_Jade

    Larena_Jade Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 19, 2002
    Oh my gosh, i just read MORE of what mercury represents:

    "messages and forms of communication such as post, email and telephone; newspapers, journalism and writing,"

  20. AramysStrael

    AramysStrael Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 9, 2004
    I'm sorry.... all that filtered through was blah blah blah, blah blah, blah-blah-blah.


    - Bill
  21. Larena_Jade

    Larena_Jade Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 19, 2002
    I know. It's okay though, I understand the human condition. :p
  22. crashdown

    crashdown Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 6, 2003
    What was that...blah blah blah, blah blah, blah-blah-blah
  23. Larena_Jade

    Larena_Jade Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 19, 2002
  24. AramysStrael

    AramysStrael Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 9, 2004
  25. jimsidious

    jimsidious Jedi Youngling star 2

    Jul 23, 2002
    well cyberspace has worked its magic before (mel and derrik) I got a couple hits ones in kiezer the other in springfield....were thinkin bout tryin the long distance thing, jade im gonna have to ask you for some pointers on that one....seriously lol so guyz the site is 100% free i didnt believe it at first either but it is!!! ...can i post its name??? pm me if you want the name theres a ton of people out there its far as mercury rising into the moon and uranus well thats all you Jade LOL, i just know ive made alot of contacts in seriously 4 days guys.
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