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Star Wars OPEN Dark Reach: Episode II – THE STORM OF ONE

Discussion in 'Role Playing Forum' started by HanSolo29 , Nov 1, 2021.

  1. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Soa and Adas - A Soliloquy Combo with Sinre.
    Caught out

    A grimace, and Soa's hand burned with the sudden appearance of a crimson Forcesaber.

    "Come now, we've been here," Adas said coyly.

    "And you lost," Soa spat. "I've cultivated these Sith as a resource for years, survived the End of Time, the Bedlam spirits, more twists and turns than you would believe."

    He pointed the Forcesaber at Soliloquy. "These Sith are mine, my Dark Protectors."

    Soa looked pointedly at Soliloquy, who would feel himself nudged aboard a Fury-class ship and a Sith Trooper traipse up besides him, looking burly, powerful, and monstrous. Nihl glowered at Soliloquy. "An escort, nothing more. I've located targets for you, in the civilian quarters."

    Soliloquy's avatar flickered and wavered and as the spinning armor sections shifts ceased being solely about color or type, but rapidly piece by piece transitioned to mirrored sections with arrays of eyes. One by one, red by purple, singular eye, paired eyes, tri-eyed, and many many more! The form seemed to waver out of existence and also somehow more deeply into existence. A dichotomy that somehow was true but in no ways stationary.

    No words were shared. Merely sighs and hissing noises.

    Outside in the 'real world' Soliloquy wavered, his singing became stilted and off key. His mind was being flooded, filled, expanded. Questions were given answers, were given questions, and on and on in a seemingly endless loop as his mind was pushed to it's limit - and held there. There was so much to know, so many to know, an anchor was forming a shell he never knew was developing around his mind as it changed into a well.

    "Okay." he barely voiced into both realms, keeping strain and the fracturing pressure out of it as he stepped to place. "You guide." he quietly spoke with barely a turn to the burly form of the Sith Trooper.

    The Sith Trooper paid him no heed, padded up the ramp, and Darth Nihl glowered at Soliloquy. "Darth's Iudex and Bernael sided with us, and now they fire upon our Tapani vassals. Very disappointing."

    He turned to go, and the Sith Trooper simply sat in the cockpit and prepared to launch.

    In the mindscape, Soa and Adas were confused by his response. "You have no interest in my fleet? In the Heart?" Soa looked baffled. "The legacy that Adas stole?"

    Adas snorted.

    Soliloquy boarded the ship, shrugged lackadaisically at the supposedly surprising news. Turning he yelled at the Sith Trooper as he Force emptied a crate of something harmless like weapons or grenades all over the floor, “Wake me when we near the drop, with a target package!”

    Contorting his body to fit he closed the lid. To focus on the mind scape of the holocrons.

    “No, sort of, and no.” He calmly replied. Realizing they would need to give more they simply held out a hand. “I can create a fleet in a hundred years that rivals any sector fleet the next four hundred years should produce, and in ten I can make a passable rival for this one.” A shrug.

    “The Heart I do not want. Sounds like more trouble than it’s worth, but I would like to know everything about them - encase one is ever used against me.” A small shrug of the eyeball digits in a give me gesture. “And of course, I never turn down a good story. Though I met you both. In the flesh, as an armored Hound.” The eyes smirked as these words played upon their eyelids and hissed into the space.

    The Sith Trooper looked back, grinned in approval. "We are targeting a hospital, complete with daycare. Two enemies have hidden then."

    He turned back to piloting.

    "I will let you know when to drop."

    Adas and Soa hesitated, looked back at each other, and then him. "You did?"

    Memory was clouded, but Soliloquy knew that much; he knew all the infernal flesh could offer right now...


    To the Sith he gave no response, merely settled in and let the crate seal over him.

    Inside his body became less solid, the collected swirling masses that made up his insides drifting free within this case. This box that was the universe. That sweet release let his mind study and review as he conversed on the holocron channels.

    "When you two first were set to meet, you both knew me first." Soliloquy stated with a bland sigh, "Engines to full power - do or die." That was Adas. His eyes shifted to the other, "Bring me a world or be my next meal. Blah. Blah. . . Blah." he tiredly stated as his eyes shifted about.

    "So. Now that we are all better acquainted." he added leadingly.

    Soa and Adas looked back to each other, realisation swimming over them.

    "You are he... his soul, carried forward?" Soa said, carefully.

    Adas frowned, his alien brow beetling as Soa continued on. "I thought only one Protector soul had shifted this far to the present..."

    “Him? Haha, no.” Shaking his head ruefully so as to set his myriad of eyes to shaking. He held out a palm to them, which blinked languidly with embedded ember pools. “I’m just an old associate, a tired one that seeks knowledge and abilities and stories. Shall we have a deal and you share that which desire?”

    "What can you offer us?" Adas said, sniffing, chin tentacles briefly arrayed solidly.

    Soliloquy turned his eyes to the interested customer. “A body. A ship. Freedom. I will admit I have been debating checking in on Mother, if you wanted to wait or pick and customize a body. Also if you want I do have storage options if you want to wait for me to make a couple Force babies for you. Takes a decade minimum but can be done.” The eyes squinted and shrugged. “Of course for immediate release I have access to a One Sith cyborg. Pilot at the moment. And I have in roads to both fighting factions at the moment. So introductions or insertions are available. Limited by ear of course.”

    A shudder from them each. "Not Mother," Adas said, firmly. "I didn't set up the Sith Order to allow it to be subsumed back into the Old One's sycophantic cult."

    "Traitor," Soa hissed.

    "Says the Rakata who tried to overthrow the Infinite Empire -"

    "They were traitors too! I discovered the truth! That the Predors had turned their backs on the Darithas! Daritha Soros, Trayus, Gorog the rest who had served the Old Ones -"

    "The Six Darknesses were not WORTHY of our loyalty -" Soa's voice was raising.

    They were losing their focus.

    Clearing his throat he shook as his head as erupted static at both of them over the channel. The closest he could do to a slap at the moment. "Wrong Mother."

    With a sigh he shook his head, "The was the problem with intelligent creations, they often took names from their makers makers in a perverse desire to be better than them and you often granted it in misguided desire to who your power over them." Hear he sent the mental slap again.

    "Now, back on topic before I get airdropped into battle and have to leave this little channel to actually focus on my body actual. You want to deal or you want to stay in your endless bickering cycle." Tapping a foot causing the eyes there to blink rapidly he waited, "Choose."

    Soa stepped forward. "You are a traitor to the cause -"

    "I'll deal," Adas said, firmly. "Name your price."

    “Knowledges and a mutual indifference with avoidance as a status quo after satisfied delivery.” Soliloquy responded. Hand held out with blinking eyes waiting for a firm grasp to close them on this deal.

    Adas took his hand, and suddenly, Soliloquy blacked out.

    TAG: Sinre
  2. TheAdmiral

    TheAdmiral Chosen One star 4

    Mar 28, 2004
    IC: Cera Tan

    The encounter with the Sith was over. At least for now. But they had a bigger problem. They did not seem to be able to catch a break. It reminded her of the Clone Wars when they had to go from one crisis to another in a matter of hours and even days.

    She listened silently. They were not offered much of a choice in the matter. She was going to fight. Hopefully her fellow Knights will too. It was time they dealt with this situation. “I will join you.” Cera said simply. There was not much to be said anyway.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth @ConservativeJedi321 @TheSilentInfluence
  3. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 19, 2016
    IC: Walce Quia-Vis

    Walce gripped the hilt of his weapon tightly he thought on recent events. Clearly Shey had more secrets than he had thought, and that gave him pause whether to trust the man.
    His words however made sense, and if he was to best serve the Empire, he should stay the course he has chosen. For now. "As you say, it is our Empire under threat. Lead the way." If it was the Emperor and Empress's will, he could have far greater control over the battle by sticking with Shey. Whether to aid him or undermine he didn't know. But there was a roll for him yet.

    Tags: @Sinrebirth, @TheAdmiral, @TheSilentInfluence
  4. galactic-vagabond422

    galactic-vagabond422 Force Ghost star 4

    Jul 11, 2009
    Will Tyrell

    Well, this had not gone well. Their cover which was tenuous at best was now completely blown, and their one remaining bridge officer was struggling to manage everything. Will turned to Arthur the de facto commander and nodded his head.

    "Well, my comrade, it seems we are in a rather unfortunate situation. We have attacks from without and infitrators within. As I am no well versed in…all…this" He gestured to the collection of boards and readouts and comms all technology that he had not even the first clue of how to operate. "I feel my efforts would be better spent on rallying the forces to our side and repelling boarders."

    After waiting for a beat for confirmation Will turned on his heel and marched out the door. He moved through the hallway and to the lift. After getting some information from the bridge the knight made his way to the defensive position the crew had set up. They were a sorry lot of men and women pressed into service that they didn't want fighting for their lives. Most did have weapons but armor was in short supply, many just crouched behind crates and furniture that they'd ripped out of their quarters to form a kind of barricade in the central hallway to the bridge.

    Fearful eyes fell on Will as he moved up behind them.

    This would not do.

    "Men women, defenders of this mighty vessel." He started walking slowly through their lines. "I come to you today a Knight of the Empire, protector of the Emperor and Empress to ask you to stand with me. I know you didn't prepare for a defense against boarders, or to fight against the One Sith. You would rather be home, in bed or with your families. But, by quirk of fate, bad luck, and poor timing you are here, and so am I. A knight of the realm, protector of the Emperor and Empress, by all accounts I should be next to them, protecting them from threats. Yet here I am, brought in by the same fate that landed you all here in the first place. However we cannot sit here and bemoan our fate and just give in to the death that waits just on the other side of those blast doors. That won't get us home, that won't let us see our families again."

    "What we're going to do…is fight. Fight like desperate men and women, fight not as beings with nothing to lose but everything to gain. They will die for a ship, for a collection of spiders that will turn on them at a moment's notice. But we, we will fight for our lives, for our families and our homes. Do you want to see your families again?"

    There was a muted response.

    "Do you want to live?"

    "Yes…" a weak reply from the gathered defenders.

    "Then we will fight to live, fight to see that next day, that beautiful sunrise with our families and our loved ones. Let's make them pay for threatening to take that away. Fight for your tomorrow. Fight for the next sunrise."

    He stood on the barricade his lightsaber igniting with his final words his shield glowing on his arm.

    He hoped his words did something to give hope to these poor beings thrust into life or death struggle.

    TAG: @Silvertough @Ananta Chetan @Lady_Belligerent
  5. CosmoHender

    CosmoHender Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 2, 2016
    IC: Sam Hhat

    Sith Interdictor

    Sam let out a groan when she heard the voices of the Rodians over the comms.

    Those idiots had exposed them.

    She was still searching for that unaccounted Inquisitor when their cover had been blown, which meant that she was still separated from the other Knights who had remained the bridge. And rather than return to the bridge, Sam instead headed toward the hangar.

    She knew that their enemies, whoever they really were, would prefer to recapture such a valuable ship rather than destroy it. Which meant boarding parties. And Sam intended to be there to meet them. She was a soldier, after all.

    She needed something to shoot at.

    By the time she reached the hangar, Sam saw that she had been right. A new ship had landed and its occupants were quickly filling the hangar. Sam realized that she was the first one to intercept them and she also realized that she could not let them leave the hangar. Or at least, she could not let them leave the hangar easily.

    So she took cover and began to open fire on the Sith troopers, determined to hold her position until reinforcements arrived.

    Right now it was her versus an entire boarding party of Sith troopers.

    Heh, Sam thought to herself. They don't stand a chance.

    Tag: @Ananta Chetan @Silvertough @galactic-vagabond422 @Sinrebirth @Lady_Belligerent @HanSolo29
  6. Tia

    Tia Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 11, 2022
    (Combo with the awesome Sinre, thanks again mate :D )

    IC: Tia

    Tia scrunched her features in a sideways glance at him, 'of course I can jump!' she watched him spring high, and followed suit. It wasn't as elegant as her elder companion, but for an amateur her force jump was more than adequate as she followed his direction.

    Ike was mildly impressed that Tia didn't flub the jump and landing, but he gauged that at least one half of that had been luck rather than skill. He grinned, anyway - what wasn't luck nowadays?

    "Come on, we've more roofs to leap."

    Jedi Jump!

    He gathered himself and crossed another gap in the street, noting that at ground level an increasing amount of screaming civilians were running past -

    "Keep going!"

    "Hold up! you're going too fast!" she whined as she tried to keep up with Ike, she leapt when he did and jumped when commanded, "who are we fighting? The Jedi?" Tia's excitement was obvious, she had momentarily forgotten all about Dalask and was just itching to be able to use the lightsaber again.

    "Not many Jedi nowadays, and they're probably out of our league if they are," Ike said, amused.

    "No, we're fighting Sith, other Sith, ones who don't like the way we do things."

    Suddenly a sleek-black assault ship broke through atmosphere and opened fire on the building they were standing on -

    Ike jumped again!

    "But how do we know whi-" her speech was cut off by the fire power and the seven year old blonde leapt to her right, ducking for cover. She saw Ike jump and was now separated from him. "Banther ****" she grunted and ducked again, a bolt had almost hit her. She had enough sense to know that activating the lightsaber would be useless, even if it could withstand the impact, her arms were too weak and she had zero training. "Dalask what do I..." she stopped herself again in realisation, she did not know what to do, she felt alone.

    "You know because I'll tell you!" Ike said as they landed, and the building they landed on was hit -

    The entire thing began to crumble and take them down. Ike couldn't find his footing and he drew a shield around them both -

    "Hang on!"

    Tia went to her knees, shielding her head, it was then she realized Ike was protecting them. "Hang on to what?" she panicked

    They went down, and the rubble began to encase them, held at bay by Ike. "So, any good at telekinesis?"

    He said this as they settled in a pocket of concrete, and he began to show his strain.

    What was he saying? He doubted she'd ever tried to do it on this scale, if at all.

    Tia gave him a look of contention "I can lift two hydrospanners at once!" she said quite proud of herself, she was almost oblivious to the strain Ike was in and instead her mind wandered to other things she has been able to manipulate with the force though what she considered years of hard training.

    "Well how about you lift two rocks and see if you can get to three - "

    His face began to red with exertion as he held half a building above them.

    Tia levied herself and took a deep breath to focus, trying hard to drown out the noise above and around them, she raised her arm and a rock slowly levitated, she opened her eyes and let out a small smile, she almost lost focus as it began to fall, she steadied her arm once more to focus once again, another small rock began to levitate, and Tia's breathing became laboured, and small gasping sounds escaped her throat as she tried to lift a third. They were relatively small, and Tia felt a failure in front of her companion, "I can't..."

    "If you don't," Ike reminded her, helped even by the two she was supporting, "we die. This isn't the airy fairy propaganda Jedi teaching where I encourage you to do or do not, hun, this is do it or else."

    His eyes briefly burned yellow to accentuate the point.

    Tia took a deep breath and focused, harder than she had ever done, she strained, she breathed hard and steadied her arm and finally a third and even a forth rock raised from the ground, "I'm-I'm doing it, now what should I do master?" somewhat obliviously.

    "Tia," Ike softly admonished. "You're still trying. You're going to die. Be angry about it!"

    Ike growled between clenched teeth. "Regret that you didn't eat all of that cake, rage that you never got to have that milkshake, become incandescent that you never reconciled with your husband -"

    His mouth rasped, and he snarled.

    "Hate the galaxy that tries to take your life from you!"

    He surged into it, and hoped she would too -

    Tia let all the anger build inside her, all the rage was like a knot in her stomach, deep down she knew all along that Dalask had only wanted her to make a profit, nobody had really cared about her. Even her parents had left her....left her to die, she cried out and the rage exploded from deep within her, the rocks flew at speed and she joined him in keeping the whole building from collapsing on top of them, her face burning red from the strain, but still, her anger flowed from her core, like huge waves over her tiny frame.

    Tag: @Sinrebirth
  7. Silvertough

    Silvertough Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 19, 2018
    IC: Knight Arthur Donvoy
    Interdictor - Bridge

    Arthur gave Will a firm nod and watched as the Imperial Knight turned and marched away from the Bridge, eager to fulfill his duty. Pride swelled within Arthur at that, pride that at least three of those chosen to become protectors of their Empire were worth their salt. He returned his attention to the Bridge, more specifically, to the group of techs and bridge officers staffing the Bridge. Their morale was shot, if it existed to begin with. Some, he reckoned, were beginning to question their prior decision to defect back to the Empire. Faced with yet another boarding party, it wasn't surprising in the least.

    As Will rallied what forces they could muster outside the Bridge, Arthur would do the same here.

    "Listen up!" He suddenly called, spinning on his heel to face the central holotable. "Do not despair, for the Knights of the Empire fight at your side! These One Sith rebels are nothing but! We serve the Empire, the true Empire, and your service in the next few hours will exemplify all of the tenants which make us all Imperials! Honor, duty, and strength! We do not cower in the face of upstarts or rebellion! We do not quake in the face of adversity! No my brothers and sisters, we stand strong! We hold the line! For those next to you and the ones back home relying on us to keep them safe!"

    Arthur beckoned the Navigation Officer from earlier to his side and gestured to the Holotable with a sweeping arm. "Look here, what can you tell me of the makeup of the enemy fleet?"

    The Officer cocked his head to the side and studied the projection, taking a moment to adjust the display to his liking. "I'm seeing mostly Victory II-class Star Destroyers.. A mass of frigate or smaller classes.. Hordes of snubfighters of various classifications of course.."

    "Mhm." Arthur grunted in agreement and crossed his arms across his chest. "But they're missing something vital, the backbone of any reputable invasion fleet. Ideas?"

    Realization dawned upon the officer, his eyes widening. "Interdictors!"

    "Yes!" Arthur snapped his fingers, before adjusting the battlemap to display their vessel's immediate surroundings. Incoming boarding craft were highlighted as well as the TIE squadrons accompanying them. "Which gives us a chance. The fact that the One Sith are landing boarding parties indicates that this vessel's survival is more important than its outright destruction. That freighter that just blew our cover? Irrelevant. What we need is to buy some time."

    He turned to look upon the remainder of the Bridge crew. "Listen up! Seal the hangar bays to all exterior forces! I want gunnery and tractor beam stations to coordinate with each other to grab and destroy any boarding craft which slip through our defensive envelope. Make them pay for each inch of ground people!"

    That same feeling of pride was back again as he watched the various crew members move to complete his issued orders. The old Imperial Navy had once been the greatest fighting force in the galaxy, even if the Stormtrooper in his blood vehemently resented such a fact. With men and woman like these, perhaps the old Empire didn't have to remain a faded memory..

    Arthur clasped a hand upon the shoulder of the Navigational Officer and grinned, the deep scars that criss-crossed across his face appearing to extend his smile by a frightening degree. "By the powers invested in me by the Emperor and Empress of the Galactic Empire, I'm placing you in charge of the Bridge. Congratulations Captain, make the Empire proud. I'm off to the hangar bay."

    Tags: @Ananta Chetan @CosmoHender @galactic-vagabond422 @Sinrebirth @Lady_Belligerent @HanSolo29
  8. HanSolo29

    HanSolo29 RPF/SWC/Fan Art Manager & Bill Pullman Connoisseur star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Apr 13, 2001
    OOC: The following is a combo with Lady B and Sinrebirth – thank you so much!! [:D]

    IC: Empress Bellorum Graul, Emperor Aryan Graul, Admiral Davis, and Norin Graul
    The Graul Estate, Nubia

    The first order of business was clearing the house. The staff was dismissed for the night, they wanted no witnesses. They sent Gramps and Lyz with the medical team from the Stardust to one of the safe shelters that had been built under their warehouse.

    Everyone was to avoid running into the real Norin Graul because his current whereabouts were unknown, they were able to confirm that Norin was currently not inside the main house.

    Their footsteps echoed eerily down the empty corridors that led to the office wing. Bell found the decor a bit stuffy and wondered if he even allowed his family in that area of the house.

    Aryan trailed a few paces behind his very pregnant wife, her distended belly causing her to amble along with a distinct waddle. Her condition had clearly slowed down their forward progress, but he had no objections to the delay at this point. His apprehension about their plan persisted, and he could use the extra time to prepare himself for the task ahead.

    In the face of insurmountable odds, Aryan had heedlessly suggested that he impersonate the Norin Graul of this era to gain access to Nubia’s defense fleets. As his direct descendant, he had a passing resemblance to the man, so it seemed like a logical choice to use that to his advantage, especially when they needed those assets to fend off the One Sith’s impending assault.

    … but now he wasn’t so certain.

    His great-great-great grandfather’s office—which would later become his father’s—held too many unpleasant memories. However, they were more peripheral in nature; impressions that he was able to glimpse through the Force. He recalled how he had rarely stepped foot inside this private domain as a child, only doing so more recently out of necessity when his father had fallen ill… and yet, he could perceive so much. Norin’s presence imbued the space, allowing Aryan to latch onto every snapshot that passed across his awareness.

    The good.

    The bad.

    And the traumatic.

    It elicited a sigh from his lips as he leaned back against the far wall, almost as if he hoped the shadows would conceal him from Norin’s influence. "I don’t know how you convinced me to go along with this," he murmured under his breath, his eyes roaming aimlessly over the various flimsies and trinkets on the desk.

    Aryan shook his head slowly, reminiscing. "It’s like a nightmare to embody that man."

    Bellorum nodded and answered, "I’m sure." She slowly circled the room, gently touching objects. Images passed through her mind, a man who resembled her husband shouting. His face was red and veins throbbed in his neck, this man was practically spitting because he was so angry. A boy who was clearly frightened, yet he didn’t flinch during the man’s tirade.

    She wrapped her arms around herself tightly and crossed the room to a settee. Bell slowly sat down and leaned back, eyes closed, she was weary enough that it felt like she might drift off to sleep.

    The man definitely could pass as her Aryan, she would know the difference, but anyone else might not. Bell had relaxed and allowed the visions to enter her mind again. The occupant of this room had raised his voice more often than not. Images that didn’t feel relevant raced through her mind, but then one stuck out. A petite Chiss girl that Norin struck violently. Bell’s eyes opened suddenly, what had she just witnessed?

    The young woman appeared so frail, yet she stood up to him. There had been another woman near them who seemed frozen in place, likely horrified over the man’s actions.

    "Try and hurry," she requested, "this place is vile." Bell swallowed hard, halting the flow of memories that this place held from entering her head again.

    The study was thankfully empty of him, but the Force stunk with his musk; his shadowed essence.

    There was a flash of memory for them, of Norin beating bloody a Chiss woman -

    Then it faded.

    There were already missed messages on the comlinks.

    One was from the local defense coordinator, requesting permission to engage -

    Another from the nearest hospital, complaining of a power cut -

    Another from the satellite chain in orbit, giving them ample data on the disposition of the Tapani warships in orbit -

    Closing his eyes briefly, Aryan thrust the dark visions from his mind and reoriented himself to peruse the various memos awaiting Norin’s attention. He found the latter two intriguing enough to download directly to his datapad for future reference—an altruistic effort at a local hospital would certainly boost their approval ratings, and he couldn’t bypass an opportunity to gain access to the enemy’s playbook, including their fleet placements and schematics.

    However, it was the request from the defensive coordinator that proved particularly beneficial to his plan. It provided an opening to engage the Nubian military and exert his authority. While he was still dubious about whether they would actually fall for his ruse and believe that he truly was Norin Graul, they were out of options. They had to give this a try... or suffer the consequences of their failure.

    Glancing across the room toward his wife, Aryan held her gaze for a long moment, lightly touching her mind through their bond, before settling down behind the holoprojector. He placed both hands flat against the desk and inhaled deeply through his nose. Once he found his focus, he toggled the controls with his thumb and opened the channel.

    "Admiral," he intoned gruffly, modulating his voice just enough to emulate Norin’s inflections. "Are you that dense or merely incompetent that you couldn’t make a simple decision to advance the fleets?"

    Aryan inclined his chin and glared at the other man, seeming to stare through his soul. "There are religious radicals bearing down on our territory, and you have the audacity to waste my time—precious time that could determine whether we actually survive this invasion—by asking for permission to proceed?!"

    He rose to his feet and slammed his fist against the desk, upsetting a pile of flimsies.

    "What kind of fool are you, Admiral?! I have a notion to board a shuttle and come up there to slit your throat myself! Your number one priority is to defend this system from outside intervention. Do your job and deploy! NOW!"

    The Admiral was really a clerk with a middleman job. Nubia had been passed between the New Republic and Empire a few times but hadn't been directly fought over and despoiled. The Empire had nationalised the world, but much of its direct rule had come from elsewhere, and the New Republic zealotry in emptying the entire system of every Imperial had made Nubia more independently minded than not...

    ... and Admiral Davis was just in charge of defending one of five hundred thousand worlds that were independent.

    He had spent some Nubian credits, yes, bought up eighteen Dreadnaught-class heavy cruisers, but it was hardly as if he had the budget for Star Destroyers and Star Cruisers - he was purchasing Corellian chop-shop fighters; Uglies, combining X-wings and TIE fighters and YT cockpits and B-wings. When a small fleet arrived in-system, and then smuggler and Hapan ships arrived, he wasn't sure what to do.

    Aboard the Nubian Pride, a sixty-year hulk, he had been watching the carnage from his ready-room - not even the bridge - sipping caf and unsure what he could do. So when the emergency channel chimed - the one the real rulers of Nubia had access to, the corporate mega-lords and fixers and movers that allowed democracy on Nubia to play with the populace - he jumped out of his seat, spilled his drink, and snapped a salute that was sloppy as hell.

    "Director Graul, sir," he stammered. "We can't beat those ships in a straight-up fight, we should discuss evacuation!"

    Bell’s posture tightened listening to the Admiral’s voice. She lifted her finger towards the holocam and gestured lightly. A small red light indicated the stream was now muted on the Admiral’s end.

    "Should we find out who the next being down the chain of command is?" She asked angrily. "This guy is useless, and a coward."

    The bloody fool had already wasted valuable time. "You know, we have the team on the stolen Interdictor," she smiled, "I’m sure one of the Knights could oversee the fleet." His suggestion of evacuation really bothered her, "you have to put your foot down on the evacuation order, we discussed with Insipid that it’s best to keep the fighting out of populated areas."

    She stood and walked over to stand across the desk from Aryan, "we don’t bend on that."

    Bellorum wasn’t completely convinced that how she would handle this situation was for the best, it was mostly her knee-jerk reaction to the lame Admiral. She knew Aryan would make the best call, and she wouldn’t dispute his decisions.

    "That’s assuming the violence remains outside of the cities," Aryan noted grimly, shifting his position to prevent the Admiral from interpreting their conversation through ulterior means, such as lip reading or surveillance equipment. "Insipid may aspire for one thing, but whether that actually comes to fruition is another matter entirely. I’d rather have a contingency in place… just in case."

    He quirked a brow and gave his wife a knowing look. "He doesn’t exactly have the best track record."

    There was no need to elaborate; he knew Bell was aware of Insipid’s shortcomings. The Sith had suffered several humiliating defeats under his watch, including Mortis, Bedlam, and many personal catastrophes aside. It wasn’t clear whether he had permitted those failures to occur on purpose, or if he was simply that incompetent. Either way, Aryan had no intentions of enduring another disappointment.

    Straightening his posture, the Emperor unmuted the call and shifted his gaze to scrutinize the other man. "You may proceed with limited evacuations… if that will ease your primitive mind," he scoffed with disdain, narrowing his eyes as if daring the Admiral to further question his authority. "Begin with the border towns. The larger population centers will follow, but only if it becomes a necessity. For now, place them on high alert."

    He then leaned back and canted his head, taunting the man. "As for your general ineptitude in repelling our intruders, I have a solution for that. I’m sending you someone who can assist in correcting your inefficiencies and ensure that you succeed in your endeavor; someone who is not afraid to uphold our ideals and fight for our sovereignty. You can expect them shortly."

    The officer spluttered but knew who he was dealing with. "Yes, sir, I acknowledge." There was genuine fear in his voice, and the line cut.

    Not a second before the door was thrown unceremoniously open by Norin Graul.

    "What the hell are you DOING!"

    He had his hands already curled into fists, ready to inflict violence -

    For some reason... neither of them had sensed him coming.


    How did he get to them without their notice? His voice certainly startled her. She physically jerked when the door banged open, but his voice… it triggered something deep inside her. A very old memory.

    It triggered fear, but not for herself. She was afraid for someone else.

    Instantly Bell was on the move to get between Norin Graul and her husband, but it wasn’t Aryan she was afraid for. It was someone else that Norin had beaten and terrorized. Someone who looked a lot like her.

    "He’s taken charge of defending Nubia from destruction," Bell answered boldly. "That's what the hell he’s doing. I suggest you have a seat, and do not take that tone with us again."

    Aryan stood frozen, unable to move as he stared at the imperious man with utter disdain. He was well aware that this version of Norin Graul was not truly his father, though he couldn’t dismiss the similarities between the two men. His domineering presence immediately contributed to Aryan’s insecurities.

    It hearkened back to his childhood and the rigorous schedule the man had lauded as part of his daily routine. Military service had hardened him, and he had adopted those same principles as a means to raise his family. As Norin’s only son, Aryan had suffered the most under his strict regime. He had expected more from him than the very troops he commanded on a regular basis. As a result, his efforts were always deemed insufficient and often ridiculed. The verbal abuse—and sometimes it progressed in a physical sense—was enough to erode his young mind. It wasn’t a wholesome environment for a child to learn and grow.

    And now, nearly sixty years later, all of those experiences came rushing to the surface of his awareness. He was suddenly ten years old again, cowering in fear as his father berated him in a condescending tone.

    That voice…

    It echoed relentlessly in his mind, whittling away at his self-confidence and fostering doubt and vulnerability…

    He wasn’t even aware when Bell stepped forth to diffuse the situation, placing herself between him and Norin. Everything had shifted to a gray, luminous haze, almost as if he had wandered into a dream.

    And just like a dream, his muscles moved of their own accord.

    With slow deliberation, Aryan reached into his jacket and produced a small hold-out blaster. He then pivoted, pointed the barrel in Norin’s general direction, and depressed the trigger.


    Bell instantly raised her hand to pause the blaster bolt before it delivered what was literally a kill shot aimed at Norin Graul. It glowed an angry red as it hovered between them, straining against Bell’s pull.

    "I don’t blame you for shooting to kill, dearest," Bell said without looking at Aryan. She kept her stare fixed on Norin while she spoke. "I certainly would’ve done the exact same thing in your position, but let’s not do anything rash that could jeopardize this already fragile timeline."

    She released her hold on the bolt, redirecting it into Norin Graul’s kneecap.

    TAG: @Lady_Belligerent; @Sinrebirth
    Sinrebirth , Tia, Silvertough and 2 others like this.
  9. CosmoHender

    CosmoHender Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 2, 2016
    OOC: Combo with @Sinrebirth

    IC: Wandering Darknesses

    The shadow in the Nubia system grew darker.

    Sith were here.

    It was a darkness that Barriss and Vima knew well.

    But they were unique in that they knew the darkest of dark.

    The Darkness incarnate, one way or another.

    The very imbalance of the Force itself.

    So whereas Darth's Insipid, Bellorum and Graul, as well as Bernael and Iudex, as well as Serapis, Hekate, Ike, Tia and even Soliloquy would simply recognise the darkening as that of the One Sith forces...

    Of Darth's Nihl, Kroan, Talon, Inexor, Wyyrlok IV, Maladi... of the Sith Troopers who served them...

    And those One Sith would believe this overwhelming presence was merely the creation of their malaise, with Darth Krayt behind them all...

    But no.

    These two had met the Darkness behind the Darkness.

    The one who was watching them all.


    Vima panicked.

    "Such evil, no, it cannot be -"

    Barriss sensed Vima's panic and grabbed her shoulders.

    "Vima," she said. "What is it?"

    "Him," she gasped.

    Her elderly hands gripped Barriss's wrist.

    "It's him," her lips could not form his name, but the fear projected the name.


    Barriss realized what Vima meant and she shook her head.

    "No," she said.

    It couldn't be him. It couldn't be.

    "He's dead," Barriss insisted.

    Sure, Palpatine had already come back once... but he had to be gone for good now. He had to be.

    Barriss could not, would not believe otherwise.

    Vima was starting to choke, unable to breath.

    "He... sees..."

    Another broken gasp.

    "Us -"

    The entire cockpit darkened.

    Barriss felt it as well and she felt her chest tighten.

    She quickly started to put coordinates into the hyperdrive.

    They had to get out of here. Now.

    Anywhere would be better than here right now.

    The attention shifted.

    There was pressure upon Barriss, upon her hands as they moved.


    His malevolent laugh echoed.

    Barriss felt the pressure, sweat beginning to roll down her face.

    It was him.

    Barriss gritted her teeth, but managed to move her hands despite the pressure... and activate the hyperdrive.

    The ships' power went out, and Vima flopped to the floor.

    There was a shudder, and the shuttle seemed to summon the energy to break the barrier of realspace -

    And it was through.


    The ship suddenly reactivated, internal lights active, and Vima on the floor, unstirring, face down.

    Barriss, alarmed, rushed to Vima's side, helping the old woman off the floor.

    "Vima! Are you okay?"

    She was weak, and heavy - and yet fragile. Vima rolled over onto her back and looked to Barriss. "One day, you will consider yourself worthy of Vima's legacy." A shuddering rattle of breath, that seemed to shake her very body and bones. "For now, you are my warden, a Jedi Watcher, like the ancient days and ways."

    A gasp. "There is another..."

    Her eyes seemed to stare, and her mouth went askance.

    "... Sunriderrrr."

    Barriss didn't understand what Vima meant, but that wasn't anything new. Right now there was a lot she didn't understand.

    She helped Vima's old body and carried her over to a bed that was in the ship. She carefully laid Vima down.

    "It'll be okay," she told Vima. "I'll get us somewhere safe."

    Vima began to fade, quite literally, and she squeezed at Barriss' hand, her eyes closed.

    "Nomi," she gasped. "On Bonadon - I entrust her to you, to keep safe, to save... to keep the secret of Grizmalt for her..."

    Barriss realized that Vima was fading.

    "Hey, stay with me," she said, squeezing her hand. She tried to keep her voice calm. "You can make it through this. Don't give up."

    "The Force will be with you, Barriss..."

    She slumped.

    "Sunr -"

    Her jaw askance.


    And vanished.

    Barriss's eyes widened.

    She wanted to say something. Anything.

    But Vima was already gone.

    And she was alone.

    The ship was burrowing into hyperspace, and eventually let Barriss know the fact of the matter; it was going to Bonadon, as if her leap had been serendipitous. Not to Yavin 4, or to Ossus, or to even New Republic space.

    Towards Nomi.

    TAG: @Lady_Belligerent @HanSolo29 @Sinrebirth
  10. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    GM Post One of Two

    IC: Darth Insipid

    The Battle of Nubia

    The shadow man moved among the shadows, pursued by shadows, confronting, you guessed it... shadows.

    Of himself, of others, shadows cast and to be cast.

    The dark side was very strong here.

    Darth Insipid knew very well what that would eventually mean.

    To his dismay.

    To his hope.

    To his prayer.

    He felt a huge surge in the Force, and then was a detonation in the city, a whirling of smoke and debris and masonry.

    Insipid paused, regarded the two who were exposed from the dust.

    Ike and his new apprentice, Tia.

    With a nod, and a nudge in the Force to the youngster of thanks, he moved on, darting towards civilian districts.

    From the skies dropped, with firm, crushing boots, a Sith Trooper.

    Then another.

    And another.



    Insipid darted away from Ike and Tia, conscious that they were tracking him, not them.

    And then there was a whirl of power and two took after his scent.

    Insipid cursed.

    The last? He turned to Ike and Tia and pointed his fist.


    A hammer in the Force pounded into the two of them.

    The battle was on!

    TAG: @Tia (combo)


    Soliloquy came to in the sky.

    A dim memory, muscle, rather than actual.

    The Sith Trooper had stepped to his unconscious form and sneered.


    Apparently he'd felt it sufficient to boot Soliloquy out of the ship for his airdrop.

    Currents of the Force confirmed facts.

    Imperial Knights in-system, in orbit, Sith in the city, friends old and new.

    Another ship had dropped three Sith Troopers near Ike.

    Two were pursuing something, an indistinct shadow in the Force.

    There was a hospital besieged, the terror of patients and children filing the area.

    A Sith Trooper diverted from the chase of the shadowed one, to head towards two little darknesses; Serapis and Hekate.

    The third Trooper was heading towards a manorly Estate; the Graul one.

    In orbit, Hapan and pirate and Imperial and Tapani ships skirmished, killing and killed, burning and falling.

    Nihl, Wyyrlok IV, Inexor, the others, where were they?

    Soliloquy had choices to make, as he fell, fell, fell.

    Adas was silent for now; Soa was absent.

    TAG: @Mitth_Fisto

    The Hospital

    Insipid had diverted towards the blossoming panic of a hospital aflame, strafed, rather than struck.

    He sensed Hekate and Serapis, send a subtle warning to them of incoming and diverted.

    One of his two remaining pursuers rushed off.

    The Sith Trooper was a hulking powerhouse, and a raging attack slammed into the greenhouse, covering them in transparisteel shards a moment before he leapt into their vicinity, a pair of red blades swinging for each of their throats -

    TAG: @DarthIshyZ, @Nehru_Amidala, @Mitth_Fisto (updated TAG, please post what you have otherwise)

    Graul Estate

    Norin dropped to one knee, but smoke rose up and merely revealed, beneath his skin, a metal kneecap.

    The man growled at them.

    A wave of the Force slalomed out, upping the desk, and intending to throw them -

    He reached into his upper bicep, and drew out a red lightsaber.

    He'd let the One Sith turn him into a cyborg.

    Norin's eyes glowed yellow and he readied himself to kill Aryan and Belligerent.

    He had been working with Darth Krayt all along.

    In the distance, they'd sense Insipid running their way, pursued by a Sith Trooper.

    TAG: @Lady_Belligerent, @HanSolo29

    Orbital scrum

    Fighter craft picked off Fury-class assault ships, but not before most of them delivered their payloads; Sith Troopers, and seemingly Soliloquy in the middle of it all? Bernael and Iudex might not notice, with the Victory-class Star Destroyers resisting their raiding forces.

    They were just slightly too outnumbered, though there was an Interdictor acting out in the middle of it all.

    Behind the Tapani armada appeared a ship.

    It was large, eight kilometers long.

    An Mandator-class Dreadnaught.

    An antique, but a powerful one.

    The resurrected Pelagian Moon, with Shey Tapani in command.

    In it's hangars?

    X-wings, TIE Advanced starfighters, E-wings, and Tapani Manta-class starfighters.


    Their pilots?

    Well, they had their choice of what to fly.

    They were Knights of the Empire.

    The Imperial Knights.

    Walce, Cera, Madelyn, and her Nightsister lover.

    Their opponent?

    The stolen forces of the Tapani High Lords; Victory-class Star Destroyers, frigates, carriers, corvettes, all being engaged by Pyke and Hapan and Nubian ships.

    Shey spoke up into the comms.

    "Capture or take out that Victory destroyer," he gave them a target, not yet besieged by their allies, standing in the heart of the enemy formation. Two TIE fighter squadrons screened it's bridge. There was darkness abounding, but none of them were aboard that destroyer. Between them and their target? Three other Star Destroyers, turning to face the Pelagon Moon, which promptly began firing.

    They'd have to thread turbolaser fire, but Shey had faith in them.

    They needed to smash the centre of the enemy formation, and that meant small forces with powerful punches.

    Them, essentially.

    @ConservativeJedi321, @TheAdmiral, @TheSilentInfluence (singles)

    Of course, in the middle of all of this, Bernael and Iudex were freed, as the High Lord's fleet was trashed.

    The heart of the enemy formation stood strong, but the flanks were completely baffled; the rear attacked by the newly arrived Mandator, the Pykes and Hapans engaging the port and starboard sides, and the forward motion of the attack on Nubia stymied by reluctant Nubian defenders, who were now acting as if someone had lit a fire under their backsides and they hated it; heavy cruisers setting up a line but nothing else, they’d need much more direct command.

    Inexor, with Shimmer in his clutches, was getting further away, but he was definitely not trying to get too far.

    Indeed, he must have been distracting them from that miasma.

    It was a cover, a shroud, and Iudex and Bernael had detected it, to the edge of the atmosphere, perpendicular to the greater battle, but there was something there, in the Force, anyway. Technology said there was nothing... a cloaked ship? Or ships? Was the Force user beneath that shield so powerful he could not truly hide himself(!)

    Had they found Krayt?

    A moment later, a blazing pain, across the Force, and a snapshot in the minds eye of them each.

    Inexor had just cut off Shimmer's arm.

    A chittering chuckle.

    "Come on, come on, you don't want me to kill her, do you?"

    TAG: @darthbernael, @Silvertough
  11. Lady_Belligerent

    Lady_Belligerent Queen of the RPF, SWC, C&P, and Pancakes & Waffles star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 29, 2008
    Graul Estate, Nubia

    She had underestimated Norin Graul, and now he was severely complicating the situation. They needed control of the defense fleet, and there was little time to spare.

    Cover for me.. Bell’s voice echoed through their ancient bond. I’ll get a message to the — Kriff! Norin had pulled out a lightsaber.

    Aryan didn’t have a weapon with him that Bell knew of, besides his blaster. He would need something to defend and fight back against a lightsaber.

    Her hand felt the cool hilt of her own blade, it had slipped into her palm… on its own. She exhaled a breath she had been holding, and quickly touched the cylinder to her lips, whispering to it, “protect him.”

    Catch!” Bell tossed her lightsaber across the Aryan and took a couple of steps back.

    She watched until the hilt was secure in Aryan’s hand, only then did she step back farther and quickly entered a text based communication:

    Imperial Knight Hhat, proceed to the capital ship Nubian Pride. You are there representing Norin Graul to relieve Admiral Davis of his duty. He is to be handled as you see fit.

    Grand Admiral Hhat, you are now in command of the Nubian Defense Fleet. Protect Nubia and her citizens, Admiral. You answer only to Emperor Aryan Graul.

    Knight Brokenborough, you are healed sufficiently, assist Grand Admiral Hhat and assume the role of Vice Grand Admiral in command of the NDF. Protect Nubia and her citizens, Vice Grand Admiral.

    Knights Tyrell and Donvoy, remain in control of that interdictor. You are now to be Grand Admiral Donvoy, and Vice Grand Admiral Tyrell of the Sith Defense Fleet. Recruit from the staff on board and kill any that do not follow your orders. Protect Nubia and the Sith Empire from enemy attacks. You now answer only from Emperor Aryan Graul.

    I’m counting on you four to protect Nubia and our Empire from your positions, do your best and destroy incoming enemy ships.


    She turned back to face Norin, Aryan didn’t need her help, and she would only help if he wanted it. This man wasn’t her Aryan’s father, but he seemed equally as twisted and vile. Norin Graul was Aryan’s kill, if he should want it.

    Tag: @HanSolo29 @Sinrebirth @Ananta Chetan
    @CosmoHender @Silvertough @galactic-vagabond422


    One of the Rodians held out his hand to show Helinith a wicked looking thermal detonator. “You calm down, lady, or I’ll kill us all.”

    He quickly exchanged comments with his partner in their native language. They decided on shoving her out of the air lock if she harmed any of the beings on the ship. It was their ship, and she would not get any cooperation with her bossy attitude.

    “We don’t want to go to Yinchorr,” the second Rodian spoke up, “you just insulted these hard working Rodian’s who are not slaves, they were paid for their work and are now going home.”

    Tag: @darthhelinith
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2023
  12. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Soliloquy
    Falling Away

    It was purely by instinct. That's all one could really say when it came to Soliloquy being rudely awoken from his slumber spot of a cargo container, and not by any mixed notion of tender mercies neither! Sadly this is what happened when one consorted with Sith and his two thousand year study buddy journey with them was. . .well it was running short on time. What do you do then? His random musical selection played and he let an unfiltered translation of what was being said to him, done to him, and played for him to all appear before his left eye.

    He felt it all slide, on by. He knew he had formed a body - conscience thought was not a part, instinct of a life well lived and well taught. Oh if he had not, what a rude destruction would opening that crate have wrought! Yet Threads like gossamer strings of finest spider silk wafted upon that air, or yet in his eye seemed to be so though he doubted the eyes of any others would yet spy them. He felt the boot that made him meet the air and heard the word that was a sin. "I'm an Eye." he groaned into that howling wind that o so weak refrain as once more sanity and clarity of thought yet eluded his waking brain.

    Fingers flared and those insults to filigree became embracing rings upon the form. Around the fingers ten, every joint of arm or leg made three by three by three by three, one for neck across the line that held the cords of voice, across the chest a doublet X upon it there through heart and lung that would yet dare, then again upon the bowels, one betwixt to keep it sound and then another foundationally below to set the pelvis free, and then yet then the final ring to split him down the middle from widows peak to acrid nose along the lips to split them so and down the neck and chest and belly button divot to separate the nether berries and cheeks of putrid bowels in twain.

    Then fingers clenched without a thought and glittering lines of Force once taunt in rings shrank their span to yet nothing and let not a single bond nor atom connected be without driving them from their binding or clinging partners asunder. Whether it worked or not he did not see, but twisted in air and pulled out his umbrella creature he had used to such affect on the station o'er Coruscant. With a flick of a negligent wrist it opened and raised, if any fallout yet followed his suit would not be marred by the haze.

    As his rapidity slowed owing nothing to the mundanity of physics he felt in the Force that he called to him so. Through it the haze of the waking lights grew clear. Hmm. If that had worked it would of marked the same answer to the comical riddle of old. 42. Smiling at a joke he doubted any other would appreciate he hoped, just a little, those threads had succeeded.

    Now there above, Imperial Knights in-system, in orbit, Sith in the city, friends old and new.

    Another ship had dropped three Sith Troopers near Ike. The fashion of the horizontal master was probably halfway to a good time right now.

    Two were pursuing something, an indistinct shadow in the Force. Not many could be that to his gaze and he marked it as so.

    There was a hospital besieged, the terror of patients and children filing the area. It was a nice dark tea in the Force, pleasantly bracing and good for wakefulness.

    A Sith Trooper diverted from the chase of the shadowed one, to head towards two little darknesses; Serapis and Hekate. Sniffing slightly he noted the motes of nothing near them. So that had worked out, four on one not exactly winning odds.

    The third Trooper was heading towards a grand Estate; the Graul one if he was not mistaken.

    In orbit, Hapan and pirate and Imperial and Tapani ships skirmished, killing and killed, burning and falling.

    Nihl, Wyyrlok IV, Inexor, the others, where were they?

    Taking it all in he hummed along as he fell, fell, fell.

    Adas was silent for now; Soa was absent.

    Just as well. Well, not exactly. "If you have a preference speak now or I'm inclined to interrupt the orgy." he stated to the air knowing only Adas would hear him or care.

    Inside the sanctity of his bastioned mind he tapped an old door, weathered and worn by love of use. Where was Shimmer in all of this? Or was she spared by some blessed twist of fate? My darling daughter, where are you?

    TAG: @Sinrebirth
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2023
  13. Ananta Chetan

    Ananta Chetan Force Ghost star 5

    Aug 11, 2013
    IC Charles Brokenborough

    Charles swallowed hard staring at his remaining bandages in disbelief. The Empress' message had taken him by complete surprise, but currently so was everything else. The irony of his thoughts during his convalescence, dark and improper of which he dare not share, now finding him gaining additional status within the Empire, left a chilling ache in his bones.

    Stumbling down the bustling corridors of the Interdictor he entered a small oval shaped room and closed the hatch with a wave of his hand. Taking a seat in the tiny cockpit he allowed his palm to hover over the main controls of the escape pod for a moment while he gazed out the viewport into space.


    Tumbling for a moment the pod's thrusters finally ignited sending the knight on a solo sojourn across the surrounding black emptiness. Brokenborough's eyes moistened as he briefly looked back at the fading Star Destroyer.

    TAG @Lady_Belligerent @HanSolo29 @CosmoHender
  14. darthhelinith

    darthhelinith Force Ghost star 6

    Feb 10, 2009
    Murderous rage of pleading

    Helinith bristled.
    One nudge in the force and I can blow us all to hell. she thought, but held her tongue as the Rodian waved the detonator around.

    No matter, she could still kill them all, in fact the detonator would make that easy enough.
    She hadn't understood any of what they said between themselves but she had a fairly good idea of the jist of it.
    Her eyes narrowed as they spoke in basic again.
    Home... probably Rodia, although it'd be rude to assume.

    "So why not just drop me off on the way, it's literally no sweat off your backs, and I've no interest in any of you, you can do whatever you want."

    Did Rodians sweat?
    She'd have to look it up.

    Tags: @Lady_Belligerent
  15. darthbernael

    darthbernael EU Community Mod, Fuego, Pyrofuego! star 5 Staff Member Manager VIP - Game Winner

    Apr 15, 2019
    OOC: Comboing with Sinrebirth and Silvertough, someone made a mistake hurting Shimmer...

    IC: Bernael and Iudex
    Nubia, Orbital scrum

    Looking out of the viewscreen, Bernael took in the chaos of the battle as a small smile crossed his face. A line, an old line from a works long thought vanished from the galaxy came to mind, ”Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!”*, his voice a calm, flat tone as he spoke.

    An interesting, fleeting sensation crossed his awareness as he watched the battle, watched some of their foes craft release their deadly payloads of forces toward the surface of the Nubia. He turned back, facing Iudex for a moment, ”Did you feel that, my brother? A presence that…” he cut off, reminding himself that sometimes the more ancient beings of the galaxy were able to feel others of similar antiquity where the younger beings couldn’t.

    Although…a grim smile crossed his face when he felt the pain and the glee of Inexor reached them. ”If…if I am correct that one just signed his own death warrant.”

    "A rout?" Iudex intoned in turn, drumming his fingers atop the railing. "No, no, but soon. Their flanks are overrun, their retreat cut off." A pleased growl reverberated within his throat. Even his motley collection of pirates had been performing above his expectations. Excellent. Perhaps their Empire wasn't in such dire straights as he had previously imagined.

    He regarded Bernael with a raised eyebrow, before tilting his chin in a shallow nod. Yes, he had also sensed it. That peculiar something that seemed to over just out of view in the periphery of his mind's eye. A cloaked vessel, both materially as well as through the Force itself? Something to look into after the One Sith's flagship was taken out, perhaps.

    A lance of raw emotion temporarily pierced his concentration. Paired agony and childlike glee washed over his mind, and then, a moment later, it was gone. Iudex glowered, a fist clenched white-knuckle tight.


    "No." Iudex growled, taking a moment to squash the rage blazing deep within his core. "Until my judgment is fully meted out.. Death will be but a distant dream for the Pretender. Advance."

    Bernael’s eyes seemed to drink in the light around them as he nodded to Iudex. A touch of mental command and the ship they were aboard arrowed deeper into the formations of foes that advanced upon them. But the minnows mattered little, Krayt and Inexor mattered more. Against the pressure of the Force against them, he reached out, pain intruding on his mind, reaching for the Croke. Inexor desires to kill your ward.’ he sent, hoping the mental message managed to reach the other ancient one.

    Refocusing, he began to lash out, using what he had to redirect torpedoes and missiles, to turn their courses back on the ships that had fired upon them. He trusted that his brother would ensure that they headed in the needed direction, his focus now was to make sure that they arrived where they needed to be. That trust, likewise, extended to trusting whether Iudex would choose between Shimmer and ridding the galaxy of Krayt.

    Iudex fell wordlessly into lockstep with his fellow Circle-Lord, mentally filling in the defensive or offensive gaps left by the old vampire as he moved them forwards. Nothing would stop their crusade, the countless dead congregating in their wake was testament to such. It was clear to Iudex that his battle-brother shared a similar sentiment to he, that their destination was all that mattered. Petty concerns over the state of their vessel or an escape plan afterward were irrelevant in the here and now.

    No, all that mattered was the placing of Krayt and his many minions' heads on stakes for all the galaxy to see. A more fitting end than what they truly deserved, but so be it.

    Now Iudex drew freely from his well of rage, tossing aside anything and anyone that dared attempt an intercept of their vessel. He could see Inexor's ship ahead in his mind's eye, hiding deep within the One Sith's reserves. It mattered not. All would buckle and break against their reckless advance.

    Iudex promised. Soon..

    Fighters were tweaked off path, missiles were diverted, even a couple of laser bolts were outright deflected upon invisible walls -

    The two of them were wielding the Force as a shield and sword, pooling their resources and finding themselves greater than their sum of parts -

    The Dreadnaught cruisers that made up the local defenders were as much a danger to them as the enemy, uncoordinated even as the Hapan and Pyke forces tried to hem in the Tapani -

    But they blazed their way across the engagement as Inexor's ship ducked into an orbiting station; something civilian, lightly armed and already pockmarked with ill-aimed damage; there was a lot of random fire being hurled around -

    As Inexor and Bernael neared the station, a quartet of advanced fighters, TIE Clawcraft from the future timeline, roared out of the hangar towards them -

    Bernael let out a humored snort. One arm gestured out of the viewscreen, a talon pointing at the Clawcraft. ”If that doesn’t put the nail in the coffin that Krayt and his goons followed us across the multiverse I do not know what does.”

    Letting his own power intermingle with Iudex’s, something that had become more natural, something also remembered from doing something even deeper when fighting Snoke, by Manticore’s side, he reached out, seeking to confuse, to distract, to override circuits and minds inside the Clawcraft, mentally preparing himself for when they boarded the station and confronted Inexor.

    ”I believe this craft is as much a weapon as the armaments it carries. Which means it’s usefulness might now be in removing those gnats from the board before we deal with the annoying wasp.”

    "These heretics tarnish the name of the Sith if they truly think a station of civilians will temper my fury!"
    Iudex snarled in indignant fervor. They would all be willingly sacrificed if it got him what he wanted. Stations could be rebuilt, fleets reorganized, populations reborn.

    There was only one Shimmer.

    "A rancor doesn't concern themselves with gnats."
    He countered darkly, before reaching out through the force to simply crush one of the offending vehicles into a bloodied, shattered orb. "Feed on their fear if you must, our arrival is inevitable."

    The space around Bernael began to darken, as though he was becoming shrouded in it. A deep chuckle drifted from the rising darkness. There was a sense of his presence rising before there was a sense, in the Force, of a bowstring being released. ”Fear is the salt of what you might call the spice of my feeding. Terror is the saffron of it.” came from him in an almost purred tone.

    In the distance, the station that Inexor had disappeared into shuddered in its geosynchronous position. The ancient what once had been an Anzati chuckled again, as another surge of his presence filled the zombie marionette filled bridge. As the pressure increased and the shudders of the station dissipated, the edifice beginning to grow larger in the viewscreen, faster than their speed would dictate, Bernael himself seemed to change.

    His shape writhed, orange streamers of power radiating across his face and body, tenting the cloak draped over him. The streamers blazed as they centered around his eyes. He was shifting slightly, the power of Ooru he’d taken into himself revealing…revealing there was even more to him than he’d let on. His head turned to face Iudex, the face almost a mask, one that any historian of the galaxy would blanch at, one whose voice and the mind behind it they both knew well.

    His smile was cruel yet not a word passed his lips before he turned back, ”Let Inexor tremble at what his feeble ideas at revenge have unleashed.” his tone hollow. ”And now I will feed in earnest.” he muttered as the station raced towards them, grinding the two remaining Clawcraft to dust in its headlong flight.

    Iudex turned away from the display of madness and horror evolving to his side. Not out of fear or the like, but for simple peace of mind. There was no need to stare into the heart of the expanding abyss to confirm its existence. Not when he had survived such a mistake during the Battle of Hapes. The vampire would consume all that stood before them, and Iudex would mop up those unfortunate enough to survive. It wasn't the most equal of arrangements, but by the Force was it effective.

    Instead, Iudex found himself with his hands raised outstretched before him, palms facing the bridge's ceiling. Electricity sparked and crackled across his body, illuminating his emerald skin in a nigh piously white aura as a ravenous craving of it's own filled his body. One of devout fervor. His Imperial Truth had saved him during the Battle of the Akkadese Maelstrom, and today, through sheer force of will, it would save Shimmer.

    "Our crusade is righteous."
    Iudex called through gritted teeth, extending his arms further apart as if to embrace someone who wasn't there. His voice boomed throughout the bridge, echoed by an unseen pervasive thrum of power. "Blessed Bogan, grant me the will to purge the heretic, to smite the apostate, and to bring retribution to those taken from our Order. In your name I will scour the Galaxy with the flames of perdition. I vow to let none escape my anointed wrath, my judgment as Arbiter of the Empire. I will never waver, I will never retreat, not until all those who spurn the will of the Dark Side are crushed upon the rocks of my fury. So I promise in my name, Iudex, Circle Lord of the Sith."

    The Force surged to answer his call, and within a single heartbeat those that had managed to escape his companion's initial charge were yanked back into Bernael's ravenous maw. They would die, as had been demanded of them.

    There was a Force surge, a powerful, terrible counter.

    It wasn't just Inexor, no.

    It was... someone else.

    That grip seized upon them, tractor beams too, and they were drawn into the hangar itself.

    Bernael’s form slowly began to shift, returning to normal, as the Force surged, pulling them in toward the station. His head shook as the orange faded from it, ”It appears we will have the opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.” his deep, thick voice said, as he turned to glance at Iudex.

    ”I issued a challenge to the one we desire to destroy and he could not help but respond. Or so it appears. And you will get the chance to retrieve Shimmer.”
    As he spoke, he turned back, watching the viewscreen darken as they were pulled into the hangar, the corners of his mouth turning up in a pleased smile, looking forward to facing their foe.

    Iudex brought his hands together above his chest, tightly clasping them as he continued in his chanting, voice now barely above a soft whisper. The surge within the force only strengthened his convictions. An undeniable proof that his request had been fulfilled.

    His eyes shot open, fervor and fury blazing from within gilded irises like a horrible star, "Light likes to think it is the fastest thing in the universe," Iudex growled, boring imaginary holes through the durasteel bulkheads of the bridge towards where the Force had located Inexor and his ilk.. The chanting from before had continued, even as his mouth spat out different words, taken up instead by the lips of the crew that hadn't been yet consumed by Bernael. "But no matter how fast light travels, the darkness is always there waiting for it. Such is the totality of our retribution."

    TAGS: @Sinrebirth, @Silvertough

    *Ozymandias - PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY
    Tia, greyjedi125, Silvertough and 2 others like this.
  16. Silvertough

    Silvertough Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Aug 19, 2018
    IC: Grand Admiral Donvoy

    Not moments after he had so confidently begun to march his way off the bridge to join in on the defense inside the Hangar Bay did Arthur Donvoy, Imperial Knight, find himself staring down at his wrist mounted tacpad to see an incoming message. A message from the Empress herself, no less. He felt his eyebrow raise involuntarily as he scanned through the transmission. Quirking higher after he double and then triple checked the source.

    No, It was genuine.

    Arthur Donvoy, Grand Admiral of the Sith Defense Fleet, frowned. Not because he felt that he was widely unqualified for such a distinction, or that the Empress had seemingly created the position of Vice Grand Admiral out of thin air, or even that she was dividing his already dwindling resources to other ships when he desperately needed them here. He frowned because he had been knighted as a Knight of the Galactic Empire, the lawful continuation of the former Palpatine's Empire as he saw it. Right now, he and his comrades were fighting a Sith Empire, so.. why was he to call himself a Grand Admiral of one?

    "Sir!" A voice called out from behind him. It was ignored, as he expected his newly elevated Captain to take care of it.

    Arthur drummed his fingers against his thigh. It didn't help. His mind still raced. He clicked his tongue, frustrated to be served such an annoyance at such a critical moment. The fate of the battle hung upon a knife's edge, and yet here he found himself suddenly concerned about the legitimacy of the Empire he had fought and bled for. After this battle, he would approach the Empress herself and ask her the meaning of this personally. Until then..

    The presence of another being standing patiently behind him broke Arthur's raging thoughts. He turned to find the Captain staring at him, a disapproving look stretched across his face.

    "Speak." Arthur demanded bluntly.

    "Four escape pods have been launched without approval." The Captain responded with a sneer. He continued, "An effort organized by a motely collection of junior officers and troopers. They managed to overpower the guards stationed there before fleeing. But, I thought you would be more interested in who commandeered the last pod." A datapad was offered to Arthur with a single, blurry image atop its display, seemingly ripped straight from the Interdictor's security holocams.

    "Back to your station, Captain Ornet. Continue the defense." Arthur managed to bark between clenched teeth. He didn't need cutting edge holograms to recognize the figure observed to be limping shamefully into an open escape pod. For the figure could only be the Imperial Knight who had just recently been ordered to the Medical Bay for his wounds.

    It was clear as day. Brokenborough had deserted. It was the only explanation.

    Arthur recoiled like ha had been physically punched in the gut. To even imagine an Imperial Knight could abandon them in their time of need was shameful. Worse, it was disgusting.

    "Should we fire upon them?" Ornet asked, having not left Arthur's shadow.

    "No. Let the One Sith do our dirty work for us." He replied bitterly, forcing down the urge to smash his fist into the nearest wall. "Just.. Keep those bombers away.. Our Empire depends on it.."

    Tags: @Lady_Belligerent @HanSolo29 @CosmoHender @Ananta Chetan @galactic-vagabond422
  17. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    IC: Takaris Yur
    Kesh, Keshtah, the City of Tahv


    The quiet world in Wild Space was a lot quieter nowadays.

    The Sith Lords had moved on to Hapes, and then Imperial Space, such as it was, stepping stones to greater and greater heights. That left Takaris Yur on Kesh, as High Lord of the Sith, while other humans and Keshiri debated and did what they did.

    It was inevitable, arguably. The Keshiri had managed to leave the planet before the Clone Wars, and then in-fighting had cost them the technology. Yur had tracked down rumours of Keshiri fighting for the Separatists - for the Sith Lord Tyranus - but didn't care either way. Nothing had come of it and he suspected Kesh had been periodically, secretly, involved in the greater galactic community and the Sith ways had cost them.

    This time would, potentially, be no different.

    But there remained a few connections to the wider galaxy still.


    One of them was within a bacta tank off the Circle chambers, adjacent to those human and Keshiri Lords that ran the day-to-day of the planet. Well, it was a tank, but it was also, well, in the asylum wing of the secret Sith compound. A whole level was kept for criminals that might prove useful, madness with potential. It had been a specific requirement of the Sith, something to do with Bedlam and the way in which a mental ward upon that world had given them the idea.

    His name was, Yur believed, Anark, and Lord Insipid had left him in the care of his Keshiri secret apprentice.

    But with news of the New Sith Order having been ambushed at Nubia, and left high and dry by Imperial and even some Hapan allies, Yur reasoned that now was the time.

    To wake him.

    With a rap of his purple-skinned knuckles upon the glass, he pressed Anark to awaken.


    He also took a very large step back, because Anark was, well, mad.

    The Keshiri looked at the very long data file of episodes the Sith Lord had gone through, and the injuries he had inflicted...

    TAG: @Snokers (combo opportunity for your GLORIOUS RETURN!)
  18. Tia

    Tia Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Oct 11, 2022

    (Combo with Sinrebirth)

    Ike/Tia ~master and apprentice~


    Before the young apprentice could respond, She was thrown backwards with a powerful push with the force, the impact was so strong it lifted her off her feet and she slammed into a half demolished wall with a loud thud.

    Ike had thrown out a hand to cushion her entirely - well, mostly - and to lessen the impact on himself, but he still stumbled -

    The Sith Trooper rushed forward at Ike, a proverbial battering ram of cyborg flesh, a double handed swing of his crimson blade down -

    Tia had landed on her knees. It hurt. But she saw her master in trouble, and without thinking she leapt at the trooper in an attempt to knock him off balance.

    The Trooper hesitated, seeing the young girl launching at him, and in that moment of hesitation, she was able to bowel into him and send him stumbling back. Ike rebalanced in that moment and leapt up, snagging the Sith Troopers weapon arm in a grip, and grimaced.

    "Lightsaber, apprentice -"

    Tia activated the crimson blade after a sharp nod to her master, her face determined, and raised the saber high above her head, her target: the trooper's outstretched arm.

    The arm was lopped off, a sickening smell of burning flesh filling Tia's nose -

    A howl -

    And then the Trooper swung Ike as a club and slammed him into Tia -

    The Trooper tried to shake him off, before realising he had another hand free, and he shaped it to summon Force lightning -

    Tia dropped like a stone, and looked up at the trooper, teeth gritted. She was angry. She rose to her feet and glared at him "let my master go...."

    Ike was the one hanging on, and he threw his weight down to try and imbalance the Sith Trooper.

    "Kill him, Tia. Kill him now!"

    The Sith Trooper roared at Ike, projecting his voice like a weapon, and Ike let go to protect his ears -

    The cyborg kicked out a booted foot and the tip took Ike in the ribs, sending him tumbling -

    The Trooper was distracted for a mere moment -

    Tia leapt forward again, and with a battle cry swung the lightsaber. The crimson blade sliced through the Trooper's torso.

    The Sith Trooper had such a thick torso the blade actually stopped halfway through.

    He backhanded her -

    The force of the impact nearly had the young apprentice knocked off her feet, Tia was now enraged and in a roar jumped on his back, dropping the saber with a clatter in the process her arms locked around his throat, she began to squeeze "oh tough guy, huh?" she held on tight, not letting go of her prey.

    Ike snatched up the 'saber, before it had even deactivated -

    He was going to stab the cyborg in the brain, but Tia was right there, and the Trooper was clawing at his back, trying to get her, gasping -

    Ike pivoted, cut off one foot, riposted, then another, and the cyborg dropped to his knees, arms down, Tia still hanging on -

    The Sith Trooper tried to grab at her with the Force, a clumsy move because of the cut through half his torso and organs there -

    Tia hang on with all her might, squeezing and squeezing at his neck, she began to lopside as the top half of the trooper began to fall. "who do ya think you're slappin'?"

    Tia pulled, and, finally, there was a sickening snap.

    The neck gave way, but the Sith Trooper kept writhing, kept howling, cybernetic connections showing -

    "Pull it off! Ike commanded, as he drove his blade tip into the cyborg's heart -

    Tia pulled and pulled as she heard another snap and she took his head clean off and threw it. The adrenaline that was the dark-side flowed through her as she jumped from the trooper's back "who's next?" she snarled

    Ike laid down on the broken floor. "I think we'll need a breather for a moment."

    "You can just stab his corpse a few more times if you need to get the red out."

    He deactivated and lightly tossed his blade to her.

    Tia did as her master suggested with twisted rage before she finally deactivated her saber before kicking the corpse in the stomach
    "Parasite!" she mumbled at its lifeless body.

    The corpse lolled, and Ike chuckled. "Come on, let's get back under cover."

    He looked up, at skies becoming rapidly full of fighter craft of many different types.

    "This is only going to get worse."

    With that, he skipped into the fray.

  19. CosmoHender

    CosmoHender Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 2, 2016
    IC: Grand Admiral Sam Hhat

    Sith Interdictor

    Sam was still fighting off boarding Sith troopers when she received her promotion.

    To say she was taken by shock would be an understatement.

    Grand Admiral?!?

    Sam was from the Stormtrooper Corps, not the Imperial Navy. She knew nothing about fleet movements and strategy. There was no way that she was qualified to command a Defense Fleet and it was insane that the Empress had entrusted her with this. It had to be a mistake.

    Sam leaned against the wall, trying to process her orders. Usually she was all for following orders and she didn't want to disobey her Empress... but this was just wrong. She was not Grand Admiral material.

    However, orders were order. So reluctantly Sam knew that she had to head to the Nubian Prime. The Empress and the Empire was counting on her, after all.

    She took the ship that the Sith troopers had used to board and began to make her way to the Nubian Prime. She hoped that the Imperial Knights could handle the Interdictor without her... and the Inquisitor that had to still be on the ship. Honestly, she would be more comfortable hunting that Inquisitor down herself. She was starting to get the hang of this Imperial Knight thing, after all.

    Though now she supposed she would have to get hang of being a Grand Admiral.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth @HanSolo29 @Lady_Belligerent
  20. HanSolo29

    HanSolo29 RPF/SWC/Fan Art Manager & Bill Pullman Connoisseur star 7 Staff Member Manager

    Apr 13, 2001
    OOC: The following is a combo with Lady B and Sinrebirth – thank you so much! [:D]

    IC: Empress Bellorum Graul, Emperor Aryan Graul, and Norin Graul
    The Graul Estate, Nubia

    Their lives, and those of the citizens, depended on the Imperial Knights following her orders, and now that her messages were sent, she had to trust them to carry them out.

    This was exactly what she had hoped for Aryan’s sake, they could avoid. It had been in the back of her mind though, it was inevitable that father and son would face off.

    She stayed to the edges of the room and pulled the edges of her bulky cloak closer to disguise her pregnancy. Norin would exploit that detail to gain an advantage if he knew, hopefully, he’ll see her as simply being plump.

    Slowly she eased along the shelving that lined the walls, maybe she could get behind him. Hitting him with a toxin-laced dart would be tricky, she needed to see where cybernetic parts ended, and where he was still flesh and blood.

    It was difficult to comprehend the circumstances that led to this moment. Aryan recalled how he had allegedly fired his blaster at his great-great-great grandfather with the intent to end his life—but Bell had intervened to redirect the shot into the man’s knee. She reminded him that they needed to preserve this reality and prevent another Change. Killing Norin Graul could have devastating consequences for them all.

    But that’s when things spiraled out of control, and it soon became clear that they may not have a choice.

    Norin, always obsessed with the Force and achieving power and prestige, revealed that he had allowed the One Sith to transform him into a hideous abomination. He was more droid than man; a crazed cyborg who had acquired unnatural abilities through his programming, which enabled him to emulate Force users. He even brandished his own lightsaber to emphasize this point.

    However, Aryan wasn’t entirely unprepared to confront the man in his current form; he had his wife to provide assistance. Aside from a brief nudge through their bond, Bell surrendered her lightsaber to him without prompting.

    Aryan caught the hilt as she tossed it through the air, relishing the touch of the cool metal against his palm. With such an elegant blade at his disposal, he recognized the significance of this moment. The wielder and the Kyber crystal shared a sacred bond. The fact that Bell trusted him to use her personal saber was a testament to the strength of their relationship. She considered him worthy—even if he doubted his own abilities.

    And sure enough, as he thumbed the activation switch, the amethyst blade extended and hummed to brilliant life. That was all the confidence he needed to proceed.

    Planting his feet, Aryan recalled the combat training he had obtained at the academy years ago and quickly utilized that to adopt a defensive stance against Norin. He would not act out of recklessness; he would bide his time and wait for his opponent to commit a crucial mistake.

    "How proper that you would allow Krayt’s cronies to turn you into a literal monster," Aryan taunted with a wry smirk, slowly circling around to cover the man’s flank. "You can have all the technology in the galaxy, but it will never equate to the natural flow of the Force; something you will always lack and never experience."

    The Emperor stopped and gestured slightly with his blade. "Come on, old man, I know you’ve waited a long time for this." He scoffed lightly. "So have I."

    Norin laughed. "Thanks to Lord Krayt, I do not need the Force now."

    His eyes flittered from Bell to Aryan, making it abundantly clear that he was watching her, too -

    A hand was lifted toward the Emperor, and a bolt of lightning erupted from his fingertips in brilliance -

    Aryan acted on pure instinct, moving aside and raising his violet blade to repel Norin's attack. The white tendrils of electricity licked hungrily at the saber, forcing him to clench his teeth against the sheer intensity of the strike. He was still an amateur when it came to utilizing the Force to its full potential, but it was becoming easier to open himself to its vibrant flow. As it energized his mind and spirit, it bolstered his stamina and gave him the strength to confront his twisted relative.

    However, there was so much more at stake.

    The intimate bond he shared with Bell burned brightly in the Force, reinforcing their love for one another. He sought to preserve their union, even as Norin stalked them from across the room. Aryan couldn't allow the man to discover the truth about Bell’s condition. Despite her delicate state, he would not hesitate to harm her or their unborn children. They were vulnerable, and it was his duty to protect them.

    Clamping down on that thought to strengthen his resolve, Aryan pushed forward with the blade to deflect the lightning back at his opponent. With his free hand, he reached for his blaster once more and fired several shots in quick succession at Norin’s chest.

    A diversion would be helpful, but he was watching both of them closely.

    Her efforts to fade into the shadows didn’t seem to get past Norin, it was anyone’s guess what Krayt had done to him. He bragged about not needing the Force, but what did he have?

    Aryan’s concern for her was humbling, and she made sure he could feel her love, and the confidence she felt in his ability to protect her… now more than ever. Trust me, just as I put my trust in you. She was prepared for the lectures that her actions would result in later, but she secretly adored when he instructed her after she’d caused him anxiety.

    "Why you?" Bell asked boldly as she stepped closer. "Why would Darth Krayt turn you into a cyborg abomination?" Her voice was harsh and demanding, she was filled with loathing for Aryan’s distant grandfather.

    Bell was clearly playing with fire, but Aryan would protect her. She would get Norin angry at her, hoping that he would focus his attention solely on her and give Aryan the advantage.

    "Mr. Perfect Norin Graul, why are you so desperate to be better than your son?"

    Insulting him made her bold, and she’d crept closer to him before she asked what she really wanted to know. "Who was she? Tell me who was the woman that resembled me… the one that you struck?"

    How far could she push him?

    "Only a coward would strike an individual markedly smaller than yourself."

    Norin flexed a hand and sent his reflected lightning bolt into the study, igniting the carpet, and the blaster bolts sent him stumbling but merely revealed his chest of metal. He grinned maliciously as Bell sermonized him.

    "You look so much like her."

    A smirk.

    He projected an image from a holoprojector on his arm, showing Sybelle.

    And then he seemed to vibrate, but vanished -

    Appeared before Aryan, as if moving with incredible speed -

    Crunch -

    He grabbed at the blaster and crushed it, as well as fingers -

    Then he moved, appearing behind Bellorum, backhanding her -

    "Ah, the memories."

    He was fast.

    Augmented fast.

    Aryan’s concentration lapsed when Bell surged forth to confront Norin, resulting in a string of profanities and a stagger in his step that cost him the advantage. Before he could reorient himself and pivot out of the way, the other man was beside him, knocking the blaster away while simultaneously crushing the bones in his left hand.

    Pain blossomed from the point of impact, eliciting a scream from his lips that was somewhere between a growl and a curse. The action also caused him to double over so that he failed to see the moment when the bastard slapped his wife across the face. If he had known, there would've been hell to pay. Instead, the Emperor clenched his teeth, juggling the lightsaber in his grip, and quickly held the wounded hand to his chest to protect it from further injury. It was only now, in this precarious position, that he was able to take stock of the situation and note the augmented way in which Norin moved and the little hologram that had provoked Bell into action.

    But perhaps the more pressing matter was the fire the elder Graul had ignited when he deflected the lightning into the floor. The flames spread swiftly across the plush upholstery, licking toward the ceiling as black smoke billowed from the source. The small inferno promptly triggered the automatic fire system…

    … which gave Aryan an idea.

    Inhaling deeply, the Emperor reached out with his senses to anticipate Norin’s next move. He tried to envision the scope of the room, including the location of furniture and other odd trinkets, using their placement as a means to detect any subtle changes in the density of the air. The displacement of particles would indicate movement—

    Aryan's eyes narrowed as he canted his head.


    Without hesitation, he used his uninjured hand to toss the lightsaber back to his wife, nudging her through their bond to draw her attention. It was a risky maneuver, but he trusted her to stay out of harm’s way until he could incapacitate Norin. From there, he knew she would not hesitate to utilize the weapon when the time came to act.

    Turning, Aryan then reached for the ceiling and commandeered one of the fire suppressant nozzles with the Force. He angled the valve in the direction he anticipated Norin to appear, dousing the man in a spray of white foam with the intent to short out the delicate circuitry that sustained his cyborg body.

    "Bell, NOW!" he shouted above the din.

    She wanted him dead.

    But… who was the woman who looked so much like her, that Graul had beaten?

    Norin Graul moved at an inhuman speed when he injured Aryan, and Bell’s movements were slowed in a way that even the Force couldn’t change. She wouldn’t stand there and watch, this would stop!

    The flames of fire weren’t a hindrance, she could walk through those and use them to her advantage. Except one step forward and Graul was behind her.

    She heard Aryan’s voice call out to her. "Bell, NOW!" The hilt of her lightsaber slid comfortably into her palm as a clear message from her husband.

    It was Aryan’s blessing that she should kill his father.

    But the backhand came without any warning. Her free hand flew to her face where he had struck, "you have signed your death warrant old man. Never touch me again," she said bitterly.

    The fire suppression chemical had been raining down on them, and now she felt the cool foam running down her arm when she lifted her lightsaber. Its violet blade reflected in the white foam pooling around their feet.

    Time stood still for her, but truthfully, the entire exchange was over in an instant.

    She knew hesitating was folly. It’s a lesson that you learn early on.

    "Tell me her name," Bell demanded. I have to find out who that is, but I have this, I promise. Aryan had been clear, and she felt guilty for not dispatching Norin the moment he hit her.

    At that moment, one of the babies inside her squirmed. What was she doing? They had too much to risk, she quickly reminded herself and felt her blade thrusting for Norin’s chest.

    It needed to be over, and he would be dead. She would accept the consequences of killing her husband’s many times great grandfather, a man in a timeline she was not born into.

    A gloved hand touched her arm, stopping her. Bell quickly looked to her side and had a fleeting glance of a cloaked woman who lightly shook her head.

    The figure wasn’t a stranger, and she was protecting her.

    One of the babies stretched, it was another gentle reminder of what her actions could endanger. She could not kill him, in the end, they had three living beings that they had to secure the future for.

    Her blade extinguished into the hilt. Had Aryan seen the woman step in to stop her?

    Darth Krayt had been rather fiendish in what he did with Norin Graul.

    Several of the Sith of the Order had contemporaries in this timeline. Helinith, Bernael, Kya. If not themselves, they’re ancestors, just as vital to the future. For everything to carry on as it did, through the Second Galactic Civil War to the very End of Time - and through it - events had to happen as they were not predestined to.

    Otherwise, Changes, Darknesses, and yet another Palpatine or even Thrawn would arise, causing them all kinds of grief. Potentially even ending them all.

    So thus the efforts of the Circle of Lords, specifically the former Triumvirs, to track down the various versions of themselves. Most of them had not been found, already missing, seemingly sequestered by an unknown third party and some of them had been found, and too difficult to keep hidden.

    One of those had been the Aryan Graul, here and now, who had been lightly watched by Insipid but no thought had been given to Norin Graul, for he had already birthed his son. True, Aryan had also had Arek and grandchildren, but Aryan was entwined with later events, much like Sam Hhat, Madelyn Linnett, Barriss Offee, and others; they had to be saved. Norin? Who knew? Insipid didn’t have infinite resources and prioritised.

    And so, Darth Krayt turned Norin into a weapon; one that could not be killed without courting a Change.

    So, when Bellorum and Aryan were a mere moment away from causing a Change and killing Norin Graul, three figures in battle, a spectral one appeared and intervened in Bellorum’s actions - visible only to her.

    But that hesitation cost them.

    Norin grinned, for he knew all about such risks, thus he had played so hard into the hands of this confrontation. He knew they couldn’t kill him, because they didn’t. But their fates? They were not entirely written, not all the way through. The gap from here to there remained, and he and Darth Krayt knew it.

    So when he saw hesitation on her part, intentional, accidental, inadvertent, or not, he knew that both Aryan and Bellorum were at their maximum commitment. His eyes dazzled, his body wracked in pain, but his sensors nonetheless detected as much.

    He activated his failsafe.

    A weapon that was twofold; sound and light. Which struck them first was irrelevant, but their eyes were stabbed by an all-but-blinding energy, sound burst their eardrums, and then they were promptly electrocuted through, the concussive force of the wave lifting them and slamming them bodily to the wall.

    Darkness took them; not the manifestation of it, no, merely unconsciousness.

    Norin stepped over to Bellorum and checked her pulse; strong, ditto the child. The only risk he had taken, for the future mattered to him too - a new child to mould. But now? His eyes cast over Aryan, alive but down. Now? He had everything he needed.

    Lord Krayt would be pleased.

    TAG: @Lady_Belligerent; @Sinrebirth
    Tia, Sinrebirth , Mitth_Fisto and 3 others like this.
  21. TheAdmiral

    TheAdmiral Chosen One star 4

    Mar 28, 2004
    IC: Cera Tan
    Orbital Scrum

    It had been a while since Cera had last engaged in a dogfight, hopefully her skills had not been lost. She was going to do her duty. She would fight whenever and wherever she was needed, to make sure that the Galaxy would not slip into darkness once more. She strode around the hangar trying to decide which ship to take.

    The Arkanian stopped in front of a TIE Advanced. She felt conflicted about picking it, on one hand it was the symbol of Imperial oppression and on the other, the TIE line was the spiritual successor to the Eta-2 that she used to fly during the Clone Wars.

    Grimacing she put the helmet on and climbed inside the fighter. She took a few moments to familiarize herself with the layout and the controls, then methodically did the preflight check. Hopefully she would not get vaporized as soon as she left the hangar.

    She activated the TIE’s comms and looked for the callsigns of her fellow knights. Once she found them she keyed the command to connect “Do you read me?” she asked “We have to work in concert if we are to break through their defenses. Let the Force guide you, but do not take any unnecessary risks.” she cautioned “We should form up once outside.”

    TAG: @Sinrebirth @TheSilentInfluence @ConservativeJedi321
    Tia, Sinrebirth , DarthIshyZ and 2 others like this.
  22. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004

    The station suddenly accelerated to the surface. Purposely. It took down Darth Bernael and Darth Iudex towards the surface, to the edge of the capital city.

    The space station was being purposely landed, all while Iudex and Bernael glared through the bulkheads. A clatter of Stormtroopers in modern armour, powerful mechanisms included within them, and the blaster rifles were keyed to include sonic weapons. Dozens of them, clearly bought across by the One Sith.

    Darth Inexor’s voice came over the comms. “Come now, come now. Don’t let them be wasted.”

    A scream from Shimmer across the same channel; the pain would catch the Force senses of her Master. Soliloquy would be drifting almost parallel to the station, the stations engines pushing it to the surface at the same pace he drifted.

    His powers were augmented, though, he’d see it. Quite literally, his apprentice had lost an arm. So too could he sense that Darth Nihl was now within the shadows in high orbit, above the battle. Not just him, but three Sith Dragons, massive capital ships.

    He’d be able to track Darth Talon and Maladi, and also the Imperial Knights aboard the Interdictor cruiser, and the others arriving aboard the Pelagon Moon to ambush the Tapani Victory Fleet. The Nubian Dreadnaught’s were still uncoordinated, needing more direction.

    He also had a trace on two unconscious Sith; Darth Bellorum and Aryan Graul. But Darth Insipid wasn’t following them, he was still at the Graul Estate. Ike and Tia were between him and Nehru and Serapis and his two guardians. They were heading towards Insipid…

    … but Bellorum and Aryan were heading towards a location to the edge of the city. Darth Krayt was there… and Inexor and the station was en route to that landing. There was a strange darkness with Bellorum and Aryan; it felt similar to Aryan, but different - like a relative.

    The insight that Soa granted him told him it was Norin Graul, all made up as a cyborg… he was leading them to Darth Krayt.

    Where were the other two Sith?

    Darth Kroan and Havok?

    They were shadowed, cloaked, standing besides Inexor. Behind amulets specifically designed to shadow them.

    Soliloquy could see it all.

    Did he have time to save them all?

    Or would have to pick and choose?

    TAG: @Silvertough, @darthbernael (combo), @Mitth_Fisto
    The Citadel

    It was at the edge of the City.

    It was already there.

    Darth Krayt was already there.

    When Bellorum and Graul came too, he sat in-front of them. “I’m bringing the rest of your Sith to you, my friends.”

    He indicated Norin Graul. “It’s time for the finale.”

    Krayt tilted his chin. “He told me about the children.”

    TAG: @Lady_Belligerent, @HanSolo29 (combo)
    The Graul Estate

    The main building had been damaged, but by and large everything stood up. When Ike and Tia reached the Estate, there was no sign of Bellorum and Aryan, and he was concerned.

    “This isn’t good.”

    Indeed there was no sign of anyone. Ike wondered. “Wasn’t there supposed to be an Aryan from this timeline? And his wife? Grandchildren?”

    It was rhetorical, Tia wouldn’t know.

    “There is,” came a voice, and Darth Insipid stepped from a burning outbuilding with a Sith Trooper head in his hand.

    Ike glowered. “Tia, allow me to introduce you to the Sith Emperor, Darth Insipid, my estranged husband.”

    He indicated Tia. “My apprentice.”

    Insipid looked at the girl, to see how respectable she would be. Or how dead she would be, of course.

    Propriety had to be observed, even on the battlefield.

    TAG: @Tia (combo)
    In-front of the Pelagian Moon

    The Imperial Knights were sicced on Tapani TIE Fighters. Madelyn, Cera and Walce.

    There was an ominous edge to matters.

    The battle was going well, a motley task force of Hapans, Pykes, terribly disorganised Nubian Dreadnaughts and the Pelagian Moon.

    But that didn’t mean the fight was over.

    Their Victory Star Destroyer target rolled, advancing on them; with speed, with its bulk of a hull as the weapon. Ramming speed!

    TAG: @TheAdmiral, @TheSilentInfluence, @ConservativeJedi321 (singles)
    Tia, Mitth_Fisto, TheAdmiral and 4 others like this.
  23. Lady_Belligerent

    Lady_Belligerent Queen of the RPF, SWC, C&P, and Pancakes & Waffles star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Jan 29, 2008
    Some beings have a life Force like a tiny red light on a cardiac event monitor, they pulse in a predictable pattern, never changing. Others resemble the dancing light displays in the Coruscant entertainment district; that was the best way one could describe Bellorum Graul.

    She could range from a brilliant burning sun, to an icy cold void of shimmering black, depending on her emotions, and those who shared a closeness to her would notice immediately if her brilliance was extinguished… even for a moment.

    When Norin Graul unleashed his weapon on Aryan and Bellorum, their presence in the Force had vanished, and for a period of time, they left behind an eerie silence.

    The Imperial Knights, who were sworn to give their lives for them, would notice the moment Aryan's aura of dynamic intelligence was doused.

    Will, Sam, Arthur, and Charles would have difficulty ignoring that something dire had happened to their Emperor and his wife.

    Nubia’s orbit ~

    Talon paced the bridge of the One Sith capital ship she commanded. Her boots made no sound on the highly polished deck plates, but her voice echoed menacingly as she spewed orders. They were getting closer to conquering the inferior Sith they had cornered on Nubia.

    With a shout to the communications officer, she escalated the fight. “Launch the Sith Dragons. No one lands on the planet, we destroy all of them in orbit.”

    Tag: @Ananta Chetan @CosmoHender @Silvertough @galactic-vagabond422 @Sinrebirth @HanSolo29

    The Rodian’s had their navicomputer rigged in the case of a hijacking, they hit the fail-safe the moment Helinith had started acting up. She was now locked in to the trip to Rodia.

    “You are getting off when we land, and you find your own ship,” the captain told her, “now you behave or we’ll shove you out the airlock”

    Tag: @darthhelinith
  24. ConservativeJedi321

    ConservativeJedi321 Force Ghost star 6

    Mar 19, 2016
    IC: Walce Quia-Vis

    There was a short buzz in his ear as he turned the dial. "Shabby hardware." he muttered under his breath, after a few seconds of fiddling with the machinery a voice materialized in his ear. "I read you." he called out to his fellow Knights and moved into formation behind them. Eying the battle outside of his cockpit he fired twice, taking out two fighters that were veering for Cera at a left angle. He zoomed forward and spun on fringe flight path designed to avoid a partially annoying pair on his tail. Suddenly that concern felt trivial however, as out of the corner of his eye he witnessed the Star Destroyer move towards ramming speed. "They must be suicidal!" He quickly stopped his thrusters, one of his pursuers zoomed past him, and he popped it without a second thought. The other enemy however remained elusive. "Any ideas?" He cried out, more concerned about the Destroyer closing on them.

    Tags: @Sinrebirth, @TheAdmiral, @TheSilentInfluence
    Tia, darthbernael and TheAdmiral like this.
  25. Mitth_Fisto

    Mitth_Fisto Chosen One star 6

    Sep 29, 2005
    IC: Soliloquy
    Landing as if from the Ether of the Clouds

    A distraction settled he came in and landed, well that is to rather say he descended with wriggling living umbrella in hand with all the speed and aplomb of one riding a rather boring open lift down to the ground. Feet flat, head tendrils gently waving in the wind, and touching down he looked at the three that were present to greet him. Soon it would be five, but that was neither here nor there. Not yet anyway. That would come later.

    In descending he had noted the ships, the peoples, the places, the things that were and things that were trying to be naught. It was amazing to him now how the power to hide in the Force through trinkets or biology was such a glaring failure that he nearly wondered how any had been successful with it before. But that was just because he had learned and he was seeing more than he had ever before. These failings he knew how to correct now, and so he had to assume others did as well. The deck was never stacked in his favor after all.

    Landing at the Graul Estate he looked at those gathered here. "Greetings and Salutations!" he stated with right proper nod of his head as he shook his umbrella that screeched properly as he lifted his black leather jacket with the red pipping and tucked it impossibly it would seem inside where it could never truly fit. "Now, I know what you're going to say. 'I left you to die?!?' Well, yes, and no hard feelings. But you see we do have a situation. Namely he sees Ike right now, anything my left eye sees he sees, so Emperor please stay to my right if you please and out of mirrors. You wouldn't believe the hellish trip I have endured since, bloody awful flight attendant, but I do have a complete layout of the battle field at the moment including where everyone, yes everyone, is." Shrugging he stood there waiting to see how they would all react.

    TAG: @Sinrebirth , @Tia