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Speculation Darth Vader (Spencer Wilding/James Earl Jones) anthology film(s?)

Discussion in 'Archive: Disney Era Films' started by Ender_and_Bean, Jun 22, 2018.

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  1. Baron_Papanerd

    Baron_Papanerd Jedi Master star 4

    May 1, 2014
    Exactly. I would definitely get behind a movie focusing on survivors of the Jedi purge, which would allow for some cool Vader moments, without overusing him as the Lead. They could even take a lot of elements from James Luceno's Dark Lord novel. The lightsaber duel, between Darth Vader and one of the surviving Jedi, within a burning Kashyyyk wroshiyr, tree was awesome.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2018
    jc1138, wobbits and B3 like this.
  2. jedi-soon

    jedi-soon Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Nov 27, 2001
    I'm not so sure Solo is a very good test case for character-focused spinoffs. It had a number of factors working against it that a Vader, Fett, or even Obi-wan wouldn't suffer.

    That said, a Vader film seems to be redundant when considering the main episodes are/were about him. I'm totally cool with him being just the shadowy force that pops up occasionally, a la Rebels or R1. That said, a film specifically Vader-focused probably would do great box office and right now I can see them leaning toward more surefire hits.
  3. Black Star Gunner

    Black Star Gunner Jedi Master star 2

    Oct 18, 2014
    Vader in the Fett movie would be great. And have at least one of the bounty hunters double-cross Vader so he can show who's really boss in front of them all. I need this in my life soonest!
  4. Darkslayer

    Darkslayer Hater of Mace Windu star 7

    Mar 26, 2013
    I've got some news for you, we already have quite a few Darth Vader films

    DarthTalgus and Lee_ like this.
  5. Bor Mullet

    Bor Mullet Force Ghost star 8

    Apr 6, 2018
    Those look cool. I might check them out.
    Bor Gullet, EHT and Darkslayer like this.
  6. Lee_

    Lee_ Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 3, 2012
    See I think just the opposite. Solo is a very popular OT character, and certainly I don't see how a hardcore-fan only character like Fett is better than Solo. I think the idea of a character back story just isn't that popular with the GA; it isn't that interesting. Obi-Wan could perhaps do a little better because they have a familiar Obi-Wan actor to play him; they wouldn't want to risk a huge budget on it like they did with Solo though. I also don't think a Vader movie plays as well as people think- a back story about Vader himself- villain as main character killing Jedi? Not seeing that as a massive success. I see it as a waste of Vader, over-exposing him when he could be used more successfully in other ways.

    At this point, I don't think Disney would see a Vader movie as a surefire hit, or a good use of the villain himself. I don't think this movie is anywhere on the radar, and if Disney thought it would make the big bucks, or was a worthwhile use of the character, we would have heard of it already. If you look at Disney's plans, it would have to be at least 8-10 years before they would make a Vader movie IF it ever came to pass- look at everything on the slate right now. I can't think of even the most remote rumor that has touched on it.
    Deliveranze likes this.
  7. jedi-soon

    jedi-soon Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Nov 27, 2001
    Sounds like we more or less agree on a Vader film, save for estimations on its market impact.

    The reason Solo in my view had more against it than those other characters is because of the recast and timing. I personally took to Alden faster than I thought I would. However, I could see the GA responding with groans of franchise fatigue as they just saw the iconic character's death a mere couple of years prior.

    Additionally, I'd put Fett as probably among the top ten most recognizable characters from the OT. And we haven't seen him on the big screen in quite some time, so I see that as a more underserved market.
  8. Lee_

    Lee_ Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 3, 2012
    Probably, but he would be number 9 or 10, and I'm sure most people wouldn't have much familiarity or interest in a back story. Fans yes, your average moviegoer, no. Perhaps there is an underserved market, but not a very big one. A lower budget movie perhaps, but it would ne very unlikely to be a blockbuster. I think Disney is going to be very careful with fan films after Solo.
  9. Deliveranze

    Deliveranze Force Ghost star 6

    Nov 28, 2015
    In order for a Vader movie to work, it would have to be about Vader. You can make a Jedi Purge movie featuring Vader like R1, but it wouldn't be a Vader movie.

    But in order for Vader to be a protagonist, you'd need a threat worthy of empathizing with the evil Galactic Empire. Maybe a hostile alien race, a terrorist organization, a Jedi-worshipping cult, etc.

    The Purge can play a part too like the Battle of Mimban in Solo, where we can see Vader fight, but an entire story revolving around Vader killing Jedi is...pretty bland and uninspired.
  10. Darth Smurf

    Darth Smurf Small, but Lethal star 6

    Dec 22, 2015
    True. Let's watch him 2 1/2 hrs building his castle on Mustafar and filling the rooms with furniture
  11. Deliveranze

    Deliveranze Force Ghost star 6

    Nov 28, 2015
    It's a shame Vader didn't do anything between III-IV. Can't wait till we get a 3 hour Clone Wars movie about Anakin hunting down sand on Geonosis while Obi-Wan lectures him to focus on the real enemy.
    Jedi Knight Fett and Darth Smurf like this.
  12. jedi-soon

    jedi-soon Jedi Grand Master star 3

    Nov 27, 2001
    The basic difference there is they can still execute the iconic Boba Fett visually, whereas Han Solo is much more actor dependent.

    I suspect our expectations of the marketplace are colored by what we want to see in it. All will be revealed I'm sure :)
  13. Lee_

    Lee_ Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 3, 2012
    True that is a difference, but I don't think enough average Joe's even recognize or identify with Boba Fett in any way- Solo on the other hand is more in the vein of Vader or Luke- a universally recognized character rather than one with an esoteric fan appeal like Boba. There are a number of factors, but I would find it hard to believe that Solo's low box office was primarily, or even in large part due to people not liking the situation with the current character in the ST, or the actor chosen to play him in the back story. Those could be a factor, but I don't think they are a very big one. I think it is more the fact that it was a back story period, along with marketing, placement, etc.

    Yes, there is always that bias, and I'm certainly not excited by the idea of a Boba Movie. It will be quite interesting to see if they actually make the movie, and if so, what kind of budget it will have.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2018
  14. The Legions of Lettow

    The Legions of Lettow Jedi Master star 5

    Oct 14, 2015
    No thank you. Overkill, unnecessary, and JEJ is getting up there in age.
  15. Black Star Gunner

    Black Star Gunner Jedi Master star 2

    Oct 18, 2014
    One of my favorite films is Dredd. Make the Vader film like that and it will make money forever...
  16. Bor Mullet

    Bor Mullet Force Ghost star 8

    Apr 6, 2018
    Vader should only be a minor character in future Star Wars films, IMO. Unless there’s ever a remake of the PT, which I could certainly get behind.
  17. BigAl6ft6

    BigAl6ft6 Chosen One star 8

    Nov 12, 2012
    So if James Earl Jones is unable to continue his duties as Darth Vader, anyone think it's likely that they'll use the actor who has been doing videogame / Lego Darth Vader for awhile, Matt Sloan (and was also Chad Vader on youtube for awhile there so I can never unhear Chad Vader hahahah)
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2018
  18. Bor Mullet

    Bor Mullet Force Ghost star 8

    Apr 6, 2018
    That sounds about as likely as Ingruber Solo.
  19. BigAl6ft6

    BigAl6ft6 Chosen One star 8

    Nov 12, 2012
    Well, to be fair, LFL has Sloan on retainer and has used him quite a lot in their products. Ingruber didn't
  20. Pliolite

    Pliolite Jedi Master star 3

    May 3, 2014
    Sloan won't be on screen, that's the main difference. They didn't hire Ingruber because his similarities to a young Ford would have been mostly distracting, throughout, and they wanted a better actor, hence Alden. With voice work you can get away with those things.
    Bor Mullet likes this.
  21. Darth_Batman89

    Darth_Batman89 Jedi Padawan

    Apr 15, 2017
    If any of you pay attention to Star Wars theory's channel on youtube. He's actually funding a Vader fan film with about 100k budget. His runner up(Jesse Gomez) to voice Vader actually sounds eerily close to JEJ and honestly better at this point in time.
    BigAl6ft6 likes this.
  22. oncafar

    oncafar Force Ghost star 6

    Jan 10, 2017
    Vader is the best. I'd watch anything Vader.
  23. Darth_Batman89

    Darth_Batman89 Jedi Padawan

    Apr 15, 2017
    This is true. I understand that Vader is a precious character to the franchise and we don't want him becoming a go to marketing tool to sell films. However there are a large number of fans, myself included that want to see Vader at the peak of his power and brutality. The OT has not aged well when it comes to Vader. And a lot of that has to do with the technology of the time. I want to see a Vader that takes on multiple jedi at the same time, brings down ships with the force, and even strikes fear in the emperor from time to time.

    Vader will always sell no matter if an anthology film failed or not. The struggle is deciding whether you want to make a film that makes us empathize with Vader or do you want to portray him as the galaxy did, a horrific force of nature.
    Ithorians and Darth Smurf like this.
  24. Darth Smurf

    Darth Smurf Small, but Lethal star 6

    Dec 22, 2015
    Uncle Owen approves.
  25. Saga_Symphony

    Saga_Symphony Force Ghost star 4

    Oct 30, 2010
    I don't think it would strictly have to be one or the other. There can be some subtle moments that suggest his past, while still maintaining that Vader is a threatening villain.

    I have concerns about a Vader film, but in general, yeah, I still want one. Maybe I've been spoiled by the Disney-Marvel Darth Vader comics by Kieron Gillen, so I have some kind of delusion that Disney could pull it off, but I do think a Vader-focused film could work, if in the right hands. And if the director/ team that worked on Rogue One could be involved too, that would sound pretty promising.
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