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Beyond - Legends [DDC 2016] The Journal of Talon Tantiss: [Part 4] Secrets Revealed (updated 12/31/16)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by Jedi_Lover, Jan 1, 2016.

  1. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Love the banter and the welcome-home-party. And nice to see Kyp in the mix
    Jedi_Lover likes this.
  2. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    LOL - oh that is a story just begging to be written [face_batting] [face_dancing] Kyp, Jaina and Jag all together on Bastion - him pining away and she wondering if she made the right choice. :oops: LOL And Jag thinking I should've sent Kyp away while I had the chance. :p
    Jedi_Lover likes this.
  3. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    I wrote the ending of that story in a way with my fic]Goodbye[/url]
  4. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    Thanks. I appreciate you reading.
    Thanks for reading.

    I am so sorry for the long wait. This is the first time I have been late for an update. I had finals this week for my summer classes. I am on this weird quarter schedule instead of semesters. So I have courses that run two months. Fortunately, I don't have a second quarter this summer, so I am done for seven weeks. YEA!! [face_dancing] Of course I may not actually have a lot of time off. I put in for a job and it looks like I will get it. It starts in a couple weeks. Then it is back to the grind.

    This is another short entry.


    Entry 20

    Ben showed me to my guest quarters since he’s been on Bastion for the last two weeks living it up in the lap of luxury while I was on Felucia sweating in the barracks and listening to Kaan and Olak lie about their sexual conquests. I still had Kriffer with me. I am surprised how much I missed the pup. I guess Zylie was right—I am becoming a vornskr-person.

    “There you go,” he pointed to an ornately carved wooden door with gold-leaf trim. “Valla and I are in the room across the hall if you need me.”

    I grinned wickedly. “My plans don’t involve anybody but me, Zylie and a lot of reacquainting time. You won’t be seeing me for a while.” I gave him a wink as I entered my room…a room that was massive! There was a living area with a holoprojector viewing area, kitchen, balcony and in the back were double doors which I suspect led to the bedroom and ‘fresher. I put Kriffer down and quickly made my way to the bedchamber.

    “Zylie?” I called out as I entered the luxurious sleeping area. There was an expensive looking antique four-post canopy bed in the center of the room. On either side were bedside nightstands with gold handles and marble top and off to the side were glass double doors leading out to a second balcony overlooking a scenic river and forest.

    It was beautiful, but it would look much better with my sexy wife in the bed. I pulled out my comlink and called Zylie. “Where are you?” I asked when she answered.

    “Talon, you’re home!” she said excitedly. “I’m on the ship feeding Princess and her litter.”

    “I’ll be right over.” I clicked off the comlink and then realized I didn’t know where the ship was located. I picked up Kriffer and exited the room and knocked on Ben’s door.

    A smirk crawled across his face when he answered. “Wow, it doesn’t take you long to get reacquainted with your wife.”

    “Funny. She’s on the ship. Can you show me how to get there?”

    “Sure, Valla is there also.” He closed the door behind him and gestured for me to follow.

    We traversed a maze of corridors until I saw the Vazy Princess up ahead. I moved at a fast clip...well, as fast as possible without jostling an easily excitable predatory animal held in my arms. I moved up the ramp and down to the cargo hold. When I entered, I was immediately hit by the musky odor of vornskrs…lots and lots of vornskrs. Zylie and her sister were inside placing small bowls of feed into medium sized kennel cages lining the bulkhead. Each cage was occupied by one of Kriffer’s littermates. When Zylie noticed me she squealed, ran over and gave me a big kiss while trying not to suffocate little Kriffer pinned between us. Ben gave Zylie a wave before rushing over to be with Valla.

    “I’m sorry we didn’t meet you when you landed,” Zylie said. “Your dad said he’d meet you.” She motioned toward the caged vornskr pups. “My dad is arriving on the Wild Karrde sometime tomorrow to take the pups. We had to make sure they were cleaned, caged and ready for their journey.”

    “Good,” I said curtly. “This cargo hold smells like Rancor skat.”

    She laughed and then took Kriffer from my arms. “Let’s get you cleaned up and ready for your new home.”

    “What?” I asked surprised. “You found a home for the runt?”

    She nodded almost apologetically. “Yes. You said they all had to go.”

    I was really shocked at the level of disappointment I felt. “Oh.”

    She gave me a knowing look. “You want to keep him don’t you?”

    I shrugged and denying the accusation. “No…I mean unless you want to keep him.”

    She sighed sadly. “Princess rejected the runt. She she won’t tolerate his presence. We can’t keep the two.”

    “And I guess giving Princess back to your father is out of the question?”

    She blew out an irritated breath. “Yes, it's out of the question.”

    I frowned. “Alright. Who’s he going to?”

    She shook her head. “I don’t know. Dad had put out word that he had vornskrs available and he was contacted by an anonymous buyer ready to pay top dollar for all the pups.” She paused. “I think it is somebody either on Hapes or Bastion because the buyer knew exactly how many pups were in the litter…something dad didn’t advertise.”

    I thought about it for a moment. “It couldn’t be Jacen or Jaina. They would have told us if they wanted them.” An awful thought crossed my mind. “Could somebody be purchasing them for death fights?”

    Before Zylie could answer her sister came up behind her and carefully took Kriffer from her arms. “Doubtful, Talon. Whoever purchased the litter paid three times more than our father usually gets for the animals. Why spend all that money unless you were going to breed or train them for security work?” She waved us off. “I’ll take care of cleaning up the runt. You two haven’t seen each other for weeks. Go get reacquainted,” she said with a wink. I glared at Ben who obviously told Valla what I said earlier, but I decided I didn’t want to waste time with a retort when I could be embracing Zylie.

    “Thanks Valla.” I grabbed Zylie up in my arms and gave her an amorous kiss. “Come on. We got a lot of catching up to do.”
    Chyntuck likes this.
  5. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    :D :D Happy all are back together and surprised that all the pups are going to a high bidder and all together but Valla is probably right. It's likely for security /guard duty.
  6. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Now that Talon is going to like a vornskr it is going away. But he has Zylie and a lot of love to do
  7. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    Still, I think if Talon could have gotten rid of Princess he would have been happy to have Kriffer as a replacement.
    He hasn't seen her in weeks. When the Vazy Princess is rock'n, don't come a knock'n. :p

    Thanks everybody for reading! It is much appreciated. I got a job that starts this week. I really hope I can keep up with this diary. :(

    Entry 21

    Zylie and I didn’t leave our quarters until the next day when her dad came to get the animals. I said my goodbyes to Kriffer. The little guy whimpered, cried and then gave a heartbreaking mournful howl as he was taken off our ship and transferred to the Wild Karrde. Hopefully he will put given a nice home.

    Force! I can’t believe I am getting all choked up about a stupid vornskr.

    Zylie was disappointed that her parents couldn’t stay more than a few hours, but they were paid extra to deliver the animals as early as possible. It's probably for the best. Kriffer can sense Jedi. Vornskrs hunt through the Force and he had to sense I was nearby. Once he is away from Force-users he will probably be less distressed. I hope.

    Entry 22

    We all had dinner with the royal family today. The last time I saw Jaina was at my wedding and since that time she has given birth to her second son, Thorne. I remember cringing when I heard that name. On its own it is a fine surname…but his brother is named after his father. So if you called the two boys you would be yelling, “Jagged, Thorne!” It’s sounds like you are warning somebody to watch out for a razorburr bush.

    Both Valla and Zylie were gushing over the infant…especially Valla. She brought the chubby cheeked baby over to Ben and said, “Isn’t he so cute?! Don’t you want one?” Ben appeared a little panicked and mumbled something about, “We’ll talk about it later.”

    Zylie did the same thing to me, but with different results. I said, “Yes, I would love a baby with you. In fact, a whole bunch of them. Let’s move to Indupar to be near my parents and we can make enough kids to form a smashball team.”

    Hearing that, my father, who was sitting across the table, raised his drinking glass in a salute. “Here, here! You’re mother would be thrilled to babysit grandbabies.”

    Ha! That got Zylie backing down right away. It’s not like I haven’t mentioned settling down to be near my son and starting a family of our own. As Zylie returned the baby to a nanny, Emperor Fel turned to address Ben and me.

    “I’ve seen some news reports about those alleged slave masters on Dathomir. According to the Coruscanti World News the Jedi have been invading the Slave Syndicate and stealing their property. Rumor has it the Jedi are forming a slave army to attack the Galactic Alliance Senate and assassinate the Chief-of-State.”

    I laughed so hard I almost choked on my food. “The Coruscanti World News reports rubbish. I should know…I’ve been the focus of many of their slanderous news reports.”

    “You mean you didn’t sell you man-seed to the Corellia Institute of Assisted Reproduction so they can make a clone army of Jedi warriors?” Jaina said nonchalantly without so much as looking up from her dinner plate.

    “Is that a real story?” When Jaina nodded, I groaned and shook my head. “No, I didn’t. I also don’t suffer from Formicophilia or any other weird fetish that they claim.” I could feel my cheeks heat up. I was really glad their oldest son wasn’t at the dinner table with us.

    Jaina chuckled under her breath. “I don’t believe the rumors, but I would worry about what is being said about the Jedi. It used to be the anti-Jedi sentiment was restricted to the less-than-reliable media groups, but now some of the mainstream news organizations are picking up the stories. The reported slaves masters on Dathomir are telling anyone willing to listen that the Jedi were the ones who kidnapped them from their headquarters, hauled off their slaves to parts unknown and then dumped them off on Dathomir where they were met by three Jedi who subjected them to excruciating mind probes.”

    I sat forward in my seat. “Jaina, you know that’s a lie.”

    “We both know it’s a lie,” Jag said pointedly. “It’s the public you need to be concerned with. The Grand Master needs to quell these rumors. The general population is easily swayed by propaganda.”

    “So you think that’s what it is,” Ben chimed in. “Propaganda? Disinformation with the express purpose of discrediting the Jedi Order?”

    “And possibly initiated from within the government,” Jag commented. “We’ve been monitoring chatter over the Galactic Alliance secure communications. It has become progressively more negative toward the Order. Just because you know it is all bantha skat doesn’t mean the common people don’t believe it.”

    “Our operatives on Hapes have also reported anti-Force rhetoric,” Jaina interjected.

    “Wait,” I said with a wave of my hand. “The Empire spies on the Galactic Alliance and the Hapan government…on your own brother?”

    Jaina made a dismissive gesture. “I spy on the Hapan government because most of the surviving royals appear intent on killing the Queen, my brother and my two nieces.”

    That made sense.

    “Do you have the same problem?” Ben asked.

    Jag shook his head. “I control the media.” He grinned. “Therefore they love me, my beautiful Force-strong wife and children.”

    I would laugh if Jag weren’t so damn serious. I guess it is good to be emperor.

    “Tenel Ka has to deal with the other royals,” Jaina explained. “If she muzzles reporters the lesser royals will spin the story so it looks like she is hiding something. It is simply easier to let the deceptive stories get out to the public and then disprove them. We don’t have other royal families we need to tiptoe around.”

    “Speaking of Hapan Royals,” Jag said while staring at my father. “Jacen told me the Queen had requested an audience to your young apprentice, but King Marcus has denied all requests. Why is that?”

    I looked to my father, wondering why he didn’t tell me about this.

    My father frowned as he put down his knife and fork. “Emperor Fel, I think you know why the King does not wish to meet with Jacen, Tenel Ka or the princesses.”

    That caught my attention. I know exactly why he wants to avoid Jedi or former Jedi…because they could sense he is my son. Why would the Emperor know this?

    I glanced over to Ben who looked just as confused. My father sat back in his chair and glowered at Fel. “You and I both know they want to meet King Marcus because is a royal male close to Allana’s age and they are looking to arrange a marriage.”

    “What!” I shouted in surprise.

    “Don’t be so shocked, Talon,” Jaina said softly. “In royal families these things are arranged years in advance. He is a Force-strong male of Royal descent and someone who probably won’t seek to assassinate the princess weeks after a wedding…like most Hapan royal males would. I think they would make a cute couple.”

    “That is disturbing,” I replied before I could censor myself. Allana and Marcus were cousins, but I quickly remembered the Fels didn’t know that. I hope they didn’t get suspicious at my outburst.

    “They wouldn’t be consummating the marriage until they were adults,” Jaina pointed out.

    “Talon doesn’t like to hear about people’s lives bartered away like they were chattel…even if they are royalty. You have to remember he just got back from investigating a slaving operation. He is a bit sensitive,” my dad explained, trying to excuse my obvious disgust. He looked to me, “By-the-way, why do you think the slave masters are trying to pin the blame for their capture on the Jedi. The Order wasn’t involved, was it?”

    My dad was changing the subject and I was thankful for that.

    “No, the Jedi only got involved when somebody dumped them off on Dathomir, but the slavers claimed they were captured by void jumpers and one of them had a lightsaber.”

    My dad’s eyes went wide. “A lightsaber. Who was it?”

    Ben shook his head. “Nobody knows, but we do know it’s not a Jedi Void Jumper because he was shorter than our troopers. He was reportedly average height.”

    My father looked shaken.

    “What’s wrong Dad?”

    He used his napkin to wipe his mouth before standing. “I…I need to talk to the Grand Master about this. The Emperor and Empress are correct. This propaganda against the Jedi needs to be curtailed immediately, especially if somebody is out there impersonating somebody from within the Jedi Order.”

    Ben started to stand. “Do you want me to accompany you when you talk to my father?”

    Dad waved him off. “No, you, Talon and your wives should enjoy your meal and each others company. After I talk to your father I’m going to contact Kira. I’ve been away from my wife a bit too long. I think it is time that I make arrangements to return home.”

    My father excused himself and left the dining room at a fast pace. It would be nice to see my father and uncle Luke working together on something. After that fiasco on Myrkr with Darth Jacen, things hadn’t been the same between the two.

    Hopefully this means the Vazy Princess will be hired to return him to Indupar. I would like to see my son and my mother. It has been too long.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2018
    Chyntuck likes this.
  8. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    complications ahead
    and love the Jagged Thorne discussion and his thoughts about Kriffer
  9. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    LOL on the reactions to having kids. Zylie is the one who backpedals - while Talon is all yeah! Interesting rumors and intrigues going on with the slavers etc.
  10. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    Thanks. I thought that would be a good name for the baby.
    Talon wants kids. He lost out on raising Marcus and it is killing him. He also wants a baby with Zylie.

    Thanks everybody for reading. I realized I wouldn't be back from scout camp until the end of the month and I really needed to post my second entry. This one I wrote this afternoon. I hope it holds your interest.

    Entry 23

    After dinner I went to my father’s quarters to talk. He came to the door wearing an Imperial flight suit and a big grin on his face. I rolled my eyes. “Another outfit?”

    He looked down at his form fitting black uniform. “Kyp has been teaching me to fly a Tie Fighter. I have a lesson to go to.”

    “So we’re not going back to Indupar?”

    My father stepped out of his room and motioned for me to follow him. “Not today. I wanted to see your mother and Marcus, but it turns out Marcus won’t be back to the palace for another week. I thought I’d stay and investigate the pirate situation some more.”

    I glanced over to my father as we walked down the palace corridor. “What? Where's Marcus?”

    “I think he is in the southern region of Indupar. Don’t worry he's well protected. He turns thirteen in a couple months. This is a special birthday for him. As the leader of the State religion he will undergo a confirmation ceremony. I guess at the age of thirteen he is officially a man. Prior to confirmation he has to take a pilgrimage to all the holiest sites on Indupar. That’s what he’s been doing for the last few weeks.”

    I blew out a frustrated breath. “One of us should be with him, keeping him safe.”

    My dad chuckled. “You mean the boy who can walk through Force-fields and cut down an enemy general and his security force without breaking a sweat? He is a child, but he's well trained. He can defend himself. But I have to admit the growing cult surrounding him has me concerned. I never trusted religious fanatics.”

    I grabbed my father by the arm and made him stop. I looked around the empty hallway making sure we wouldn’t be overheard. “What has happened since I last saw him? What cult?”

    My dad frowned as he ran his fingers through his beard. “As King, he's always been the leader of the Church of the State, but his little stunt on Ec Pand has convinced a growing sect within the church that he is of holy decent…the child of the Great Creator. He is the Guardian.”

    I had to laugh. “Dad, unless there's something somebody is not telling me…he is not the son of any god.”

    “That’s an understatement.” My dad cracked a smile. “You have to remember, the public doesn’t know he used technology to beat the energy field protecting the Nagi general. All they saw was their boy king doing the impossible—walking through a supposedly impenetrable force field, defeating an enemy general and his security staff singlehandedly, and then leading his armed forces to victory against these ruthless invaders.”

    “I can understand how that looks, but does it matter what a small group of fanatics think?”

    “Talon, if people think you are immortal there is always somebody wanting to prove that idea false. We don’t need people taking potshots at him to see if he bleeds. Plus, religions have a way of taking on a life of their own. The next thing you know, his followers are beheading anybody they perceive as sacrilegious.”

    That was a horrifying thought. “Is he encouraging this belief?”

    My dad shook his head. “No, he hates it. He just doesn’t know how to correct the perception without divulging he has the technology to defeat a Force barrier.”

    He gave me a slap on the shoulder and continued down the hall. “Are you upset about Tenel Ka wanting Allana to meet Marcus?”

    “Yeah,” I lowered my voice to a whisper. “They’re cousins.”

    My dad nodded. “I know, but that is not why the Queen Mother, Ema and I have kept the two apart. I informed them that Jedi could sense family connections through the Force. Ema and the Queen would like to keep his heritage a secret a bit longer. Otherwise neither is adverse to the idea.”

    I made a sound of disgust. “They’re children. Why would Ema consider this an option for Marcus?”

    “Well, marriages between second cousins is completely acceptable in most cultures, especially royals. If he marries a lesser Indupar royal there is always a chance that the bride's family will attempt to assassinate the king.” My father paused in thought. “The same goes for Tenel Ka. The Hapan culture is ruthless and dysfunctional. If Allana marries any Hapan royal she will be in danger…especially if certain facts about Jacen’s involvement with Lumiya come to light.”

    “I never thought about that.” I said softly. The public knows that Lumiya was the person who delivered the biological weapon to Hapes that targeted and killed many of the royals. What they don’t know is Jacen was Lumiya’s apprentice for a short time. And, although my father never officially came out and confirmed my suspicions, I always suspected the plague was Jacen’s idea.

    I gave a shudder. “Nope, I don't care. The thought of those two together is way too unsettling for me.”

    “I understand completely. Hopefully this arranged marriage talk is just talk.” We stepped into the fighter wing docking bay where we found Kyp inspecting the exterior of his Advanced X1 Tie Fighter. He smiled and gave me a wave as we neared. “Talon, are you going to take a lesson?”

    My brow rose as a large smile crossed my face. “Can I? I always wanted to fly one of these?”

    The next hour Kyp gave me a crash course on how to fly a standard Tie Fighter, which he assured me was easier to handle than the X1’s.

    I was flying a training model that was equipped with ground proximity warning alarms and an automatic anti-crash system (if the fighter is working properly). If I came into a landing too fast or steep the ship’s computer takes over and makes sure I don’t splat on the ground. It also helps pilots navigate through debris or asteroid fields.

    After a quick lesson I was up in the air screaming through the atmosphere and feeling very vulnerable. I like to have a little more metal between the vacuum of space and me. I was happy to learn the Jagged Fel’s Empire actually equipped these ships with some shielding and an ejection seat. That wasn't always the case. The Tie Fighter pilots of old had a motto: No Shields, All Guts.

    “Let’s go out to where the last possible pirate sighting was reported,” Kyp’s voice came over the radio. He transmitted the coordinates which fortunately wasn’t too far way. I have awesomely powerful twin ion engines, but no hyperdrive.

    It took almost an hour of flying before we reached a patch of empty space where, two days earlier, a cargo ship sent out a distress signal before disappearing. The initial rescue party found some debris and one body indicating the ship had a breach, but the freighter was gone.

    “If your men recovered any of the debris I can see if I sense anything from the items through the Force,” I told Kyp.

    “We sent a recovery ship to get the body, but by then the smaller debris had floated away. The body was the largest object, making it easier to find. The other stuff was kitchen utensils and some clothing. Probably the galley bulkhead was pierced and some unlucky crewmember was pulled out before the ship was stolen. We don’t know the fate of the other five crew members.”

    We were about to turn around and return to Bastion when something caused my crash prevention system to activate and jerk me sideways. A brownish/black blur whizzed past me missing me by centimeters. “Dad, Kyp watch out! I almost hit what looked like a small asteroid.”

    “That wasn’t a rock,” Kyp called back. "It's circling us. Well, it’s circling Mark.”

    “Don’t…” my father started to say before Kyp targeted the object. A laser burst shot out and hit the port side of the craft. It jerked and shuttered before streaking off toward a planet in the distance. “Kyp, maybe you should let this one go," my dad called out over the radio. "I have a bad feeling about it.”

    “Hell no. This could be a pirate ship.” He activated his X1 engines and took off in pursuit.

    My dad turned his ship and followed. “Talon, your ship is a trainer. It isn’t equipped with weapons. Go back to Bastion.”

    “No way. I’ll hang back, but I’m coming with you.”

    My father didn’t say anything, but I could feel his frustration though the Force.

    “I think I damaged it…whatever it is,” Kyp called out. “It’s descending to that planet.”

    “Does it have a breathable atmosphere?” my dad asked.

    “Yes, but it's uninhabited. It doesn’t have any water, just extinct volcanoes and lava tubes. It’s worthless when it comes to colonization.”

    We followed the odd round ship down through the planet's atmosphere. The alien craft zigzagged over the rocky terrain until disappearing into a large cave opening. “Don’t follow it,” my father warned. “It could be a trap.”

    After a long pause, Kyp agreed. “We’ll set down and walk in. We have our blasters and I have a thermal detonator on board.”

    We landed near the cave entrance and proceeded to enter the cavern on foot. The air was dry with a metallic taste, but breathable. Luckily the gravity was a little less than standard, so I didn’t have to breathe heavily to traverse the cave system. After a short trek the tunnel dead ended in a large chamber where we found the alien craft hovering.

    We warily approached the strange object. It was round with what looked like wings protruding from the top and bottom. I didn’t see any view ports…that is until it swiveled around revealing what looked like a giant eye in the center of the sphere.

    I stopped in my tracks, but Kyp walked forward at a less-than-cautious pace. He had his blaster in hand and was aiming at the thing when a flash of blue lightning shot out from the craft and knocked him off his feet. I ran up to help him, but was hit by an excruciating shock of energy. I have never experienced Force lightning like my Uncle Luke and Aunt Mara did, but they described it to me and I am fairly certain that is what hit me. I was propelled back by the blast and landed on the ground hard causing me to see stars. I ended up groaning on my back with my body twitching uncontrollably. As my dad ran up to check on us, I was sure he was its next victim, but surprisingly he wasn’t attacked.

    “What the hell hit me?” Kyp moaned as he crawled away from the spacecraft.

    “Force lightning,” my father explained.

    “How does a ship spit out Force lightning?” I asked my dad. He reached down and pulled me into a sitting position causing a gut-wrenching sensation of vertigo.

    “Because that isn’t a spaceship. It’s a Sith Meditation Sphere. Its name is Ship.”

    Kyp rolled on his back and stared at my father wide-eyed. “And how the hell would you know that?”

    My father turned to the spacecraft. “It told me.”

    “What the kriff are you talking about?” Kyp said while trying to catch the breath that was knocked out of him earlier. “I didn’t hear it say anything.”

    The hardened look on my father’s face told me he knew something he didn’t want to discuss. “You didn’t hear it because it was talking to me, not you. It thinks I’m Sith.”

    My dad walked to Kyp and helped him to his feet. He looked at my father warily. “Why does it think you’re Sith?”

    “Because of what Palpatine did to me.”

    A blank expression crossed Kyp’s face before it was replaced by a look of understanding. “When the Emperor Reborn tried to possess your body, right? I remember.”

    “I never got rid of his darkside stain on my soul.” My dad’s voice was low and strained. “Did you bring that thermal detonator?”

    Kyp nodded as he pulled it out of a side satchel. “What are you going to do?”

    My father motioned towards me. “Help Talon out of here. I need to have a little chat with my Sith friend.”

    I didn’t want to leave, but Kyp grabbed me by the upper arm and practically dragged me out of the cave. I would have fought to stay but the jolt of lightning made thinking a chore and my muscles were not responding like they should.

    When we reached the cave opening I heard a loud explosion followed by a plume of dust shooting out of the tunnel.

    I remember screaming for my father before I passed out.
    Chyntuck likes this.
  11. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    Super conversation and very relevant to our time and place too specifically on what fanaticism can lead to. Cool stuff with the flying lessons in the juiced up fighters but wow, what a cliffie there and the appearance of a Sith Meditation Sphere. :eek: Hope Talon's dad makes it out alright.
  12. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    WOW that's a cliffie. I hope dad is alright
  13. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    Current events were not my only inspiration. I was watching the DUNE series and was reminded how Muad'Dib's followers formed their own church that eventually went counter to what Paul originally intended for his people.

    Thanks. Sorry it took me so long to get back to this story. I have a new job and school and the kids to take care of. DRL is stressing me.


    Entry 24

    I don’t know how long I was unconscious, but it couldn’t have been too long because the dust hadn’t fully settled from the explosion when my eyes fluttered open. I rolled to my side and saw Kyp lying next to me. His eyes were closed, but I could see the rise and fall of his chest. I slowly sat up and checked myself for injuries, but couldn’t find anything worse than some abrasions on my hands...along with a throbbing headache. I crawled over to Kyp and shook him, trying to rouse him awake. “Kyp, get up. We need to find my dad.”

    When he didn’t respond I rose to my feet and stumbled over to the cave opening. Reaching into my pocket I pulled out and activated a glowrod and held it up high over my head, illuminating the tunnel. In the distance I could see rubble where the cave roof collapsed and heard the sound of labored breathing. I moved forward and noticed a human shaped lump on the ground. “Dad!”

    I ran to him on shaky legs. He was lying on his side, one leg partially covered with rubble, but overall he looked intact. “Dad!” I checked his vitals and found a strong pulse, but I couldn’t get him to open his eyes. I decided to focus my efforts on digging him out from under the debris. As I freed my father’s leg I heard a voice coming from the cave entrance.


    I waved my glowrod. “Here Kyp! I need help with my dad.”

    The Imperial Shadow Guard limped to my position and knelt down next to my father. He held a hand over my dad and I could feel the Force flowing from him. After a minute he dropped his hand and frowned. “I don’t sense any broken bones or contusions.”

    “Could the overpressure from the blast have knocked him out?”

    Kyp chewed his lower lip in thought. “Maybe, but Mark said this thing was a Sith entity. If it was a living creature, when he killed it he could have been hit by a dark side burst of energy. When your Aunt Mara killed Joruus C’baoth he released enough energy to blow a hole in the side of Mount Tantiss. If I remember correctly she was unconscious for a day or more.”

    I didn’t like the sound of that, but I was comforted by the thought that it was survivable. Hopefully my father will regain consciousness soon. I heard a cracking above and felt a gravely dust drift down from the ceiling and land on my head and neck “We need to get him out of here before the entire roof comes down.” I rolled my father onto his back and picked him up from under his arms. Once I pulled him away from the rubble, Kyp grabbed his ankles and using the Force moved my one-hundred-and-twenty-five kilogram father down the tunnel and out of danger.

    Kyp made an astonished whistle when we lowered him to the ground. “Good thing we are Force-users, otherwise we would have had to use an industrial winch to drag him out. He weighs more than a Wookiee!”

    I chuckled. “True. My dad always believed he was genetically altered to be an Imperial Sentinel for C’baoth. It that’s true he was the runt of the Sentinel cloning litter.”

    “Hopefully the Imperials have a bacta tank big enough to hold him.” Kyp pulled out his comlink from his flightsuit pocket. “Jaxus, what’s your ETA?”

    “Less than fifteen minutes, Sir.”

    “Try to make it in ten. Have your medics standing by. Master Tantiss is unconscious. It could be a concussion.” He turned off the communication device and shoved it back into his pocket before looking back to me. “Before we landed I called in for support. Knowing you and your dad’s propensity for getting in trouble, I thought it prudent. Fortunately, Imperial shuttles have hyperdrives, unlike our Tie Fighters. We’ll get him help soon.”

    “Thanks.” I turned my attention back to my father who was breathing easier, but was still unconscious. I held the glowrod to his face and gently pried an eye open with my fingers. His iris contracted to a pinpoint when exposed to the light, which I interpreted as a good sign. I may not be a doctor like my brother, but I have watched enough medical holoshows to know involuntary responses to stimulation are what doctors look for in a patient. I gazed back to the cave. “What do think about these recent developments? What’s a Sith Meditation Sphere doing here?”

    Kyp shook his head. “I don’t know. We’re going to have to wait until your father wakes up and ask him what he knows.”

    I remained silent. Kyp assumed my father would gladly divulge all knowledge when awake…but I have my doubts. My father has refused to discuss his Sith knowledge for decades…even to the Grand Master. He once told me, ‘Knowledge is power and some power is too dangerous to become known.’ I don’t think he has any reason to hold back information, but if he does, I’ll probably never know. My dad has his secrets and he likes to keep them.


    I endured the longest fifteen minutes of my life waiting for that shuttle. During that time all attempts to rouse my father failed. When the shuttle did arrive my dad was quickly assessed by the medic, rolled onto a backboard and then transported to the ship via a hover-stretcher. I wanted to join my father on the shuttle but Kyp told me I would probably just get in the way, and besides, somebody had to fly my Tie Fighter back to Bastion.

    During the hour flight back I was fretting over my father's condition, when I realized I needed to let my family know what happened. I activated my ship-to-ship radio. “Kyp, can this Tie-Fighter’s transceiver reach Coruscant or to my mother on Indupar?”

    “Yes,” his voice rang out over my speakers. “Push in the code 0611 when prompted and then the transmission code. The signal will be transmitted and rerouted through holonet satellites, so it won’t be encrypted. You should be able to get a hold of just about anybody, though.”

    “Okay, thanks.” My first call was to my brother. He's a healer, he might be able to help my dad. When I couldn’t get a hold of him at his quarters, I tried the the Temple infirmary. The orderly that answered told me he was he was off planet, but if I wanted to wait he would try to track down my brother's contact information. I declined and decided to contact my mother instead. When I inputted the code for her quarters I was given a computer message saying my call was being forwarded and to please hold. After about twenty seconds my mother’s face appeared on my fighter’s small communication screen. I squared my shoulders and steadied myself to give my mother the bad news. “Mom…” That was all I got out before she burst out crying.

    “How’s your dad?” she managed to say between sobs.

    I was taken aback by that question. “I don’t know. How did you know something happened?”

    She shook her head sadly. “I can see it in your face.”

    “I think he is going to be okay, where are you?”

    “I’m on a royal Indupar shuttle on the way to Bastion.”

    Now I was completely confused. “What? Wait. We are talking about something that happened about a half hour ago. It takes time to requisition, refuel and prep a royal shuttle. When did you leave?”

    She took in a deep breath. “We left two hours ago.”

    “Who’s we?”

    She looked to her right to somebody off the screen and then back to me. “Is this line secure?”

    “No, but don’t worry…that answers my question.” I knew Marcus was most likely on board. I also knew he was probably aware that my father and I were going to encounter that Sith sphere probably days or weeks before it happened. For all I know this tour of the galaxy was probably for the expressed purpose of running into and killing that Sith sphere. The question is why would he put my father in danger? Was my father the only person who could kill that thing? Did my dad know what he was walking into? I somehow doubt it. He tried to warn Kyp not to follow it.

    I need to have a long discussion with Marcus when we were reunited. I have grown tired of the H'drachi seers gazing into the Time Stream and kriffing up my life and the lives of my family.

    “Mom, I’ll talk to you when I get back from Bastion and can send you an encrypted message. What I can tell you is dad is unconscious, but it doesn’t look serious.”

    My mother nodded as tears streamed down her face. It was then that my hot anger turned into a cold, icy fear. Months ago, when mind-witches captured me and Ben, my mother and father weren’t concerned and didn’t travel to Kuat to look for me. They knew I would be all right, because the seers told them. For my mother to be bawling and for Marcus to travel to Bastion where Jaina or Kyp could detect him as my son…something unforeseen must have happened.

    “Mom…what is going on?”

    She shook her head. “I don’t know. I’ll talk to you when we get there.”

    I cursed the fact that this line was not secure. “I’ll see you then.”

    I turned off the transceiver and stared at the blank screen for a long time.

    ‘I have a very bad feeling about this.’
    Chyntuck likes this.
  14. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Talon with a bad feeling and a dad being unconscious, what's happening?
    Jedi_Lover likes this.
  15. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    Oooh, [face_nail_biting] Worrisome, somewhat about Talon's dad but moreso his mom's emotions being so "out there". Not calm and collected, and upbeat. :eek:
    Jedi_Lover likes this.
  16. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    I don't know...I am making this up as I go. lol!
    Kira usually has Marcus 'peek' into the time stream to make sure her family is alright. I guess Marcus or the seers saw something they didn't like.

    I wrote a long, long entry, but I had to cut it in half since it was almost 4000 words. Therefore this entry doesn't have much action. I will get the second part up on the first of next month.

    Thanks everybody for reading.


    Entry 25

    When I finally arrived at Bastion my father had been in the Royal Palace’s infirmary emergency room for almost thirty minutes. I was expecting him to be either in a bacta tank or up and awake and joking with the doctors. I was horrified to discover he was still unconscious. I rushed to his side and gazed at my dad lying in bed and wearing nothing but a grey hospital gown. Overall, he didn’t look too bad. He did have some cuts and scrapes, but his breathing at least appeared normal.

    “Is he in a coma?” I asked the middle aged Imperial doctor leaning over my father and scanning him with some sort of medical device.

    The man straightened and placed the scanner in a side pocket of his scrubs. “To be honest, I don’t know what is going on with him. There is an incredible amount of brain activity…excessively so. I see no damage to the brain that would indicate a reason for his unresponsiveness. There is no reduction of blood flow to the brain. His blood pressure is stable and there is no sign of brain hypoxia. There is also no indication of poisons, anesthetics, or seizures.”

    Kyp came into the room and stood next to me. “Could this be a trance?”

    The doctor shrugged. “You would probably know better than I would. I’m no Jedi healer and the only Imperial-Knight healer on planet is still in her first year of medical school. If you think this is Force related I’d suggest you bring in somebody experienced in these things.”

    I nodded. “I will contact my brother, Jaden. He’s a doctor and Jedi Healer.” My gaze ran over my father’s prone body and and noticed the leg I freed from the rubble was lying at an odd angle.

    The doctor noticed my gaze and pointed to the limb. “There was some damage to his ankle. I’m going to have my intern take it off so we can fix it.”

    “What!” Kyp gasped. “You’re going to amputate!”

    I put a hand on Kyp’s shoulder. “It’s his cybernetic leg,” I said with a chuckle. “Stang, you don’t have much confidence in Imperial medicine.”

    Kyp blushed. “I forgot he lost that leg in a conflict.”

    “I sometimes forget too.” I threw a thumb toward the door. “I need to contact my family.”

    “Damn,” Kyp muttered. “The Emperor mustn’t have notified Ben or he’d be here along with your wives.”

    “That’s okay.” I stepped toward the door. “I’ll go back to my quarters and let everybody know.”

    I hoped I could get ahold of Jaden this time because I needed him on a fast ship to Bastion.

    After a few calls to the Jedi Temple I finally contacted my brother on Corellia where he was attending a medical conference. The first words out of his mouth were, “How’s dad?”

    I frowned. “Who told you about dad?”

    My brother ran a hand through his brown wavy hair and sighed. “Mom did. It was right after she talked to you. She’s on her way to pick me up. I’m right along their hyperspace route. I should be there by the end of the day or early tomorrow morning. Meanwhile I’ll contact dad’s attending physician and have him send me what information he has on his condition.”

    “He told me dad’s prosthetic leg was damaged and everything else looks good with the exception of him being unconscious. He did say dad has an excessive amount of brain activity.” I paused for a moment. “Kyp thinks he might be in a trance. Could dad have put himself into a healing trance?”

    Jaden chewed his lower lip in thought. “It could be. Mom said dad was near an explosion, but didn’t elaborate. What happened?”

    “We came upon a Sith Meditation Sphere. We cornered it in a cave. Dad decided to kill it. That thing injured Kyp and me. I was barely conscious when Kyp pulled me out of cave. Then dad set off a thermal detonator while he was still inside.”

    Jaden cringed. “Ouch. Blast wave compressions are extremely dangerous in an enclosed space. The doctor might not see any impairment yet, but sometimes it may take hours for damage to be realized.” He must have noticed the concerned look on my face because he quickly tried to steer the conversation to a more upbeat tone. “But if dad used the Force to shield himself from the blast, he’s probably fine. Did the doctor mention any tympanic membrane damage…you know, his ears? Those are the most susceptible part of the body to blast waves. If those are intact then he probably didn’t sustain much damage. Dad’s a fighter. I’m sure he will be up and about soon.”

    “Okay.” I looked down in thought. “Jaden…have you ever researched or talked to Aunt Mara about her injuries sustained when she killed C’baoth?”

    My brother’s brow went up. “Do you think dad got hit by a dark energy blast?”

    I nodded.

    “Oh.” My brother paused in thought. “I read she was unconscious for over 30 hours. When she regained consciousness she was a little woozy, but she was fine.”

    I blew out a breath. “That’s good to hear.”

    “I’ll have mom call you when she gets to Corellia. You won’t be able to contact her in Hyperspace.” He lowered his voice. “Is your…is mom coming alone? She didn’t mention who’s with her.”

    I shook my head. “I believe she has company. It’s not…prudent, in my opinion.” I intentionally kept the conversation cryptic. I was told this was a secure and encrypted line, but it was an Imperial line of communication. I love Jaina and I respect the hell out of Jag, but I am still skeptical of Imperials…especially when Jag admitted he spied on the Chief-of-State and the Hapans.

    My brother ran a hand over his chin. “I’ll find out what is going on when mom picks me up.”

    “Okay. I haven’t told Ben, Valla or Zylie yet about Dad’s injury. I better do that before they find out from somebody else. I’ll see you soon.”

    Jaden gave me a tentative smile. “Everything will be alright. Don’t worry.” He was ready to sign off, but he quickly added, “Talon, if dad is in a healing trance, don’t try to wake him until I get there.”

    He then signed off leaving me worried despite his words of assurance.

    Ben and the ladies were on some historic tour when I contacted them. Ben said they would be back shortly and I should contact his parents.

    I was able to get ahold of my Aunt Mara on my room’s transceiver. I briefed her on the situation and then asked her about the injuries she sustained when she killed the dark Jedi C’baoth.

    “What happened to you after you got hit by that darkside blast?”

    She frowned accentuating the tiny laugh lines around her green eyes. “It felt like I was hit with fire at first. I could actually feel the darkside energy passing through my body. I was unconscious for over a day, but during that time I remember having disturbing dreams. That could explain your dad’s heightened brain activity.” She paused thinking about it for a while. “I was fairly disorientated when I woke up on a ship’s sickbay. I wasn’t sure where I was. For a moment I thought I was still the Emperor’s Hand, but that sensation was fleeting. I quickly recalled the events that led me to the hospital bed I was lying in. Other than a headache and some occasional bad dreams, I was in good health. He should be okay if it was just the dark Force energy that knocked him out.”

    “Thanks,” I said with a nod. “Are you coming out here?”

    “I believe so. It is something that should be investigated further. Maybe we will pry some information out of your father this time. I know he is trying to protect us by keeping any darkside abilities he gleaned from Palpatine’s bodysnatching life-force prior to its eviction, but maybe the Grand Master should decide what Force knowledge should be taught and which information is too dangerous to reveal.”

    I glanced away from the holoprojector transceiver so my former Master didn’t see the roll of my eyes. “Good luck with that.”

    She snickered. “Your father is stubborn, but maybe I can talk some sense into him. Luke is off planet, but he is coming back to the Temple tomorrow and we will take the Jade Shadow to Bastion. Meanwhile keep me updated on your father’s condition.”

    She then ended the communication feed.

    I turned off the transceiver and shook my head. My dad wasn’t going to tell the Jedi anything when it comes to darkside skills. Not after the Jacen fiasco.
    Chyntuck likes this.
  17. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    I hope his dad will regain consciousness soon. Exciting update
    Jedi_Lover likes this.
  18. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    Thanks. I am glad you liked it. Here is the second part of that post.

    Entry 26

    My Mother and Jaden arrived hours before dawn. Not wanting to wake Zylie or the others in the middle of the sleep cycle, I decided to meet them alone. They flew down to the planet aboard a small shuttle, leaving the huge Munificent-class star frigate they voyaged across the galaxy aboard in orbit above Bastion. When the shuttle landed I reached out with the Force searching for my son, but didn’t sense him. A blew out a relieved breath. That’s good. It's one less complication and if I couldn’t sense him in space, I doubt anybody else could either.

    My mother strolled down the loading ramp wearing a practical but stylish dress, heels and a tired and distressed expression on her face. I closed the distance between us and pulled her into a big hug. I miss my mother. She eventually stepped back and looked at me sadly. “How’s your father?”

    I sighed. “He’s still unconscious.” I looked up as my brother emerged from the shuttle wearing lightweight Jedi robes and lightsaber. “What are you all dressed up for? Usually you wear a suit when you go to those medical conferences.”

    My brother looked down at his attire and shrugged. “The Grand Master wanted me to attend as a Jedi Healer and not simply a medical doctor. I think he wants to battle some of the bad publicity the press appears determined to heap on the Jedi Order.”

    “Good idea.” I gestured for them to follow me. “Come on, I’ll bring you to dad’s hospital room.”

    As we walked down the long corridors of the palace I leaned toward my mother and whispered. “Is Marcus alright?”

    She gave a small nod. “He remained on the ship for now. It has a well-stocked infirmary. He intends on transferring your dad to the ship and return to Indupar as soon as possible.”

    I thought that was odd. Was there a reason Marcus…or maybe the Seers…wanted dad out of the area? “The Emperor is probably going to want to talk to dad when he wakes up. He killed something…something Sith in Jag’s kingdom. They are going to want some answers, especially when it might be tied to their pirate problem.”

    My mother shook her head obstinately. “He's expected on the Royal frigate at daybreak.”

    I glanced over to my mother as we walked down the ornate marble halls. “Mom, you may be married to the man, but Fel is the Emperor. We are going to have to clear it with him.”

    My mother stopped and turned to me. “If Emperor Fel balks, Marcus may press the issue. Your dad and I are citizens of Indupar. The King of the Indupar Royal Crown Worlds has some say over what happens to his subjects.”

    I looked to my mom incredulously. “When did you get citizenship?”

    She gave me a dismissive wave and continued walking. “Years ago. You’re dad can’t really hold a leadership position as a non-citizen.”

    I quickened my pace and motioned toward a side hallway. “This way.” We walked in silence for a long pause. “So…you are saying Marcus is going to risk a political and interplanetary incident if Dad isn’t released today?”

    “I hope not,” my brother muttered under his breath. “Lets check on dad before we go butting heads with Jag. He might be awake, answer whatever questions and then we’re gone.”

    “Aunt Mara and Uncle Luke are coming here tomorrow. They are going to want to talk to dad about that Sith sphere he destroyed.”

    “Your father is no longer part of the Jedi Order,” my mom pointed out. “Luke doesn’t have any say when it comes to your dad leaving. He can question your dad by transceiver.”

    “I just don’t understand the rush to leave.”

    We rounded a corner leading to my father’s room when we heard blaster fire. My brother and I looked at each other before we broke out in a dead sprint toward the sound of combat. As we got closer I realized the noise was coming from my father’s room. By instinct I grabbed my lightsaber and ignited it, positive that an assassin had snuck through security.

    I was surprised when two stormtroopers rushed out of my dad’s hospital room minus their weapons. I still had my lightsaber in hand when Kyp stumbled out of the door. He raised his hands up as in surrender. “Whoa, calm down.”

    “What the kriff is going on?” I demanded from the former Jedi.

    Kyp looked into the room nervously. I followed his gaze and saw my father was now restrained to his bed by leather straps. I turned and glared at Kyp. “I asked you a question. What the kriff is going on?”

    “Will you turn that thing off!” Kyp said while pointing at my saber. I looked at my glowing blue blade, nodded, and deactivated the weapon.

    Kyp gave a relieved sigh. “Your dad started slowly regaining consciousness up about fifteen minutes ago. While in his semiconscious state he started thrashing about. The doctors and nurses managed to get him into restraints for his own protection, but when the doctor tried to give him a sedative your dad did something to him.”

    A sick feeling started to churn in my stomach. “Something? Like what? Is the doctor okay?”

    “I don’t know what he did.” Kyp glanced at my father struggling with his restrains and mumbling incoherently. “The doctor is fine. Your dad didn’t physically hurt anybody…but he did something to scare the medical staff. They ran out terrified.”

    “What did he do?” I pressed Kyp.

    He gave a shrug of his shoulder. “The doctor said it was like somebody reached into his body and kicked on the ‘fight or flight’ response into overdrive. He had an overwhelming urge to get the hell out of there.”

    “What was the shooting about?” My brother asked.

    Kyp looked sheepish. “Your dad looked like he might hurt himself or others. He wouldn’t respond to verbal commands, so I thought we could stun him.”

    My brother rolled his eyes. “And you sent in Stormtroopers? Did you ever think that in dad’s confused state he might have forgotten the war was over? He did fight against the Empire on Byss and the was in the thick of things during the Battle of Coruscant.”

    A hangdog expression crossed Kyp’s face. “I was reacting to the situation and trying to do what was best for Mark. Don’t worry, he wasn’t hurt, in fact, he did something I have never seen before. He stopped the stunbolts in midair until they dissipated. He then, with the Force, snatched the blasters out of my troopers’ hands. I went in and ordered my men out and then retreated myself.” He jumped when my dad let out a cry of frustration. “We have to do something. He’s getting more irritated by the minute.”

    “I’ll go and calm him down,” my mother said. “He’ll respond to me.”

    I put a hand on my mother’s shoulder, preventing her from entering. “Mom, he is not in his right mind.” I took in a deep breath as I made a decision “If dad is being combative, I should go. Dad and I are almost equal in the Force. I’ll be able to protect myself.”

    Jaden made a scoffing noise. “You’re equal in the Force? Dad doesn’t need somebody to go in there and subdue him. You'll just make matters worse. He needs medical assistance. I’ll go in and try to put him in a healing trance.”

    That 'make matters worse' comment grated on my nerves. I know I was a screw up as a teen, but I have long outgrown my propensity to find trouble. I was about to argue, but my mother put a hand on arm. “Maybe he’s right. Your dad is obviously having a medical problem. Let Jaden try.”

    My brother gave me a wide smile that I interpreted as, ‘See, even mom knows you’ll kriff up the situation worse than it is.’

    He walked into the room slowly so not to startle my father. As soon as Jaden was inside the door slammed shut behind him like they do in horror holofilms. I tried to push the door open, but it wouldn’t budge. I then heard something that made my blood run cold. It was the sound of restraints snapping and then the hiss of a lightsaber. Suddenly the pressure on the door released and I fell inward. I would have hit the floor if it wasn’t for my brother colliding with me as he rushed out of the room. Once outside the door slammed shut again.

    Jaden looked at me wide-eyed and gasping for breath.

    “What happened?”

    “Well,” my brother said slowly as he leaned against the wall. “I…ah…I sort of made matters worse.”

    “What happened?”

    He pointed toward the door. “I walked in and tried to talk to dad. He screamed something and then broke his restraints and then used the Force to snatch my lightsaber right off my belt.”

    I leaned against the wall. “Great, we have an injured and possibly delusional former Jedi with a swinging lightsaber in the middle of the Imperial Palace. I don’t think it could get any worse.”

    Despite the seriousness of the situation my brother tried to suppress a chuckle. “It could. When he broke his restraints he tore off his hospital gown.”

    I closed my eyes and tried not to visualize my nude father brandishing a lightsaber. “Oh great, so it is not just a swinging lightsaber we have to worry about.” I put a hand on the door latch. “I guess I need to go in.”

    “Oh no you don’t,” my mother said adamantly. “I’m going in.”

    “No, you’re not,” my brother and I said in unison.

    She looked at us stubbornly. “He hasn’t hurt anybody. He’s just confused. I have known your father his entire life. I’m going in.”

    I really didn’t like the idea, but Jaden motioned for me to let her go. I checked the door and discovered it was no longer held shut. “Mom, hurry in when I open the door. He may try to use the Force to slam it closed again.”

    She nodded and rushed into the room after I cracked the door open. I put my durasteel-toed boot into the doorjamb hoping to prevent it from slamming shut, but luckily that didn’t happen. Jaden, Kyp and I watched as my mother approached my disorientated father.

    “Mark,” she said softly as she walked toward my father who was standing in the middle of the room, sans clothing, while looking down at Jaden’s glowing lightsaber in his hand. “It’s Kira. Mark, please put down the lightsaber.”

    He glanced up at my mother with a dull glassy-eyed stare. “What?”

    “Mark, you remember me, don’t you? It’s Kira. Mark…come on Big Red,” my mother said using one of her pet names for my dad. “Hey, Cuddle-buddy, turn off the lightsaber so I can give you a big hug.”

    I looked to my bother and mouthed the word, ‘Cuddle-buddy’. I’ve never heard that particular nickname before.

    “Kira?” He focused on my mother, recognition flickering in his eyes. He looked back at the lightsaber in his hand. It wasn’t pointed toward my mother, but my dad’s eyes went wide in a panic. He quickly deactivated the saber and dropped it on the floor. “What’s going on, Kira?” He took a tentative step toward my mother and almost fell when his prosthetic ankle twisted at an odd angle. My mother moved forward and grabbed my dad’s arm stabilizing him. My dad took another shaky step before enveloping her in a big hug…a big naked hug. Ugh.

    “I’ll explain everything later. I want to get you out of here.” My mother wrapped a robe around my father and guided him out of the room, her arm around my father’s waist as he draped an arm around her petite shoulder. He was limping slightly and grinning at my mother like a lovesick teenager.

    She glanced at Kyp. “I’m getting him on my shuttle and to our ship in orbit. Jaden will take care of him.”

    Kyp looked like he was going to protest but I put up a hand to halt his words. “Kyp, I think getting him around familiar surroundings is best. He’ll give you and Jag a complete report when he’s well.”

    To my great relief he agreed. “I’ll inform the Emperor. Can I assume you, Ben and your wives will be leaving as well?”

    “Yes, we’ll return to Indupar with them.”

    I reached over to my brother and gave his shoulder a squeeze. “Get dad back to the Royal frigate and I will get the Vazy Princess fueled and we’ll leave as soon as possible.” I nodded toward Kyp. “Kyp can show you the way back.”

    I then sprinted back to my room to inform Zylie, Valla and Ben that their Bastion vacation was now at an end.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2018
    Chyntuck likes this.
  19. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    Dad sure is in trouble it seems. But glad he is conscious again
    Jedi_Lover likes this.
  20. ginchy

    ginchy Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 25, 2005
    I have missed Talon and crew!!! And you too, lady!!! [face_love] [face_love] [:D] I'm glad Mark's okay but the swinging lightsaber bit had me LOL!!!
  21. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    Thanks. Getting hit by a blast of darkside energy is never good.
    Welcome back. I missed your reviews, but I know that DRL has been crazy. I am glad you liked the story so far.

    Entry 27

    Zylie, Ben and Valla were relieved to hear my dad was now awake. They told me to take my StealthX and see if I could dock with my son’s Star Frigate. I hate leaving Zylie again, but I think my father needs me more. It took me a few minutes to figure out how to contact the ship, but when I finally contacted the ship’s Captain I was given permission rendezvous and board. I gave Zylie a long lingering kiss goodbye and then ran off to my ship.

    Thirty minutes later I was maneuvering my ship into the frigate’s massive hanger. I was disappointed that my son was not there to meet me, but I can understand why. My mother was there instead, waving at me like only a mother can. She’s standing alone thirty meters directly in front on my ship. There is no way I could miss seeing why does she wave frantically like she is trying to signal a rescue ship?

    I jumped out of my fighter and walked over to my mother and gave her a hug. “How’s Dad?”

    “He’s in the infirmary.” She motioned for me to follow her. “He’s asleep. The doctor managed to give him a sedative. I think it helped that Marcus and I were there." She lowered her voice. "He almost blew Marcus’ cover though once sedated. In his woozy state he reached out to him and said, “How’s my boy.” She chuckled. “I told the doctors he must think the King is his son, Talon.”

    “Can I see Marcus?”

    She nodded. “I’m bringing you to his cabin. He wants to talk.”

    We wandered down the ship’s long central corridor until we reached a large gold plated door. She pushed a button near the entry switch and said her name. Seconds later the door slid open. I stepped in and noticed my mother didn’t follow. She gave me an apologetic look. “I’m going back to the infirmary. I want to be there when your dad wakes up.”

    She walked away as the door slid closed. I looked at my surroundings and realized I was in an enclosed entryway. I recognized it as a security room where scanners embedded in the wall could actively search for weapons. Marcus must have activated a security override because the interior door slid open despite the fact I was wearing a blaster and lightsaber.

    I entered a huge luxury cabin with an opulent sitting area, dining room and three large bedrooms in the back. My son was in the center of the room sitting on an ornate couch. Across from him was a strange hairy alien with cameloid features and wearing a ridiculous looking turban on his head. Marcus stood and closed the distance between us, before giving me a warm hug. I was a little shocked by his display of affection in front of somebody, but I then realized the alien was one of his H'drachi seers. The seer stood slowly, leaning heavily on a cane. He turned toward me revealing an ancient face with deep wrinkles and gray fur. He gave me a slight nod, but remained silent.

    “I missed you dad.” Marcus mumbled with his head pressed to my shoulder.

    “I missed you too.” I kept an eye on the alien. “Who’s your friend?”

    Marcus stepped back and motioned toward the seer. “This is the High Seer Tobar. He knew you would want answers about what happened and thought it was best that you heard it from him.”

    I tried to smile at the creature, but I am sure it came out as a scowl. I have a love hate relationship with the H’drachi seers. They arranged for me to meet Marcus’ mom so I could fall in love and conceive a child. They also manipulated the situation so Ema would lie to me, break off the relationship and hide the fact that I had a child. It was sheer luck—or perhaps the will of the Force—that I discovered I was a father. I hate their meddling, but without them I wouldn’t have a son. I guess you can say I have mixed feelings about them.

    “It is nice to finally meet you, High Seer Tobar.”

    The creature nodded and motioned to a chair across from him as he sat back down. “You probably have many questions, Jedi Tantiss. Please sit.”

    I walked over to the couch and sat down with Marcus taking the seat next to me. I leaned forward, elbows on my knees, and gave the seer a hard look. “Did you arrange for my father to walk into danger?”

    The elderly H’drachi shook his head. “We didn’t know about the object your father encountered. A few days ago your father disappeared from the time stream. It was then that we realized there was a problem.”

    “What do you mean? Did you think he died?”

    The alien drew in a long breath and let it out before continuing. “No…maybe…it was hard to see. There are thousands of possible time streams. The Jedi have a saying, ‘The future is always in motion’ and it is true. We lost your father in the immediate future. There was a span of four or five days where he could not be seen. Usually when this happens it indicates a shatterpoint.”

    I have heard my father’s theories on shatterpoints. They are nexuses in time where an action of a major significance to the galaxy will occur. My father believes clones don’t belong in the natural world and their existence muddies the future making it difficult to read. He once told me that was the reason Senator Palpatine could fool thousands of Jedi. The clone army made seeing the future almost impossible. Since my father is in possession of Palpatine’s memories…I have to believe what he says is true…or at least the Emperor believed it.

    “So you think my dad finding the Sith Sphere was a shatterpoint that could change the course of the future? It’s darkside. Does the Sphere bring destruction to the galaxy?”

    “Not exactly,” the alien said with a shake of his furry head. “The darkside energy that was released upon your father injured him physically and spiritually. His temporary possession by the Emperor Reborn, decades ago, continues to make him vulnerable to the darkside. We did not know what happened to him when he was in our blind spot, but in some timelines, when he finally reappeared, he was disorientated, sometimes incensed for no reason, but he recovers. In other time streams he died…and his death throws the galaxy into a civil war.”

    I gave him an incredulous look. “How could him dying fighting that Sith thing cause a civil war?”

    The seer pointed a crooked finger in my direction. “In the time streams when war occurs, your father did not die killing the sphere. Instead, he would die at the hands of the Imperials. In his confused state brought on by the blast, he would terrorize the infirmary, and while on a darkside rampage, he is killed by stormtroopers.”

    “That doesn’t make sense,” I said. “We would know what happened. If dad got blasted while out of control we wouldn’t blame Jag and Jaina. Indupar wouldn’t go to war over a justified killing and the Galactic Alliance probably couldn’t care less.”

    “Yes, yes,” the seer muttered. “At first all would mourn the loss, but as the decades pass, the memories of an event change. Marcus would understand, but his children and grand children would harbor resentment. They would use a minor diplomatic incident to justify an attack on the Empire. The Hapan government, because of their close blood ties to the Fel family, immediately aligns with the Imperials against the Indupar monarchy. The Galactic Alliance tries to remain neutral, but eventually they are drawn into the war. As you can imagine, there are no winners in this type of conflict.”

    I ran a hand over my chin as I contemplated his words. “So, you had to keep Dad from going barvy on Bastion.”

    “That’s why grandma was sent,” Marcus interrupted. “They didn’t know exactly what was going to happen on Bastion, but whenever grandma was there to intervene there wasn’t a war.”

    I threw up my hands in frustration. “And why didn’t you just tell my father not to go to Bastion?”

    The seer opened his mouth to talk, but Marcus interrupted. “They don’t sit around constantly keeping an eye on grandpa…but I do. When I was away on my…um…I guess you can call it a spiritual excursion, I noticed I couldn’t find him and I contacted the seers and requested that they look. That is when they determined this was a shatterpoint. They always knew there was a possibility of war in the future, but with thousands of possible time streams, they weren’t exactly sure what was the catalyst. It didn’t help that they couldn’t actually see what happened. The actions of the last few days were a blank to them.”

    “We noticed that there are some people who are elusive in the time stream,” the seer explained. “Your father, King Marcus and sometimes you and your brother disappear from our view.”

    “They think it has to do with grandpa being a clone.”

    I nodded. “What now?” I turned to the seer. “Is my dad going to be okay?”

    The seer shrugged. “There are thousands of possible time streams, but in most of them you father survives the encounter with few adverse side effects. He is a resilient man with a boundless love of family. This love grounds him and gives him great strength. It helps him remain in the light.”

    “You said most. What happens in other time streams?”

    The seer lowered his eyes. “Sometimes fate intervenes and bad things happen to good people. Other times temptation might be too great to resist. All things are conceivable in a galaxy with endless possible futures.” He stood as to leave. “I hope I have answered your questions, Jedi Tantiss.”

    I rose out of my seat and put a hand out, gesturing him to stay. “Wait, you have never taken the time to explain anything to me before. Why now?”

    The creature stared at me in quiet contemplation before he gave a resigned sigh. “It was a matter of self-preservation. We knew you would immediately suspect us of manipulating your father, and your resentment against us would increase.” He gestured toward Marcus. “You have the ear of the king. You could convince him to exile the Seers. King Marcus has shown us great hospitality. We desire to remain guests in his kingdom, therefore we decided diffusing the situation with you would be in our best interest.”

    I made a derisive laugh. “After all you have done to me, I should convince him to oust your furry, deceiving, butts off his planet.”

    The seer lowered his eyes deferentially. “It is true we have deceived and manipulated your family, but please believe me when I say it is for the greater good of the galaxy. We stood by, remaining neutral, while Palpatine brought great pain to our universe. It was then we decided to play a more active role in the affairs of the galaxy. I am being completely honest when I say we mean to bring about the best future for the most people.”

    “Even if it means sacrificing others…like me or my father,” I said caustically.

    The Seer cocked his head to the side and gave me a curious expression. “You and your father are Jedi. You swore allegiance to the Jedi order and promised to serve and protect others…even if it required the greatest sacrifice…your lives. If you had to give your life to save the galaxy, does it matter if you made the sacrifice willingly? Would you balk if you believed you were manipulated into the position of becoming a savior?”

    I gave a grunt and shook my head. “No, but the problem is…I don’t trust you. I rather leave the future to the Force and not in the hands of some meddling seers.”

    “Understandable,” the seer said as he took a step toward the door. “So, in the past, if we could have stopped the destruction of Alderaan, you would have advised against it.”

    “No,” I shook my head angrily. “I would want you to intervene.”

    The Seer was almost to the door when he turned and looked back at me. “You can’t have it both ways, Jedi Tantiss. The seers are not the only individuals who wish to change the fate of the future, but we are the only ones doing so out of pure benevolence.”

    With that he was gone. I dropped back down into my seat and glowered at the door the seer exited. “I hate those guys.”

    My son reached over and put a reassuring hand on my shoulder. “Did he answer your questions, dad.”

    “I want to know who these other people are…the ones who are also trying to change the future.” I gave Marcus a sidelong glance. “And what about these future children of yours? When am I going to become a grandfather?” To be honest I was less concerned about when I would have grandchildren as much as who the mother would be. I have to admit, the talk about arranging a union between Marcus and Princess Allana was a bit disquieting.

    Marcus rolled his eyes. “I don’t know dad. It is impossible to see my own future. Just by looking at it in the time stream changes its course.” He smiled slightly. “All I know is all my children are redheads.”

    “What?” I sat stunned knowing Allana had bright red-gold hair like her mother.

    He tried to keep a straight face but couldn’t. “I’m kidding. I know grandpa probably told you about Cousin Jacen trying to get an invitation to the kingdom.”

    I let out a relieved breath. “Not funny.”

    He laughed. “You don’t have to worry either way. Allana is farther removed from me genetically than a second cousin.”

    I looked at him confused. “What do you mean?”

    He gave a slight shrug of his shoulder. “Grandpa’s genetics were altered. His genes differ from the Grand Master. He may have started out as a Luke Skywalker clone, but he was changed. Allana is as genetically diverse from me as a fourth or fifth cousin.”

    That statement gave me pause. “Marcus, I have a couple questions. First off, how could you possibly know the extent of your grandfather’s genetic manipulation?”

    His eyes widened for a split second before he regained his composure. “It is just based on looks. Grandpa doesn’t look much like the Grand Master, does he?”

    That answer made sense. “Okay.”

    “What’s your other question?”

    “Allana is more like a fourth or fifth cousin…that sounds like you took some time to figure that out. Why?”

    “No reason.” He blushed and turned away. “Okay, when I found out my mother was considering an arranged marriage I looked up a current holo of the princess.”

    I waited for him to continue, but he lapsed into silence. “And…” I prompted.

    He closed his eyes and gave an irritated sound. “And…and nothing.” He fidgeted in his chair nervously as his calm regal façade crumpled revealing a normal twelve-year-old boy. “Dad, do I have to talk about this?” I didn’t answer but continued staring at my son making him squirm some more. “Dad, I just wanted to see what she looked like and I realized she’s okay looking for a girl.”

    I laughed out loud. “Hence the calculation of, ‘How closely related are we really’ began.”

    His face burned in embarrassment as he quickly stood. “I think I’ll go see how grandpa is doing.”

    I decided to drop the subject and stood with him. “That sounds like a good idea.”
    Chyntuck likes this.
  22. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    I hope all the Tantisses stay alive and be happy.
    Talon and his father are nice and a marriage between Marcus and Allana ;)
  23. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    I would like to match Marcus and Allana up for Allana's sake. Marcus wouldn't try to assassinate her. But Americans get really queasy when it comes to cousins marrying. They are technically second cousins, but since Mark's DNA was altered Marcus is probably more genetically different from his cousins than people think. Still, I have another OC in mind for him, but I don't know if I will continue this DDC next year or not.

    Thanks for reading. I have been crazy busy lately. I forced myself to sit down and write today so I can get my first post in before the 16th. It is really short.


    Entry 28

    I was following Marcus down to the infirmary when we heard what sounded like my mother calling out in alarm. We ran into the sickbay only to find my father trying to pull my mom into the hospital bed with him. She was playfully screeching at his embarrassingly awkward attempt at seduction.

    My brother was standing in an adjoining lab with a queasy expression on his face while he shook his head and rolled his eyes. When he saw me he pointed to my dad, “If you thought he acted like a lovesick pup in the past, he’s actually gotten worse after his injury. I guess a blast of the darkside doesn’t hurt one’s libido.”

    “You’re mother loves bad boys,” my dad laughed, making me cringe at the suggestion.

    Marcus made a face at his amorous grandparents. “Ewww,” he groaned before my mother finally broke free of my father’s playful grasp. She stepped away from the bed and straightened her dress while trying to keep a straight face. “Sorry, your father hasn’t seen me in weeks.” When my dad’s hand reached out to touch hers she smacked it away. “You need to sleep.”

    “I can’t sleep without you near me,” my dad complained as he made a pitiful face.

    Although the thought of my aging parents being so affectionate was disturbing, it was good to see my dad awake and not trying to kill people.

    My brother walked over to my father’s bedside and scanned him with some type of medical device. “I don’t know how he's awake. The ship physician gave him enough sedatives to drop a bantha.” He checked the readouts on the device and frowned. “His metabolism is hyped up. The drugs are being broken down too easily.”

    “That’s okay,” my father said. “I feel fine now.” He tried to get out of bed but my brother pushed him back down. “Dad, you could have gotten yourself killed on Bastion. You were out of control and nobody knows why. Until we are positive you are back to normal you are staying in bed.”

    It looked like he was going to protest but my mother stopped him. “Mark, sweetie, you had an ignited lightsaber in your hand when I came in to see you. What if you didn’t come to your senses? What if you swung that weapon?”

    My dad shook his head adamantly. “I would never hurt you.”

    My mom gave a soft nod of her head. “I know, but please humor me and stay in the infirmary until you are cleared to leave.”

    My father sighed deeply, obviously not relishing the idea. My mother leaned down and whispered something in his ear, which clearly lifted his mood. “You promise,” he said with a grin.

    She gave him a wink. “I promise.”

    “Mom,” I groused loudly. “Please promise me you will never ever tell me what you just whispered to dad?”

    “That I can guarantee.” She walked past me to the exit. “If you will excuse me, I have some preparations to make.”

    I was about to ask her, ‘Preparations for what’, but decided against it. I went over to my father’s bedside and pulled up a seat. “Dad, can you tell me what happened?”

    My dad nodded solemnly. “I told you it was a Sith meditation sphere. It has the ability to focus the darkside. It magnifies it.” He paused and gave a shuddering breath. “I have always been plagued with darkness…and when I destroyed it and that blast of Sith energy hit me that darkness was intensified. It was disorientating.”

    I leaned forward and put a comforting hand on my father’s forearm. “But you’re okay, aren’t you dad? The darkness is gone, isn’t it? I mean, let me know if I can help.”

    He nodded as he brought his other hand to cover mine. “There is one thing you can do for me.”

    “Anything,” I said adamantly.

    His lips twitched like he was suppressing a smile. “Join me and we can rule the galaxy as father and son.”

    I gazed at him in shock for a second before my dad started laughing. “The look on your face. That’s priceless.”

    My brother guffawed behind me. “He pulled that one on me earlier.” He grinned widely. “You should see the look on his face when I told him ‘Sure, that sounds great’.”

    Marcus raised his hand. “Can I rule with you too?”

    I stood and glared at my son. “Don’t even joke about that. Neither of you.”

    “Sorry,” my father said. “You worry too much. You thought I went all Sith when I was on Myrkr.”

    “Give me a break, Dad,” I said derisively as I looked around to make sure only my family was in earshot. “You’re eyes were yellow, there was a dead woman in the barracks that you admitted killing and you kept stunning Jacen with your blaster.”

    He gave a shrug. “Point taken.”

    “Plus, you are a clone developed by the crazed darksider Joruus C’baoth for the sole purpose of helping him conquer the galaxy.”

    “That’s debatable,” my father insisted. “If I was supposed to help C’baoth how come I wasn’t there fighting along side of the other clone? Why was I still in stasis when they knew the assault team was coming?”

    “Dad, the point is, my concerns are not without merit.” I rubbed my temples where a headache was forming behind my eyes. “Dad, Uncle Luke is going to want to talk to you and I promised Kyp you would give a full report to Emperor Fel.”

    “There’s nothing to report.”

    I gave him a knowing look. “The same way that there was nothing to report about your run in with the Emperor Reborn.” I stepped forward and stared at my father intently. “Dad, did you gain knowledge from that sphere? Do you know anything about its origin? Does it have anything to do with the pirate problem in the Empire?”

    He simply shrugged. “I saw a lot of images, but the sphere was ancient. I have no idea if anything I saw was recent.”

    I was surprised he actually revealed any information about the sphere. Usually he keeps silent when it comes to anything Sith. “You have to tell the Grand Master something. If you don’t give a report, Luke or Mara will be on the first ship to Indupar to check up on you. I suggest we go to the temple and get this out of the way before you return home.” I stepped up next to my son and whispered. “And you stay on this ship and shield.”

    Marcus nodded in agreement. “I’ll let the ship captain know about our change of destination.”

    "Good, I'll get on the comm and let Uncle Luke know we are coming to Coruscant." I left wanting to get away from my father before he sensed my true intentions. I did want him to talk to the Grand Master, but I also knew if my father was still afflicted by the Darkside my Uncle and Aunt would immediately sense it. Dad seemed normal, but one can never be too careful.
    Chyntuck likes this.
  24. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 7

    Aug 21, 2006
    His dad should be normal I hope. Love how he discusses things
  25. Jedi_Lover

    Jedi_Lover Chosen One star 5

    Nov 1, 2004
    Thanks! I appreciate you reading and taking the time to review.

    Entry 29

    Once arriving in orbit around Coruscant, my parents, along with my brother and I, took an Indupar shuttle to the Jedi Temple docking bay. There my former Master, Mara Jade Skywalker, met us. My father was the first off the shuttle. He limped over to Mara and grabbed the Jedi Master up in a big hug. “Hey Sis,” he said with a wide smile.

    Despite being a Luke Skywalker clone, my father saw Mara as family far more than the Grand Master himself. Dad said it was because Mara was the first person to befriend him and she stood by his side during the most difficult time of his life. When he decided to be his own man and disguise his resemblance to my Uncle Luke he dyed his hair and eyes to be the same red and green as my aunt’s. He even told people he was Mara’s brother, therefore firmly establishing the Tantiss and Skywalker families as related.

    My aunt smiled as she stepped out of his embrace. “I see you are still getting in trouble.” She looked over to my mom. “Kira, you are going to have to put a leash on this guy.”

    “I’ll get right on that,” my mother said with a soft laugh. “But with his damaged leg, I don’t think I have to worry about him straying too far while here.”

    Mara looked down at my father’s twisted prosthetic limb and frowned. “You know we have to special order those extra large sizes.” She grinned. “Unless you want a cybernetic Wookiee limb.”

    “Funny,” my father groused. “I was told Luke wants a full debrief.”

    Mara shook her head. “You’ll be giving me the brief. Luke is not here right now.”

    My brow rose slightly. I am fairly certain the Grand Master is available, but he probably thinks Mara would be the person most likely to get the truth out of my father.

    “Sure,” my dad said as he waved me over to his side. “Talon was there. We’ll let you know everything we can.” He turned to my mother and brother. “We’ll meet you later at Jaden’s quarters.”

    We followed Mara to her office where we took seats in front of her desk. “Where’s Luke?” my father asked.

    As Mara sat down in her desk chair I noticed a flash of worry cross her face. “He’s talking to Hanna and Valin about something that happened on Ramis XII.”

    “Hanna and Valin?” I said questioningly. “Valin didn’t put the moves on Hanna did he?”

    Mara glowered at me. “No…or if he did, Hanna is not complaining. They had a run-in with that antislavery group…or whatever they are.”

    My father and I both sat forward in our seats extremely interested. “What do you mean by run in?”

    Mara opened her mouth to answer but then closed it and instead grabbed her datapad off her desk. “I think it is easier to just show you.” She pushed a few buttons on the device before passing it over to my father. I scooted my chair closer to my dad so I could see what he was watching. “This was taken by Hanna’s body Holovid recorder.”

    We watched as the imaged captured from Hanna’s recorder moved through brush and then up over a ridge. From her location she could see a battle raging between a small outpost and a large number of jumptroop ships floating overhead. I watched as dozens and dozens of jump troopers performed precision jumps to the ground below before advancing on the outpost with blasters in hand.

    “We should get closer,” I heard Valin’s voice somewhere off camera. Hanna turned and I could see the Jedi pointing to something in the distance. “Our informant was right. They are stealing the slaves. You can see them being forced into personnel craft.”

    There was a roar overhead and I could see another landing craft approaching the warzone. “We’ve been spotted.” Hanna turned and I could see Valin looking up at something overhead.

    “Stang!” He unclipped his lightsaber and activated it just as a dozen jumptroopers in battle armor and full-face helmets landed around them. By then Hanna activated her blade and pointed it at the nearest trooper.

    “Stay back.” She flicked the blade slightly warding off the helmeted soldier.

    The troopers were armed, but they didn't point their weapons at the Jedi. Instead they silently stared at her for a moment before looking back and forth towards each other. I knew those head movements. They were talking to each other via their helmet comlink.

    “You all are under arrest,” Valin said boldly.

    I still couldn’t hear a word from the troopers but by the movement of their shoulders I knew they were laughing. Finally one activated his external speaker system and conversed with the Jedi. “This planet is not part of the Galactic Alliance,” the trooper said with a thick Basic accent. “You have no jurisdiction here.”

    “Neither do you,” Hanna shot back.

    This time I did hear a chuckle from the trooper. “Do you know who I am?”

    “No,” came Hanna’s response.

    “Then how do you know I don’t have jurisdiction?”

    Hanna turned toward Valin who gave a shrug of his shoulder. “It doesn’t matter who you are. We’re not going to allow you to steal slaves for your own benefit.”

    I could hear the distinct sound of another jump trooper descending and then the loud impact of boots on the ground. Hanna swung around to see a jump trooper with a gold cape standing to the rear of his men. “So, we can’t steal slaves, but it is acceptable for the original slavers to keep them?”

    Hanna’s holovid shook and I realize she was probably shaking her head at that comment. “There shouldn’t be any slaves. They should be free.”

    The man stepped forward, his troops making a hole for him to pass. It was then that I noticed the lightsaber on his belt. “Then why hasn’t the Galactic Alliance freed them?” He gestured in the direction of the firefight. “That is what we're doing here. We are executing an operation that the Alliance should have done years ago.”

    As he moved closer I could see Valin’s blade jab at the man, keeping him at bay. I was very surprised when the armored trooper backslapped the tip of Valin’s blade away from him. “Don’t point that thing at me unless you want a ship full of Phrik clad troopers on your ass.” The man lifted his hand and showed Hanna and Valin that his gauntlet was not damaged. “Our armor is made out of Phrik infused with refined cortosis. It is impenetrable to lightsabers.”

    “We have more than lightsabers at our disposal,” Valin hissed before reaching out a hand and Force-shoving the man back three meters and onto his butt. It was then that the other troopers moved forward to defend their leader. Valin tried the same technique on them, but nothing happened. I almost laughed when he looked down at his hand mystified…like the Force misfired. The urge to laugh quickly passed as the troopers grabbed up the two Jedi and disarmed them. Hanna was being twisted around but eventually she was facing in the direction of the leader. He stood, mumbling profanities and brushing dirt off his armor. “Okay, you got the jump on me that time.” He gestured toward his men. "But as you can see your Force-tricks don’t work on all of us. And unless you want to get hurt, I suggest you don’t try that again.”

    “What are you going to do with us?” I heard Valin ask.

    The mask man looked at Valin and then Hanna. “Nothing. We are leaving and you are not going to follow us. We spotted your shuttle a kilometer away and I had my men pull out some important pieces. It will eventually fly again, but it may take a few hours to repair.”

    “Why are you doing this?” Hanna questioned the man.

    He stared at her for a long pause. “Because it should be done…and because I can. Now go home Hanna.”

    It was then he shot up into the sky followed by his men.

    As the holovid ended I looked over to my visibly shaken father. He handed the datapad back to my aunt and cleared his throat. “Is Hanna and Valin alight?”

    She took the proffered datapad and nodded. “They weren’t harmed, and that’s surprising after seeing the destruction at the slaver facility. Everything was burned to the ground, along with their ships.”

    “Were there any survivors?”

    “Yes,” my aunt said slowly. “There were a few casualties, but most of the slavers were stunned, but the slaves are missing.”

    “He must be a Jedi,” I interjected. “He not only had a lightsaber, but he knew Hanna by name.”

    I can see my aunt chewing on her lip in thought. “The entire Skywalker family is renowned…especially the only daughter of the Grandmaster.” She took in a deep breath before letting it out abruptly. Eventually, she looked up and smiled. “There is a upside to this. You two are now off the Chief-of-State’s list of possible suspects when it comes to the identity of the lightsaber brandishing jumptrooper. This holovid was taken while you two were on Bastion.”

    My brow furrowed. “Should that even be in question? The leader is less than two meters in height. That is why we were ruled out after the first sighting.”

    Mara sat back in her chair. “The last sighting was based solely on eye-witnesses and eyewitnesses are notoriously wrong. It didn’t definitively exclude anybody, but this holovid did. The Galactic Alliance computer experts analyzed the images and by comparing him to the background rocks and trees it was determined that this man is slightly over two meters in height. We can account for the whereabouts of every Jedi Jump trooper at that time including you two. Plus voice analysis rules out all of our Jedi.”

    “Voice comparisons don’t work when words are processed through the communication systems of Jump Armor,” my father pointed out. “Their voices are altered slightly.”

    My aunt gave my father a tight smile. “Why don’t you keep that fact to yourself. At this point the Chief-of-State has shifted his focus from the Jedi to other possible suspects. I’d like to keep it that way.”

    My father nodded. “That’s fine with me.”

    “Good.” My aunt pulled a voice recorder out of her desk and activated it. “I’d like to get to your debriefing about what happened in Imperial Space.”

    My dad started to speak, but my Aunt interrupted. “From the beginning. I’d like to know everything that happened from the time you arrived on Bastion until now.”

    My dad gave a pained expression. “That’s going to take a while.”

    “That’s fine,” my aunt said. “I have all day.”
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