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Does Chewbacca get to come back in Episode III??

Discussion in 'Prequel Trilogy' started by PeterMayhew, Feb 6, 2001.

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  1. PeterMayhew

    PeterMayhew Chewbacca the Wookiee star 1 VIP

    Feb 6, 2001
    My favorite "powerful" scene is from Empire when Han goes out to find Luke and they close the doors at night. Chewie was totally distraught at the thought of not seeing Han again. Thanks for the question
  2. Jay

    Jay Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 1, 1998
    The same with me. Probably the same for anyone who's not older than about 25. I always knew Vader was Luke's dad.
  3. PeterMayhew

    PeterMayhew Chewbacca the Wookiee star 1 VIP

    Feb 6, 2001
    Chewie merchandise...that's not a difficult question to answer. My favorite piece is the original Chewie mug made in 1977. It's the big one that's about 8 or 9 inches tall. I like most of the Chewie stuff, but some of the sculpts of late have been... well, not too chewie. Most of them are great though. I now have one room of my house dedicated to the character and we are trying to keep it from spilling out into our humble abode. When I moved from England, we took all of the stuff that had been in the attic for 20 years and it is now on display in cabinets. It's nice to be able to share the stuff with guests now.
  4. Kyle Katarn

    Kyle Katarn Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 10, 1998
    Any thoughts about the Holiday Special, Mr. Mayhew???
  5. PeterMayhew

    PeterMayhew Chewbacca the Wookiee star 1 VIP

    Feb 6, 2001
    The Holiday Special...have I not talked about that?? nor do I intend to right now, maybe when I get my courage up!!
  6. Jedi Greg Maddux

    Jedi Greg Maddux Jedi Knight star 6

    Aug 3, 1999
    Did you really bang your head on the pipe in Jabba's Palace in ROTJ? ;)
  7. Kyle Katarn

    Kyle Katarn Force Ghost star 6

    Jul 10, 1998
    I don't recall if you have or not, I was just wondering what you thought of it. But I can understand why you wouldn't want to comment, I cringe knowing that I managed to sit thru the whole thing.

    BTW, Mr. Mayhew, as founder of JCN's SETI@Home group, I would like to humbly ask if you would be willing to join or group.

    In case you don't know, SETI@Home is a screensaver you can download and run which analyzes signals received from radio telescopes and searches the results for extra-terrestrial based radio signals. If you're interested, please take a look at the link in my sig.

  8. Luukeskywalker

    Luukeskywalker Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 23, 1999
    Peter, thanks for answering my question about the "powerful scene".

    Another question that I had (it was several pages ago). I was just curious, how much you knew spoiler-wise, about episode II?

    Are you aware of any of the new charactors' names like Count Dooku, Jango Fett, Madame Jocasta, Cliegg Lars, and Captain Typho?

    Are you also aware of any of the general plot spoilers?

    If you are, which are you aware of? And if you aren't aware, would you like to know a few "spy insider info" to wet your whistle for the big movie?

    Its no big deal if you want to stay spoiler free and not know. Many people are. It's up to you.

    But things like plot spoilers and charactor names are things that the average Joe just doesn't know about at this point. Only the internet Star Wars know right now, along with the cast and crew of course.

    Thanks for your time.
  9. FandomsLink

    FandomsLink Jedi Youngling

    Dec 13, 2000
    Hello Peter, If you haven't done it as yet tonight, you might want to mention that you will be in Omaha, Nebraska, May 4-5-6, to meet your fans and friends at the ALPHACON event. And along with you will be Anthony Daniels, Warwick Davis and the cast and crew of TheForce.Net,Nicole, Josh and Jeff. Should be a good time had by all.
  10. PeterMayhew

    PeterMayhew Chewbacca the Wookiee star 1 VIP

    Feb 6, 2001
    Luukeskywalker, thank you for offering the spoiler info but I, like many would rather not know. I know that there are many people posting here who would normally not go to the spoiler room, let's also keep it "spoiler free" for them. Thank you again for the offer.
  11. Jay

    Jay Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 1, 1998
    I wish I could go, but it would require money, and I'm just a poor college student.
  12. PeterMayhew

    PeterMayhew Chewbacca the Wookiee star 1 VIP

    Feb 6, 2001
    Ramen Noodles, pizza delivery and duct tape for Jay...see, I do know about poor college students...
  13. Jay

    Jay Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 1, 1998
    Wow, that's right! I always knew Chewie could use the Force! ;)
  14. Luukeskywalker

    Luukeskywalker Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 23, 1999
    Good point Peter.

    I guess because TFN announced on their main page that you were visiting the boards, many people who don't normally come to this spoiler area (Ep 2 and 3 forum) have come, so this should now be officially declared spoiler free.

    BTW, when was the last time you talked to Mark, Harrison, or Carrie? What about Billy Dee?

  15. Luukeskywalker

    Luukeskywalker Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 23, 1999
    Oh, and how could I forget about George.

    When was the last time you talked to George Lucas?

    Okay thats it.

    Thanks again.

  16. PeterMayhew

    PeterMayhew Chewbacca the Wookiee star 1 VIP

    Feb 6, 2001
    I did see Billy Dee several times during the Ep I premier season. I haven't seen the others in ages. Saw Carrie at the MTV Awards of course. Someone told me that they saw an interview with Harrison where he was asked about his favorite on-screen kiss. He claimed it was Chewbacca!! At least that's the rumor. I laughed, what a great side-step.
  17. cable1996

    cable1996 Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 4, 2001
    Mr Mayhew,

    Here's a simple question.

    Whats your favorite drink?
  18. PeterMayhew

    PeterMayhew Chewbacca the Wookiee star 1 VIP

    Feb 6, 2001
    My favorite drinks are the ones at the end of the day at a convention when I get to meet with a few of the day's attendees at the hotel bar and say "cheers" favorite beer is "Old Peculiar" from my old home of Yorkshire. It's the beer you can eat with a fork. I have purchased it here in America as well though. I have taken a great fancy to this American drink you call Dr. Pepper as well.
  19. Luukeskywalker

    Luukeskywalker Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 23, 1999
    Oh, yes!!!

    I saw that with Harrison!!!

    That was on The Jay Leno Show.

    I remember laughing.

    Jay had the audience write on a peice of paper questions to Harrison. And some lady asked "Which co-star is the best kisser?"

    And Harrison paused for a moment and said "Chewbacca"

    When Harrison said that, even Jay almost died of laughter. The whole audience roared!!!

    If you ever catch the Tonight Show with Jay Leno when Harrison is on there, he is always funny.

    I like his laid back funny attitude. It's much like mine:)

    By the way, my best friend named his dog Chewie. He calls him "Chew-Chews."

    It looks like a Wookie. (Brown, thick hair)

    I haven't talked to him since you came on here and graciously started chatting with us. I will tell him and he will die!!!
  20. Jay

    Jay Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 1, 1998
    Whenever someone talks about Jay Leno -- or any other Jay -- here, for a second I always think they're talking about me. :)

    Dr. Pepper is ok. I prefer Henry Weinhards rootbeer over IBC's, though.
  21. Imperial Politician

    Imperial Politician Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 9, 1999
    The doctor has hooked another with his potent potion.
  22. Jay

    Jay Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Dec 1, 1998
    Mr. Mayhew, do you think you never had any scenes with Yoda, 'cause everyone was afraid you'd accidently step on him? ;)
  23. ChewiesMom

    ChewiesMom Jedi Youngling star 2

    Apr 28, 2000
    Good grief! Peter, sorry I'm so late to this SW party. as you can see, TFN has the BEST SW fans ever! My youngest daughter's nickname is Chewie. Her 9th birthday will be in May. We originally called her Chewie 'cause she's "always thinking with her stomache", but now we call her Chewie 'cause she likes being called Chewie. She is THRILLED that you are on this thread. Thanks for stopping by! God bless!
  24. chitwood

    chitwood TheForce.Net co-owner star 4 VIP

    May 12, 1999
    Ah yes, Dr. Pepper is our friend.

    Won't Alphacon be a blast?


  25. Luukeskywalker

    Luukeskywalker Force Ghost star 5

    Jun 23, 1999
    Josh, just wanted to let you know how gracious Mr. Mayhew has been to us.

    What a pleasant suprise these last few days have been for us.
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