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Dragon*Con 2004

Discussion in 'Archive: Atlanta, GA' started by Meriwyn, Jul 6, 2004.

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  1. Minacia_Brightstar

    Minacia_Brightstar Jedi Youngling star 5

    May 23, 2001
    LOL! Dylan and Michael from Nashville! They so got into character. [face_laugh]
  2. RosieWook

    RosieWook Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 5, 2000
    They were acting? [face_mischief]

    (Sorry. Couldn't resist. There was SUCH a huge, wide-open statement made!)
  3. RagingBantha

    RagingBantha Jedi Youngling

    Feb 11, 2004
    the chicken biscuit that I jacked from a buffet line (which I grew attached too and named C.B.)finally met his demise at the hands of the trashcan monster. Many 3rd world country kids cried out and were suddenly silenced. I hated to do it, but the little guy was getting cold and wierder by the second...I had no other choice. C.B. , Forgive me.
  4. Minacia_Brightstar

    Minacia_Brightstar Jedi Youngling star 5

    May 23, 2001
    Poor C.B. :(

    What a waste of a perfectly good chicken biscuit. :p
  5. Toymaster

    Toymaster Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 19, 2002
    Greetings from Nashvegas!

    Hey, those Wayne & Garth guys look great! What a couple of pros.

    Nice seeing everybody this weekend! We certainly had an excellent time. It was a blast!
  6. Nabooty_Call

    Nabooty_Call Former RSA / Obi-Wan Impersonator star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 11, 2000
    Whoa, I had no idea that was Dylan and Michael as Garth and Wayne, LOL!!! Wish we'd gotten a pic of you two with me and Jeff as Dark Helmet and Princess Vespa's Stunt Double! :D

    Thanks again to the Hothlanta Rebels for the FanForce dinner, Mr. STAR WARS contest, and everything else y'all did to make this Dragon*Con such a great time! Hopefully next year we'll have a bigger Dallas contingent joining us for Dragon*Con 2005.

    And apologies for my (suck-up) nervous acceptance speech after the add to it, I hereby promise to represent the office of Mr. STAR WARS to the best of my geek abilities, and to promote fandom in all its many shapes and forms as my formidable super-dork powers will allow.

    And remember, kiddies:



  7. Bria

    Bria Manager Emeritus, -MNFF Council star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 15, 1999
    Heh. Nice title and wonderful participating in Mr. Star Wars. :cool:
  8. NOOM

    NOOM Jedi Youngling star 1

    Feb 10, 2002
    hey the only ones i saw at the con was her highness brightstar, paula, and darkrider guess i didn't visit the table enough had a great time as always great to see you guys again HEY ian like the part you played in the trooper video at the EP.III screening very cool
    noom out
  9. RosieWook

    RosieWook Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 5, 2000
    How every cool! You are wearing your title proudly, Nabooty!

    And wasn't easy to find everyone this weekend. We all tend to scatter to play with our out-of-town friends, so we end up not hanging out together at D*C.

    And the film? It not only had Darkrider, but Jimmy (the trooper who is in therapy and one of the Imperial officers) and Evan (the trooper who keeps trying to hit on everyone and who actually scores a shot after falling).

    I can't remember who else was in there. But it's a great film and the winner of the Best Comedy award, this year. (
  10. Jace Darkrider

    Jace Darkrider Jedi Youngling star 3

    Dec 30, 1998
    I had a great time as well. Congrats to Nabooty_call as this year's Mr. Star Wars.

    Rosiewook is right though. Too many people to see from out of town. This is the one chance to get together with them I usually have. I still see my GA friends and did hang out with quite a few of them at night, but during the day I'm off doing panels, shopping and hanging out with the out of towners. I suspect most of us locals are like that too.

    As for the 'Recuitment' fan film, it was a blast to make. The video had several local 501st members in it. Jedireject (Jimmy), Evan Reynolds, Adam Ellis (Ashtep), John Ward (Obi-John) and Mrs. Darkrider (Anita) were all in it. Evan & Jimmy also played officers. I guess I'm recognizable because I get to die so often, LOL.

    Ah, only another year left until D*C05. Post con depression is setting in now...<<sigh>>...
  11. jedi-ES

    jedi-ES Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 7, 2002
    Hey all,

    Just coming over here to say that DragonCon was great and I appreciate all that the Hothlanta Rebels did to make it so.

    The recruitment film was very creative and a hilarious jab at those sharp-shooting stormtroopers that we all know and love. And I thought the atmosphere was more relaxed and fun than last year -- and it will only get better next.

    And I want to thank all who came to the panel that myself and Jedi Scholar hosting on Saturday night before Mr. Star Wars. It was a great discussion.

    And speaking of Mr. Star Wars, I thought that the Mr. Star Wars Contest (and your wonderful likeness to good ol' Ewan Nabooty Call ) was one of the funniest things I have ever seen in my life. All I keep hearing in mind even now is...

    Crockett! Crockett! Crockett!
  12. Bria

    Bria Manager Emeritus, -MNFF Council star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 15, 1999
    If anyone wants to check them out, I put some pictures online here. :)
  13. Toymaster

    Toymaster Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 19, 2002
    Whoa! Who's that guy at the silent auction with the crazy eyes? Has on a nice looking t-shirt though... :D

    Anyway, Hothlanta Rebels know how to PARTY!!!
  14. Bria

    Bria Manager Emeritus, -MNFF Council star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 15, 1999
    The shirt was pretty sweet. Of course whoever he was ;) didn't put it up for auction. :mad: I'm sure it would've made a bit.
  15. Minacia_Brightstar

    Minacia_Brightstar Jedi Youngling star 5

    May 23, 2001
    I don't recall Wayne and Garth joining the Hothlanta Rebels? :p

    But, they're more than welcome to join us. ;)

    My question right now is...will we see them at the next Dragon*Con?

    EDIT: Great pictures, Bria. :D
  16. Toymaster

    Toymaster Jedi Master star 4

    Jan 19, 2002
    Hmmm...that's kinda up the air right now, because, um, Wayne's parents 40th wedding anniversary will be next year during Dragon*Con weekend so I...uh, I mean Wayne might not be able to make it. Never know, maybe you'll see Wayne & Garth at CIII!
  17. Hama

    Hama Retired GSA, Retired RSA star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 14, 2000
    If not, there's always WayneCon in Aurora.

    If you book them, they will come...
  18. Minacia_Brightstar

    Minacia_Brightstar Jedi Youngling star 5

    May 23, 2001
  19. Nathan_P_Butler

    Nathan_P_Butler Author, Star Wars Tales #21 star 4 VIP

    May 23, 2003
    Hey, all. Local Atlanta Metro (Fairburn) guy (and new SW author) here. In case you missed the Star Wars Fan Audio Revolution panel at DC '04 (or '03 or ConCarolinas '04 even), since I know a lot of people took off before it was held early on the last day of the con, there's a recording of the panel(s) on our site (the panel sponsor),

    It's under "Convention Coverage" in this section:
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