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Expanded Universe Defense Force

Discussion in 'EU Community' started by Jedi Merkurian , May 11, 2002.

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  1. Yoda_Kid

    Yoda_Kid Jedi Youngling

    Sep 2, 2002
    Its 85 here in New Jersey
  2. Kwenn

    Kwenn Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Mar 30, 2001
    Seeing as Yoda_Kid's asked to join, please welcome him! He's now Cadet 15
  3. Jedi_Liz

    Jedi_Liz Jedi Grand Master star 6

    Apr 24, 2000
    yeah, and in the Union comic they said something about "love can't be of the darkside"...........

    Maybe Tionne did study those data disks......
  4. DVader316

    DVader316 Jedi Knight star 7

    Feb 18, 2000
    Welcome, Cadet. :)
  5. Yoda_Kid

    Yoda_Kid Jedi Youngling

    Sep 2, 2002
    Thank you Kwenn for letting me in to the EUDF
  6. Friend_of_Skylark

    Friend_of_Skylark Jedi Knight star 5

    May 19, 2002
    but why exactly did Luke decide to throw it out? I mean it's all well and good for him as his wife is a jedi as well, but others, like Corran Horn, it's gotta be hard to solidify a relationship like that...
  7. Kwenn

    Kwenn Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Mar 30, 2001
    It's OK, just make sure you are a good ally! :)
  8. trianiigirl

    trianiigirl Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 21, 2002
    Welcome, Yoda_Kid!

    *feeling special 'cause she's on Kwenn's Watched Users List* [face_blush] 8-}
  9. DVader316

    DVader316 Jedi Knight star 7

    Feb 18, 2000
    Kwenn seems to be breaking hearts all over the place these days. ;)
  10. Nichos_Marr

    Nichos_Marr Jedi Padawan star 4

    Oct 26, 2001
    but why exactly did Luke decide to throw it out? I mean it's all well and good for him as his wife is a jedi as well, but others, like Corran Horn, it's gotta be hard to solidify a relationship like that...

    Luke bases his teachings on compassion, as it is the most important virtue in his opinion. Maybe he thought the Old Jedi Order was less compassionate with the no-marriage rule. Besides, I doubt he'd let a padawan marry :p

  11. Friend_of_Skylark

    Friend_of_Skylark Jedi Knight star 5

    May 19, 2002
    True, but that kind of relationship still has to be hard and cause all kinds of pain and frustration which is probably why the old order nixed it in the first place.

    Was there some kind of sect that did allow marriage? I remember reading that somewhere
  12. DVader316

    DVader316 Jedi Knight star 7

    Feb 18, 2000
    Didnt the Corellian Jedi of the Prequel Era marry frequently ?
  13. Friend_of_Skylark

    Friend_of_Skylark Jedi Knight star 5

    May 19, 2002
    That's what I thought...
  14. Isbeth

    Isbeth Jedi Master star 4

    Aug 28, 2001
    I think you are right DV.

    Welcome YodaKid!

    JediStryker, well honored person who watches me. Did you know that there are only 2 astronomers in all of Iceland? And they are mighty cute too. :) How's the sky at night? Seen any aurora lately? The sun has been active with lots of spots the last two days.

    All my astronomy kids passed their first quiz! :)

    Did you see I made the front page of TF.N! They used my real name.
  15. Nichos_Marr

    Nichos_Marr Jedi Padawan star 4

    Oct 26, 2001
    True, but that kind of relationship still has to be hard and cause all kinds of pain and frustration which is probably why the old order nixed it in the first place.

    Was there some kind of sect that did allow marriage? I remember reading that somewhere

    Some of the first things Jedi taught were calming techniques. The Light Side can be used to subdue pain or calm the mind. That's why I think only Jedi Knights and Masters should be able to marry. They've established themselves as able to control their emotions.

    And the Corellian Jedi did allow marriage because they didn't agree with the entire Jedi code.
  16. Boba_Fett_123

    Boba_Fett_123 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 6, 2002
    Alpha 2 logging in. Anything good going on?
  17. Friend_of_Skylark

    Friend_of_Skylark Jedi Knight star 5

    May 19, 2002
    but control the emotions of others? I'm not talking about the jedi half of the relationship. It takes two to tango and it's got to be hard for the mate of a jedi with them being gone all the time doing jedi stuff. I just don't see how Mirax handles it. Even her son is at the academy... it's just gotta suck for a non force sensitive to be involved in a relationshp with a jedi knight.

    On an aside, why arnt' there any gays in Star Wars? The closest thing is C-3PO... :p
  18. Boba_Fett_123

    Boba_Fett_123 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 6, 2002
    There arent any gays because SW is child-friendly.

    That being said, I'm sure there'll be some in the NJO.
  19. Friend_of_Skylark

    Friend_of_Skylark Jedi Knight star 5

    May 19, 2002
    since when were gays harmful to children?? Gays never affected me as a child one way or another...
  20. Boba_Fett_123

    Boba_Fett_123 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 6, 2002
    In today's world, you can't even SAY gay without parents getting all uppity.

    My HIGH SCHOOL teachers aren't allowed to reference R-rated films. That's how bad it is.
  21. DVader316

    DVader316 Jedi Knight star 7

    Feb 18, 2000
    Okay, guys, Im off to go continue reading Jericho Moon. Ill either be back later tonight or sometime tomorrow. Later !!
  22. Friend_of_Skylark

    Friend_of_Skylark Jedi Knight star 5

    May 19, 2002
    Today's world isn't that uptight. Where do you live?
  23. Boba_Fett_123

    Boba_Fett_123 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 6, 2002
    South Jersey. The people here go nuts over anything having the slightest bit to do with sex.
  24. Friend_of_Skylark

    Friend_of_Skylark Jedi Knight star 5

    May 19, 2002
    That's weird, I'm from Delaware, which isn't far at all it's like gay-state!
  25. Boba_Fett_123

    Boba_Fett_123 Jedi Padawan star 4

    Aug 6, 2002
    I never said there weren't gays. People here just feel uncomfortable with the topic, for some reason. My family wasn't born here, so we blame it on the water.
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