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Jedi / Light Side female jedi costume ideas

Discussion in 'Costuming and Props' started by jedichic07, Nov 25, 2004.

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  1. Handmaiden_Dorme

    Handmaiden_Dorme Jedi Youngling star 2

    Sep 29, 2005
    I just bought the tv jedi battle game thing, and i wanted to make a jedi costume to wear while playing it. . . Yes, im an immature 16 yr old. anyway, i was thinking about making a white under tunic with bell sleeves that has a V-neck. Then a kinda fitted tan or light brown over tunic that goes down to about mid thigh with a V-neck that is slightly lower than the under tunic, so you can see the white. Then on the belt have like half tabbards but only one hanging down the front and back down to about knee length. and then of course have pants and boots.

    What do you guys think?

    Any help with patterns and what not would be appeciated. I'm probably going to go have a look for fabrics and patterns later this week.
    H. Dorme
  2. Anakins-Apprentice

    Anakins-Apprentice Jedi Youngling

    Jun 1, 2005

    Just like this person, for my film I'm going to use different concepts from games. I looked into the concept art in the Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith game for women Jedi costumes. That's just my source and eventually I'll be able to make somthing around the lines of that type of clothing. That may be somthing you would like to look at.
  3. VillieGee

    VillieGee Jedi Youngling star 3

    Oct 30, 2002
    There's plenty of Jedi costume stuff in this thread already. Everything you need is there.
  4. Nidrail

    Nidrail Moderator Emeritus star 3 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Dec 2, 2005
    Hey all!! just updated with some Barriss Offee costume drawings... wow, there's so much more to the costume than we had known before!! Now I really want to do that costume!! It'll be at least another year, though.... gotta buncha other costumes to do first... :)
    Here's the link to the page the three pictures are on. :)
    main page
    and new info...
  5. Sister_Sola

    Sister_Sola Manager Emeritus star 4 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Nov 19, 2002
    Unlocked for recent query :)
  6. MirkyJedi

    MirkyJedi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Oct 7, 2008
    I found a thread perfect for my needs.

    My sister and I want to make two Jedi outfits, but we're not sure where to start.
    I'm hoping that someone here has finished a Jedi outfit themselves and will give an inside look on how you did it.
    The Simplicity pattern #5840 looks...well..lame.( We're hoping for something a little more feminine perhaps.

    What do you guys suggest? Any help is really appreciated! [face_praying]
  7. Amanita

    Amanita Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 12, 2003
    Try looking outside the costume part of the pattern book. Lately I've noticed some really good patterns in the normal part of the pattern book which can be used to make Jedi tunics. Some of them are tailored to the female body, others are more voluminous.
    Even the costume pattern can be salvaged- keep the tunic and pants, but ditch the cheesy tabards and sash, and make your own.
  8. Benae_Quee

    Benae_Quee Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 15, 2002
    A really good way to make it more girly is to use a long flowy skirt instead of pants :) If you prefer pants, try a pair of leggings instead. I always found that women looked better in tighter pants instead of big bulky pants.

    Here's a link to my costume I recently finished...

  9. Amanita

    Amanita Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 12, 2003
    I'll second that. Butterick makes a great circle skirt pattern, which consists of two pieces of fabric- a front and a back. It should be in the part of the book where you find the women's skirts, dresses, and pants- not the costume section. I made a skirt from this pattern and love it, it's over 20 feet around the bottom hem. Mind you, I modified it. It calls for a fitted waist with a zipper or something like that- I omitted that feature. I needed to shorten the skirt by a few inches anyhow, so I took those inches from the top of the pattern instead of the bottom. I then used 1" wide bias tape to make an elastic casing, and gave my skirt a gathered elastic waistband instead.

    I love the resulting skirt, it's awesome to walk or dance in- very flowy.

    If skirts are not your thing, I'll also second the leggings. Aww heck, I suggest wearing leggings under the skirt anyhow, for modesty. Especially if you're out in the wind, or staging fight scenes.
  10. MirkyJedi

    MirkyJedi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Oct 7, 2008
    Wow, I love that outfit that you made Benae_Quee. It looks fantastic :)

    Skirts arent my thing really, but the leggings idea sounds great. I can't believe I never thought of that >_>
    This deffinitely gives me alot of idea's for a costume of my own.

    How about belts?
  11. Amanita

    Amanita Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 12, 2003
    Unless you want to get into leather crafting, or do it already, it might be easier simply to buy a belt. There's usually several sellers on ebay who make them. Are you guys looking for screen accuracy, or are these outfits going to be mainly halloween costumes?
  12. MirkyJedi

    MirkyJedi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Oct 7, 2008
    We're looking to make an fairly accurate costume, but simple enough that it wont drain our wallets and leave us completely broke.
  13. Jauhzmynn

    Jauhzmynn Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 16, 2002
    For a feminine Jedi, put a couple of darts in the over tunic to fit it closer to the body. A dart under each breast in front and a couple in the back. it'll curve the tunic to hug the female frame. If possible, I can get a picture of the pattern copied and iplaoded to a photo site so you can see the darts.

    This is on a male, but can easily be formatted for a female. Look at the under tunic sleeves. They come to a point over the back of the hand.


    An example of the Master faye. Only differance is I've a belt and light saber on. I needed the pouches for some nessasry items.


  14. MirkyJedi

    MirkyJedi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Oct 7, 2008
    Nice costume! :)

    I found an Artist on DeviantArt that shows alot of different Jedi outfits. The best one, by far, is this one.
    For those who are looking for a very feminine look, that really nice looking.
    I may just use the picture as reference for the one I make, except with leggings instead of the skirt.
  15. Benae_Quee

    Benae_Quee Jedi Padawan star 4

    Nov 15, 2002
    That's basically my costume except it has tabbards and a longer tunic (I hate tabbards so I omitted them). My undertunic is wrap tube top and gauntlets, much more comfy that way (cooler).
  16. hyperspace_police

    hyperspace_police Jedi Master star 4

    Jun 22, 2005
    Very nicely done... It looks great!
  17. DarthCemeroX

    DarthCemeroX Jedi Padawan star 4

    Mar 28, 2007
    One girl I saw at a comic con last year had mix of tunic and night gown.

    It was a long skirt that went to about the shins, it was a thin form fitting skirt that had slits up the sides and underneath were either leggings or fishnets. Then the top was a form fitting kimono almost. I wish I had pics because it looked alot better than I can describe it.

    What I dislike about the female jedi costume is the whole borrowing from Ayla secura and maris brood where if all else fails "sports brad and leather pants"
  18. Amanita

    Amanita Jedi Youngling star 2

    May 12, 2003
    The funny thing is- I've got the art book for "The Force Unleashed", and some of the concept art drawings for Maris were more interesting than what she ended up with in the game. No fancy robes, but baggier pants, more interesting tops, and so on.

    I do see your point though- I would rather see more creativity, like the deviantart pic posted above, in Jedi kits rather than see an army of women wearing tight leather pants and bra tops because those are easier to find, and justifying the lack of imagination by citing Aayla and Maris.
  19. Katana_Geldar

    Katana_Geldar Jedi Grand Master star 8

    Mar 3, 2003
    If you can get it, there's Simplicity 4450. It's a men's pattern and it'll need adjustments but it's a good starting point. I managed to get this pattern and I now know how lucky I was as it is VERY RARE.
  20. MirkyJedi

    MirkyJedi Jedi Youngling star 1

    Oct 7, 2008
    We got the Simplicity pattern #5840 and just decided to modify it to fit our own needs. (and due to the fact that they were out of everything else :p)
    Using some old material, my sister and I made a "rough draft" of the tunic (forest green with beige anyone?) and so far so good! All I have to do is somehow modify it to fit me. Its rather big on me but not so much as on my sister. I think it's because she's 5'5" (or 5'6") and I'm only 5'3". One thing that really bothers me is the waist/hip area. If you wrap a belt around my waist, it looks like I have huuuge hips (lol!), but I don't really. How would I fix something like that?
  21. Jauhzmynn

    Jauhzmynn Jedi Padawan star 4

    Jun 16, 2002
    If you're meaning mine, thanks Mirky. I guess I goofed and the image didn't post.:confused:

    I do like the picture you'd posted. That's a neat concept.

    For mine I'd make the under tunic standard style but nore form fitting at the body with the sleeves form fitted to the mid-forearm spreading into a small bell sleeve. (I hope that's the correct term.)
  22. DrPaine

    DrPaine Jedi Youngling

    May 29, 2007
    I've been thiking about doing another female Jedi costume for ages and this is what I've come up with:



    Many apologies that these are links to my devart account. I had no other way of uploading the pictures as the internet restriction at my parents house is such a pain...

    I've made some notes there to give you an idea of what fabrics I want to use etc. Any tips on how make fabric look "worn in" and fresh out of battle would be great and very welcome! I have been playing the Force Unleashed on the PS3 in the last couple of days (AMAZING!!!) and so the costume has been heavily inspired by some of the stuff that Vader's apprentice wears. Especially towards the end.

    Also, if anyone has any ideas about where to get things like belt buckles (plain metal, retangular ones) etc, I would be greatful :)

    I'd love to know what you guys think of the sketches as well!

    Thanks in advance,

    Fran x
  23. del

    del Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jul 4, 2008
    Here is the pattern I used for my Jedi robe, but I did enlarge the hood a bit.

    I'm thinking about using this as the basis for a tunic.

    I picked this one up for my husband. There were a few patterns in this series, looks like something any fantasy costumer would want to have around. I really liked the designs they had.
  24. del

    del Jedi Youngling star 1

    Jul 4, 2008
    I noticed that the pattern numbers aren't as clear as they could be. The first link is for McCall's 7838. The one that I want to use as a tunic is Simplicity 3697. The one for my husband's robe is Simplicity 9887. Has anyone else used either of the last two? Feedback or suggestions?
  25. DrPaine

    DrPaine Jedi Youngling

    May 29, 2007
    So I did make a first draft costume at the weekend and this is the end result:


    I have a tank top (will buy a brown one when I see one...) under a halterneck top made of raw silk in cream, which wraps around the body. Then a sash on the hips, under the belt, brown leggings and like an "open skirt" with brown leather boots.

    I am still missing 2 more belts to be added and leg and arm wraps (similar to those seen on 'Starkiller' in the Force unleashed). I was contemplating making the boots look a bit more like Anakins. I already have a robe from my last costume (based on the robe that Anakin wears in EpII - no sleaves).

    I hope the costume overall is still recognisable as a Jedi, as I really like the design and look to it otherwise. Thoughts etc very welcome. Thanks,


    PS: apologies for the background being cut away. I was in the middle of photomanipulating the picture (hence the saber :p ) when I realised I may want to have a picture of just the costume
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