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Lit Fleet Junkie Flagship- The technical discussions of the GFFA (Capital Ships thread Mk. II)

Discussion in 'Literature' started by AdmiralWesJanson, Sep 12, 2005.

  1. Tzizvvt78

    Tzizvvt78 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 12, 2009
    Same way they got a hold of AT-TEs, AT-APs, AT-RTs, Juggernauts, AATs, Hailfire droids, LAATs and a Praetor-class battlecruiser's reactors. Stealing.
  2. Chris0013

    Chris0013 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 21, 2014
    Or some former Separatists could have had one and donated it to the Alliance.
  3. Tzizvvt78

    Tzizvvt78 Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Jun 12, 2009
    Or that, yes.
    seeker_two likes this.
  4. Noash_Retrac

    Noash_Retrac Force Ghost star 4

    Nov 14, 2006
    There was a lot of surplus Separatist materials left over after the Clone Wars in both Canon and Legends. Even with the various campaigns from 17-15 BBY, there would've still been enough to make their way to the eventual rebellion. In Legends, Rebel One was a Providence-class carrier/destroyer and it was supported by at least one Recusant-class light destroyer at the ambush at Tingel Deepspace Besh, plus the Lucrehulk-class battleship Fortressa that was destroyed by the first Death Star. I wouldn't be surprised the Alliance has a number of ex-Separatist capital ships in use, though likely don't travel with the main fleet due to the propaganda by the Empire to make them into a new generation of Separatists.
    JediBatman likes this.
  5. AdmiralNick22

    AdmiralNick22 Retired Fleet Admiral star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 28, 2003
    Well, I've always assumed that the amount of ex-Seppie hardware in the Galaxy during the rise of the Rebellion (4 BBY - 0 BBY) was limited due to the Empire spending the prior decade & a half scrapping it. I'm sure a lot of that tech was melted down, stripped, and broken up to provide raw materials and components to the growing Imperial war machine. By the time the Alliance is up and running, there would be comparatively little left, save for whatever was waiting in the Empire's scrap yards.

    In the latest Star Wars comic from Marvel, we learn that the Alliance has been preparing in advance for the arrival of additional Mon Cala cruisers. General Syndulla has been working to train and equip fighter squadrons so that the Alliance can stock their new cruisers with pilots. Using a few big Lucrehulk-class ships as deep space, mobile fighter schools is actually a perfect solution.

    RE: Mon Cala cruisers, the effort to which the Alliance is trying to secure the Mon Cala merchant fleet implies that the initial wave of MC75's and MC80's produced at Telaris we're sufficient to build a true navy. Which actually makes a lot of sense, IMO. The city ships in particular would be extremely difficult to modify. I suspect the reason we see less MC75's is because of that. Once the merchant fleet falls into Alliance hands (presumably), then you at least have purpose built starships to modify. A lot easier, especially when you consider the 18th century parallels in GFFA naval combat and building. Converted merchant vessels often found their way into 18th century navies, many of them rather powerful.

    --Adm. Nick
  6. Darth_Duck

    Darth_Duck Chosen One star 5

    Oct 13, 2000
    Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. And what was left of the Seppie fleet was probably pretty crew intensive without a droid army/corners were probably cut in the design so that the machinery was safe for droids and somewhat inhospitable to living creatures.

    The cross-sections showed that the TF were assembling their landing craft on the Lucrehulks during the Battle of Naboo. Maybe the Alliance was assembling their starfighters onboard.

    Sent from my SM-G386W using Tapatalk
    JediBatman likes this.
  7. Resistance_Man

    Resistance_Man Jedi Knight star 1

    Jan 16, 2018
    I really can't wait for the liberation of mon cala arc, I need to see those mon cala support ships in action!
  8. TheRedBlade

    TheRedBlade Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 17, 2007
    A showerthought I had last night: Sometime after entering Republic service, Inferno Squad's Corvus received a refit, giving it a big brick of engines. Considering that we've seen CEC use a big brick of engines on a corvette before, do you think the refit to the Corvus was done by CEC? If so, does that mean that Corellia joined the Republic within a year of Endor?
  9. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 27x Hangman Winner/44x Wacky Wed. winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
    Legends topic - Executor - how good should its weapons turrets be - and how should they compare to those of the ships created for the Legendsverse by fractalsponge?

    I figure that - in order to get an Executor with over 100x the firepower of an ISD-I - it should work as follows.

    1) single 320-teraton HTL ball turret
    7: 32/40-teraton light HTL. Used in numbers in ISD2, Executor. Can be used to hose down an agile target, or massed against bigger targets. Standard heavy frigate main gun, and destroyer main gun option. Power somewhat variable; can trade ROF for single shot yield to some extent, depending on below-deck space for capacitors and other equipment.
    8: 70-teraton HTL. Standard fleet caliber, used as primary line destroyer gun, or secondary/tertiary weaponry in heavier ships.
    11: 320/400-teraton HTL. From here on out the recoil and rate of fire might limit target selection at full power to slower, larger targets. Medium/heavy cruiser/battlecruiser main gun.

    The "8 barrelled turbolasers" are ISD-II grade "40 teratons" (normally they'd be heavy turbolasers - but the ship needs heavy guns as well. Making its heavy turbolasers ISD-II grade would make it undergunned. 40x8 = 320 teratons per turret.

    Using 40 teratons for the regular turbolasers, allows the heavy turbolasers to be "standard fleet caliber" (70 teratons) - each 8 barrelled gun turret being the equal of 4 two-barrelled Venator guns. 70x8 = 560 teratons per turret.

    250 x 320 = 80000 teratons
    250 x 560 = 140000 teratons

    Executor "Total throw weight" for turbolasers = 220000 teratons
    ISD-I has 12 175 teraton turbolasers - total throw weight 2100 teratons
    Result - in turbolasers, the ship has the firepower of over 104 Imperial-I class destroyers.

    And the heavy ion cannons are 320 teraton equivalent - ion cannon versions of the single-barrelled 320 teraton turbolaser.

    Executor: "total throw weight" for ion cannons: 250 x 320 = 80000 teratons
    ISD-I has 4 175 teraton ion cannons - total "throw weight" 700 teratons
    Result - in ion cannons, the Executor has the firepower of over 114 Imperial-I class destroyers.

    in both cases though, since it can only fire at most 40% of its firepower in one direction (forward) - then, unless it's surrounded, its utility is more that of 40-something Star Destroyers than 100-something.

    Does this seem like a good compromise between "Legends rules" and "the way fractalsponge stats ships"?
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2018
  10. Star_Desperado

    Star_Desperado Jedi Knight star 3

    Mar 5, 2017
  11. Snafu55

    Snafu55 Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 19, 2015
  12. Star_Desperado

    Star_Desperado Jedi Knight star 3

    Mar 5, 2017
    Yes, the Fondor orbital dockyards have sublight engines for repositioning. Couldn't say if they have hyperdrives, but probably not.
  13. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 27x Hangman Winner/44x Wacky Wed. winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
    I've been thinking about this myself. We know that XX-9s (ISD has 60 of them, each two-barrelled) and NK-7 ions (ISD has 60 of them - one-barrelled) are quite small. Going by the XX-9's appearance in ANH, the turret component can be the only part protruding above hull, and is about 4m long, 4m wide, 3m high, with 3m gun barrels.

    If we assume most of the 1500+ turbolasers & ion cannons (1500+ is the figure for the whole lot) are multi-barrelled point defence weapons, it may be possible to make it work.

    Resurgent's surface area is on the order of 2.5x ISD surface area.

    Using ISD's 60s as a basis - the Resurgent could have 150 point defence turbolaser turrets and 150 point defence ion turrets.

    The most turbolasers we've ever seen in one turret is 8 - the heavy ISD-II turret.

    Let's say the point defense weapons are like that but much smaller.

    150x8 = 1200.

    That would mean the ion cannons only need to be two-barrelled (so, 300 ion cannons in 150 turrets) for the total to be 1500, not counting the main battery of 22 two-barrelled heavy turbolaser turrets (44 heavy turbolasers total).

    1544 "turbolasers and ion cannons" is compatible with "over 1500" and, if grouped as described above, allows the turrets themselves to be no more densely packed than on an ISD.

    Alternatively, if you're OK with having a plethora of ion cannon, some turrets can be quads, instead of a mix of octet and dual.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2018
  14. Chris0013

    Chris0013 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 21, 2014
    But do we take the 60/60 numbers as accurate??
    Jedi Knight Fett likes this.
  15. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 27x Hangman Winner/44x Wacky Wed. winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
    They're what both the newcanon and Legends insist on giving us.

    The point to be made is that it's possible to have 1500 guns, without any of the turrets exceeding 8 barrel, and without packing them in any more densely than on ISD.
    Jedi Knight Fett and SheaHublin like this.
  16. AdmiralNick22

    AdmiralNick22 Retired Fleet Admiral star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 28, 2003
    Corellia was in the New Republic camp by around 6 months after Endor, if not earlier. We learn this in the Aftermath Trilogy. I think Corellia being the yard that refit the Corvus is likely, I'm also inclined to think that the Nadiri Dockyards in the Bormea Sector, near Chandrila, may also have been used. It was the Nadiri yards that took surplus Imperial parts and built the Starhawk, they probably would be able to refit Imperial designs as well.

    --Adm. Nick
    TheRedBlade likes this.
  17. Senator Wan

    Senator Wan Jedi Master star 2

    Aug 13, 2017
    According to the Databank, a Nebulon-C is able to carry a squadron of star fighters. Where would they be kept?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. AdmiralNick22

    AdmiralNick22 Retired Fleet Admiral star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 28, 2003
    Well, she is 550m +/- long and a lot bulkier than the old Neb-B, so there is plenty of space for starfighters:


    I'm guessing in the bow, roughly mid level. Conversely, since this is a medical refit, there could be hangar pods that attach to the various horizontal spars.

    --Adm. Nick
  19. Star_Desperado

    Star_Desperado Jedi Knight star 3

    Mar 5, 2017
    There's plenty of empty space in the two rear modules that could house them.

  20. vncredleader

    vncredleader Force Ghost star 5

    Mar 28, 2016
    Those looked pretty packed with quarters and wards to me. I am banking on the connector between the two halves being a hangar. There are two horizontal passages, one of those could easily be used as a hanger, if not both.
  21. Star_Desperado

    Star_Desperado Jedi Knight star 3

    Mar 5, 2017
    These two spots seem like the most likely contenders for hangars, but the wing outriggers themselves are more than broad and tall enough to house flat starships like Y-wings, X-wings, and A-wings.

  22. vncredleader

    vncredleader Force Ghost star 5

    Mar 28, 2016
    I would say the leftmost one is unlikely due to it being in the engine maintenance room. Might be best to keep those vital areas separate. Good call the on the one on the right, certainly big enough. Not to mention proximity to med wards being really helpful for injured pilots to get help asap
  23. AdmiralNick22

    AdmiralNick22 Retired Fleet Admiral star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 28, 2003
    I just noticed... is that a turbolaser turret, right above the left most shuttle? [face_thinking]

    --Adm. Nick
    Snafu55 likes this.
  24. vncredleader

    vncredleader Force Ghost star 5

    Mar 28, 2016
    Possibly. It looks somewhat similar to a protrusion on the prong adjacent to it. Though this one seems to be attached to something that could swivel. Did we see anything in the way of point defense turrets in the film?
  25. AdmiralNick22

    AdmiralNick22 Retired Fleet Admiral star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    May 28, 2003
    No, there aren't any turrets visible on the model in the film. Jason Fry identified some of the spars as containing weapons though.

    The Raddus has some visible point defense weapons in the film and the Ninka has visible batteries as well.

    --Adm. Nick