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Lit General post NJO Discussion thread.

Discussion in 'Literature' started by Darth Invictus, May 5, 2021.

  1. Ghost

    Ghost Chosen One star 8

    Oct 13, 2003
    I was also commenting on the GA being governed by Triumvirates before the war too. (Along with apparently losing a PR campaign against the Fel Empire, even long before the Ossus Project). And its stated offhandedly somewhere that this GA triumvirate continued in their posts to help the One Sith take over galactic bureaucracy and continue to help manage everything after the war.

    As for Stazi, I agree it’s not bad that he was the last survivor who happened to be an admiral. But there should have been more talking about restoring a Senate to come from him, or at least some talk of democracy from Stazi… or really anyone. And it seemed like all 3 were representing different factions but governing the same systems together. Since the Jedi themselves didn’t govern any systems, and that’s how it worked when Seba was the Jedi Master in the first (temporary) triumvirate.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2024
    AusStig and Irredeemable Fanboy like this.
  2. ColeFardreamer

    ColeFardreamer Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 24, 2013
    numbers matter only in context... 100000 vessels of Blockade Runner size or smaller is not same as 100000 Cruisers. And if counting blips on the sensor screen... then even starfighters count in these numbers. Lets not exaggerate, yet lets also not forget any not counted ships in the smaller numbers given.
  3. Irredeemable Fanboy

    Irredeemable Fanboy Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 27, 2020
    So basically the Imperial Remnant under Jagged became more democratic than the Galactic Alliance [face_laugh]

    I find it interesting how the late GA's ruling council seemed to include Kol Skywalker, seemingly giving the Jedi a position in politics, yet still independent from them, it seems like the ones who truly won at the end were the Jedi because they got to do the GA what they wanted without being held back by them.

    Though i'm sure that if the GA was more competent and less corrupt the Ossus Project wouldn't have been such a PR disaster even if it failed, people would have believed it was a Sith sabotage easily if it was the NR days.

    Where was it said that the GA Triumvirate helped the Sith? I don't remember.

    In one hand it is infuriating that they seem to have forgotten that the Rebels were fighting for Democracy in the first place, but on the other hand i find it rather realistic that the galaxy is struggling to find it's footing politically after the legendary 20.000 year Republic fell, the ANH novel prologue makes quite a statement of how important it's fall is.

    I wouldn't be suprised if constant failed attempts at democracy followed post-140 ABY in the middle of Empires.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2024
  4. ColeFardreamer

    ColeFardreamer Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 24, 2013
    Funny that Legends ends where for George Lucas SW begins... the galaxy being a monarchy supported by Force Knights... and where Lucas had a shism lead to the Star Wars divide, Legends heals that divide with a new Force Pope-Emperor Monarchy supported by its Knights.

    Talk of Full Circle right there! (with democracy only a footnote of history lol)

    PS: Does that mean Legends in reverse IS Lucas initial SW vision? :eek:
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2024
  5. Carib Diss

    Carib Diss Jedi Knight star 2

    Mar 31, 2024
    Legends started with a Jedi Prince though, smh.
    AusStig and ColeFardreamer like this.
  6. Irredeemable Fanboy

    Irredeemable Fanboy Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 27, 2020
    Well instead of a footnote i would say democracy was the third big era of galactic history, despotic dominion of the Rakata being the second, Light-sided monarchies being the fourth, and the Celestials, Kwa and Gree era being the prehistoric times or first era the Jorunal of the Whills from ANH novel marks the fall of the Republic as a pivotal turning point.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2024
  7. Ghost

    Ghost Chosen One star 8

    Oct 13, 2003
    It’s just depressing that the authors (and the characters through the authors) stopped making this a fight for democracy.

    This is one of the few things I think the ST has done better so far, and learned from Legends.

    Yes, the NR is flawed in the new Disney canon, but it’s still idealist and rebuilding, still learning how to govern and get better coordination of the trillions of bureaucrats and contractors and local politicians across the galaxy. It is at least trying to be idealistic by demilitarizing, it at least is trying to be merciful and compassionate by attempting to rehabilitate and reintegrate former Imperials (especially as they were basically the whole Galaxy who had to pay bills for their families and not afford to constantly flee from a small base on Dantooine to a small base on Yavin to a small base on Hoth, etc.) Its loss, however brief an appearance in TFA, is still seen as tragic, and the FO still fear them getting their act together (their warfleet all being at the capital as Leia’s representative was giving new testimony about the FO to the Chancellor and Senate should be a clue).

    More importantly, while fans hate that the Jedi and Republic were wiped off the map again, seeming to undo the “legacy” of the Big Three (although it happened in SW before, there’s just the expectation that our heroes create a “happily ever after”)… we see that the Big Three, while facing despair in their own ways, still come out with Hope again and the will to continue the good fight despite the loss.

    That their legacy isn’t an order or a government, which ultimately will always be temporary… instead, their legacy is of continuing to defy evil, whether first taking down the big Empire in victory, or losing to the FO but continuing to fight anyways… and making the new generation of heroes win, even if they don’t live to see it. The legacy isn’t a government or organization, which will always be flawed in some way, since we all are, even in a golden age like the start of the High Republic.

    The legacy is the STORY, of how it’s right to defy evil always, even when you don’t always live to see the victory (think also of Rogue One, who were just as heroic) or when the victory is fleeting… the legacy is the defiance against evil while sticking to values of good, even when tested.

    THAT is their true legacy, and it’s very meta, also commentary on Star Wars’ own influence in pop culture and storytelling tropes that build on the past and pave for the future.

    (In a personal way too, unlike Legends, Han and Leia continue to choose to see good and potential in their son, and Luke severely regrets the one time he didn’t have mercy on his nephew, as that became the moment that really turned it all into happening. This is a big contrast from how the Big Three show mercy and compassion to Jacen, and others, after the NJO. Where at least the NJO ended with them attempting to redeem and reform Vong society as a whole… that book series “got” this message of Star Wars. In the Lucas movies, Anakin represented the personalized version of the galactic story, and Jacen for the NJO/DNT/LOTF. But in the ST, even when tested, the Big Three still valued compassion, mercy, and a chance for redemption. Even with Kylo Ren arguably much worse than Darth Caedus.)

    It’s a very Eastern philosophy too, like the Bhagavad Gita says… don’t be attached to the fruits of your labors, do good simply to do good, that’s your moral duty, not some prize.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2024
  8. ColeFardreamer

    ColeFardreamer Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 24, 2013
    I think the sad (?) or rather surprising truth is that people do not care how they are ruled aside few political idealists. So long money keeps coming, healthcare is there and the usual stuff works as usual, people are content. Look at the real world... it is scary how many nations turn towards authoritarian versions of democracy lately, or how many do not care about their forms of government so long life stays life.
    But when their leaders wage war and need cannon fodder they get worried and revolt. Otherwise they'd be fine with it so long it does not touch them and their needs.. which is a rather ignorant terrible attitude... like walking past others who are in need or not seeing poverty on the streets and not helping others so long one is fine oneself.
    Save someone? Save the planet? People ignore it. Tempo limit on streets, taxes up, their favourite food no longer in stores... they go berserk and revolt.

    That's why people don't read policies, accept cookies and give away intel and freedom so long they get minimal ego patting and emotional incentive in return manipulated by those who understood how humans "work".
  9. Ghost

    Ghost Chosen One star 8

    Oct 13, 2003
    Yes, in a way, though that’s also a cynical look at people who have become cynical themselves. And can sometimes encourage that anti-democracy/anti-rights view.

    It’s hard to join the Rebel Alliance, or lobby on Padme Amidala’s policy platform, when you have economic needs to keep up wages to pay for food, healthcare, housing, bills, etc. while look after maybe any family or friends you have too.

    And there are also people who throw hissy fits over their favorite snack not being in stores, or why a new book hasn’t come out yet, or the “wokeness agenda” in fictional stories. Not just criticism, but just those unthinking tantrums, or that hate or entitlement, wanting others to do what pleases them without understanding their perspectives or trying to influence in a more positive way.

    But it’s much more likely for politicians elected as representatives by the people to know this. And also the duty of a democratic government to educate its voters, at the very least on the value of democracy, how their democracy works, and how they can still get their voice heard, whether through voting or other action. The politician running for office, and the bureaucrat enforcing the rules made by those politicians, are more successful when they can connect those “kitchen table” issues to the value of being engaged in the democratic process and how to educate and guide our darker sides into something more constructive and restrained. See what’s really at the root of those impulses and where they might be coming from, and if it’s just that entitled mentality, then finding ways to show them how they can do better by lifting others up too, educating them on the process and the why, getting them engaged. To be honest with ourselves, we all have both sides, some just have found a better balance than others and all have moments of weakness. And with it being a democracy, not being direction in a top-down way, but in a collaborative way, that encourages our better angels.

    To go back to that Anakin-Padme political conversation:
    Anakin: We need a system where the politicians sit down and discuss the problem, agree what's in the best interest of all the people and then do it.
    Padme: That's exactly what we do. The trouble is that people don't always agree.
    Anakin: Well then they should be made to.

    Padme just calls it a dictatorship, and Anakin laughs it off as teasing. But the real answer is, that it’s in the politicians’ job to make sure they’re actually representing their portion of the people in the most honest way, and collaborating with others to make sure all voices are heard. And that sometimes they don’t do that well, or need more guidance, which is why we have elections. And if the politicians are right, and the people don’t understand, it’s the politicians’ job to educate their voters and campaign to persuade their voters (while still held accountable to them). That should have been in Padme’s answer, instead of giving fuel to Anakin’s seed of an idea that dictatorship could be good if good people are in charge. It would be great to have a dictator do only good things… but there’s disagreement, and there’s always human nature that any dictator (if not already obviously flawed) could be corrupted, or even if they keep that in check, then with death being inevitable there’s a good chance their successor wouldn’t be as enlightened.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2024
    AusStig and ColeFardreamer like this.
  10. DarthHass

    DarthHass Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Nov 20, 2004
    Ken? Son of Kendalina?

    the original grandchild of palpatine. Or….hear me out….rey’s twin
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2024
    AusStig likes this.
  11. Carib Diss

    Carib Diss Jedi Knight star 2

    Mar 31, 2024
    AusStig likes this.
  12. Darth Invictus

    Darth Invictus Force Ghost star 5

    Aug 8, 2016
    The Legends timeline ends with an anti-democratic triumvirate trying to right the ship. An Empress, a priest, and a soldier.

    All of them are warriors by disposition and experience, and none of them were elected to their position, they are simply the leaders of their victorious rebellion and the strongest parties standing.

    I'd say as a meta narrative, Legends on a very anti-democratic note, the implication is the galaxy has gone mad, and been broken, so someone must right the ship and steer things back to sanity.

    I'd also say Legends' ending is a vindication of Caedus and Krayt-the GA Triumvirate is moving forward with galactic unification after all, so a centralized authority able to remake galactic society and end over a century of perpetual crisis and dysfunction is the promise they make. Both men, as well as Daala, Omas and Roan Fel had been working for this goal for the past ninety years.

    It is not an ending that valorizes democracy. Instead of a single strong man, you will have three-who combined have the wisdom and the strength to rule. A priest, an admiral and a monarch-reigning together, uneasily perhaps but together, not popular representatives whatsoever.

    I don't think this was an intentional political message, Jon and Jan made but it is interesting to me that Legends ends on such a... reactionary political note? (And I use the word reactionary in its historical sense-that is the defense of throne and altar, or in this case the empress and the jedi).

    One thing I do wonder is how Jacen would transition to handing power to Allana in a "Caedus takes it all scenario".

    How does he set up his empire, does he name Allana as his formal heir, or does he engineer things in such a way she'll kill him and thus "end" his empire, and enshrine a reign of light and goodness.

    I kind of like the latter idea-wherein Jacen would allow himself to be sacrificed-a final monster for the Jedi Queen with his empire dismantled or reformed.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2024
    Irredeemable Fanboy and AusStig like this.
  13. Irredeemable Fanboy

    Irredeemable Fanboy Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 27, 2020
    Does that make K'kruhk the first Pope of Star Wars? :eek:

    That's a very interesting scenario, i feel that Jacen would definetly purposefully set himself up as the monster for a grown up Allana to defeat, however, i think that, as it was clear in the narrative of how Caedus becomes increasingly more dark, with his initial goals being undermined by his later actions (such as when at first he wanted to save Luke but then he didin't care for him, and later actively tried to kill him), as soon as Allana is truly a challenge for him, he will begin to actually resist her and try to kill his own daughter eventually, and try to seize power for himself forever, only for him to be finally defeated by Allana and her allies.

    What i'm saying is, in a way, if Caedus won against Jaina, he would defeat himself, but wouldn't exactly win, he is always moving the goalpost, eventually, what he set up catches up with him, and in spite of originally wanting to unite the galaxy, he becomes fearful of an united galaxy against him.

    @Ghost Yeah i agree, it's like they forgot that they weren't just fighting against tyrants, but for democracy lol, sometimes i look at it that way, in that progression of constantly militarized and authoritarian goverments and it feels depressing compared to the hopeful nature of the establishment of the NR early in the EU and even the hopeful ending of ROTJ.

    I also agree that the ST does a better job in keeping with the theme of democracy being the ideal people should strive for, even when it fails, that the fight is as good of a legacy as success, however on another hand i feel that while the ST does a good job in staying true to the original "for democracy" message, it doesn't bring much new to the table compared to ROTJ's already satisfying ending and what other pre-OT stories such as Rouge One say, to a better degree than the ST, i think Jyn, Galen, Cassian, and all the characters in Rouge One sell the message that the best legacy you can leave sometimes is the fight itself, to inspire those that will win, kind of like what Luthen says, that he's sacrificing himself for a future he will never see.

    One aspect i do like about the Triumvirate at the end of Legacy: War and to a lesser extent in Legacy Vol. 2, is the feeling that over time the galaxy is becoming more and more united with each endpoint of an era in the post-ROTJ EU, and this way of looking at it kinda makes me see things on a more positive perspective than the other way:

    By the end of the NR era, with the Hand of Thrawn Duology, the Republic and Empire finally decide to make peace, and Talon Karrde becomes the de-facto underground intelligence keeping both sides from sabotaging each other, which means the Empire couldn't turn against the Republic again

    By the end of the NJO, at the time, the GA was potrayed as this unified goverment thar revamped the New Republic's politics, with the Jedi fully involved now and the Empire integrated as a part of it (something that i don't think is necessarily a bad thing, much like hereditary monarchies like the Hapes Consortium and straight up Empires like the Tetan Empire were part of the Republic/GA; the small Imperial Remnant wouldn't be any different as a member of what the GA seemed to be at the time), of course this didin't last long and Post-NJO books reinterpreted the GA as just the NR but with a new name, but the intention at the time of the NJO i feel was for more of an unified goverment.

    And finally in Legacy, the GA and the Empire are united in one goverment, the Jedi are now in equal footing to the goverment, not servants, and even the Yuuzhan Vong were revindicated and reformed, the only enemies were the Sith, the Sith ironically unified the entire galaxy against them much like they accidentally created the Rebels all those years ago.

    Which is why i tend to see the different EU "finales" (HoT, TUF, and Legacy: War) as each taking things to the next level after ROTJ's ending, and why i always said that Legacy War was my favorite finale for Star Wars, when i look it in that optimistic light, perhaps it is the optimist in me that wants to believe that eventually the Triumvirate transitions into a just and truly representative goverment (something i don't think real world democracies truly achieve, with a system being controlled by economic interests), or maybe this is the 15 year old in me who read Legacy for the first time 10 years ago and fell in love with the EU because of that series and i just like the neding better than others because of nostalgia lol, but still, i think this "unification" narrative is worth considering and i think it adds a different level instead of just a repeat of ROTJ.

    Perhaps Krayt was right in the galaxy needing a death and a rebirth, to become better at the end, even if it was in a different way than what he envisioned and misinterpreted, perhaps he himself was just an expression of that death, even if he didin't realize at the time, and Cade was the one that was meant to be the rebirth, which is fitting, the final generation of the Skywalkers, so many years after the Vong War, ending this ghost of the past, of the times before even the Clone Wars, tainted by death from even before his conception, his father only sired him in the sands of Tattooine because he exiled himself after his homeworld was destroyed with his original family included, he was trained by this grief-sicken Jedi, then experienced the death of this father, then the death of the Order that adopted him and showed him peace, his love and his peace were killed, A'sharad was always marked by death, so he would be the galaxy's death, he believed he would be the new dawn, the rebirth, but he was mistaken, that wasn't his place, this is why he was drawn to Cade, one who had the innate ability to produce a rebirth in spite of all odds, and also why Krayt was obsessed with gaining this power of life, he mastered death, he wanted to master life, but he was always only death.

    This could be the reason for Krayt's vision and why he believed it would bring a new and better order, remember Force visions aren't entirely clear to the viewer, he got that impression, that feeling, and he interpreted as to say his Sith Order would bring a new galaxy, but in reality, it was the menace his Sith posed that helped bring a better age for everyone else upon their destruction, he was set up to be destroyed from his own visions, in this way this ties to what Invictus said about Jacen if he won, Krayt was basically in this position to be "the monster" for a better future to be created upon his destruction, even if he believed he was the one creating the future.

    Maybe one could say that the Sith are "oppressed" by the Whills (Will of the Force), being used in such a way to unite everybody, maybe the Sith are the real underdogs in a war against the Force itself, who is the real monster (much like Plagueis and Traya believed).

    Or maybe the next step in the overall narrative, if it continued past the Legacy: War status quo, would be for the Sith to finally know peace and be reintegrated to the Jedi, much like how Ajunta Pall himself was already redeemed by Revan (which is the canon path according to KOTOR 2), perhaps this is what Nihl's new "Underground One Sith" would have led to, if we ever got a more extended post-Legacy story (instead of the rushed ending of Legacy Vol. 2).

    Crucible seems to imply that Luke wants to make peace with the Lost Tribe, to seek understanding between Jedi and Sith to finally end all wars, of course this never materialized, i reckon the One Sith wiped out the Lost Tribe, or the Tribe attempted their own war and the Jedi defeated them, wiping them out (this is what the Sword of the Jedi cover seems to imply with Jaina standing against all the Sith in the senate), but the idea is there for potential exploration in a future era, a redemption of all the Sith would be interesting, for them to be brought back home after over 7000 years of making war with their Jedi brothers.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2024
  14. ColeFardreamer

    ColeFardreamer Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 24, 2013
    SW should end like it almost began... Tilotny or a descendant of her demanding all her shapes back cause folks didn't play right with them :p

    Nope, Luke was the first Force Pope when he put Jagged Fel up as Grand Moff of the Imperial Remnant (aka church enthroning worldly powers) :p and the second was the Felperor Lineage with Jaina's kids onwards.

    On the topic of Luke making peace with the Lost Tribe.. them being absorbed by or defeated by the One Sith is too repetitive and unoriginal. I'd like to see such a peace treaty.. and how it holds up. Do some Tribe members join the Jedi? Will there be a half/half Jedi/Sith Council as in an abandoned TUF idea by Lucas for 500ABY? That could set that abandoned storyline pre-Legacy comics and tie into Ben/Vestara actually.
    I could see the OneSith despite at odds with the Jedi and bad feels still due to the conflict over Abeloth and Mortis agreeing with the Jedi that the OneSith are worse for both and starting a joint venture against OneSith and Abeloth. Which could be seen by a sceptic galaxy as more reasons to distrust Jedi and side with the Empire and Imperial Knights.

    As for Jacen winning and handing it all to Allana.. that is not how it works. First, what is winning? If he beats all resistance and rules a galaxy by force, he united it forcefully and stamps out any resistance springing up (ongoing). No final victory. So long he needs to stamp, he will not hand it over not deeming it safe for his daughter to take over. So with his death in old age or by assassination, Allana would inherit the throne and hopefully be a better ruler, IF she accepts it at all. Yet growing up in that regime, galaxy and having lost so many friends and family that sided against her father, would she accept her fate? Would she be corrupted by it, too if she ever joined his side as part of the royal galactic family?

    Jacen, despite wanting to stamp resistance out to be able to create order, which is a futil vicious circle and spiral of doom, never actually wanted to win. He wanted to loose. At times he may have forgotten that becoming too good at being the Dark Man. But ultimately when he got the time to think and be himself instead of just reacting to his enemies, he'd have remembered that.
    Thus I think, Jacen would not have kept rule. Like Palpatine he'd have delegated that to his co-chiefs and politicians. He'd have enforced it like Vader, yet ultimately sought bigger fish to fry. Maybe, had he lived, and encountered Abeloth... he'd have redeemed himself in trying to defeat her. A controversial hero and villain both that brought the galaxy together by force but then died for it to be ruled by someone better, his daughter, saving her and everyone from Abeloth? Or he'd actively hunted down rival Sith like Krayt, the One Sith, White Eyes, the Lost Tribe and the galaxy needs to judge who would be the lesser evil.
    Would Emperor Caedus restart a new order of Knights? Sith Knights, Jedi Knights, Imperial Knights or by whatever name, Inquisitorious maybe, to help him get ahold of that problem? Which would hunt for Abeloth on the run... seek Mortis... and weed out the One and Tribe Sith?

    All nice and interesting thoughts and possibilities (without bringing in the Anakin and Tahiri angle yet even). But we are still missing one key ingredient. Allana!

    She would be raised by those resisting him. She would resist him. He can not win and stamp out resistance without last but not least.. having to kill her and/or Tenel Ka. Something which he can not do as we know as he wanted to save them and create a better future for them. Thus Jacen would have stopped.. would have lost right when he won it all else. He'd not surrender to anyone, not even Jaina, though he tried, but to his daughter.
    Would he end up in prison, locked away yet occasionally consulted by her?
    Would he run to protect the galaxy at its outskirts against any horrors before they reach the civilized worlds leaving the galaxy itself to his daughter?
    Would he accept the death penalty? Or would Allana and Co even accept that should the galaxy choose it.. or rather try to set him free again?

    Allana is not just inspired by but very paralell story wise to Elora Danan of the Willowverse. A child prodigy that saves the day before even able to walk in Willow, Allana helps saves the galaxy several times over during her childhood already. Yet her future that Jacen saw would come later and she'd have to grow into that. As in the great Willow tv show with Elora, Allana would not be automatically a chosen hero but have to grow into that role.
    And as each generation repeats the past ones mistakes, needs its own demons and lessons rather than learning from history... Jacen became that lesson for her when he became the Dark One for a time. A lesson how not to falter, fall and become, which would save her maybe from walking in his darkest footsteps, yet mirroring his in the Light nonetheless. A vision realized, physically or metaphorically on a throne that would change the galaxy through her influence, thx to her father.

    What would have happened, had Jacen refused to become the Dark Man?

    Would he have been able to bring Lumiya in and end her terror? How would Mara still have died, her death driven Luke mad and dark, Krayt emerged earlier and not been postponed a century? Regardless about the details, how would such affect Allana growing up? Would she grow up in a world where Darkness had won.. and whenever it was her turn to rule, rule accordingly having never known much else?
    Would Abeloth win and Allana on the throne was her actually.. not Allana anymore?
    How do the Kemp clones and imposter crisis play into this? Dead people walking... drive some others mad?

    It kinda reminds me of Gotham... either become a Crime boss and own that place to create order, or refuse that due to morals and go into hiding as a lonesome superhero that strikes from the shadows against an overwhelming avalanche of madness and vicious villains tearing that place apart. Even the best people could fall and become villains, like the White Knight that became Two Face. Which could be an analogue for Luke's fall or Allana's thus. Remains to be seen if Allana would have turned out in such a scenario as either Batgirl.. or Thalia al'Ghul! And without going into more character paralells, there are plenty EU fates that fit spot on to Batmanverse characters.. Tahiri too btw.
    AusStig and Irredeemable Fanboy like this.
  15. Darth Vectivus

    Darth Vectivus Jedi Knight star 3

    Dec 9, 2023
    Seeing Jacen Solo turning to the Dark Side is too tragic you feel sad this doesnt happen to me with Anakin Skywalker thats why i consider Jacen Solo transformation into a Sith to be one of the best in the EU but Ulic Qel Droma Revan Malak and A'Sharad Hett transformations are still good i wonder what would have happened if Jaina Solo had been the Sith instead?
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2024
    AusStig likes this.
  16. ColeFardreamer

    ColeFardreamer Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 24, 2013
    Jaina Solo WAS the Sith instead.
    She became a coldblooded killer.

    LotF really is Yin and Yang of the twins. Jaina as Jedi became like a Sith... Jacen as Sith became like a Jedi in the end, saving his loved ones. Each hiding in their opposites.

    What's interesting even more is, that Luke Skywalker basically gave us a new Mortis trinity in Destiny's Way already. He named Jaina the Sword, Jacen is her opposite and ever since YJK and the NJO they danced around who of the twins would become the Slayer and who the Trickster. First Jaina was the Trickster, Jacen the Slayer... then Jacen became a Trickster and Jaina a Slayer post-NJO... as the cycled turns on and on. But aside them both dancing around each other, Luke named Tenel Ka the perfect Jedi, a rolemodel for everyone. Aka balance/harmony. As Tenel Ka balanced opposites within her: Princess/Warrior Girl, BeautyQueen/Disfigured Disabled, Being a Jedi and being a normal being, Being a Ruler and a Mother, seeing the big picture and the small details, etc.

    The new Mortis Trinity in the physical realm is lead by THE MOTHER, Tenel Ka... and her feuding friends, the twins Jaina and Jacen Solo.

    Yet succeeding Tenel Ka will Allana become the next Queen/Mother and Balance Point, which as per Jacen's vision will be the first to sit the Mortis Throne again since TCW emptied them. Who her feuding "twins" will be, remains to be seen!
  17. Darth Vectivus

    Darth Vectivus Jedi Knight star 3

    Dec 9, 2023
    I honestly think it was somewhat predictable that Jacen Solo would fall to the Dark Side since in NJO and Dark Nest Crisis Jacen had very controversial views on the Force his hunger for more knowledge about the Force could obviously lead him to want to experiment with the Dark Side i think Jacen becoming Darth Caedus fits with his character
  18. AusStig

    AusStig Force Ghost star 5

    Feb 3, 2010
    In Dark Nest Denning had already decided Jacen was a Sith.
    At the end of NJO Jacen was pretty close to enlightenment. He understood that the Dark Side comes from WITHIN. If the Idea of evil being a choice not a label is controversial I don't know what fans saw in the OT and PT.
  19. Sinrebirth

    Sinrebirth Mod-Emperor of the EUC, Lit, RPF and SWC star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Nov 15, 2004
    It's a difficult one as Jacen was clearly on the line for the years of DNT and up to LotF.

    But then, in a matter of weeks, he crosses that line. While yes Denning played him more as a moustache whirling madman, Allston and Traviss gave what I felt was a very realistic position of a man who didn't want his child to suffer as he did.

    The Jacen and Lelouch comparisons need not be revisited but watching Jacen make the wrong decision in Betrayal on Lorrd really emphasised that point to me.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2024
  20. darklordoftech

    darklordoftech Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 30, 2012
    It's interesting how much more detail The New Essential Chronology goes into about the pre-TOTJ history of the galaxy than The (Old) Essential Chronology does. There's much more info about the "Architects", a reveal that humans lived on Coruscant during the reign of the Infinite Empire, the beginning of the Jedi, and the Great Schisms. Could this, along with the introduction of "Celestials" and the reveal that the Killiks are still around indicate a change in how the people in charge of the EU dealth with the ancient history of the galaxy? A change from vague and mysterious to fleshing it out?
  21. Kadar Ordo

    Kadar Ordo Jedi Knight star 2

    Feb 9, 2021
    Given that KOTOR and the Dark Nest Trilogy had both just come out around the time that TNEC did, I imagine that Dan Wallace was given the greenlight to flesh out the pre-Republic history and connect the various ancient races, including the Rakata, Killiks, and the Celestials. And then other writers just built off of that.

    Actually, come to think of it, I'm pretty sure most of what we know about the pre-Republic Legends timeline just comes from Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry with their reference books. Ostrander and Duursema did Dawn of the Jedi, and Troy Denning worked in Abeloth with the whole Celestial-Killik thing (+ the Mortis Gods)... but other then them, I don't think many authors touched that side of the franchise (at least none that come to mind immediately).
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2024
    Ghost and darklordoftech like this.
  22. AusStig

    AusStig Force Ghost star 5

    Feb 3, 2010
    Yeah, he really should have chosen the option to kill Luke.
  23. Darth Invictus

    Darth Invictus Force Ghost star 5

    Aug 8, 2016
    I don't have an issue with Han having a bit of a nationalist awakening late in life. Its not unheard of for people to suddenly develop a deep affection for something they have only a tangential relationship with. Han was born on Corellia and spent his childhood there.

    If he became convinced the GA was in the wrong, and well home is where the heart is, maybe he felt at some level as he got older Corellia was his home after all?

    Tim Lebbon wrote the Dawn of the Jedi novel(the only pre republic novel). But yeah, it was the province of only a few people at Lucasfilm.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2024
  24. AusStig

    AusStig Force Ghost star 5

    Feb 3, 2010
    But his childhood was horrible.

    Also Correllia turned him and Leia away during the Vong War. That wasn't that long ago.

    I could see him not liking the GA, but drop the nationalist angle.
  25. Iron_lord

    Iron_lord 35X Wacky Wednesday/25x Hangman Winner star 10 VIP - Game Winner

    Sep 2, 2012
    In the Corellia trilogy about 5 years before the Vong War, he's making a big point of showing the children their heritage. Even if he's not especially fond of the Corellian government, he's consistently fond of Corellia itself.
    Chrissonofpear2 and AusStig like this.