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Beyond - Legends Saga Saga - OT Half a Kilo - Drabble Challenge, UDC XI

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by Thumper09, Sep 4, 2024.

  1. WarmNyota_SweetAyesha

    WarmNyota_SweetAyesha Host: Finish the story, Anagrams & Scattegories. star 8 VIP - Game Winner VIP - Game Host

    Aug 31, 2004
    Fascinating final entries. I enjoyed L3's 'liberating' the load lifter droid from its programming.
  2. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Congratulations, you made it! [face_party]

    19: Young Poe! :) Oh man, I know too well that feeling of wanting to keep my teenager safe; now, granted, Findsboy (14) isn’t trying to sneak out after curfew in my car or anything like that, but I do know that feeling, and the knowledge that I won’t be actually able to keep him that kind of safe forever. (But I can teach him ways to keep himself safe.) I can just see where a that nighttime joyride would be a real memorable and formative experience for young Poe, all the comm scolding and following security forces notwithstanding (and I bet he go lt quite the talking-to from his folks, especially Kes, afterward). But I have to say I love his very pilot-ly solution for picking the koyo fruit! [face_laugh] And I know he will eventually be able to take that A-wing out for a proper orbital spin, in not too long! :D

    20: L3—what fun! :D Another name I haven’t seen in a long time. She and Lando really do make quite a team, don’t they: he with his smooth charisma, she with her keen navigation skills and strong sense of justice. I imagine, though, that that kind of “going in circles” discussion about obeying/disobeying programming is one she often she has with droids she’s trying to liberate, and that the results aren’t often as successful as they are this time. But this time they are! And in addition to freeing one more droid from oppressive programming, L3 may have bought herself and Lando some valuable time that way, even if that may not have been her first objective. What a team, and what a fun way to round out your awesome and impressively diverse collection of drabbles! Congrats again on finishing, and thanks so much for being part of this challenge! =D=
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2025
    earlybird-obi-wan likes this.
  3. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 11, 2014
    Ooops, I fell behind again in reviewing, but I think (hope) that I dropped you a "like" on every update to let you know that I was reading along. Without further ado:

    Week 13: Ohny is a droid with a personality! I gave quite a bit of thought to the idea that some lesser-known droids would have a lot of power because of their apparently innocuous position for some of my stories, but laundry droids didn't make it to my list – yet here Ohny is, not only running his facility like clockwork and saving the Alliance quite a few credits, but also with means of retaliation against those Rebels who don't treat droids like they should! [face_laugh]

    Week 14: The "rekkaj"! :D What a great little concept for a story, with Woklings curious to see with their own eyes the pieces of the Death Star that fell on the Forest Moon. Now I'm wondering if Lannep warned them against going there because the place would be unsafe with sharp shards of metal and unexploded ordnance, or if she was aware of the lingering Dark Side presence in the ruins. That particular aspect was wonderfully described from the POV of the two youngsters, and now I'm imagining that it'll somehow make its way into the legends of the Ewoks.

    Week 15: A most un-Hutt-like Hutt indeed! I love how young Gorzoh interprets power and how he's content with power over machines, instead of trying to establish his power over sentient beings; and also how you described the need for specialised tools and equipment when you're a Hutt mechanic. At the same time, his knowledge of the classic Hutt methods against opponents came in useful against that "sniveling amateur" of a repair shop owner, but it's nice that he was able to use it once and then put it behind him as he transitions to the understanding of power as most people understand it.

    Weeks 16 & 17: Garik Loran! Now that's a character I hadn't thought about for years until you posted these stories. Fantastic way of showing how a propaganda department works, with the propagandists themselves fearing for their jobs if they can't deliver; and then, the shoot! Tymon Seddre is certainly a pro, not only for knowing how to manage his set, but also for having the je-ne-sais-quoi that allows him to grasp how something can "go viral" in today's social media parlance. He's really a good propagandist, and while I'm assuming that he's an OC, I'm wondering now if you have a future in mind for him and possibly an encounter with Loran after he defects.

    Week 18: I squeed out loud when I realised that this was Niilo. And he was a Reidi Atom fan since he was a kid! I love how you captured the sense of wonder that he has as a kid, and the fact that the museum staff were so much friendlier to him back then – and now, when he comes as a full-fledged archaeologist, he may not feel that everything around him is quite as magical, but he's still basking in the presence of ancient artefacts with the added satisfaction that he's the one bringing them.

    Week 19: Li'l Poe and his hijinks was an unexpected protagonist for this set of prompts, but you pulled it off masterfully. He's at that age where he thinks of the Rebellion as being all about adventures, and he doesn't realise that his parents are keeping him "tethered" because it's so much more than that. You began this set by telling us how Kes is protecting him, and by ending it on "some day it would be him" you're already telling us what he doesn't know yet: there's a lot of pain ahead.

    Week 20: Haha! Just when L3 thought that loadlifter was a lost cause... it wasn't. I wonder if Lando realises what happened while he had his back turned. My guess is that he had to put quite a bit of effort in that shmoozing, and that it'll all be gone to waste when the loadlifter's owners will figure out why their droid revolted – the only question being, will they figure it out before or after the Falcon is gone?

    Reading these ficlets has been a fantastic ride from start to finish. Congrats on completing the challenge!