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Has KJA ever written anything that didn't

Discussion in 'Literature' started by His_Divine_Shadow, Sep 6, 2001.

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  1. His_Divine_Shadow

    His_Divine_Shadow Jedi Youngling

    Sep 6, 2001

    Also about Dark Saber where Daala opens fire, what does she say literaly?
    "Fire all turbolaser batteries"
    "Fire all batteries"

    Might seem like a strange request but I never said I was normal by any standards.

    BTW my first post.
  2. AlphaWolf

    AlphaWolf Manager Emeritus star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Feb 27, 2000
    I think it's the first one.

    and I don't understand why everyone always give KJA a hard time? I know his books arn't the best of the bunch but they are far from the worst.

    I liked his descriptive work with the Spice mines.
  3. Nabooty_Call

    Nabooty_Call Former RSA / Obi-Wan Impersonator star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 11, 2000
    In his defense, I've really enjoyed the Tales of the Jedi comics written by KJA.

    Unfortunately, his Jedi Academy trilogy struck me as laughable hack writing.

    I,Jedi by Stackpole has been recommended as a much better version of that tale...

    What's considered the best of his writing? I've given up on the guy.
  4. His_Divine_Shadow

    His_Divine_Shadow Jedi Youngling

    Sep 6, 2001
    Oh he contradicts other official material.
    His idea that the executor nearly bankrupted the empire for example is totally out of the loop, if the empire can build 25.000 ISD'sin 25 years 2 Death stars, the second they built half in 6 months and it produced no noticable drain on imperial resources and the populace never noticed...
  5. Jedimarine

    Jedimarine Force Ghost star 6

    Feb 13, 2001
    Anderson did his best on Jedi Academy, back when he only had Lucasfilm and Zahn to go off of. some contradictions are comon to most of the books. I think the descriptions of Kessel and the Maw were fantastic. He also introduced Exar Kun, the most BAD ASS Sith EVER! Darksaber was kinda tame, but at least he had the guts early on to kill a character from the films. Daala was one of the best villians from the EU, and the fact that she was a pyscho moody psming bitch only made it even more fun to read about her.

    Give KJA a break, he's been loyal to SW where many writer do one and run.
  6. ReaperFett

    ReaperFett Jedi Knight star 6

    Dec 9, 1999
    KJA SW Writings that didn't suck:

    The Jedi Academt Trilogy
    The Jawa short in Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina
    The IG88 short in Tales from the Bounty Hunters
    The Rancor Keeper short in Tales from Jabba's Palace

    Oh, and of course he helped with the Chronology
  7. PrinceXizor

    PrinceXizor Former TF.N Foreign Book Cover Staff star 5 VIP

    Jul 4, 2001

    Terry Brooks sucks
    Greg Bear sucks
    Alan Dean Foster sucks
    A.C. Crispin sucks
    L. Neil Smith sucks
    Brian Daley sucks
    George Lucas (aka ADF) sucks
    Donald Glut sucks
    Steve Perry sucks
    James Kahn sucks
    K.W. Jeter sucks
    Kathy Tyers sucks
    Michael A. Stackpole sucks
    Dave Woverton sucks
    Timothy Zahn sucks
    Tom Veitch sucks
    Kevin J. Anderson sucks
    Barbara Hambly really sucks
    Vonda McIntyre sucks
    Aaron Allston sucks
    Michael P. Kube McDowell sucks
    Kristine Kathryn Rusch sucks
    Roger McBride Allen sucks
    R.A. Salvatore sucks
    James Luceno sucks
    Greg Keyes sucks
    Troy Denning sucks
    Elaine Cunningham sucks
    And all those I forgot, sorry, but they suck too

    Anything new ? :eek:

    Oh, yeah.

    I suck
    You suck
    Everyone suck

    RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH !!!! (Okay, I'm over now, move along, move along)
  8. His_Divine_Shadow

    His_Divine_Shadow Jedi Youngling

    Sep 6, 2001
    "Give KJA a break, he's been loyal to SW where many writer do one and run."

    I'd rather he'd run away, my problem with the guy is that he doesn't even try to follow the movies or official material and by doing so makes a lot of unecceesary contradictions, like in one place, some ISD's blow away dankay so bad its atmosphere is ripped off, and in his books, they start a forest fire...

    This has a very uncanny similarity to ST:Voyager :)
  9. ReaperFett

    ReaperFett Jedi Knight star 6

    Dec 9, 1999
    okay, give more examples of where he hasnt followed offical material
  10. PrinceXizor

    PrinceXizor Former TF.N Foreign Book Cover Staff star 5 VIP

    Jul 4, 2001
    "some ISD's blow away dankay so bad its atmosphere is ripped off"

    MAS does that too.

    And IMO - and I know I'm not alone here, 'visually' KJA is the closest to the movies. No EU books does feel really like GL movies, except for those written by KJA. In fact, KJA is the GL of the Lit.
  11. Lord_Gita

    Lord_Gita Former TFN FanFilms Staff star 4 VIP

    Oct 5, 2000
    "No EU books does feel really like GL movies, except for those written by KJA. In fact, KJA is the GL of the Lit."

    I disagree. I think Stackpole has best written the Star Wars feel.
  12. Nabooty_Call

    Nabooty_Call Former RSA / Obi-Wan Impersonator star 5 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Sep 11, 2000
    imo, the IG-88 tale was one of the most ridiculous things I've ever read....way too over the top to stay credible...
  13. Darth Thrawn

    Darth Thrawn Jedi Master star 3

    Mar 18, 2000
    I first read KJA after reading zahns original trilogy, and after shadows it was the third thing i had read. I think cos of that i found that his story didnt really grasp me as much.

    KJA has some amazing ideas (the maw, the whole sith war, the praxeum) but i just feel as a writer he is better at young adult books such as YJK as opposed to full adult novels.

    The JAT was written to be a pure star wars book by that i mean plain action just like the films. None of the cloak and dagger, none of the major plot twists or complex stories. Im sure every 12 year old reading JAT would prefer it to the more complex styles of someone like MAS.
  14. PrinceXizor

    PrinceXizor Former TF.N Foreign Book Cover Staff star 5 VIP

    Jul 4, 2001
    "the IG-88 tale was one of the most ridiculous things I've ever read....way too over the top to stay credible..."

    Arguments ?

    And for KJA Lucasness : MAS got the Star Wars very well, and I'm the first to say that. But try this once : read any XW book by MAS in two-three hours while visualising what's happening as if you were watching a movie (you'll probably have to read really fast and jump words/sentences) and then do the same with a KJA book. You'll understand that KJA is indeed closer to the movies than MAS. Now, I must say I prefer MAS to KJA in general, but on the 'visual representation level' while you read, KJA is the best.
  15. PrinceXizor

    PrinceXizor Former TF.N Foreign Book Cover Staff star 5 VIP

    Jul 4, 2001
    Darth Thrawn : "The JAT was written to be a pure star wars book by that i mean plain action just like the films. None of the cloak and dagger, none of the major plot twists or complex stories. Im sure every 12 year old reading JAT would prefer it to the more complex styles of someone like MAS. "

    Yup. Exactly what I think ! :D

    (Pssst <whisper> : lemme try to guess something : TPM was despised by those who didn't like KJA... Am I wrong ?)
  16. Mastadge

    Mastadge Manager Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 4, 1999
    Golden Age and Fall of sucked, but Redemption was really good and Leviathan was okay. His Star Wars books were really good in terms of SW, but weren't exactly the highest-quality fiction. From what I understand his StarCraft book sucked. His YJK was pretty good because his writing style is better suited to YA. His Dune books are horrendous.
  17. Doogie76

    Doogie76 Jedi Master star 1

    Sep 5, 2001
    Everthing on this board is everyones opinion...although I do have to agree that KJA's works do border on the laughable and he does, I dont know, too much LSD before he writes books. I mean some of the stuff he comes up with is cool...but key word is some...I mean look at the works of Zahn and Stackpole. Now those are two authors who at least draw me to there books. I especially love when the characters from both combine. I only wish that Zahn would write a novel for the NJO. But back to KJA, I feel some of his writing are a little ludicrous in that he concentrates on too much comic book stuff and not enough writing. At least that is how I see it...
  18. Matthew Trias

    Matthew Trias Force Ghost star 6

    Sep 8, 1999
    Zahn's and Stackpole's works are to techie for me.

    I like them,but they just don't feel like SW.They feel more like military sci fi.

    BTW KJA was just quoting older EU material,that said the Executor nearly bankrupted the Empire.
  19. Charlemagne19

    Charlemagne19 Chosen One star 8

    Jul 30, 2000
    He created Nomi Sunrider and for that no matter how much I hate his other works KJA has a place as the third best Star Wars writer there is.

    (Sorry Kathy)


    The fact he created continuity with Dark Empire, Timothy Zahn's writings, and the Courtship of Princess Leia also makes him a great hero.
  20. Mastadge

    Mastadge Manager Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 4, 1999
    That's another important factor to consider. KJA once had the role that went to MAS later -- he was chancellor of the SW university or some such. He was the guy who had done the most for the current EU, who was tying everything together and making it fit.
  21. barnsthefatjedi

    barnsthefatjedi Jedi Knight star 5

    Feb 17, 2001
    I appreciate why many don't like KJA's books. They were a bit silly, but that's why I liked them. At least they were entertaining, which at the end of the day, is the whole point.
  22. Valiento

    Valiento Jedi Knight star 7

    Mar 19, 2000
    "From what I understand his StarCraft book sucked."

    Unless you read the book, you have no basis to spout second hand oppinion. Just Like I can't say they are good. (Saying something like that is invalid, unless you have experiance with the book itself.)

    "That's another important factor to consider. KJA once had the role that went to MAS later -- he was chancellor of the SW university or some such. "

    It was "Chancellor of star wars university", MAS was never given that title.

    KJA anderson was givne the title, because he wrote the most books, and was involved with the most books, as well as being the basis for many other EU writer's books.(Including the fact that MAS contacted KJA for his help on I' jedi, and KJA was thrilled, about the book, and quite helpful to MAS).

    The chancellor title has only been written in paper for KJA, and can be seen on the backcover of several of his books.
  23. Mastadge

    Mastadge Manager Emeritus star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jun 4, 1999
    Val, I didn't say it sucked I said "from what I understand."

    Also, I never indicated MAS got the title, but was trying to make the point that KJA once had the role among EU authors that is more commonly associated with MAS today, because many of the readers probably haven't been reading EU since the beginning.
  24. His_Divine_Shadow

    His_Divine_Shadow Jedi Youngling

    Sep 6, 2001
    "And IMO - and I know I'm not alone here, 'visually' KJA is the closest to the movies. No EU books does feel really like GL movies, except for those written by KJA. In fact, KJA is the GL of the Lit."

    Little sad to think that Star Wars fans think so little of SW...
    At the first glance one might think it looks similar to the movies, but try and really think about how much energy and firepower really is put into what one sees in the movie.
    heh, If I didn't know better I'd think KJA tried to ramp down the tech level in SW on purpose...

    And we have him going against other official material again, and a goverment which as shown the capability to build 25.000 thousand ISD's and 17.6km long SSD's and millions upon millions of fighters and support ships to add to it, and still being capable of building one 160km battlestation in secret and one 800km after that and noone even noticed the change in chanelling of resources, add to that that they built the DS2 in 6 months...
    We are talking serious technological and pure industrial strenght here.

    I read some interesting papers years ago on how much power a DS would have to generate and its about 7000 times more powerfull than the sun.
    And the superlaser is actually a massive compounded turbolaser according to official material.
  25. CG-Realms

    CG-Realms Jedi Youngling star 2

    Dec 21, 2000
    All the Dune fans hate him too. Funny that.
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