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TV Discussion Homosexuality in Star Wars Television

Discussion in 'Star Wars TV- Current and Future Shows' started by StarWarsFan91, Aug 7, 2014.

  1. TheSilentInfluence

    TheSilentInfluence Retired Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 15, 2014

    Yeah, it's one thing to not agree with homosexuality, but do not start trying to bait or troll other people because you don't agree.
  2. Intergalactic Lawman

    Intergalactic Lawman Jedi Knight star 3

    Nov 26, 2020
  3. Lulu Mars

    Lulu Mars Chosen One star 5

    Mar 10, 2005
    Human characters with major/semi-major speaking parts in the first two trilogies (the focal point of each trilogy in bold):

    Qui-Gon Jinn
    Obi-Wan Kenobi
    Anakin Skywalker
    Luke Skywalker
    Owen Lars
    Han Solo

    Padmé Amidala
    Shmi Skywalker
    Leia Organa

    Mace Windu
    Lando Calrissian
    Jango Fett

    Add to this that almost every non-human speaking character is male.

    I'll just leave that there for you to ponder.

    What are you even talking about? Has anyone in here argued that Star Wars should focus on sex or sexual preferences?
    I get that you want things to occur organically, which is what we all would like, but you know, every time a character is established as being or doing something, whatever it is, the brains behind the story have made a deliberate choice. Cliegg freeing Shmi to marry her - choice. Luke's foster parents being a man and a woman - choice. Leia hooking up with Han - choice. Jabba forcing Leia into a metal bikini - choice. Anakin and Han teaching us that "no" sometimes means "yes" - choice.
    None of these things just happen, nothing is purely organic. The trick is to make it appear, on screen, as though it just happens. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

    But that's not the point. The point is that inclusivity matters and that it needs to keep expanding. And that it will keep expanding, no matter how much we argue about it in this thread.

    QUIGONMIKE Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jan 5, 2009
    I guess if SW remains a good, entertaining show then thats what I care about. We can all choose to watch it or not. If it meets our needs then we watch. If not, we skip it. There is so much content anyways that anyone can find a good chunk of content to watch and enjoy. All good. Lets leave it at that. Im done pondering this stuff because it never goes well. It ends up too far one way or the other. ;)
  5. TCF-1138

    TCF-1138 Anthology/Fan Films/NSA Mod & Ewok Enthusiast star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Sep 20, 2002
    Jesus Tiberius Christ, you don't have to be gay to be comfortable with gay characters!
    I'm straight, but I want more LGBTQ+ characters in Star Wars. Why? Because representation is important. And because it's more realistic than every character being straight.

    If you see gay characters being included in storytelling as "forcing" something onto people, then that's on you entirely.
  6. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011

    Straight here as well, not uncomfortable with LGBTQ couples on screen or in real life, because I’m also not homophobic.

    Write LGBTQ couples the way straight couples are written. If Anakin and Padme’s wedding is not “forcing sexuality on people,” then neither would a wedding between the two female pilots in TROS.

    Let’s not have a double standard.
  7. Todd the Jedi

    Todd the Jedi Mod and Loving Tyrant of SWTV, Lit, & Collecting star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Oct 16, 2008
    I mean that's what it really boils down to. Many people just go with the flow and accept all relationships no matter what the gender combination is. But no, it's forced if those minority relationship combinations show up, why bother catering to minority demographics.

    Q-Mike, you keep saying it doesn't matter what the characters' orientations are, so why do you keep insisting they not bother with homosexual characters? If it doesn't matter then you shouldn't care if a character is gay, but here you are having a conniption at the idea of including gay characters. Here's the reality- hetero people exist; gay people exist. I know Star Wars is a fantasy series, but there's plenty enough mirrors to our own reality, why not a reflection of real sexual orientations? You've admitted you've been fine with hetero relationships all this time, what actual difference does it make if they start including homosexual relationships? 'Cause again, for an ever-increasing amount of people, homo and hetero are just two shades of attraction, nothing more.

    QUIGONMIKE Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jan 5, 2009
    As usual with these topics, its hard to come across how you'd like to without it getting off track. Sorry. Alls I want is good star wars content as its mostly been up until now. I use it to escape and to be entertained. Thats all. Im not homophobic. Everyone knew how much Han and Leia loved each other and they never went overboard with affection on screen so in essence their sexuality wasnt featured either. Stay with whats worked. Right? :)
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2021
  9. TCF-1138

    TCF-1138 Anthology/Fan Films/NSA Mod & Ewok Enthusiast star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Sep 20, 2002
    When did anyone say, or even imply, that they want graphic sex scenes? What are you talking about?

    QUIGONMIKE Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jan 5, 2009
    Like I said, hard to say what ya mean here and have ti come off right. Go ahead and have whatever characters you'd like in Star Wars. Just dont go overboard or make it about that just for the sake of it. I hope that makes sense. I didnt mean to imply I didnt want gay characters in SW. I dont personally see what it adds but it also is true that it shouldnt detract from it either. So yeah, whatever has to happen. If its good content then I'll watch. Period! :)

    QUIGONMIKE Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jan 5, 2009
    I removed that from my post, my bad. No one did. Hence, removed.
  12. Cyber Spark

    Cyber Spark Jedi Knight star 3

    Dec 27, 2020
    My thoughts exactly.
  13. TheSilentInfluence

    TheSilentInfluence Retired Manager star 6 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 15, 2014

    Please don't double post. I'm aware that you removed it, but I would also recommend that you don't bring up NSFW subjects on these forums as that also goes against our rules.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2021
  14. CosmoHender

    CosmoHender Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 2, 2016
    I'm tired of hearing this. Same-sex couples are no more "sexual" than heterosexual couples. To say otherwise implies that same-sex love isn't really love, just lust. Which is blatantly untrue. If you have no problem seeing a man and a woman with feelings for each other, then you should have no problem with a man and another man or a woman and another woman being romantically interested in each other. And I don't know how you can't see why representation matters for a group that are only now starting to see themselves represented prominently in media.
  15. MillionthVoice

    MillionthVoice Jedi Master star 3

    Jan 28, 2013
    Always this defense "it's a fantasy". It's not pure fantasy. I loved Star Wars as a kid because I identified with Luke, earnest whiny nerdy kid who wanted to grow and learn, but also white, blonde and straight, and a bit short, I identified with that, even though they didn't give Jedi classes at my school. And many girls identified with Leia, (but I don't think they made them any favors with the slave bikini scenes, they were someone else's entertainment). The "cool" people at school felt more for Han.

    I definitely feel that there should be points of identification for all kinds of people, art without points of identification, what is it?
    Math rock?
    Also, gratuitous hetero injection is everywhere, was there ever a hetero scene in the Indy movies that didn't feel kind of tacked on?
    (all IMO, of course)
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2021
  16. anakinfansince1983

    anakinfansince1983 Skywalker Saga/LFL/YJCC Manager star 10 Staff Member Manager

    Mar 4, 2011
    I identified with Leia; that bikini looked uncomfortable as hell and I would strangle any misogynistic slob who tried to make me wear it.

    And yeah, even if only 10 percent of the population is LGBTQ, it’s not too much to ask that around one out of every ten characters be LGBTQ. Or a similar number, nobody is asking for a data sheet.
    TCF-1138 and afrojedi like this.

    QUIGONMIKE Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jan 5, 2009
    I dont see what I said implying that same-sex love isnt love. I just felt if the sexuality of the character isnt featured or highlighted then it ends up not mattering. There are plenty of characters in film where we dont really see them in a relationship and have no idea about the preferences. It doesnt help or hurt the movie or character though. Something like that.

    Sorry - gotta push back here: Leia in the Jabba palace outfit represented all that was good in my early years. [face_hypnotized] [face_laugh] . Just having some fun here, dont hate me.

    Nah, there shouldnt be any reason for any strict math but having some LBGT characters shouldnt be a problem. I never rallied against such a thing. I just didnt want it to be the main focus of a character because thats not what Star Wars is to me. Lets see how it plays out or what they do.
  18. DannyD

    DannyD Jedi Master star 4

    Dec 16, 2017
    A story always reveals something about the standpoint of the writer and writing process - and this will not be all-inclusive because it is one story, at one point in time, based on a small group's ideas (or even just one powerful person).

    And that is to be tolerated/enjoyed. The OT, PT and ST are pretty much heteronormative space opera. (And probably other kinds of normative story-telling too - e.g., mostly white folks). And as regards hetero relationships, they were not written brilliantly let's face it...

    Anyway, having other kinds of voices and perspectives (e.g., more women, LGBTQ, BAME) in the space opera would be brilliant. This means having more diversity in the writers and manufacturing of a good SW story - not merely writing for novelty.

    And such stories created in this way may better connect with the actual diversity of the audience, and connect differently for others.

    SW can keep its space opera core, and it can have its mythic elements, but SW can be updaed for the 21st century.

    (Thank you, L3...)
  19. Darth Trevius

    Darth Trevius Jedi Master star 1

    Nov 15, 2012
    eye feel star wars shined when the relationships just didn't exist .. yeah han and leia flirted but they werent all married like in the sequels .. han and chewie probably shared a few cold nights together .. kenobi and the wretched liam neisen spent a lot of time alone with their lightsaber training .. even the sith always had a young apprentice like prince putting out albums by his girlfriends cuz he could .. what was great is that for the most part it had none of that mushy romantic family baby crap until the prequels came along .. i say nothing ruins a great show quicker than when they put babies in the movie .. ugh .. and yeah that includes muppet baby yoda and bb8 .. but yeah .. forcing relationships and families into all the extra crap that came kinda took a lot of the fonzie or han coolness factor out .. is mando 3 gonna have diaper changing ?? i think everything works better when it is subtle .. gay or strait or whatever .. i mean .. just try to watch mad max .. its everywhere
  20. TCF-1138

    TCF-1138 Anthology/Fan Films/NSA Mod & Ewok Enthusiast star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Sep 20, 2002
  21. Krueger

    Krueger Chosen One star 5

    Aug 9, 2004
    Personally, I don't think Disney have the ##### to do a full-on same sex relationship with humans in the SW galaxy. I think we will get it (already had it, actually, in Resistance), but for now I think it will be non-human in nature.
  22. FiveFireRings

    FiveFireRings Jedi Master star 4

    Nov 26, 2017
    I think it'll happen soon, in one of the many series coming our way, mostly because there are just so many and there will be countless new characters as a result. The comics and novels are at this point normalizing gay relationships at a healthy rate. And other genre shows are doing the same. At this point, SW and other genre properties are just pretty comfortable with it as are general audiences. The so-called fans who *aren't* comfortable with it? I think the creatives at this point know that there's no point in even trying to please those people. Even if (for whatever reason) SW doesn't just go ahead and put a same-sex couple onscreen, the toxic fandom will still get upset about some other random supposedly "SJW" stuff anyway, such as the very existence of Rose Tico or half a line of dialogue from Lando that threatens their masculinity, or whatever the **** else taps into their reptilian brains. In the face of that, I sometimes have to admire the restraint of the LFL creatives for not going "you know what, screw it, everyone's canonically gender swapped now, deal with it".
    TCF-1138 likes this.
  23. Jedi Knight Fett

    Jedi Knight Fett Chosen One star 10

    Feb 18, 2014
    We had that like 1 second shot in TROS that is literally it when it comes to the live action movies or shows
  24. TCF-1138

    TCF-1138 Anthology/Fan Films/NSA Mod & Ewok Enthusiast star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Sep 20, 2002
    I'm almost shocked every time I encounter homophobic opinions these days.

    I know a (straight, married) couple of really conservative Christians who literally represent their hard right-wing conservative Christian political party in the local Pride parade every year. I know devout Muslims who put up rainbow flags in their shop every year around Pride week.

    That anyone except actual nazis still hold homophobic opinions is shocking. It's the 21st century for goodness sake.

    I have no doubt we'll get same-sex relationships in SW, and soon. It has already started in the comics and books (and that kiss, however brief, in TROS). And if you have a problem with that, then grow up.
  25. Wilhuff's Slippers

    Wilhuff's Slippers Jedi Knight star 2

    Feb 12, 2019
    Just had a quick browse through this thread as it's near the top of the forum, very sad to see some homophobia, but not surprising.

    I'm a 32 year old straight white man, one of the most influential figures in my life is my 85 year old Great Uncle - he is a gay man and has always been out and proud - this is despite it being illegal when he was a young man; in fact homosexuality wasn't legal in the UK until he was in his 30's!
    I've the upmost admiration for the strength of character and courage my Great Uncle has had to show throughout his life to just be his authentic self.

    It's crazy to me that in 2021 we're still discussing about if/how gay characters should be represented. "not agreeing" with homosexuality is homophobia, make no mistake.
    Personally I'd loved to have seen a Poe/Finn romance in the sequel trilogy and I'm really hopeful that eventually Doctor Aphra gets a live action outing and they don't just sidestep her sexuality. I wasn't a fan of the shallow tokenistic homosexual kiss at the end of TROS and it was even more disappointing that LFL/Disney decided to edit it out for certain audiences.

    Star Wars is for everyone, regardless of race, gender, sexuality or religion.