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Saga How to avoid swimming practice, mini games challenge story building

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction- Before, Saga, and Beyond' started by earlybird-obi-wan, May 23, 2024.

  1. earlybird-obi-wan

    earlybird-obi-wan Chosen One star 6

    Aug 21, 2006
    How to avoid swimming practice
    Author: Earlybird-obi-wan
    Timeframe: 19 BBY
    Characters: All OC's
    Disclaimer: Star Wars belongs to Lucasfilm and Lucasfilm belongs to Disney.

    Genre: mini games story building
    Second story for these prompts given in the mini-games challenge by @Mira_Jade
    Who: 4 someone who seeks
    What 2 a mask
    When1 sooner or later
    Where 3 far from home
    Why 2 for need
    How 1 in a one shot

    This story is a sequel to He is a doctor or?

    How to avoid swimming practice

    It was the spring holiday for the Moniron residents. Schools were closed and Mazin Duskenne was following his father who was beginning his shift at the Monir spaceport fire-department towards the station of the department. Mazin had been delighted when his father told him during a very early breakfast that Chief Connely had allowed him to take his son to see a tour of duty. Mazin was 18 years old and had enrolled in the famous fire-fighting school in Monir city following in the footsteps of his father. He hoped to see one of the big trucks.

    Beep pi beep pi.

    Tom Duskenne looked once at his pager and began to run.

    “Action.” Mazin ran after his father. Maybe he could be a passenger in the truck. Entering the station he saw organised mayhem. Shoes, even slippers and flipflops were discarded by fire-fighers coming from everywhere and getting into their fatigues. One was munching on a sandwich and standing next to a med-truck.

    “Twom, hew nwice to swee ywou.” The fire-figher finished his sandwich dressing in a hurry.

    “Yes Paul and I have brought my son.”

    “He can take the observer seat in the med-truck.” That came from another Paul.

    “Yes?” Tom Duskenne began to change into his fatigues.

    “That's alright Tom. One more D in this med-truck is alright. And we don't need the big truck coming with us. Commander chief Elresan and his crew can go back to the swimming-pool practice lessons. Sooner or later we have to do those lessons too but the pager saved us.”

    “Swimming practice lessons. Yeah.” Tom climbed into the med-truck.

    “We are needed for a crashed object just near tarmac seven and we have to see if there are survivors.” Chief Paul Connely settled behind the controls.

    Tom began to smile when he saw the medic Paul Denyan putting on blue gloves after donning BA-gear and a mask. He got the second BA-set and mask and saw his son settling down on the observer seat, next to chief Connely.

    Ruud Donnel was the last one to board the med-truck.

    Mazin saw the firefighters doffing their fatigues and began to laugh when he saw one wearing only a pink briefs.

    Paul Connely saw it too and remarked “Aris must have been in a hurry this morning getting the briefs from his wife.”

    “That's Aris Siring. He is always late even when it is for swimming practice.” Ruud Donnel said. “Those flip-flops were his too.”

    The chief activated the com. “Going to site seven.”

    Control out.”

    Paul Connely guided the med-truck out of the station.

    Mazin enjoyed the ride and was the first to spot the object with an for him unknown design. “It can hold a person.”

    “And it does.” Paul Connely, a Dunai, felt the strong signature of a living person. “One person to get out and he must be injured.”

    “No need for this.” Paul Denyan put the BA-gear and mask back in it's place and saw Tom Duskenne doing the same. “We only need a stretcher and our med-bags. Ruud you can get the stretcher from the back.”

    “Will do.” Ruud Donnel left the med-truck.

    “And a way to open that hatch.” Paul Connely was inspecting the object. “It is an escape-pod.”

    “And there it is.” Mazin, following close on the chief's heels, pointed at a marker. “A bit scorched from entering the atmosphere but it should be functional.”

    “Good observation Mazin.” Paul Connely pressed the button next to the marker.

    The hatch opened to reveal a man, slumped down in a harness in a pilot's chair with a right arm bent at an impossible angle and clothes stained with blood.

    “The ride must have been rough.” Paul Denyan began to examine the unconscious man. “Broken right lower arm. Open wound. Needing surgery. Must have banged his head too because there is a wound on his forehead.”

    “Need a bacta-patch?” Tom Duskenne was reaching into the med-bag.

    “Don't use that.” Paul Connely guided the stretcher to the escape-pod. “The man can be a Dunai or Dunai elder. I felt something. Fast extraction?”

    “I will secure the arm in a vac-splint.” Paul accepted the splint from Tom Duskenne, worked to stabilize the man and said “he is ready for transport.”

    The four fire-fighters placed the man on the stretcher and guided that to the back of the med-truck.

    “I will sit with him and can assist you.” Ruud Donnel was the first in and was followed by Paul Denyan.

    Mazin followed the chief and his father and was the first to get in.

    “Injured man, age and species unknown. Going to Monir university hospital.” Chief Connely had the com. “My medic will relay more details and has now the com.”

    “Can I go into the hospital with the patient?”

    “We are all going.” Chief Connely replied. “That way we can avoid the swimming practice lesson from Chief Elresan.”

    Tom Duskenne began to smile. “And my new nickname for Aris has to wait.”

    “What?” Chief Connely smiled.


    - - -

    Mazin and the four fire-fighters were sitting the one of the rooms of the university hospital when the door opened to reveal a man clad in blue scrubs.

    “I am Aradan Mirdees and was able to save the right arm. You have done excellent work stabilizing the arm. The head-wound was minor but has bled profusely causing more blood-loss that we have replaced. One of our nurses found his ID in the cut away clothes. His ID shows him as a human. Han Hano, fluffy toys merchant, based on Corellia in Coronet city. He is far from home. But that ID cannot be right. We have identified the man as a Dunai elder when we were testing his blood because he needed that. You were right to avoid using bacta. You can visit him tomorrow if you like.”

    “We will come during visiting hours.” Chief Connely said. And turning to Tom. “You can take your son with you. Now back to the station.”

    “And no swimming practice lessons today.” Ruud Donnel smiled. “Commander Ellesan has finished that lesson.”

    “Or tomorrow.” Chief Connely said. “We have to visit our patient.”

    - - -

    Mazin was about to enter the room where Han Hano was in a med-bed supported by pillows. He saw that the right arm was in an external fixture and that the head-wound was bandaged. A man in green scrubs was sitting next to him.

    “That's not the surgeon we have met yesterday.” Chief Connely said and entered the room followed by his crew and Mazin.

    “I am Lomion Er-Marin and have guided Tim Kirwin out of the sedation two hours ago. And that was after Jan Opatosi had to sedate Tim again after the procedure because he showed intense grief.”

    “Tim Kirwin?” Chief Connely said. “Yesterday your colleague Aradan Mirdees told me that the man was Han Hano as shown on his ID. But he had doubts about the ID because the man is a Dunai elder.”

    “Aradan was right about that.” Tim said. “I uh was a Jedi-knight and spy. I felt my friends becoming one with the Force when I was guided out of the sedation by the anaesthetist and felt no more until Lomion woke me up this morning. Jedi-knights, initiates even babies, all murdered. And no, I won't go back. There was first a message to return to the Jedi-temple but the next message told us to go into hiding. I will do that here on Moniron.”

    “Tim will be my student.” Lomion said. “But he will be known as Tim Xothi. Karan Xothi has treated Tim with Aradan and heard about the extermination of the Jedi and offered to take him as his son.”

    “And you are fire-fighters and avoiding swimming practice.” Tim said, giving each visitor an naughty wink with his eye.

    “Yes, by visiting you and I want to hear more about what a Jedi-spy has done and how you ended up in that escape-pod on our space-port.” Chief Connely took one of the chairs and gave a signal that his crew could do the same.

    “That's another story beginning with my meeting with a doctor who wanted some balls for his game of circle ball. And that doctor didn't reveal to me that he was a pilot and a surgeon.”

    Last edited: May 23, 2024
  2. GregMcP

    GregMcP Force Ghost star 5

    Jul 7, 2015
    But what about the Swimming Practice?!

    Nice little collection of Firefighters. A band of characters for further adventures.
  3. Findswoman

    Findswoman Fanfic and Pancakes and Waffles Mod (in Pink) star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Feb 27, 2014
    Wow, that was quite the exciting “go to work with a parent” day for Mazin! As well as one heck of a way for those firefighters to get out of swim practice. Especially poor Aris, who I see was especially caught off guard in that.. getup of his! [face_laugh] A very interesting surprise to see the familiar Tim Kirwin revealed at the end: that definitely got the profile of “seeking a mask for need” per your prompt. Nice work and thank you for this fun read! =D=
    earlybird-obi-wan likes this.
  4. Vek Talis

    Vek Talis Jedi Master star 3

    Oct 12, 2018
    Swimming practice with Pinky will have to wait! Poor Tim though. Now he's got to hide when the firefighters know of his existence. hopefully Vader won't come a'knocking! :vader:
  5. amidalachick

    amidalachick Chosen One star 5

    Aug 3, 2003
    What an exciting, action-packed adventure! And sounds like Tim found a good hiding place on Moniron. Such a fun read and a wonderful response to the challenge! =D=
    earlybird-obi-wan and Vek Talis like this.
  6. Chyntuck

    Chyntuck WIP Month Champion star 5 VIP - Game Winner

    Jul 11, 2014
    ... and it turns out that my guesses for He is a doctor or? were on the mark! Well, at least Tim knows his true ancestry now, and that random jump to hyperspace certainly saved his life in the long run – although he probably could have done without those injuries!

    I loved the scene with all the first responders arriving in their hangar in flipflops and swimming trunks! It was quite the day-a-work-with-dad for Mazin, and I'd go so far as to say that what made it extra-special isn't that he got to accompany a rescue party, but that he got to witness first-hand the whimsical chaos in which the firefighters operate :p I hope he likes pranks, because if he intends to follow into his father's footsteps, he'll have to get used to them!
    earlybird-obi-wan and Vek Talis like this.
  7. Mira_Jade

    Mira_Jade The (FavoriteTM) Fanfic Mod With the Cape star 5 Staff Member Manager

    Jun 29, 2004
    This was a fantastic answer to your Story Building Challenge prompt! :D =D=

    Now that is definitely something to seek. :cool:

    Ha! And this was a great interpretation of your mask prompt. :D

    . . . and a most excellent way to get out of swimming practice. [face_mischief]

    Yep: that's the earlybird joking and jaking that I would expect! [face_love]

    And just as one story ends, even in the midst of tragedy, another one begins. This has the makings of another excellent team-as-family, and I am happy that Tim has found a place to heal and belong. [face_love]

    Thank you so much for participating in the challenge, and sharing your work with us! =D= [:D]