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ST I Have A Bad Feeling About This - The "Haters" Sanctuary

Discussion in 'Sequel Trilogy' started by Pro Scoundrel , Dec 6, 2019.

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  1. Darth Wardawg

    Darth Wardawg Jedi Knight star 1

    Oct 12, 2018
    Indeed. Solo was a flop and a mess of a production. Her idiotic decision to axe the directing team with 80% of the film finished cost that film big time. It increased the budget and ensured it was the first Star Wars film to ever lose money. How she survived that is beyond me. But you now have this? That should be "game over." Especially if the rumors of them cutting out George's stuff are true, and it was her decision to do that. And if this film has the negative reaction to it from fans that the critics are having?
  2. AhsokaSolo

    AhsokaSolo Force Ghost star 7

    Dec 23, 2015
    Right but I’m just talking about this exact moment. It’s described as Kylo as about to kill her and then Leia reaches out to him. Then Rey strikes.
    starocean90 likes this.
  3. Vib3s

    Vib3s Jedi Master star 2

    Nov 28, 2014
    When you rely just on that one line uttered in RotS to "explain" him being "alive" is one thing, to have him say that same very line word by word a second time, just to remind people of it ... Well, you've reached a rather unique low in script writing.

    Really. It reeks of "let's just keep it at that, now shut up!"
    KSennia, wobbits, Def Trooper and 4 others like this.
  4. godisawesome

    godisawesome Skywalker Saga Undersheriff star 6 Staff Member Manager

    Dec 14, 2010
    And yet...

    ...Let's be honest, there's a lot of reasons why their merch lies in a pathetic valley beneath the mountain of PT merch.

    Abrams is trying to stuff a trilogies worth of stormtrooper, Sith Trooper, and lightsaber merch into one movie...

    ...And still produces less merch opportunities than AOTC alone.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2019
  5. Darth Wardawg

    Darth Wardawg Jedi Knight star 1

    Oct 12, 2018

    So much for the amazing Pablo Hidalgo and that awesome "story group" keeping the continuity straight. I totally see why they got rid of the EU now... :rolleyes:
  6. Jedi Ben

    Jedi Ben Chosen One star 9

    Jul 19, 1999
    The other big, big difference is that, at the level of film and TV, SW has had far more limited success at crafting fanbases outside of Luke, Han, Leia or Anakin and ObiWan.

    Mandalorian is the first real attempt at that, as was RO but if we compare to Trek, the latter has had far more success at expanding its roster while getting people to want to follow those characters. Sisko and Picard are but two great examples, with the casts that are linked to them.

    SW has not done that so it will be far easier for people to look at the 9 films and consider SW to be over.
  7. HevyDevy

    HevyDevy Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 13, 2011
    I agree it is thin. But it is backed up by his sickly appearance and skeletal hands.
    And he says he is a vessel for all the Sith and if Rey strikes him down she will become the new vessel.

    But I do see the weaknesses of the writing.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2019
    Vib3s likes this.
  8. SkywalkersFTW

    SkywalkersFTW Jedi Padawan star 1

    Dec 10, 2019
    I saw the scene when Kylo and Rey are fighting on the Death Star. It's pretty brutal how it ends.

    Rey is defenseless on the ground and Kylo attacks her. When he's about to give the killing strike I couldn't but see Rey's reaction: of horror, desperation and fear. The way she screams is pretty horrifying.

    That's the part that stands to me, not the fact that Kylo doesn't kill her. But the lightsaber about to give the killing blow and Rey's despair is pretty ugly, it's something common, that happens every day. How did Disney let a family movie do that and then have those two characters kiss?

    The message that the movie sends is disgusting, and worse, even right during the scene, Rey simply forgives him 'cause she "wanted to hold Ben's hand". [face_sick][face_sick]

    And probably it will keep going down. At least I hope so, more reasons for Disney to decanonize and retcon this mess.
  9. Theo333

    Theo333 Jedi Master star 3

    Mar 29, 2011
    Bioware already ruined Revan (already an Alexander the Great in Space Sue) but made a mixed good-bad storylines for its class characters.

    Marvelized KOTOR can be worse but oh well.
  10. Thrawn082

    Thrawn082 Force Ghost star 6

    Jan 11, 2014

    His love of the ST has been dying for awhile now. He went from so enthusiastic when TFA came out, to just seeming, tired, in his more recent SW videos.

    It's kind of sad in a way, watching a fan's enthusiasm drain away right before your eyes.
    Miriedis, Def Trooper, 2Cleva and 5 others like this.
  11. AhsokaSolo

    AhsokaSolo Force Ghost star 7

    Dec 23, 2015
    Where did you see this? Have you seen the movie?

    I read this kind of a description on twitter and felt so disgusted. And even worse to me is Rey healing him and then leaving him free while she’s wracked with guilt over her actions. It’s just bizarre. It feels like the woman being hyper dissected for doing what she should have done - strike down her crazy murderous opponent - while everyone throws a pity party for the legit psycho.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2019
  12. obi_kenobi_24

    obi_kenobi_24 Force Ghost star 4

    Aug 17, 2003

    The idea of them steamrolling over RotJ's amazing ending for Reylo to take its place is such a massive bomb for me...[face_not_talking]
  13. starocean90

    starocean90 Chosen One star 8

    Feb 19, 2014
    ST really has shown itself to not be mirror/rhyme but copy/paste.
  14. alwayslurking

    alwayslurking Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jan 21, 2019
    Could have been a powerful scene if they were siblings.
  15. Darth Wardawg

    Darth Wardawg Jedi Knight star 1

    Oct 12, 2018
    This is the same stupidity I hated in Solo. I actually enjoyed the film, but the cameo by Darth Maul AND having him ignite his lightsaber was just crap. Why in the world does he turn on his lightsaber? It makes no sense! But hey, I guess it "looks cool" so, yeah!

    But is it really flowing? I collect "Hot Toys" and I have no interest in anything from the ST. I think there is a Rey Hot Toy and I'm like, yeah hard pass! I haven't seen anything in my local WalMarts or in the local Target stores. The displays for Star Wars toys here are threadbare, which is quite sad to be honest and shows how bad things are.
  16. The_Phantom_Calamari

    The_Phantom_Calamari Force Ghost star 5

    Nov 10, 2011
    Okay but the point is there are two distinct planetary locations in the movie that are virtually identical in appearance. Like, come on.

    More and more I'm getting the impression J.J. knew he was totally screwed and just went into full "**** it" mode: "Yeah, you bet I'm putting in another desert planet. You bet I'm bringing Palpatine back despite how obviously desperate it looks. Yeah, Rey and Kylo are gonna kiss and then Kylo's going to immediately die because I have to appease the rabid shippers and the anti-Reylo crowd at the same time, and yeah, I totally understand that it's going to please absolutely no one, but I'm just plain out of ideas on how to effectively pander to everybody. Look, I really don't care anymore. I've finally realized that I really do just want to take the money and run. This is who I am, and I'm cool with it now."

    I can almost respect it, in a way.
  17. SkywalkersFTW

    SkywalkersFTW Jedi Padawan star 1

    Dec 10, 2019
    Lol, Pablo Hidalgo should apologize and just admit the Old EU was better. It was anyway.

    I saw on the subreddit "Star Wars Leaks", on Reddit. There are many scenes of the movie there. I won't post here 'cause I don't want the forum to get any troubles. It's on the frontpage of the subreddit.
  18. AhsokaSolo

    AhsokaSolo Force Ghost star 7

    Dec 23, 2015
    This applies to basically every Reylo scene :p

    Though even when I hoped they were siblings, I imagined that as soon as Kylo realized it, he’d be protective of her. I wanted to see a big brother torn by his love for his sister, not psychotically attacking her.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2019
  19. HevyDevy

    HevyDevy Force Ghost star 5

    Apr 13, 2011
    I've honestly got to watch the scene again to be sure, there was a fair bit to remember.
    But you're probably right.

    I'm not sure.

    I think he didn't try to, I could be wrong.
    AhsokaSolo likes this.
  20. anakincol

    anakincol Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jul 28, 2009
    Yeah, watch the behind the scenes stuff for the prequels, Ian loves playing the character, its.really fun for him as Palpatine allowshim to cut loose and play an over the top evil character when alot.of his other film roles are more restrained and he apparently also enjoys getting to work with younger actors and help them(Haydens best work in the prequels were his scenes with Ian)
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2019
    Darth Wardawg and Luke02 like this.
  21. starocean90

    starocean90 Chosen One star 8

    Feb 19, 2014
    dang this makes this movie sound more disgusting by the day. Can't believe that this is how low SW has come.

    truly astonishing seeing people destroy a series.
  22. obi_kenobi_24

    obi_kenobi_24 Force Ghost star 4

    Aug 17, 2003
    Since I saw the call sheets that MSW leaked back before TFA....Ive told people I felt like Marty wandering around the hellscape of alternate 1985 when I look at the story of this ST.
  23. SkywalkersFTW

    SkywalkersFTW Jedi Padawan star 1

    Dec 10, 2019
    As far as I've read, the merch is not flowing. I saw some pictures that showed the data (but I was to dumb to save it) and every year it keeps going down (specially after TLJ). There are several reports saying Disney isn't making as much money as they expected with merch (and merch is where SW milks dollars, that's how GL got super rich).

    One could say TLJ killed enthusiasm and TROS put the nail on the coffin.
  24. Thrawn082

    Thrawn082 Force Ghost star 6

    Jan 11, 2014
    Having Qui-Gon, Liam freaking Neeson, basically say that Rey was "all of the Jedi" bleh.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2019
  25. Mr. Forest

    Mr. Forest Chosen One star 6

    Nov 1, 2012
    I’ve seen the same thing. The merchandise has been doing very poorly these last two years.
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