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Lit Ignorance is Bias: The Diversity Manifesto

Discussion in 'Literature' started by CooperTFN, Sep 2, 2012.

  1. _Catherine_

    _Catherine_ Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Jun 16, 2007
    I don't understand how Ryan Gosling still gets work with Steve Buscemi around. It makes literally no sense.
  2. CooperTFN

    CooperTFN TFN EU Staff Emeritus star 7 VIP

    Jul 8, 1999
    I have no response to you. I just like this pic a lot and wanted to see it again.
  3. Erik_B

    Erik_B Jedi Padawan star 1

    Feb 11, 2014

    Great! I don't like it as much as the catwoman one, but to each their own.
  4. patchworkz7

    patchworkz7 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 26, 2004

    You just made the other side of the argument's point for them. Because it isn't "Stop showing pictures of hot women/men/otters", it's "We should have a variety of women/men/otters so that everyone can enjoy it because in the real world people are attracted to more things than the standard model or pornstar look."

    More and more companies are getting on board with wider representation because the idea of a singular ideal of beauty is breaking down as people are exposed to and feel freer expressing their attraction to non-standard examples of beauty. See: Suicide Girls. BBW's. Cougars. Bears. Cubs. Etc.

    And most complaints about comic book art revolve around the hideous broken back and anatomically impossible poses. You'll note that Frank Cho doesn't get anywhere near as much grief because his women, while being large busted, look more realistic Rob Liefeld's.
    Contessa likes this.
  5. Erik_B

    Erik_B Jedi Padawan star 1

    Feb 11, 2014
    If you say so.
  6. Lane_Winree

    Lane_Winree Jedi Master star 4

    Mar 30, 2006
    Going back to Wookieepedia's master class on tone deafness and being bad stewards of fandom, several admin and community members' response to being called out have been delightful(ly awful)
  7. CooperTFN

    CooperTFN TFN EU Staff Emeritus star 7 VIP

    Jul 8, 1999
    Just to be Devil's Advocate for a second, it occurred to me earlier that this could really be anyone.
  8. patchworkz7

    patchworkz7 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 26, 2004's canon that males and females of all races in the GFFA have cloaca?

    Or because they're not mentioned do they just exist in a state of quantum uncertainty? Does Wookieepdia have articles on child birthing?

    Wait, I don't understand...I've read this article:

    And I don't understand how the male's sperm is transmitted to the female's ovum, is this some uncatalogued force power? Although, tbf, they do have an article on sperm.

    I'm also not sure an article on bras are appropriate because it's G-canon that there are no bras in Star Wars, and that's right from The Flannel One himself!

    If people are writing to that is really, really silly though. I mean, seriously, can we get some perspective? I think certain people were in the wrong for their reaction to a fair critique and complaint, but there is such a thing as taking it too far, and trying to get the Wook kicked from is just too much if that's indeed a thing that's going on.
    Revanfan1 likes this.
  9. CooperTFN

    CooperTFN TFN EU Staff Emeritus star 7 VIP

    Jul 8, 1999
    wait what
    Revanfan1 and patchworkz7 like this.
  10. JediMara77

    JediMara77 Force Ghost star 4

    Mar 5, 2004

    I have to disagree. Inclusion on is tacit endorsement and referral to that site. It tells me that is okay with Wookieepedia's actions. And that is exactly the kind of stuff that women in this fandom are absolutely sick of.

    Edit: I tweeted some screenshots of what the article read on April Fool's Day. In case you are just seeing the article that's up now. It's very different.
  11. patchworkz7

    patchworkz7 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 26, 2004

    Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but we've seen people from Wookeepedia on this very thread who were upset over it and trying to make amends. Wookeepedia isn't a company or a singular entity, and considering the fact that anyone can speak for or alter the site and content, I'm hesitant about attacking the whole thing over the actions of a few. Specifically their bad reaction to a legitimate complaint.

    I don't even know how much clout the person who responded so badly has. He could be an absolute nobody, and he hardly has a large body of articles under his belt from looking at his Wookeepedia page.

    The fact that whomever runs the Wookeepedia twitter feed didn't handle it well either is more disturbing, but out of respect for the number of people (again, people in this very thread) who have said they've heard the complaints and are trying to act on them, and that this has been an ongoing issue on a site that...well, has no oversight besides what those who belong to it give, I want to give them every chance to put things right and not create a situation where they can't act to make things better or give up because of internal strife and external attacks.
    Contessa and Mia Mesharad like this.
  12. Erik_B

    Erik_B Jedi Padawan star 1

    Feb 11, 2014

    Like I say, we knew girls didn't like hanging out with geeks decades ago. Poor hygiene. Non existent people skills and they like gross stuff like big muscly barbarians with naked chicks around their legs.

    Is this really a surprise to anyone?

    You signed up to hang out with a bunch of losers who think dumb stuff like

    is the coolest thing in the world! Thats... what being a geek is yknow!
  13. patchworkz7

    patchworkz7 Jedi Grand Master star 4

    Mar 26, 2004 this your best attempt? We've got a guy in JCC talking about Babylonian Stargates and you're going after the lowest of the low hanging fruit?

    Raise your game.
  14. Erik_B

    Erik_B Jedi Padawan star 1

    Feb 11, 2014
    Its the gods honest damn truth! Complaining that geeks are low status men who like alien space babes is like complaining water is wet!

    And you remember how all those years of ostracisation failed to force many geeks to learn to shower or stop loving the alien babes, but did make lots of them really bitter and twisted?
  15. Ulicus

    Ulicus Lapsed Moderator star 7 VIP - Former Mod/RSA

    Jul 24, 2005
    This post reminded me of the Wook article on "tooth", and so I went to check if it was still there.

    It is... but the main image is no longer Carth's dazzling grin. Who is responsible this!? That was the best thing about the article. :( :_|

    Next someone will tell me that Jon Skywalker isn't there, anymore.
  16. CooperTFN

    CooperTFN TFN EU Staff Emeritus star 7 VIP

    Jul 8, 1999
    Fine, I'll bite--what is the explanation for female geeks in your universe? Are they nonexistent?
    Contessa and krtmd like this.
  17. Erik_B

    Erik_B Jedi Padawan star 1

    Feb 11, 2014
    Ah yknow. Turns out they didn't really know us at all, or they thought they could change us. It happens in a lot of relationships.
  18. JediMara77

    JediMara77 Force Ghost star 4

    Mar 5, 2004
    Patchwork: you are correct, there are many people who run Wookieepedia and not all have endorsed the prank. If they are trying to make amends, I think that's great. However, I still think it's understandable to call for action of some kind. Whether that should happen or not is another story, and yet to be seen. Apparently they are releasing a statement later on. I'm interested to read it. People screw up all the time and we all learn from it.
  19. Revanfan1

    Revanfan1 Force Ghost star 6

    Jun 3, 2013
    Bring back Carth's teeth!:mad:
  20. JediMara77

    JediMara77 Force Ghost star 4

    Mar 5, 2004
    Funny. My ex hated that I was so geeky. Now I'm getting married to the person I podcast with.
    s65horsey, erier2003, RC-1991 and 3 others like this.
  21. CooperTFN

    CooperTFN TFN EU Staff Emeritus star 7 VIP

    Jul 8, 1999
    Yeah, can you restate this? I literally don't understand what you're saying.
  22. Random Comments

    Random Comments Jedi Grand Master star 5

    Sep 25, 2012
    I think it comes down to "Fake geek girl."
  23. The_Forgotten_Jedi

    The_Forgotten_Jedi Jedi Grand Master star 4

    May 12, 2010
    Come on, can this troll just be banned already? His last three posts alone should be enough proof that he is just here to screw with people. :rolleyes:
    Contessa and Rogue_Follower like this.
  24. Vthuil

    Vthuil Force Ghost star 5

    Jan 3, 2013
    Speak for yourself. I think his constant stream of ridiculous non sequiturs is hilarious.
    blackmyron, Rogue_Follower and Trip like this.
  25. Erik_B

    Erik_B Jedi Padawan star 1

    Feb 11, 2014

    Probably. Although I'd prefer to phrase it as being sorry but we really were not kidding about being a bunch of fat neckbeards who really like looking at pictures of redheaded women in catsuits. No harm, no foul if that isn't your thing, but it isn't like there were no signs up.